File: log.php
<?php /** * log.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * $Id: log.php,v 1.2 2010/01/08 12:27:19 b0zz Exp $ */ global $default, $whereclause; require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)). "/config/owl.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/Net_CheckIP/CheckIP.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/owl.lib.php"); if (!isset($nextrecord)) $nextrecord = 0; if (!isset($next)) $next = 0; if (!isset($prev)) $prev = 0; if (!isset($hideagent)) $hideagent = 0; if (isset($fa)) $filteraction = unserialize(stripslashes($fa)); if (!isset($hidedetail)) $hidedetail = 0; if ($next == 1) $nextrecord = $nextrecord + $default->log_rec_per_page; if ($prev == 1) { $nextrecord = $nextrecord - $default->log_rec_per_page; if ($nextrecord < 0) { $nextrecord = 0; } } $whereclause = " where 1=1"; if ($filteraction && $filteraction[0] != "0") { $whereclause .= " and ("; foreach($filteraction as $fa) { $whereclause .= " action='$fa' or"; } $whereclause .= " action='$fa')"; } if ($filteruser && $filteruser != "0") { $whereclause .= " and userid='$filteruser'"; } if (($filtergroup or $filtergroup == "0") and $filtergroup != "-1") { $whereclause .= " and u.groupid='$filtergroup'"; } else { $filtergroup = "-1"; } if ($filter_file && $filter_file != "0") { $whereclause .= " and filename='$filter_file'"; } if ($ip_hostname) { $whereclause .= " and ip like '%$ip_hostname%'"; } if ($filter_from && $filter_from != "0") { if (strpos($filter_from, ':') > 0 ) { $whereclause .= " and logdate >= '$filter_from'"; } else { $whereclause .= " and logdate >= '$filter_from 00:00'"; } } if ($filter_to && $filter_to != "0") { if (strpos($filter_to, ':') > 0) { $whereclause .= " and logdate <= '$filter_to'"; } else { $whereclause .= " and logdate <= '$filter_to 23:59'"; } } if (!fIsAdmin(true) and !fIsLogViewer($userid)) { die("$owl_lang->err_unauthorized"); } if ($action == "gencsv") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_log_table left outer join $default->owl_users_table u on u.id=userid $whereclause ORDER BY logdate DESC"); header( 'Pragma: ' ); header( 'Cache-Control: ' ); header( 'Content-Type: application/vnd-ms.excel' ); $aDate = getdate(); $sExportFilename = 'export_' . $aDate[ 'month' ] . '_' . $aDate[ 'mday' ] . '_' . $aDate[ 'year' ] . '.csv'; header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $sExportFilename . '"' ); $sFieldHeadings = '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_action ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_file ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . "File Size" ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_fld_path ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_user ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dt_tm ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_ip ."\","; if ($hideagent == 0 and $hidedetail == 0) { $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent ."\","; $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls ."\","; } else { if ($hideagent == 0) { $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent ."\","; } if ($hidedetail == 0) { $sFieldHeadings .= '"' . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls ."\","; } } echo $sFieldHeadings . "\n"; while ($sql->next_record()) { echo "\"<" . $log_file_actions[$sql->f("action")] . ">\","; if ($sql->f("type") != "LOGIN") { echo '"' . $sql->f("filename") . '",' ; if ($sql->f("filesize") > 0) { echo '"' . gen_filesize($sql->f("filesize")) . '",' ; } else { echo '"",'; } echo '"' . get_dirpath($sql->f("parent")) , "\","; } else { echo '"","",""'; } echo '"' . uid_to_name($sql->f("userid")) . "\","; echo '"' . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("logdate"))), "\","; if (Net_CheckIP::check_ip($sql->f('ip'))) { echo '"' . fGetHostByAddress($sql->f('ip')) . "\","; } else { echo '"' . $sql->f('ip') . "\","; } if ($hideagent == 0 and $hidedetail == 0) { echo '"' . $sql->f("agent") . "\","; echo '"' . $sql->f("details") . "\","; } else { if ($hideagent == 0) { echo '"' . $sql->f("agent") . "\","; } if ($hidedetail == 0) { echo '"' . $sql->f("details") . "\","; } } echo "\n"; } exit; } if ($action == "gen_pdf") { $sName = "owl_syslog_" . date("Ymd") . "_" . date("Gis"); $txt = ""; $aFirstpExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension ($sName); $sFirstPart = $aFirstpExtension[0]; $pdf=new Owl_PDF("landscape"); $pdf->SetTitle("Owl Syslog - " . date("Y/m/d") . " " . date("G:i:s")); $pdf->SetAuthor(uid_to_name($userid)); $pdf->SetCreator($default->version); $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); $pdf->sFpdfTitle = " " . $owl_lang->owl_log_viewer; $pdf->sFpdfDocName = $sName; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','b',7); $pdf->Cell(10,3,"Generated: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format)); $pdf->Ln(); // Display the Filter Parms $iCountLines = 0; if ($filteraction) { $pdf->Cell(10,3,"Filter: "); foreach($filteraction as $fa) { $pdf->Cell(10,3,$logactions[$fa][1]); $iCountLines++; if ($iCountLines == 1) { if (($filtergroup or $filtergroup == "0") and $filtergroup != "-1") { $sGroupName = " (" . group_to_name($filtergroup) . ")"; } else { $sGroupName = " (" . $owl_lang->log_filter_all . ")"; } if ($filteruser and $filteruser != "0") { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "User: " . uid_to_name($filteruser) . $sGroupName); } else { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "User: " . $owl_lang->log_filter_all . $sGroupName); } if ($filter_from) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "From Date: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($filter_from))); } } if ($iCountLines == 2) { if ($filter_file) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "File: " . $filter_file); $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); } else { $pdf->Cell(60,3, ""); } if ($filter_to) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, " To