File: adv_search.php
<?php /* * adv_search.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: adv_search.php,v 2010/01/04 14:33:08 b0zz Exp $ */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config/owl.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/security.lib.php"); if (isset($search_id)) { $sql->query("SELECT metadata FROM $default->owl_files_table where id = '$search_id'"); while($sql->next_record()) { $query = $sql->f("metadata"); } $sql->query("SELECT field_value FROM $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table where file_id = '$search_id'"); while($sql->next_record()) { $query .= $sql->f("field_value"); } } if (!isset($query)) { printError($owl_lang->query_empty); } // V4B RNG Start $urlArgs = array(); $urlArgs['sess'] = $sess; if(!empty($page)) { $urlArgs['page'] = $page; } $urlArgs['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs['expand'] = $expand; $urlArgs['order'] = $order; $urlArgs['sortorder'] = $sort; $dStartTime = time(); $groupid = owlusergroup($userid); $query = trim($query); $query = str_replace("+", "\+", $query); $query = str_replace("*", "\*", $query); $query = str_replace("'", "\'", $query); $query = str_replace("}", "\}", $query); $query = str_replace("{", "\{", $query); if (strlen(trim($query)) == 0) { include_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_expand_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); } else { print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_collapse_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<table align=\"center\" width=\"98%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); print("<tr>"); print("<td>"); if (isset($search_id)) { fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->related_query_empty, "admin3"); } else { fPrintSectionHeader($owl_lang->query_empty, "admin3"); } print("<br />"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_search == 2 or $default->show_search == 3) { fPrintSpacer(); fPrintSearch(1); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); include($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/footer.inc"); exit; } $sql = new Owl_DB; // added by rsa@newtec.be (Ruben Samaey) // setting up a second db connection to search tables based on a still running query // needed for searching for matches in comments attached to files $sql_two = new Owl_DB; // end add by rsa if ( $parent == 1) { $currentfolder = 0; } function fFolderList( $FolderId ) { global $default; $qGetFolderList = new Owl_DB; $qGetFolderList->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '$FolderId'"); while ( $qGetFolderList->next_record()) { $sFolderWhereClause .= " or id = '" . $qGetFolderList->f("id") . "'"; $sFolderWhereClause .= fFolderList($qGetFolderList->f("id")); } return $sFolderWhereClause; } if ($currentfolder == 1) { // BEGIN OLD SEARCH CURRENT FOLDER ONLY $flag = 0; $ids = " parent='" . $parent . "'"; $sFolderWhereClause = ""; while ($flag != 1) { $sql->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name <> '$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' AND $ids"); if ($sFolderWhereClause == "") { $sFolderWhereClause = $ids; } else { $sFolderWhereClause = $sFolderWhereClause . " OR " . $ids; } $ids = ""; $sql->next_record(); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ($numrows == 0) { $flag = 1; } else { $ids = " parent='" . $sql->f("id") . "'"; while ($sql->next_record()) { $ids = $ids . " OR parent = " . $sql->f("id"); } } } $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name <> '$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' AND (id = '$parent' or $sFolderWhereClause)"); } else { $sFolderWhereClause = ""; if ($default->HomeDir <> 1) { $sFolderWhereClause = " and (id = '$default->HomeDir'"; $sFolderWhereClause .= fFolderList($default->HomeDir); $sFolderWhereClause .= ")"; } $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name <> '$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' $sFolderWhereClause"); } include_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_expand_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); } else { print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"$default->table_collapse_width\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); fPrintNavBar($parent, $owl_lang->search . ": "); if ($default->show_search == 1 or $default->show_search == 3) { $keywords = $query; fPrintSearch(); fPrintSpacer(); } // // get all the files in those folders that the user can read print("<br /><div class=\"searchresult\">$owl_lang->search_for_folders"); // // get all the folders that the user can read $iCount=0; $iResults=0; while($sql->next_record()) { $id = $sql->f("id"); $iCount++; $PrintDot = $iCount % 50; if ($PrintDot == 0) { print("."); } $folders[$id] = $id; $sQuery = explode(" ", $query); foreach($sQuery as $keyword) { if($keyword <> "*") { $sFolderCreator = flid_to_creator($sql->f("creatorid")); if(eregi("$keyword", $sql->f("name")) or eregi("$keyword", $sql->f("description")) or eregi("$keyword", $sFolderCreator)) { if(check_auth($id, "folder_view", $userid, false, false) == 