November 2007 - ???????? (Owl 0.96) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1888530 drag and drop 1575021 Link file security policy 1526657 Add ability to position graphic image on login page 1874899 Mass Delete from Search Page 1524527 Display status panel top/bottom/both/disable 1935856 File expiration date (for automatic expiration/deletion) 1933381 Special upload folder 1768085 Add user signature to email and bulk email 1854045 External link prompt for login, even with anonymous ON 1783132 Virus scan when using LookAtHD 1653517 Support magic_quotes_gpc = Off; (security issue) 1681124 Show full path in favorites link or rename favorites link 1698652 offer option to chmod uploaded file 781135 Help for Admin Page 1728033 JUpload 942771 add the java class function for drag and drop 1501605 More client side interaction 1716586 Peer Review feature workflow correction Fix Put int to prevent MS IE to change spaces to underscore on file download 1717304 Deactivating ALL indexing files 1726769 Duplicate keywords 1731814 /lib/header.inc error 1730130 custom field doesn't work with LookatHD Extended popup Help in Admin Section User can set Default version type (Major, Minor) User can set Default Initial Version User can set Default View (expanded, collapse) Restrict Anonymous Access to specific IP's or Subnets 1683346 Email tool to multiple recipient 1687052 Notify Link 885519 Upload Progress bar/notification 1564859 Folder link function 1491033 symbolic link to folders 1591971 description about the folder in pop-up window 885477 Ability to upload more than 1 file @ a time BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1708465 Text is overlaped when exporting logviewer to pdf 1747504 Add Archive bypasses peer review workflow 1476966 GZIP/PDFtoTXT/mysqlDump long path name error 1679350 Backup folder not correctly inheriting acls from parent 1512954 international characters in keywords 950091 pdf search problem 1794646 copying folders: thumbnails don't get copied 1794626 copying files: custom fields don't get copied 1765563 required radio and checkboxes during modifiy/create 1772584 Password change option under Preferences 1732188 Picklist display in listview 1744245 New user - password change request 1728699 Archive upload with megaupload fails 1611498 Unauthorised folder access 1648653 Error browsing/recovering trashcan with & in folder names 1611498 Unauthorised folder access 1607714 not possible to set default major_version to 0 July 2006 - (owl-0.91) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- Row Hilliting on Hover OR on Checked for Bulk Operation Better Performance when Display large number of files and Folders in browse.php On setacl.php Popups to display memebers of a group can be turned off in the owl.php file 1563156 HTTPS & W3C Images 1387914 External Link FastPath owl Syslogs Filter by group MS-WORD Thumbnail Generation PDF Thumbnail Generation PDF Water Mark with Confidential (use_fs = false) PDF Water Mark with Confidential (use_fs = true) Only Save Owl System Log Viewer reports to PDF (Display Filter Parms) Save Owl System Log Viewer reports to PDF 1522893 "Forgot your password?" to use username or e-mail address 1518770 convert blanks in link references to %20 1518768 convert windows dir delimiters in links BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1567034 owl.php lines 47 and 48 require ; bulk download did not wartermark the pdf files Updated DomTT to version 0.7.3 1552859 Forgot password does not work when entering an email address 1537970 hardcoded (untranslated) strings Issue with groupAdmins having access to other groups Files 1527707 login.css not linked if Owl is installed in admin directory 1509322 French translation correction 1511304 German translation correction 1523353 1146 *.files 1522902 File Log missing for files added via "Read from HD" 1522885 "Forgot your password?" doesn't work after upgrading to 0.91 1519952 Clicking on the lock symbol changes permissions of wrong dir 1519410 owl.lib.php - SQL query does not use table prefix April 2005 - (owl-0.9) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1453064 Add/Edit User: Password Field 1448379 Security Settings on Document Root 1453071 Move System Log "Filter" Button far left 1453073 Password Protected Folder - Dead End 1442981 recycle.php: Delete Folder Unfriendly Behavior 1089035 Browser dependent language choice (FOR Login Page) 1182934 File type and version changes by administrator 1060626 Email Acount information ! 