File: import_users.php
<?php /** * import_users.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/config/owl.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/Net_CheckIP/CheckIP.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/security.lib.php"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); if (!fIsAdmin(true)) { die("$owl_lang->err_unauthorized"); } if (!empty($_FILES)) { $userfile = uploadCompat("userfile"); } print("<center>"); print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_expand_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); fPrintAdminPanel("importusers"); print("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ."\" method=\"post\">\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sess\" value=\"$sess\"></input>"); print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"); fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->header_csv_import, "admin2"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->sendcsvfile:</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><input class=\"finput1\" type=\"file\" name=\"userfile\" size=\"24\" maxlength=\"512\"></input></td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form2\" width=\"100%\">"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->sendfile, $owl_lang->alt_sendfile, "submit", "send_file_x"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->btn_reset, $owl_lang->alt_reset_form, "reset"); print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); if (!empty($userfile)) { define( 'GROUPID', '0'); define( 'USERNAME', '1'); define( 'FULLNAME', '2'); define( 'PASSWORD', '3'); define( 'MAXSESSION', '12'); $handle = fopen ($userfile["tmp_name"],"r"); $qSQL = new OWL_db; $dNowDate = $qSQL->now(); $row = 0; $CountLines = 0; while ($data = fgetcsv ($handle, 5000, ",")) { if ($row == 0) { $row++; continue; } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; } $query = "INSERT INTO $default->owl_users_table (login_failed, passwd_last_changed, lastlogin,curlogin,groupid,username,name,password,quota_max,quota_current,email,notify,attachfile,disabled,noprefaccess,language,maxsessions,newsadmin,comment_notify,buttonstyle,homedir,firstdir,email_tool, change_paswd_at_login, expire_account, user_auth, logintonewrec) VALUES ('0', $dNowDate, $dNowDate, $dNowDate, "; $num = count ($data); //print "<p> $num fields in line $row: <br>\n"; $row++; $bSkipUser = false; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { if ($c > GROUPID ) { $query .= ", "; } if ( $c == GROUPID ) { if (is_numeric($data[$c])) { $iSaveGroupid = $data[$c]; $qSQL->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_groups_table WHERE id = '$data[$c]'"); if ($qSQL->num_rows() == 0) { $sMessage = $owl_lang->invalid_groupid . "'$data[$c]'"; $bSkipUser = true; } } else { $qSQL->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_groups_table WHERE name = '$data[$c]'"); if ($qSQL->num_rows() == 0) { $qSQL->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_groups_table (name) VALUES ('$data[$c]')"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">$owl_lang->group_create</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" width=\"100%\">$data[$c]</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); $data[$c] = $qSQL->insert_id($default->owl_groups_table, 'id'); $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; } } else { $qSQL->next_record(); $data[$c] = $qSQL->f("id"); } $iSaveGroupid = $data[$c]; } } elseif ( $c == PASSWORD ) { $data[$c] = md5($data[$c]); } elseif ( $c == MAXSESSION ) { $data[$c] = $data[$c] - 1; } elseif ( $c == USERNAME ) { $sUserName = $data[$c]; $qSQL->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_users_table WHERE username = '$sUserName'"); if ($qSQL->num_rows() > 0) { $bSkipUser = true; $sMessage = $owl_lang->msg_user_exists; } } elseif ( $c == FULLNAME ) { $sFullName = $data[$c]; } $newdata = ereg_replace("'","\'",$data[$c]); $query .= "'$newdata'"; } $query .= ")"; print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">$owl_lang->user_created_skipped</td>\n"); if (!$bSkipUser) { $qSQL->query($query); $iUserID = $qSQL->insert_id(); $qSQL->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_users_grpmem_table (userid,groupid) VALUES ('$iUserID', '$iSaveGroupid')"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" width=\"100%\">$sUserName ($sFullName) $owl_lang->import_inserted</td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" width=\"100%\">$sUserName ($sFullName) $owl_lang->import_skipped $sMessage</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); } fclose ($handle); unlink($userfile["tmp_name"]); } print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); print("</form>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td></tr></table>\n"); print("</center>"); include($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); ?>
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