1) { $iResults=1; $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][score] += 2; $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][id] = $id; $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][name] = $sql->f("name"); $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][description] = $sql->f("description"); $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][creator] = $sFolderCreator; $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][modified] = $sql->f("smodified"); $aFolderMatchSearch[$id][parent] = $sql->f("parent"); } } } } } print("</div>"); print("<div class=\"searchresult\">$owl_lang->search_for_files"); $iCount=0; foreach($folders as $item) { $sql->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '$item'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { continue; } // BEGIN NEW STUFF #Clean up the keywords a bit (remove all commas and duplicate spaces) $sqlquery = ""; $glue = ""; if ($withindocs == "1") { $keywords = strtolower($query); } else { $keywords = $query; } $keywords = str_replace(', ', ' ', $keywords); $keywords = str_replace(',', ' ', $keywords); $keywords = str_replace(' ', ' ', $keywords); $keywords = stripslashes($keywords); $keywords = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $keywords); #Replace asterisks with % signs for MySQL wildcards $keywords = str_replace("*", "%", $keywords); #Tack the search terms onto the query if ($withindocs == "1") { $keywordid = ""; $sqlquery .= " AND ("; if($boolean == "phrase") { #Match the entire term $sql = new Owl_DB; $keywords = strtolower($keywords); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_wordidx where word like '%$keywords%'"); if ($sql->num_rows() > 0) { while($sql->next_record()) { $keywordid .= " OR wordid = '" . $sql->f("wordid") . "'"; } } else { $keywordid = " OR wordid = '-1' "; } if(is_numeric($keywords)) { $sCheckForFileId = "f.id = '$keywords' OR "; } else { $sCheckForFileId = ""; } $sqlquery .= "$sCheckForFileId name LIKE '%$keywords%' OR metadata LIKE '%$keywords%' OR description LIKE '%$keywords%' OR filename LIKE '%$keywords%' $keywordid"; } else { #Match any or all words $keywordid = ''; $tok = strtok($keywords, " "); while($tok !== false) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_wordidx where word like '%$tok%'"); if ($sql->num_rows() > 0) { while($sql->next_record()) { $keywordid .= " OR wordid = '" . $sql->f("wordid") . "'"; } } else { $keywordid = " OR wordid = '-1' "; } if(is_numeric($keywords)) { $sCheckForFileId = "f.id = '$keywords' OR "; } else { $sCheckForFileId = ""; } $sqlquery .= "$glue ($sCheckForFileId name LIKE '%$tok%' OR metadata LIKE '%$tok%' OR description LIKE '%$tok%' OR filename LIKE '%$tok%' "; $sqlquery .= " $keywordid)"; $glue = ($boolean == "all") ? " AND" : " OR"; $tok = strtok(" "); } } $sqlquery .= ")"; } else { $sqlquery .= " AND (("; if($boolean == "phrase") { $glue3 = " "; #Match the entire term $sql = new Owl_DB; if(is_numeric($keywords)) { $sCheckForFileId = "f.id = '$keywords' OR "; } else { $sCheckForFileId = ""; } $sqlquery .= "$sCheckForFileId name LIKE '%$keywords%' OR metadata LIKE '%$keywords%' OR description LIKE '%$keywords%' OR filename LIKE '%$keywords%' )"; $sql_two->query("select field_name from $default->owl_docfields_table"); $iQueryTwo = $sql_two->num_rows(); if ( $iQueryTwo > 0) { $sqlquery2 .= " OR ("; while($sql_two->next_record()) { $sqlquery2 .= "$glue3 (field_name='". $sql_two->f("field_name") ."' and field_value LIKE '%$keywords%')"; $glue3 = " OR "; } $sqlquery2 .= ")"; } } else { #Match any or all words $tok = strtok($keywords, " "); while($tok !== false) { $glue3 = ""; $sql_two->query("select field_name from $default->owl_docfields_table"); $iQueryTwo = $sql_two->num_rows(); if ( $iQueryTwo > 0) { $sqlquery2 .= " OR ("; while($sql_two->next_record()) { $sqlquery2 .= "$glue3 (field_name='". $sql_two->f("field_name") ."' and field_value LIKE '%$tok%')"; //$glue3 = ($boolean == "all") ? " AND" : " OR"; $glue3 = " OR "; } $sqlquery2 .= ")"; } if(is_numeric($keywords)) { $sCheckForFileId = "f.id = '$keywords' OR "; } else { $sCheckForFileId = ""; } $sqlquery .= "$glue ($sCheckForFileId name LIKE '%$tok%' OR metadata LIKE '%$tok%' OR description LIKE '%$tok%' OR filename LIKE '%$tok%')"; $glue = ($boolean == "all") ? " AND" : " OR"; $tok = strtok(" "); } $sqlquery2 .= ")"; } $sqlquery .