1307694 Maintenance Owl lock 1124083 Modifying Comments 1107154 Self Registered users have automatic home dir 1149591 WYSIWYG/Rich Text Editor 1084371 Doctypes for URLs 883142 Email notification when file is deleted 1163666 File Information - New 1333244 Hiding file statistics but leaving news 879660 Adding Printer-Friendly & PDF Conversion to OWL Display custom Fields in browse and search pages (CODE contributed by: STUART) Thanks 1078162 owl 0.73 - multi-page folder view 1077613 owl 0.73 - multi-page folder view 1014325 Interface: System admin and Document Management Admin 1239002 Enhanced folder/item permissions 1170946 Searching for document ID 1298694 Configurable backup foldername 1290690 Users and Groups stuff 1116909 User Registration -- CAPTCHA 1225136 Show main group as default for admins 1186971 Initial File version numbers for "Look at HD"'d files 1226962 Create index only for file type 1251811 news admin view ACL Based Security Policy (Much More Flexible) User can be directed to a page with all the new records since his last visit on login 1086933 Info about User User can Keep a list of Folders in a Favorite Drop down 1222194 Include a search in subfolders from current folder. Ability to add a time offset for Date Display, each user will see his time not the server time 822378 New group level (administrator) 1229051 Selection of Field Type 1215456 EML viewer with attachment handler (Code Contribution by plan-b) 1145738 Version Number append to d/l Filenames 1172921 Ability to Run DIFF against different versions 1172923 Online Edit of Text Files 1212402 Edit Files Online... A must have ! 1215454 EML viewer 935092 Multiple Read Only Accounts 901391 interface for Enabling/Disabling Tools 898675 assign a file to more then one group 1240280 thumbnail-preview of jpg/gifs when browsing directories 1099662 Integrated Thumb Nailing for Graphics (images IMAGEMAGIK, video MPLAYER) imagemagik code idea by websage (Financial Contribution: ABAQUS, Inc.) 1107238 Safe mode and OWL 1082934 RTF full text search Admin can force user to change password at login Admin can make password expire every XX number of days Admin can set minumum password length, number digits and special chars Admin can turn on Password tracking to prevent users from reusing same passwords Admin can set the minimum length of a username Admin can turn on Account lockout after X number of login failures BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1466011 Typo 1463914 Archive upload not creating ACL 1438388 (Anonymous Access) 1440479 Help file link 1392180 Broken Tree Count Performance issue; 1357463 Bulk move fails when arg_separator.input = ";&" (php.ini) 1328249 prefs table spec invalid for oracle 1345815 Monitoring and Comments Upgrade to phpmailer 1.73 1335322 Link file fails if the title contains an apostrophe ' 1325250 bulk_move and the nav_bar (in 0.81) 780939 Move _all_ the versions of a file 1060094 owl 0.73 - site map again 1293851 Owl 0.xx - browse with pagination ON 1041309 Restricted view & moving...strange! 1262952 Download Folder as Zip and Bulk Download 1255819 Linked document not updating when main document is updated 1193907 multiple db's and Trash Collection 1238529 Text in news preview in admin page doesn't wrap 1197266 Language choice in Preferences 1189582 image_preview does not work when FileDir is outside web roo July 2004 - April 2005 (owl-0.8) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- Import USER CSV file Download folder as ZIP Instead of Normal tar.gz file (configurable from the Admin section) (Financial Contribution: Prominent Fluid Controls Ltd) 882711 Virtual Folders 525487 help file link 609939 Possible document peer review feature Open Office Writer documents (sxw) Search Indexing Allow to Change the order of Action Icons in the New Drop Down Menu (No Admin Interface in config/owl.php) Allow to Hide Action Icons in the New Drop Down Menu (No Admin Interface in config/owl.php) 1106939 Change alt text for file/folder download. Switched to unicode utf-8 in all languages supported for enhanced compatibility 686384 Add LDAP Authentication (Code Contributed by: bill.allison@bsw.co.uk) 905955 LDAP Authentication (Code Contributed by: bill.allison@bsw.co.uk) 797155 Anonymous user can not download 1060609 Allow/disallow mail function per user 1061731 Add to add/edit users - Initial Directory 952064 File catalog 737296 Messages to specific users 1051487 owl 0.73 - deleting versions... 1005709 Make styles user-settable 737287 Auto popup notification of news 1047863 owl 0.73 - automatic mail in general II The Ability to choose a repository at login (Admin Can list more than One DB) 1047894 Add the name of the uploader 1033182 Detail information for folders just like the files... PHPLAYERS Menus to replace the Icon Actions (Old Icons Still Available) 1025341 link to multiple locations Bulk download files and folders 1033184 New Comment added icon instead of the number New Owl backup Script (Aaron Sullivan (as7274@sbc.com)) 1044441 owl 0.8: Folder description 667861 Keyword listing 945750 IndexATextFile index all the words 931019 add separate username for smtp auth 1008930 Email Language Restore files from the Trash Can (Code Contributed by: Julien Laurent <djeyl@djeyl.net>) 1013120 Search inside Excel files (Code Contributed by: Julien Laurent <djeyl@djeyl.net>) 1026282 View Documents in New Window 1022700 File-extentions & view-feature 679837 Authentication Enhancement 991655 pop3 authentication 1010550 Remember me 827096 Abliltiy to hide specific columns in browse mode 908083 Restrict by filetype/extension 1005941 Knowing who's updating 929543 file / folder counters hiding (0.73) 737652 Password protected files and folders Added View for Open Office Doc Writer 1041313 Copy folder - very useful 1039723 Copy folder 1001837 Copy Feature (Folder and Files) 965750 fixed column widths in folder view 781517 Bulk insert utility (INITIAL LOAD Tool) 1001835 Document Type 987541 Virus checking integration 823675 Filtering characters in filenames ( owl.php: $default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names) 963428 Bulk Upload documents 860943 Textbuttons 637511 Upload Folders - Not Bulk Load More Flexible UI, More CSS, and Totaly Redesigned. 