File: news.php
<?php /** * news.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ global $default; require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/config/owl.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/owl.lib.php"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); if (!fIsAdmin(true) && !fIsNewsAdmin($userid)) die("$owl_lang->err_unauthorized"); $sql = new Owl_DB; if (!isset($nid)) { $nid = 0; } if (fIsNewsAdmin($userid)) { $sql->query("SELECT g.id, g.name from $default->owl_users_table u, $default->owl_groups_table g where u.groupid = g.id and u.id = '$userid';"); $sql->next_record(); $iPrimaryGroup = $sql->f("id"); $groups[0][0] = $sql->f("id"); $groups[0][1] = $sql->f("name"); $sql->query("SELECT m.groupid, g.name from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table m, $default->owl_groups_table g where m.userid = '$userid' and m.groupid = g.id"); $i = 1; while ($sql->next_record()) { if (!($sql->f("groupid") == $iPrimaryGroup)) { $groups[$i][0] = $sql->f("groupid"); $groups[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $i++; } } } else { $sql->query("SELECT id,name from $default->owl_groups_table order by name"); $i = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { $groups[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $groups[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $i++; } } if ($action == "del_news") { $del = new Owl_DB; $del->query("delete from $default->owl_news_table where id = '$nid'"); $nid = 0; } print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_expand_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); if (fIsAdmin(true)) { fPrintAdminPanel("newsadmin"); } if ($action == "edit_news") { $edit = new Owl_DB; $edit->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where id = '$nid'"); $edit->next_record(); print("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"admin_dbmodify.php\" method=\"post\">\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nid\" value=\"" . $edit->f("id") . "\"></input>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"edit_news\"></input>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sess\" value=\"$sess\"></input>\n"); print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<tr><td class=\"admin0\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">$owl_lang->news_title</td></tr>\n"); if ($change == 1) { print("<tr><td class=\"admin0\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<br />"); fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->saved, "admin3"); print("</table>"); print("</td></tr>\n"); } fPrintFormTextLine($owl_lang->news_heading . ":" , "news_title", 60, $edit->f("news_title")); fPrintFormTextArea($owl_lang->news_content . ":" , "newsdesc", $edit->f("news")); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_expires:</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\">"); fPrintDatePicker($edit->f("news_end_date")); print("</td>"); print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_audience:</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"audience\" size=\"1\">"); if ($usergroupid == "0") { print("<option value=\"-1\">$owl_lang->log_filter_all</option>\n"); } foreach($groups as $g) { print("<option value=\"$g[0]\" "); if ($g[0] == $edit->f("gid")) { print("selected=\"selected\""); } print(">$g[1]</option>\n"); } print("</select>"); print("</td></tr>"); fPrintFormTextLine($owl_lang->news_hd_created . ":", "", "", date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($edit->f("news_date"))) , "", true); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form2\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">\n"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->change, $owl_lang->alt_change, "submit", "btn_ed_news_x"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->btn_cancel, $owl_lang->alt_cancel, "submit", "btn_cancel_news_x"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->btn_reset, $owl_lang->alt_reset_form, "reset"); print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); print("</form>"); } else { $edit = new Owl_DB; $edit->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where id = '$nid'"); $edit->next_record(); print("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"admin_dbmodify.php\" method=\"post\">\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nid\" value=\"" . $edit->f("id") . "\"></input>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"add_news\"></input>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sess\" value=\"$sess\"></input>\n"); print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); if ($change == 1) { print("<tr><td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">"); print("<br />"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->saved, "admin3"); print("</table>"); print("</td></tr>\n"); } print("<tr><td class=\"admin0\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">$owl_lang->news_title</td></tr>\n"); fPrintFormTextLine($owl_lang->news_heading . ":" , "news_title", 50, $edit->f("news_title")); fPrintFormTextArea($owl_lang->news_content . ":" , "newsdesc", $edit->f("news")); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_expires:</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\">"); fPrintDatePicker(); print("</td>"); print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_audience:</td>\n"); print("<td class=\"form1\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"audience\" size=\"1\">"); if ($usergroupid == "0") { print("<option value=\"-1\">$owl_lang->log_filter_all</option>\n"); } foreach($groups as $g) { print("<option value=\"$g[0]\" "); if ($g[0] == $edit->f("gid")) { print("selected=\"selected\""); } print(">$g[1]</option>\n"); } print("</select>"); print("</td>"); print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"form2\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">\n"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->btn_add_news, $owl_lang->alt_add_news, "submit", "btn_add_news_x"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->btn_reset, $owl_lang->alt_reset_form, "reset"); print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); print("</form>"); } fPrintButtonSpace(20, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<tr>"); print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->news_hd</td>"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_created</td>"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_expires</td>"); print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->news_hd_audience</td>"); print("</tr>"); $dbCountRead = new Owl_DB; $dbGetUser = new Owl_DB; $sWhereClause = ""; if (fIsNewsAdmin($userid)) { $sWhereClause = "where "; foreach($groups as $g) { $sWhereClause .