Date: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($filter_to))); } } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(10,3," "); } if ($iCountLines < 2) { if ($filter_file) { $pdf->Cell(30,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "File: " . $filter_file); $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); } else { $pdf->Cell(70,3, ""); } if ($filter_to) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, " To Date: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($filter_to))); } } } else { $pdf->Cell(10,4,"Filter: " . $logactions[0][1]); if (($filtergroup or $filtergroup == "0") and $filtergroup != "-1") { $sGroupName = " (" . group_to_name($filtergroup) . ")"; } else { $sGroupName = " (" . $owl_lang->log_filter_all . ")"; } if ($filteruser and $filteruser != "0") { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "User: " . uid_to_name($filteruser) . $sGroupName); } else { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "User: " . $owl_lang->log_filter_all . $sGroupName); } if ($filter_from) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, "From Date: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($filter_from))); } $pdf->Ln(); if ($filter_file) { $pdf->Cell(30,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, "File: " . $filter_file); $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); } else { $pdf->Cell(70,3, ""); } if ($filter_to) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, " To Date: " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($filter_to))); } } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Ln(); // Print Column Headings $pdf->SetFont('Arial','b',9); $pdf->Cell(30,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_action); $pdf->Cell(40,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_file); $pdf->Cell(20,5,"File Size"); $pdf->Cell(40,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_fld_path); $pdf->Cell(20,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_user); $pdf->Cell(30,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dt_tm); $pdf->Cell(35,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_ip); if ($hideagent == 0 and $hidedetail == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent . " / " . $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls); } else { if ($hideagent == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent); } if ($hidedetail == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,5,$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls); } } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',7); $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_log_table left outer join $default->owl_users_table u on u.id=userid $whereclause ORDER BY logdate DESC"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $pdf->SetTextColor(0,128,0); $pdf->Cell(30,3,"<" . $log_file_actions[$sql->f("action")] . ">"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); if ($sql->f("type") != "LOGIN") { $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sql->f("filename")); if ($sql->f("filesize") > 0) { $pdf->Cell(20,3, gen_filesize($sql->f("filesize"))); } else { $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); } $sPath = get_dirpath($sql->f("parent")); if (strlen(trim($sPath)) > 30) { $sPath = substr($sPath, 1,8) . " ... " . substr($sPath, -18); } $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sPath); } else { $pdf->Cell(40,3,""); $pdf->Cell(20,3, ""); $pdf->Cell(40,3,""); } $pdf->Cell(20,3, uid_to_name($sql->f("userid"))); $pdf->Cell(30,3, date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("logdate")))); if (Net_CheckIP::check_ip($sql->f('ip'))) { $pdf->Cell(35,3, fGetHostByAddress($sql->f('ip'))); } else { $pdf->Cell(35,3, $sql->f('ip')); } if ($hideagent == 0 and $hidedetail == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sql->f("agent")); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(215,3,""); $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sql->f("details")); } else { if ($hideagent == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sql->f("agent")); } if ($hidedetail == 0) { $pdf->Cell(40,3, $sql->f("details")); } } $pdf->Cell(40,3,""); $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Output($sFirstPart . ".pdf", 'D'); } if ($action == "clear_log") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_log_table"); } include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_expand_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); if (fIsAdmin(true)) { fPrintAdminPanel("viewlog"); } print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<tr><td class=\"admin0\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"9\">$owl_lang->owl_log_viewer</td></tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_action</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_file</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">File Size</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_fld_path</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_user</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dt_tm</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_ip</td>\n"); if ($hideagent == 0) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent</td>\n"); } if ($hidedetail == 0) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); // print the LOG Details $CountLines = 0; $sql = new Owl_DB; $getusers = new Owl_DB; $groups = fGetGroups($userid); $groups[-1][0] = "-1"; $groups[-1][1] = "ALL"; // Found out how many records we are going to retreive $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_log_table left outer join $default->owl_users_table u on u.id=userid $whereclause"); $recordcount = $sql->num_rows($sql); // Retreive the log records for display if ($recordcount == 0) { print("<tr>\n<td colspan=\"9\" class=\"admin3\" align=\"center\"><h2>$owl_lang->owl_log_no_rec</h2></td>\n</tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n<td