968242 Feature Request - What's Related 692052 What's related - link BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1191619 Typo in owl.lib.php 1188225 Spelling error in browse area 1186977 Ampersands (&) in files discovered via "Look at HD" 1186207 owl 0.8cvs ctable.php error 1184238 Modify Notes buttons missing 1182927 Initial load probl. with .zip files 1174618 Invalid SQL: SELECT linkedto from files where id = '' 1171872 Error in "Add Archive" 1174157 PostgreSQL Error: 1 (ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer 1174315 Bulk Move Error II 1173252 Bulk Move Error 1170441 XHTML Error in owl/index.php 1169804 Confirm delete does not work in 0.80 1169424 URL Clicking 1166285 Missing Backslashes 1167148 Error - Buttons missing 1166284 JavaScript Errors 1165325 fPrintFormSelectBox has small bug 1164644 Error message in Bulk Move 1150939 Error with php version 4.3.10 1109234 Viewing notes OWL 0.80 1112735 Username truncation problem 1114529 Can't move files in 0.80 20050107 1106054 user profile admin form 1096628 MySQL file for Owl 0.80 20041111 1101131 Error restoring multiple files 0.80 1092435 backup folder security hole 1097172 showrecords.php and file log 1096375 E-Mail Help 1095982 Owl 0.80 - help_browse - Go Back 1095783 Display Bug 1095025 E-Mail Tool 1092819 Mislabel in stats.php - owl 0.80 1084320 Remember me 1078321 Indexing words having Regular Expression MetaCharectors 1075034 Editing Root Folder - CVS Version 1073251 array is appended to keywords on save 1029501 Version 0.8 - bulk buttons 1041012 Member Group function not working properly 1041298 Why can I MOVE a folder with NO DELETE acces ???? 968046 Polish (possibly all ISO-8859-2) file names 986444 i18n User Interface support 982983 bigindex.pl with antiword 807371 ereg_replace problem -------------- was added to sourceforge December 2003 - July 2004 (owl-0.73) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- Added a SiteMap link at the bottom 955625 PHP to reset database 956868 Default group when uploading Added Search within MS Word Documents (uses antiword) 649259 Custom Metadata Support (This feature contributed financialy by value4business GmbH) In relation with BUG 921916 I have changed the way file icons are displayed now Owl extracts the extension of the files, and if the ext.gif exists in the icon_filetype directory then it is displayed if not a generic one is shown. This will allow anyone that has specific icon need to just ad the icons they want to the directory. COOL huh? 905176 A count of folders, documents, notes, & urls within a folder Folder Search (name and description) 898282 No logging for file viewing 640904 Integrate with .htaccess move.php changed to allow browsing to the destination folder for performance reasons. (This tool was payed for and donated to the Owl User community by Vertical AG in Switzerland) http://www.vertical.ch BULK Move of Folders ( was payed for and donated to the Owl User community by Hematopathology Associates, LLC Ocala, FL USA. ) 890743 Partial word search support 879798 Wildcards in search function 882608 Allow users to take copies of locked files 753822 Home directories 857617 Home (or Default) directory search the comments added by rsa@newtec.be 841424 Totals in status bar Added bmp as a file type that can be viewed 797043 Persistent logins 612447 Use cookies -> indefinite sessions 804284 active sessions independent from source ip Upgraded phpmailer to 1.71 When the admin deletes a user a warning is displayed when the user is still owner of files and folders 865453 Add "New Comments" icon next to file 857002 Add - "My checked out files" 750187 Using Oracle RDBMS instead of MySQL BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 992784 Search and Empty Document Types 972049 metadata fields are not searchable? 981250 URL list with more than one page (Part 1) Problem with self registered user not having a HomeDir or InitialDir 983059 Admin Log/Statistics Error Added Better Check to the IP before doing gethostbyaddress on it. 975630 Search Results 973383 Sorting Folders 972060 Permission problem 972051 Remember me 972050 Display Records Error 970579 bug in ctable.php (corrected here) 970532 very minor display bug (correction included) 962031 Bad choice of pattern delimiter for preg_... 