File: owl.php.in
<?php /* File: owl.php Author: Chris Date: 2000/12/14 Owl: Copyright Chris Vincent <cvincent@project802.net> You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // Some urls // owl_root_url below should not contain http://servername/intranet, but // just the URL from the root of the web server. $default->owl_root_url = '@@ROOT_URL@@'; $default->owl_graphics_url = $default->owl_root_url . '/graphics'; // Ensure that the system_ButtonStyle you choose is a style that exists in // all locale $default->system_ButtonStyle = "rsdx_blue1"; //$default->system_ButtonStyle = "Blue"; // Directory where owl is located // this is the full physical path to where // Owl was installed $default->owl_fs_root = '@@ROOT_DIR@@'; $default->owl_LangDir = $default->owl_fs_root . "/locale"; // Directory where The Documents Directory is On Disc // This path should not include the Documents directory name // only the path leading to it. $default->owl_FileDir = '@@ROOT_DIR@@/tmp'; // NOTE: There should be a directory writeable by the web server // called Documents in $default->owl_FileDir. If you want to make // that a different name you need to rename this directory to what // ever you want then change the name of the Documents folder in // the folders table. Using mysql or pgsql update statment. // Check the README FILE // *************************************************** // Use File System BEGIN // *************************************************** // Use the file system of the database to store the // files uploaded. // $default->owl_use_fs = true // This stores uploaded files to the Hard Drive // $default->owl_use_fs = false // This stores uploaded files to a table in the database // Note that temporary files are created to gzip files // so set to something that is valid, and is writable by the web server // For Example: $default->owl_FileDir = "/tmp/OWLDB"; // // NOTE: This feature is only functional with Mysql // I don't plan on fixing this unless there is a big demand // For this feature and Postgres. // $default->owl_use_fs = true; // set to 1 to compress the data in the database // when using $default->owl_use_fs = false this compresses the data // before storing to the database //$default->owl_compressed_database = 1; // *************************************************** // Use File System END // *************************************************** //**************************************************** // Pick your language system default language // now each user can pick his language // if they are allowed by the admin to change their // preferences. //**************************************************** // b5 // Brazilian // Bulgarian // Chinese // CVS // Czech // Danish // Deutsch // Dutch // English // Francais // Hungarian // Italian // Norwegian // Polish // Portuguese // Russian // Spanish // $default->owl_lang = "English"; $default->owl_notify_link = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $default->owl_root_url . "/"; // Table Prefix $default->owl_table_prefix = ""; //$default->owl_table_prefix = "owl_"; // Table with user info $default->owl_users_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "users"; // Table with group memebership for users $default->owl_users_grpmem_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "membergroup"; $default->owl_sessions_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "active_sessions"; // Table with file info $default->owl_files_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "files"; // Table with folders info $default->owl_folders_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "folders"; // Table with group info $default->owl_groups_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "groups"; // Table with mime info $default->owl_mime_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "mimes"; // Table with html attributes $default->owl_html_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "html"; // Table with html attributes $default->owl_prefs_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "prefs"; // Table with file data info $default->owl_files_data_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "filedata"; // Table with files that are monitored $default->owl_monitored_file_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "monitored_file"; // Table with folders that are monitored $default->owl_monitored_folder_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "monitored_folder"; // Table with all logging $default->owl_log_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "owl_log"; // Table with all user comments $default->owl_comment_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "comments"; // Table with all news $default->owl_news_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "news"; // Search Tables $default->owl_wordidx = $default->owl_table_prefix . "wordidx"; $default->owl_searchidx = $default->owl_table_prefix . "searchidx"; // Custom Document Fields Tables $default->owl_docfields_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "docfields"; $default->owl_docfieldslabel_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "docfieldslabel"; $default->owl_doctype_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "doctype"; $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "docfieldvalues"; // Custom Document Fields Tables $default->owl_keyword_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "metakeywords"; // Custom Document Fields Tables $default->owl_peerreview_table = $default->owl_table_prefix . "peerreview"; //********************************************** // Global Date Format BEGIN // ------------------------------------- // // If you want one date format for all the language files // set the variable bellow to the date patern of your // Choice. If you require a different pattern for // different lanugages, edit each language file // and set your pattern in the Date Format Section of // each file // // // Examples of Valid patterns: //$default->generic_date_format = "Y-m-d"; // 2003-03-07 //$default->generic_date_format = "Y-m-d H:i:s"; // 2003-03-13 16:46:24 //$default->generic_date_format = "r"; // Thu, 13 Mar 2003 16:46:24 -0500 //$default->generic_date_format = "d-M-Y h:i:s a"; // 13-Mar-2003 04:46:24 pm //$default->generic_date_format = "Y-m-d\\<\B\R\\>H:i:s"; // 2003-03-13<BR>16:46:24 //$default->generic_date_format = "Y-M-d\\<\B\R\\>H:i "; // 2003-Mar-09<br>12:29 //$default->generic_date_format = "d-m-y\\<\B\R\\>H:i "; // 27-10-02<br>10:58 //$default->generic_date_format = "D-M-Y\\<\B\R\\>H:i "; // Sun-Oct-2002<br>10:58 // // For more options check the php documentation: // http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php //********************************************** $default->generic_date_format = ""; //********************************************** // Global Date Format END //********************************************** //********************************************** // LookATHD Feature Filter Section BEGIN // ------------------------------------- // // Uncomment the 2 lines following this section // to exclude files that have db or txt for // an extension // // You can add as many extention as you need. // and files with the extensions listed below // are not added to the LookAtHD feature // //********************************************** //$default->lookHD_ommit_ext[] = "db"; //$default->lookHD_ommit_ext[] = "txt"; // to exclude Folders // Carefull as this applies to that foldername in any directory $default->lookHD_ommit_directory[] = "CVS"; //********************************************** // LookATHD Feature Filter Section END //********************************************** //********************************************** // OMMIT FILES Section BEGIN //********************************************** //$default->upload_ommit_ext[] = "pdf"; //$default->upload_ommit_ext[] = "exe"; //********************************************** // OMMIT FILES Section END //********************************************** //********************************************** // LookATHD Feature Filter Section END //********************************************** // Change this to reflect the database you are using // Mysql require_once("$default->owl_fs_root/phplib/db_mysql.inc"); // Oracle //require_once("$default->owl_fs_root/phplib/db_oci8.inc"); // PostgreSQL //require_once("$default->owl_fs_root/phplib/db_pgsql.inc"); //********************************************** // Database info BEGIN //********************************************** $default->owl_default_db = 0; // This indicates what database should be selected by Default when multiple repositories are defined // First Database Information $default->owl_db_id[0] = "0"; $default->owl_db_user[0] = '@@DB_MAIN_LOGIN@@'; $default->owl_db_pass[0] = '@@DB_MAIN_PASSWORD@@'; $default->owl_db_host[0] = '@@DB_MAIN_ADDRESS@@'; $default->owl_db_name[0] = '@@DB_MAIN_NAME@@'; $default->owl_db_display_name[0] = "Intranet"; $default->owl_db_FileDir[0] = '@@ROOT_DIR@@'; // Second Database //$default->owl_db_id[1] = "1"; //$default->owl_db_user[1] = "root"; //$default->owl_db_pass[1] = ""; //$default->owl_db_host[1] = "localhost"; //$default->owl_db_name[1] = "extranet"; //$default->owl_db_display_name[1] = "Extranet"; //$default->owl_db_FileDir[1] = "/var/www/html/"; // Third Database and so on and so on.... //********************************************** // Database info END //********************************************** // This is to display the version information in the footer $default->version = "Owl 0.80 20050208"; $default->site_title = "Owl Intranet -- DEV -- " . $default->version; $default->phpversion = "4.3.10"; $default->debug = true; // BEGIN Drop Down Menu Order $default->FolderMenuOrder = array( 'folder_delete', 'folder_edit', 'folder_copy', 'folder_move', 'folder_monitor', 'folder_download' ); $default->FileMenuOrder = array( 'file_log', 'file_delete', 'file_edit', 'file_link', 'file_copy', 'file_move', 'file_update', 'file_download', 'file_comment', 'file_lock', 'file_email', 'file_monitor', 'file_find', 'file_view' ); // END Drop Down Menu Order // BEGIN WORDIDX exlusion List $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "the"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "a"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "is"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "on"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "or"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "he"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "she"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "his"; $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx[] = "her"; // END WORDIDX // This is for adding a view icon to file types // that are not currently supported by Owl // DO NOT ADD FILE Types that already have // a view icon (the magnifying glass) Or you will endup with 2 of them $default->view_other_file_type_inline[] = "Your-Extension-without-the-dot-here"; $default->list_of_chars_to_remove_from_wordidx = "\"?$()/\*.;:,"; $default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names = "-A-Za-z0-9._[:space:]ÀàÁáÂâÃãÄäÅåÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÌìÍíÎîÐðÏïÑñÒòÓóÔôÕõÖö×÷ØøÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýßÞþÿ()@#$\{}+,"; $default->default_sort_column = "name"; // Values are: name -- major_minor_revision -- filename -- f_size -- creatorid -- smodified -- sortchecked_out $default->default_sort_order = "ASC"; // Values are ASC OR DESC $default->charset = "UTF-8"; // This removes the ability to set a password on Files or Folders $default->display_password_override = 1; // Sets the Defautl MASK when OWL Creates a directory; $default->directory_mask = 0777; //$default->directory_mask = 02777; // What authitencation should Owl Use. // 0 = Old Standard Owl Authentication // 1 = .htaccess authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) // 2 = pop3 authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) // 3 = LDAP authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) $default->auth = 0; // Auth 2 POP3 $default->auth_port = "110"; $default->auth_host = ""; // Auth 3 LDAP $default->ldapserver = "host name or ip of ldap box"; $default->ldapserverroot = "ou=People,dc=??????,dc=???"; $default->ldapuserattr = "uid"; // whatever holds logon name in your ldap schema $default->ldapprotocolversion = "3"; // or 2 to match your ldap // If you are behind a load-balanced proxy, thus the IP // changes, you get an "session in use" error, because // active sessions are checked against the tripple (sessid,uid,ip). // // DEFAULT // true ---> track it as yet, i.e. (sessid,uid,ip) // // false --> track it alternate, i.e. (sessid,uid) $default->active_session_ip = false; ?>