colspan=\"9\" align=\"center\"><h2> </h2></td>\n</tr>\n"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_log_table left outer join $default->owl_users_table u on u.id=userid $whereclause ORDER BY logdate DESC LIMIT $nextrecord,$default->log_rec_per_page"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"><font color=\"green\"><b>‹" . $log_file_actions[$sql->f("action")] . "></b></font></td>\n"); if ($sql->f("type") != "LOGIN") { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . $sql->f("filename") . "</td>\n"); if ($sql->f("filesize") > 0) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . gen_filesize($sql->f("filesize")) . "</td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); } print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . get_dirpath($sql->f("parent")) . "</td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); } print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . uid_to_name($sql->f("userid")) . "</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("logdate"))) . "</td>\n"); if (Net_CheckIP::check_ip($sql->f('ip'))) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . fGetHostByAddress($sql->f('ip')) . "</td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . $sql->f('ip') . "</td>\n"); } //print("<td class='$sTrClass'>" . gethostbyaddr($sql->f('ip')) . "</td>\n"); if ($hideagent == 0) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . $sql->f("agent") . "</td>\n"); } if ($hidedetail == 0) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">" . $sql->f("details") . "</td>\n"); } print ("</tr>\n"); } } print("</table>"); // print out the filters $logactions[0][1] = "$owl_lang->log_filter_all"; $logactions[1][1] = $log_file_actions[LOGIN]; $logactions[2][1] = $log_file_actions[LOGIN_FAILED]; $logactions[3][1] = $log_file_actions[LOGOUT]; $logactions[4][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_DELETED]; $logactions[5][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_UPLOAD]; $logactions[6][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_UPDATED]; $logactions[7][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_DOWNLOADED]; $logactions[8][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_CHANGED]; $logactions[9][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_LOCKED]; $logactions[10][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_UNLOCKED]; $logactions[11][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_EMAILED]; $logactions[12][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_MOVED]; $logactions[19][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_VIEWED]; $logactions[20][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_VIRUS]; $logactions[21][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_COPIED]; $logactions[23][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_LINKED]; $logactions[26][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_ACL]; $logactions[13][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_CREATED]; $logactions[14][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_DELETED]; $logactions[15][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_MODIFIED]; $logactions[16][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_MOVED]; $logactions[22][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_COPIED]; $logactions[27][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_ACL]; $logactions[28][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_DISTRIBUTE]; $logactions[29][1] = $log_file_actions[FOLDER_LINKED]; $logactions[17][1] = $log_file_actions[FORGOT_PASS]; $logactions[18][1] = $log_file_actions[USER_REG]; $logactions[24][1] = $log_file_actions[USER_ADMIN]; $logactions[25][1] = $log_file_actions[TRASH_CAN]; $logactions[30][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_REVIEW]; $logactions[31][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_APPROVED]; $logactions[32][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_REJECTED]; $logactions[33][1] = $log_file_actions[FILE_PUBLISHED]; print("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"log.php\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sess\" value=\"$sess\"></input> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"refresh\"></input> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\"></input> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whereclause\" value=\"$whereclause\"></input>"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"expand\" value=\"$expand\"></input>\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"); fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->owl_log_filter, "admin3"); print("<tr>\n<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_action:</td>\n<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<select class=\"fpull1\" size=\"8\" name=\"filteraction[]\" multiple=\"multiple\">"); foreach($logactions as $key => $fp) { $isSelected = false; if ($filteraction[0] != "") { foreach($filteraction as $fa) { if ($fa == $key) { $isSelected = true; } } } print("<option value='$key' "); if ($isSelected) { print("selected=\"selected\""); } print(">$fp[1]</option>"); } print("</select>\n</td>\n</tr>\n"); // Print Users $getusers->query("select name,username,id from $default->owl_users_table order by name"); print("<tr>"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_user:</td><td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"filteruser\">"); print("<option value=\"0\">$owl_lang->log_filter_all</option>"); while ($getusers->next_record()) { $uid = $getusers->f("id"); $name = $getusers->f("name"); $username = $getusers->f("username"); if ($name == "") { print("<option value=\"" . $uid . "\">" . $username . "</option>"); } else { if ($uid == $filteruser) { print("<option value=\"" . $uid . "\" selected=\"selected\"> " . $name . "</option>"); } else { print("<option value=\"" . $uid . "\" >" . $name . "</option>"); } } } print("</select></td>\n</tr>\n"); fPrintFormSelectBox($owl_lang->group . ":" , "filtergroup", $groups, $filtergroup); fPrintFormTextLine("File Name:" , "filter_file", 60, $filter_file); fPrintFormTextLine("Date From (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS):" , "filter_from", 20, $filter_from); fPrintFormTextLine("Date to (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS):" , "filter_to", 20, $filter_to); fPrintFormTextLine("IP Address(HostName):" , "ip_hostname", 20, $ip_hostname); // print Hide columns print("<tr>\n<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hide $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_agent:</td>\n"); if ($hideagent == 1) { print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><input class=\"fcheckbox1\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hideagent\" value=\"1\" checked=\"checked\"></input></td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><input class=\"fcheckbox1\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hideagent\" value=\"1\" ></input></td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hide $owl_lang->owl_log_hd_dtls::</td>\n"); if ($hidedetail == 1) { print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><input class=\"fcheckbox1\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hidedetail\" value=\"1\" checked=\"checked\"></input></td>\n"); } else { print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\"><input class=\"fcheckbox1\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hidedetail\" value=\"1\" ></input></td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); //print("<tr>\n<td>\n"); $fa = urlencode(serialize($filteraction)); print("<tr class=\"form2\">\n"); print("<td class=\"form2\"> </td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form2\">\n"); print("<table><tr><td align=\"left\">"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->owl_log_filter, $owl_lang->alt_refresh_filter, "submit", "myaction"); print("</td>\n"); print("<td>\n"); print("<table>\n<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"button1\">"); print("<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/pdf.gif\"></img>"); print("</td>"); print("<td class=\"button1\">"); print("<a class=\"lbutton1\" href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&action=gen_pdf&next=0&nextrecord=0&fa=$fa&filter_to=$filter_to&filter_from=$filter_from&ip_hostname=$ip_hostname&filter_file=$filter_file&filteruser=$filteruser&filtergroup=$filtergroup&hideagent=$hideagent&hidedetail=$hidedetail\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_gen_pdf\"> " . $owl_lang->btn_gen_pdf . " </a>"); print("</td>\n"); print("<td> </td>\n"); print("<td class=\"button1\">"); print("<a class=\"lbutton1\" href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&action=gencsv&next=0&nextrecord=0&fa=$fa&filter_to=$filter_to&filter_from=$filter_from&ip_hostname=$ip_hostname&filter_file=$filter_file&filteruser=$filteruser&filtergroup=$filtergroup&hideagent=$hideagent&hidedetail=$hidedetail\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_gen_csv\"> GENERATE CSV" . $owl_lang->btn_gen_csv . " </a>"); print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>"); //</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</form>\n"); // print Footer with Record Count and PREV TOP NEXT print("<table>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td><a href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&prev=1&nextrecord=$nextrecord&fa=$fa&filter_to=$filter_to&filter_from=$filter_from&ip_hostname=$ip_hostname&filter_file=$filter_file&filteruser=$filteruser&filtergroup=$filtergroup&hideagent=$hideagent&hidedetail=$hidedetail\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/prev.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_prev\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_prev\"></img></a></td>\n"); print("<td><a href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&next=0&nextrecord=0&fa=$fa&filter_to=$filter_to&filter_from=$filter_from&ip_hostname=$ip_hostname&filter_file=$filter_file&filteruser=$filteruser&filtergroup=$filtergroup&hideagent=$hideagent&hidedetail=$hidedetail\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/top.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_top\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_top\"></img></a></td>\n"); $from = $nextrecord + 1; if ($recordcount == 0) $from = $recordcount; $to = $nextrecord + $default->log_rec_per_page; if ($to > $recordcount) $to = $recordcount; if ($to < $recordcount) { print("<td><a href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&next=1&nextrecord=$nextrecord&fa=$fa&filter_to=$filter_to&filter_from=$filter_from&ip_hostname=$ip_hostname&filter_file=$filter_file&filteruser=$filteruser&filtergroup=$filtergroup&hideagent=$hideagent&hidedetail=$hidedetail\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/next.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_next\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_next\"></img></a></td>\n"); } else { print("<td align=\"left\" ><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/transparent.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img></td>\n"); } print("<td align=\"left\" ><a href=\"log.php?sess=$sess&action=clear_log\" onclick='return confirm(\"$owl_lang->reallydelete_logs ?\");'><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/log_delete.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_clear\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_log_clear\"></img></a></td>\n"); print("<td> ($from $owl_lang->log_admin_to $to) $owl_lang->log_admin_of $recordcount </td>\n"); print ("</tr>"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n</form>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td></tr></table>\n"); include($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); ?>