967889 Popup Description 964172 Logs and french language 964185 Empty string to int column in admin_db_modify (Postgres) If the bulk buttons are disabled the Admin Should see them Fixed admin/index.php Homedir only shows the first 2 Levels of the tree 961528 owl.lib.php - SQL error (Postgresql) 961402 Set user's home dir - SQL error (Postgresql) 961473 Doctype admin - SQL errors (Postregsql) 960932 Document type customization, SQL error 960761 Firstdir in users table empty for new user (postgres) 960600 Parse Error in News.php File - 0.73 960606 Typo in postgres-tables.sql 960663 SQL synatx error in admin_dbmodify.php Fixed issues with Changing folder permissions and propagating Fixed issues with Search, and Search within Docs Fixed issues with Quota, Created 2 functions to make it easier 948635 on stats.php gethostbyaddr error 947255 on owl.lib.php slash missing 944665 register.php button is not visible 936289 Spelling Error in Email 929540 0.72 / 0.73 Root Documents Rights Issue 922098 anon user bug 921916 RSDX_Blue1 Icon Error 921164 Issue with the search engine 918384 CC email doesn't work 694511 owl_use_fs = false and Postgresql (THANKS to kutsal) 899729 Error when updating a document with an apost in the name 883049 New-Button shows forbidden Note Info 864817 Error in News Admin SQL select 860937 lib/owl.lib.php 860619 Having strange file name w/o file extension produces error April 2003 - December 2003 (owl-0.72) Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- New Set of Buttons and Icons (THANK YOU rsdx) 616336 Policy Display for Administrators 784225 External Links 541334 Search using 'AND' condition Added button style one can configure different buttons for different users Added onMouseOver buttons for the Text Buttons 827087 Unlocking files by admin Owner can change group Ownership and Ownership of a folder Multiple Button Style per Language 807326 Default View Preference for Admins at Login 681168 Configure # items to display for directory ( was payed for and donated to the Owl User community by Vertical AG in Switzerland ) - Added Polish Provided by Group dvb-z - New OWL Logo by Carlos AKA radnix - Admin and File Admin can recursively change folder and file permissions (Ianm) 603705 Rename Files 780768 Backup folder allows file upload 774926 File lock and versioning 709574 Ability to read Perl POD documentation Ran all the code through Code Beautifier removed tabs etc.. 737554 Admin Report 746802 HTML Tags in NOTE FORM 729313 user pulldown box on e-mail send dialog scrn.. 735665 Reworking Disk Quotas 723528 More File Types 707743 Improved Search, within TXT and PDF Files (Thanks Eric) 734778 Admin user folder ownership changing BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 873668 Wrong mysql table call in admin/admin_dbmodify.php 883532 Warning: eregi() [function.eregi] Fixed issue with IE and leaving main_header_bg_color to NULL or MISSING Fixed Small issue with Documents/folder/folder navigation bar when viewing properties 797155 Anonymous user can not download 799582 Small visual bug II. 799576 Small visual bug I. 799602 User footer 798603 Narrow to Wide view switch occurs 797222 Quota icon 779634 User auto-registration fails 777480 Error while updating user properties 697097 owl 0.71 and postgres 7.3 774955 View feature does not work for ".zip" files 773733 Error while updating file (Owl-0.72-20030514) When user assigns a group to a new file, his group is set by default not the assigned one. 742523 v 0.72 "Register" and "Forgot password" not working 738241 Send Document by email / No Error Msg - wrong auth check 730091 PRB using email address > 30 chars 726915 log files TOOLS ----- Created Tool that allows you to migrate a mysql SiteScape 7 Database to Owl 0.72 (This tool was payed for and donated to the Owl User community by Vertical AG in Switzerland) http://www.vertical.ch February 2003 - April 2003 (ow-0.71) Added Visual Representation of Quota Using Icons Added Russian translation made by Yura <yura@80872.com> Fixed Notification with attachmenst that have blanks in the name not making it. Fixed Problem with viewing files when owl_use_fs = false and db compression is off. Fixed Problem with Resticted view, and LookHD Feature creating files/folders-date-time Fixed Performance Fixes around Displaying the File icons Added Ability to display the status bar at bottom, top or both Added News displayed as a popup or in a regular page Cleaned printError function call made the submessage optional Changed Allow Folder monitor now allows you to monitor if you can read the folder. Added We now check to see that owl_tmpdir exists and is writable by the WEB Server. Fixed When deleting folders, Files get deleted, but Monotired Flags from Moniotored_files table where not deleted, as well as comments associated with the file. Fixed Remove Deleted Files From DB, Feature used to look at the whole DB, for better performance It only looks at the current browsed directory. Cleaned Owl Icons and graphics Cleaned languag.inc files removed obsolet messages and organized the messages ( 4 Days work ) Never again Fixed When language.inc was not found or not readable got a blank page, now you get a message. Added File Creation Date that will not change as the file is updated. Added Lastlogin and currentlogin to track when the user has last logged in. Added Display the number of New Files and Updated files on the browse page. Added Display of New / updated beside new or updated files. Added Display of Current quota on the browse page if enabled Added Icon to play mp3 files from the browse page Cleaned/Fixed Added more checks to make the install easier, Checking that langauge files are readable as well as libs. Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 725520 Bulgarian translation 703943 POP Before SMTP 711244 Log Eraser 705568 Change permissions of folder 710380 User Information 710249 News 700723 Statistics 707742 Back Buttons 700109 Documents without files... 697443 New item type of Note. 701663 Show MB instead of Bytes 704431 Possibility to view contents of ZIP archives without downloa 703461 comment Notification 702232 search result should show... 705929 tmpdir too short 703797 userfooter.inc 700689 customizeable date/time format 700274 Switch to hide"Bulk" Operations 700133 News Block (for 7.1) Part II 697313 0.71: New Files Block Part II 699418 URL features 698012 backuped docs shouldn't... 700107 URLs 694686 News Block (for 7.1) 697868 search results should allow... 698095 Mime types in email attachments 669991 cron.php 640204 Drop down list 692380 search exclude old documents 691573 Support Collaboration Part II (This is the ability to add Comments to a file) 517825 Support Collaboration 692383 file description after update 690603 What's new-page 681175 Hide Files with some extension 678402 Enhancement: Trash Can (Finacial Contribution was made by Vertical AG for this feature) 687717 Display of Description 687385 Add PPT as a viewable files type 687383 Change default value attachfile=0 686944 Tille of the Webpage for URLs title (If title is blank get the URL's Title) 681179 New User Profile or Group 682163 Allow admin to specify temporary directory for downloads 681188 Prefix for Email Subjets BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 726807 userfooter at stats.php 726832 field size at table owl_log 718756 owl .71 20030327 Can't change group for a folder 718790 Owl 0.71 20030327 Cant monitor files 718370 Owl 0.71 File based permissions not working for groups 718661 view.php downloads file as "foo.ext" rather than filename 716261 final language.inc for Chinese 716696 Quotation marks in descriptions cause problems 715492 Error in note type. 713563 error in browse.php 0.7 sql query 713329 error in group owner 709325 Error in update script mysql-from-20020213 708783 downloading a folder fails if folder contains an URL 706748 Path to DOMTT Javascript files 704543 Folder Properties / Policy "double entries" 702950 German translation 702955 German Graphics - wrong Translation 700786 m for "Mega" in "Megabyte" 697096 owl 0.71: curlogin not null 694489 Error in "owl/owl-0.7/DOCS/postgresql-tables" file 688380 Problems when use $default->owl_use_fs = false 684915 Restricting Anonymous access October 2002 - February 2003 (owl-0.7) Added Replaced New User and New group and Flush Sessions on the admin screen by Icons. Fixed Problem with bringing the userprefs from screens other than the file browser. Added The ability to change Site Wide html settings from the admin Page. Added The ability to change Site Wide features from the admin Page. Added The ability to add a URL. Fixed Problem with prefs page giving You do not have access to this folder on change Added From WES owldb version: log.php: Added code to enable download of previous versions, also changed sql query to sort by name. view.php: added html/txt preview code Added From WES owldb version: admin/index.php: Database Backup (MYSQL) will have a look at postgres later Added From WES owldb version db only functionality. Added From WES owldb version: Full DB only access implemented with a number of bugs fixed. Added From WES owldb version: Zip Folder and download Fixed Zip Folder not working with Normal Hard Drive File access. Fixed Zip Folder not working with Windows. Added Icons on the log page. Fixed Gave the Search page a consitent look with the rest of OWL. Added Picture of a star for the score on the search page. Added tar path to prefs Fixed readhd.php, to ignore hidden Unix files files starting with . Added Czech Local (Thanks Karel Rys) Added background Picture support in the HTML prefs Fixed Made the URL Links clickable for Mail readers that support HTML Fixed Checking that the upload_max_filesize and owl max upload size is not execed before copying the file Fixed Session in Use message to use the login button now. Added if the default->debug is set to false turn all php messages off Added If the file is a MP3 File Display id3v1.x Tags on modify properties page (we will see for v2 tags later) Fixed Cleaned up undefined variables when E_NOTICE is turned on. Fixed Removed lang_logout from the message files, since its now a button Fixed Removed lang_admin from the message files, since its now a button Fixed Updated the French look to match the New Look Fixed LookAT HD should not be available for DB only OWLZ Fixed DB Backup on NT Added Under Admin added the list of users that are member of the group your are editing. Fixed when not logged in the buttons at the top did not display in the view properties screen Fixed Problem with hidding the backup directory Fixed A few OWL log problems and enhancements Fixed Problems with the LookAtHD Delete and with filenames that have ' in it. Fixed Problems with description and ' in them. Fixed File Version log and long lines. Fixed Deleting user, now deletes active_sessions from that user as well Added rdbartz ( Richard Bartz ) Viewing PDF and DOC files BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 700278 Owl 0.71 20030308: Check if Group already exists. 