= ")"; } if ($withindocs == "1") { $sql->query("SELECT distinct f_size, smodified, f.id as fid, parent, name, metadata, description, filename, checked_out, url, doctype, updatorid FROM $default->owl_files_table f left outer join $default->owl_searchidx on owlfileid=f.id where approved = '1' and parent = '$item' $sqlquery group by fid"); //print("<br />DEBUG: SELECT distinct f_size, smodified, f.id as fid, parent, name, metadata, description, filename, checked_out, url, doctype, updatorid FROM $default->owl_files_table f left outer join $default->owl_searchidx on owlfileid=f.id where approved = '1' and parent = '$item' $sqlquery group by fid"); } else { $sSearchQuery = "SELECT f_size, smodified, f.id as fid, parent, name, metadata, description, filename, checked_out, url, doctype, updatorid FROM $default->owl_files_table f left outer join $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table d on f.id=file_id where approved = '1' and parent = '$item' $sqlquery $sqlquery2"; //print("<br /> DEBUG: $sSearchQuery"); //print("<br /> DEBUG: $sqlquery2"); $sql->query($sSearchQuery); $sqlquery2 = ""; } while($sql->next_record()) { $id = $sql->f("fid"); //$id = $sql->f("id"); if ($oldid == $id) { $files[$id][score] += 1; continue; } if(check_auth($id, "file_download", $userid, false, false) == 1) { // added by rsa@newtec.be (Ruben Samaey) // perform a query to fetch all comments attached to the current file the user is authorized to download // all comments found are concattenated in $comment $comment = ""; $sql_two->query("SELECT comments FROM $default->owl_comment_table where fid = '$id'"); while($sql_two->next_record()) { $comment .= " "; $comment .= $sql_two->f("comments"); } //end add by rsa@newtec.be $searchable_custom_fields = ""; $sql_two->query("select * from $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table v left join $default->owl_docfields_table d on v.field_name = d.field_name where file_id = '$id' and searchable = 1;"); while($sql_two->next_record()) { $searchable_custom_fields .= " "; $searchable_custom_fields .= $sql_two->f("field_value"); } $files[$id][id] = $id; $files[$id][up_id] = $sql->f("updatorid"); $files[$id][n] = $sql->f("name"); $files[$id][m] = explode(" ", $sql->f("metadata")); $files[$id][d] = explode(" ", $sql->f("description")); $files[$id][f] = $sql->f("filename"); $files[$id][c] = $sql->f("checked_out"); $files[$id][u] = $sql->f("url"); $files[$id][p] = $sql->f("parent"); $files[$id][x] = $sql->f("description"); $files[$id][s] = $sql->f("f_size"); $files[$id][doctype] = $sql->f("doctype"); $files[$id][creator] = $sql->f("creatorid"); $files[$id][date] = $sql->f("smodified"); //added by rsa@newtec.be $files[$id][comments] = explode(" ",$comment); //end add by rsa $files[$id][custom] = explode(" ",$searchable_custom_fields); $iCount++; $PrintDot = $iCount % 50; if ($PrintDot == 0) { print("."); } $files[$id][score] = 0; $oldid = $id; } } } print("</div>"); print("<div class=\"searchresult\">$owl_lang->search_score"); // // right now we have the array $files with all possible files that the user has read access to if (strlen(trim($query))>0) { // // break up our query string $query = str_replace('\\\\','\\', stripslashes($query)); $query = explode(" ", $query); // // the is the meat of the matching if(sizeof($files) > 0) { foreach($query as $keyword) { if($keyword <> "*") { foreach(array_keys($files) as $key) { // BEGIN enhancement Sunil Savkar // if the $parent string contains a keyword to be searched, then the score is // adjusted. This takes into account the hierarchy. if ($files[$key][id] == $keyword) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 7; } if(eregi("$keyword", find_path($files[$key][p], true))) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 4; } if(eregi("$keyword", $files[$key][n])) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 4; } if(eregi("$keyword", $files[$key][f])) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 3; } foreach($files[$key][m] as $metaitem) { // add 2 to the score if we find it in metadata (key search items) if(eregi("$keyword", $metaitem)) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 2; } } // added by rsa@newtec.be // search the exploded comment array foreach($files[$key][comments] as $commentitem) { // add 1 to the score if we find it in comments if(eregi("$keyword", $commentitem)) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 1; } } // end add rsa // search the exploded comment array foreach($files[$key][custom] as $customitem) { if(eregi("$keyword", $customitem)) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 5; } } foreach($files[$key][d] as $descitem) { // only add 1 for regular description matches if(eregi("$keyword", $descitem)) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 1; } } if ($withindocs == "1") { $x = $files[$key][id]; $keyword = strtolower($keyword); if(DoesFileIDContainKeyword($files[$key][id], $keyword) > 0) { $iResults = 1; $files[$key][score] = $files[$key][score] + 5; } } $iCount++; $PrintDot = $iCount % 50; if ($PrintDot == 0) { print("."); } } } } } print("</div>"); // // gotta find order to the scores...any better ideas? if ($iResults > 0) { //print("<br />"); $diff = time()-$dStartTime; $minsDiff = floor($diff/60); $diff -= $minsDiff*60; $secsDiff = $diff; print("<div class=\"searchresult\">($owl_lang->elapsed_time ".$minsDiff.'m '.$secsDiff.'s)'."</div>"); print("<div class=\"searchresult\"> $owl_lang->search_results_for “".htmlspecialchars(str_replace('\\\\','\\', stripslashes(implode(" ", $query))))."”