= " gid = '$g[0]' or"; } $sWhereClause .= " 0 = 1"; } $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table $sWhereClause order by id desc"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $iNewsGid = $sql->f("gid"); $iNewsId = $sql->f("id"); // // Get the number of Users that have Read this // $dbCountRead->query("SELECT distinct username,name,id,maxsessions,u.groupid from $default->owl_users_table u left join $default->owl_users_grpmem_table m on u.id=m.userid where u.groupid='$iNewsGid' or m.groupid='$iNewsGid' order by name"); $iCountRead = 0; $iCountTotalUser = 0; while ($dbCountRead->next_record()) { $dbGetUser->query("SELECT lastnews from $default->owl_users_table where id ='" . $dbCountRead->f("id") . "' and disabled ='0'"); $dbGetUser->next_record(); if ($dbGetUser->f("lastnews") >= $iNewsId) { $iCountRead++; } $iCountTotalUser++; } if ($iCountTotalUser == 0) { $iCountTotalUser = 0; $dbCountRead->query("SELECT id,lastnews from $default->owl_users_table where disabled = '0'"); while ($dbCountRead->next_record()) { if ($dbCountRead->f("lastnews") >= $iNewsId) { $iCountRead++; } $iCountTotalUser++; } } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "newspreview1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "newspreview2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"); print("<br /><a href=\"news.php?sess=" . $sess . "&action=edit_news&nid=" . $sql->f("id") . "\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/edit.gif\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_edit_news\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_edit_news\" border=\"0\"></img></a>"); print("<br /><a href=\"news.php?sess=" . $sess . "&action=del_news&nid=" . $sql->f("id") . "\" onclick='return confirm(\"$owl_lang->reallydelete " . $sql->f("news_title") . " ?\");'><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/delete.gif\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_del_news\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_del_news\" border=\"0\"></img></a>"); print("<br />$owl_lang->news_read:(" . $iCountRead . " / " . $iCountTotalUser . ")"); print("</td>"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" width=\"%100\"><br />"); print("<h4>" . $sql->f("news_title") . "</h4>\n"); print(nl2br($sql->f("news")) . "</td>"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"><br />" . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("news_date"))) . "</td>"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"><br />" . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("news_end_date"))) . "</td>"); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" align=\"center\"><br />"); if ($sql->f("gid") == -1) { print("$owl_lang->log_filter_all"); } else { print group_to_name($sql->f("gid")); } print("</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); } print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td></tr></table>\n"); include($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); function fPrintDatePicker ($date = "") { if ($date == "") { $iCurrentYear = date("Y", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+7,date("y"))); $iCurrentMonth = date("m", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+7,date("y"))); $iCurrentDay = date("d", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+7,date("y"))); $iCurrentHour = date("H"); $iCurrentMinute = date("i"); } else { $iCurrentYear = substr($date, 0, 4); $iCurrentMonth = substr($date, 5, 2); $iCurrentDay = substr($date, 8, 2); $iCurrentHour = substr($date, 11, 2); $iCurrentMinute = substr($date, 14, 2); } // // Display the Year // print("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"year\">\n"); print("<option value=\"$iCurrentYear\" selected=\"selected\">$iCurrentYear</option>\n"); for ($i = $iCurrentYear;$i <= $iCurrentYear + 5;$i++) { if ($iCurrentYear != $i) { print ("<option value=\"$i\""); print (">$i</option>\n"); } } print ("</select>\n"); print("–"); // // Display the Month // print ("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"month\">\n"); print ("<option value=\"$iCurrentMonth\" selected=\"selected\">$iCurrentMonth</option>\n"); for ($i = 1;$i < 13;$i++) { if ($i < 10) { $sString = "0" . $i; } else { $sString = $i; } if ($iCurrentMonth != $sString) { print ("<option value=\"$sString\""); print (">$sString</option>\n"); } } print ("</select>"); print("–"); // // Display the Day // print ("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"day\">\n"); print ("<option value=\"$iCurrentDay\" selected=\"selected\">$iCurrentDay</option>\n"); for ($i = 1;$i < 32;$i++) { if ($i < 10) { $sString = "0" . $i; } else { $sString = $i; } if ($iCurrentDay != $sString) { print ("<option value=\"$sString\""); print (">$sString</option>\n"); } } print ("</select>\n"); print(" "); print(" "); // // Display the Hour // print ("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"hour\">\n"); print ("<option value=\"$iCurrentHour\" selected=\"selected\">$iCurrentHour</option>\n"); for ($i = 0;$i < 24;$i++) { if ($i < 10) { $sString = "0" . $i; } else { $sString = $i; } if ($iCurrentHour != $sString) { print ("<option value=\"$sString\""); print (">$sString</option>\n"); } } print ("</select>\n"); print(":"); // // Display the Hour // print ("<select class=\"fpull1\" name=\"minute\">\n"); print ("<option value=\"$iCurrentMinute\" selected=\"selected\">$iCurrentMinute</option>\n"); for ($i = 0;$i < 60;$i++) { if ($i < 10) { $sString = "0" . $i; } else { $sString = $i; } if ($iCurrentMinute != $sString) { print ("<option value=\"$sString\""); print (">$sString</option>\n"); } } print ("</select>\n"); print(" "); } ?>