681923 Empty File name & Description in notification Email msg. 674329 Files & Descriptions with apostrophes 649640 German special characters in filenames 640323 File/Folder titles and names 674540 Logs: IP Address not shown 649640 German special characters in filenames 674538 Buglet: Log Filters 673362 postgresql-tables error -> no default prefs 671150 German language selection results in no display 671120 Buttons don't show when viewing Document properties 670674 SQL error when click root folder on search page 670088 Log viewing doesn't work in some cases 670044 Collapse view option isn't retained 668678 Error when admin is updating user info 668305 Newline typo in intranet/locale/NewEnglish 668121 Spelling error in login page 667870 Cancel button on file move page broken 667866 Accessing previous version of file 667219 postgres et al. 665698 OWL creates lot of open sessions! (I Reduced the amount but if you use notification still need more than one session per user) 662799 Searching results that use URLs - Bug 657896 filenames in backup folder not correct - SOLUTION 656296 create folder fails 649605 Log shows entries from another folders 648485 Version numbers are set back to 0.1 648414 Error deleting files 648410 Log-History shows entries from other fil 649632 Browse button doesn't work sometimes 648388 Log-History doesn't work correctly 650477 Failed Modify folder's security ( only in DB only Mode) 649372 version 07-20021204-problem (WITH URL's This was caused by Register Globals Support Fix) 646109 Folder .tar.gz download problem in UNIX 647136 Simultaneously .tar.gz folder download 647151 Temp dir not removed downloading folder 645884 file names and file log 646839 Language parce error 640680 session in use, access denied error 644313 german language.inc file broken in 0.6 642030 Extra '\' in b5 language.inc 637909 Move folder problem - Episode II 638408 Dowload files in MS are corrupt 634457 Empty folder problem 634972 owl.lib.php does not use $default prefs 628029 Renaming and deleting folders 627981 Typo in modify.php and dutch language 588656 Rename Folder - Unix vs. Windows 627950 upgrading in readme file 627957 Label CC not shown Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 681180 Include Logo Preference in web 681182 Forgot password enabled without Auto RA 618386 Batch options -- Move 679695 Allow user to specify starting version number for the docs. When an administrator logs in Inactive sessions get cleaned up 618386 Batch options -- Email 618386 Batch options -- Delete 678397 Real Name and Login should be unique 661333 User self register Feature Re: Feature Request: File Title (Sambarx) 609675 Support International Character Set 674537 Folder Description 673698 Syslog filtering - muliple selections 605037 Log Querys based on web 515809 Logging 670678 Add "Download" Icon in "File Properties" page 670682 Hide backup folder 669917 Members of a group 616343 Omit header.inc when login or logout 668603 Full functional owl_LookATHD (Deleted Files) 663263 Email a URL instead of file 655285 Anonymous Access 650795 Default/Anonymous User 641258 Anonymous logins? 658038 Email file as URL not attachment 651743 Email notification on Folder level (Only on that Folder, won't include the sub Folders) 651575 Email notification of Monitored files 650483 Hide non authorized folders in tree disp 649776 Admin preference for default permission 609570 Include Actions Icons at Search page 628310 Register Globals Off Support 637502 EMail Notification ( Most of are implemented File Monitoring should be another request) 567549 Dynamic-length text fields 619788 Change owner 623688 Group Designation by User 611673 Preferences Based on Web 615545 web links 615347 Links in the Path for Viewing 630504 Hidden buttons August - October 2002 (owl-0.6) You must run the mysql-from-20020213 script. Added better checks in case a folder of file move fails due to Unix Perms. Added RE: Permissions - you wanted it... bomber ( Ben Birnbaum ) Implemented Something I noticed and feel it is a bad idea, is that anyone with write permissions to a file can modiy the file and change it's permissions. bomber ( Ben Birnbaum ) Added Administrator is able to disable/enable user without having to delete the User (This should help in adding a anonymous (guest) User) Added Anonymous User that can sign on multiple times. (Governed by the same rules as the other users) This user is disabled by default Added Allow the user to select his own language. Added Spanish Language files. (THANKS iisraa) Added Norwegian Language files. (THANKS Espen Svebak) Added Danish Language files. (THANKS Jens W. Skov) Added Users can receive email notification from multiple Email addresses (use , or ; as a separator) Added CleanUP of stale active sessions Added Maxsession flag to allow any user to sign in more than 1 times; Added The ability to flush Active sessions for a particular User (Thanks WES) + a few bug Fixes. Moved the Database, password, user info to config/owl.php Added Display Current number of active sessions on the admin screen. Fixed If you have short_open_tag = Off in php.ini Owl Failed changed <? to <?php were needed. Added FAQ + Common Problem Section to README Added $default->debug (Default False) This will allow me to provide more information to the admin when this is turned On. ei. Like path to where owl is trying to write the files on upload Failures etc Fixed New User saved with maxsession instead of maxsession - 1 Added In the Browser added alternating color to make it esier to see the different lines Colors configurable in config/html.php Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 615362 Groups Checkbox sorted when editing user 616339 CC: Checkbox when send email (Provided CC type in box) 615352 Include Title and desc, in the email 615364 Logout link at the administrator menu 595367 Anonymous viewing... 604885 SEnd Email with my default address 603805 Groups and users list sorted 564846 Emailing/Printing (Just Email was done) 472725 User selected language 582714 Documents version support (Just Closed this request) 599496 ability to disable/enable a user 588764 Multiple Sessions under one user name BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 616563 Can't modify Users 618183 Security bug - Intelligence 621992 UPLOAD still Broken 615812 README: Security Consideration is wrong 618182 Incorrect message displayed for bad pass 616399 small bugs 616335 Policy #58 (no Text) 615809 register_globals not on (<--- Rolled this one BACK) 615804 ALT_TEXT with Mozilla 615439 Inconsistent use of table name variables 615359 "Owl" string instead of UserTitle in mov 615357 More strings for language Files 615350 Include $lang_user in prefs.php 615349 Include $table_header_bg in modify.php 615348 Include $table_header_bg in pref.php 609586 BG Color for all tables in html.php 609598 Include two $lang_var in modify.php 609596 Not empty field for directory/file name 607891 Issues with long filenames (>50 chars) increased filename to 255 606698 Languaje email notifivations ? 606697 Problems editing languaje 603887 International letters, creating folders 603800 ADministration and Move Menus Centered i 603618 Change the policy of the directory 603754 Error, Sql update when change policy 603617 Editing propierties of a file 588687 Move Folder or Files ( mv VS. rename not solved) 601268 Hardcoded english phrases 601857 small bug in view.php line 124/125, 481348 Member of multiple groups folder issue 548994 notification - always sent to everybody (Thanks Nathan Dietsch) 588673 Rename Folder to an existing foldername 576540 html nasty in IE6 564811 Language hungarian 556781 $lang_groupmember missing in dutch lang 564764 password recoded when user modified 554677 Variables 554045 Directory deletion (This deletes everything Under that directory) 556471 Notify - file update sends prev desc 556467 Notify - file update sends prev desc 554044 Backup folder creation 556183 SQL Error when Updating document Jan 16, 2002 ------------ added $default->restrict_view and $default->logo improved security - implemented recursive security check - Documents can be totally restricted without breaking image previews. changed is_file to file_exists changed exec() calls for mkdir and rm to mkdir() and rmdir() Dec 28, 2001 ------------ BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 472141 Folder/File Policy default 496814 Column Sorts are not persistant 495556 File download sends incorrect headers 506962 New pt_BR language.inc file Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- ------ Check-in / Check-out / Version Control + Document Backup (daphne chong <dchong@it.uts.edu.au>) 443729 encrypted passwords 483073 Adding hierarchy to keywords (Contrib by Sunil Savkar) 454187 Scan existing directory/file structure (Contrib by Anders Axesson) The Documents Directory can be located anywhere you want now. Just Set $default->owl_FileDir in config/owl.php 472726 Check the PHP version 455899 Default Security Levels 454612 Read/Write but no delete on folders 448966 Finer grained user controls (This is done except ppl in the same group can update the file) 433733 Higher granularity in file perm ------ French Translation (Pascal Guillo) Oct 15, 2001 ------------ modify.php altered to output human readable size instead of bytecount. Oct 5, 2001 ----------- Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- Allow users to change their preferences by clicking on the username by the (logout) 448009 Add email notification of uploads ( Added Portuguese (Thanks Maluco) Added Chinese tw (Thanks Pigo Chu) Sep 22, 2001 ------------ Enhancement Requests -------------------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 424497 Sorting ascending and descending Increased the Title(name column) to 80 Characters BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 433540 Delete User only works with eng. version 457588 Version not available from web interface 449395 expanded/collapse view bugs 449394 add document policy bugs for admin 448241 HTML-Syntax-Error in admin/index.php 448232 mistake in admin_dbmodify.php 433932 Fileupdate and Quotas 433548 Problem with uppercase fileextensions 457591 Sort by Modified sorts by alpha names May 06, 2001 ------------ -> Tool tips added to the action icons -> Users can now belong to multiple groups -> Administartors get redirected to the Admin page on logon -> Administrators can assign a specific Group to a file or folder -> Added new file icons for the Microsoft file types (doc, xls, mdb, ppt) as well as pdf (Thanks DANAK) -> HTML Table width expanded default is now 90%. -> HTML Table width and BGCOLOR are configurable in the html.php file -> HTML BODY Parameters added to the html.php file -> Change the default timeout to 30 Minutes -> The admin group now has the same rights as the admin user BUGS Fixed ---------- Tracker Number Description ------------- --------------------------------------- 1053845 Firefox remembers login name when admin edits profile 418224 Bug on line 173 of dbmodify.php 415888 dbmodify.php error (here's the fix) 418822 Add user to another group 421059 File Icons 406398 Submitting file doesn't preserve expand 421305 2 Users can signon as the same username Mar 06, 2001 ------------ ->GUI change and enhancements ->Better quota enforcement ->Preview for tar/tar.gz files ->Found a bug where security was not enforced for folder moving ->"Nicer" error messages ->New config option: $default->expand to determine default view style ->Dutch translation added Feb 10, 2001 ------------ ->Better de language file ->Buxfixes for browse.php, view.php, and postgresql. ->Fixed problem where anyone could add users. Jan 29, 2001 ------------ ->finalized quota support ->better error checking on folder creation Jan 24, 2001 ------------ ->small typos and bugfixes ->avoided problem of creating non-unique username/password pairs ->added user quota support Jan 05, 2001 ------------ ->Italian translation added (locale/it/ - Fulvio Malfatto) ->Fixed up some misc bugs ->Various visual enhancements/fixes ->New search engine (search.php) Jan 04, 2001 ------------ ->Fixed bugs relating to folder creation and moving (dbmodify.php) Dec 29, 2000 ------------ ->Complete PostgreSQL compatability Dec 28, 2000 ------------ ->Fixed bug where error occured when downloading inside a folder (download.php) ->Added some error checking Dec 26, 2000 ------------ ->More fixes and enhancements than you can shake a stick at (way too many to list) ->COMPLETE code rewrite Dec 13, 2000 ------------ ->Minor bugfixes (all over) ->Code cleanup Nov 29, 2000 ------------ ->Fixed filesize bug (database/upload.php) ->Fixed spelling error (images/btn_colapse_view.gif) Oct 10, 2000 ------------ ->Started to implement logging facility ->Fixed downloading bug (files/download.php) ->Move functionality added (files/move.php, Nick Talbott) for administrator ONLY (for now) ->Users must now login to access any php script (database/security.php) ->Added delete confirmation for folders and files (files/view.php) ->All tables now use config file for colors ->Database structure changed slightly for version compatability (docs/tables-mysql) Sep 22, 2000 ------------ ->Added custom icons for common file types (files/view.php) ->Added preview ability to gif and jpg files (files/view.php) Sep 12, 2000 ------------ ->Changed style sheet (files/styles.css) ->Added a bunch of MIME code for correct file handling (Nick Talbott) ->This time REALLY fixed bug when adding new user with group error (admin/modify.php) ->Added administrative privs so that the administrator can modify anything whenever there is a security check(database/security.php) ->Small enhancements to the user/group management system (admin/) Aug 26, 2000 ------------ ->Fixed a bug when adding new user, the group is now set first time (admin/modify.php) ->Owl now checks for security when deleting folders now (database/delete.php) ->Integrated DGS Search into the engine for searching (search/) ->Now config options for table colors (config.php) Aug 18, 2000 ------------ ->Enhancements to admin interface (admin/*) ->The link to a folder is no longer just the icon, its the icon + name (files/view.php) ->The auto_intrement was fixed so that the creation of more than 10 folders/files/users/groups is now possible. ->Fixed an error where you could not upload if the tmp directory was on another partition. Aug 14, 2000 ------------ ->Changed the style sheet (files/styles.css) ->The output displayed when browsing the knowledbase can now be sorted by the title, filename, size, modification date, or person who posted the file (files/view.php) ->Created an administration tool for managing users and groups (admin/*) ->Added ability to see who the owner and group owner is on a file and folder when either modifying or viewing details (files/modify.php, files/details.php) ->Forgot to make the table "groups" auto increment the id number, fixed (docs/tables-mysql) Aug 10, 2000 ------------ ->Initial Release