</div><br />"); $max = 90; $hit = 1; $CountLines = 0; print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<tr>"); if (($default->expand_search_disp_score and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_score and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_fld_path</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->doc_number</td>\n"); } if ($default->thumbnails == 1 and $default->thumbnails_small_width > 0) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 1) or ($default->colps_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->doc_fields;</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->file</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->size</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->postedby</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_updated and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_updated and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->updated_by</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->modified</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->actions</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); if (isset($aFolderMatchSearch) and $default->search_result_folders) { arsort($aFolderMatchSearch); foreach(array_keys($aFolderMatchSearch) as $fkey) { if(check_auth($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id], "folder_view", $userid, false, false) == 0) { continue; } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; print("<tr>\n"); if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_score and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_score and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; $t_score = $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][score]; for ($c=$max; $c>=1; $c--) { if ( $t_score >= 10) { if ( 0 == ($c % 10)) { print "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/star10.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"10 Points\"></img>"; $t_score = $t_score - 10; } } else { if ( (0 == ($t_score % 2)) and $t_score > 0 ) { print "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/star.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"2 Points\"></img>"; } $t_score = $t_score - 1; } } print "</td>\n"; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; $sPopupDescription = fCleanDomTTContent($aFolderMatchSearch[$id][description]); if ($sPopupDescription == "") { $sPopupDescription = $owl_lang->no_description; } print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"browse.php?sess=$sess&parent=". $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id] . "&expand=1\""); print(" onmouseover=" . '"' . "return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', '" . $owl_lang->description . "', 'content', '" . $sPopupDescription . "', 'lifetime', 3000, 'fade', 'both', 'delay', 10, 'statusText', ' ', 'trail', true));" . '"'); print(">\n"); $name = find_path($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id], true); print("$hit. " . $name); print("</a>\n"); print("</td>\n"); } $GetItems = new Owl_DB; $iItemCount = 0; $iParent = $sql->f("parent"); $GetItems->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '" . $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id] . "'"); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { while ($GetItems->next_record()) { $bFileDownload = check_auth($GetItems->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid, false, false); if ($bFileDownload) { $iItemCount++; } } } else { $iItemCount = $GetItems->num_rows(); } $GetItems->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '" . $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id] . "'"); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { while ($GetItems->next_record()) { $bFileDownload = check_auth($GetItems->f("id"), "file_download", $userid, false, false); if ($bFileDownload) { $iItemCount++; } } } else { $iItemCount = $iItemCount + $GetItems->num_rows(); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); } if ($default->thumbnails == 1 and $default->thumbnails_small_width > 0) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 1) or ($default->colps_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\"> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print("<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_closed.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"browse.php?sess=$sess&parent=". $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id] . "&expand=$expand\""); print(" onmouseover=" . '"' . "return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', '" . $owl_lang->description . "', 'content', '" . $sPopupDescription . "', 'lifetime', 3000, 'fade', 'both', 'delay', 10, 'statusText', ' ', 'trail', true));" . '"'); print(">\n"); $name = find_path($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id], true); print($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][name]); print("</a>\n"); if ($iItemCount > 0) { print("<font color=\"blue\"> ($iItemCount)</font>"); } print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print(" "); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][creator]); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_updated and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_updated and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print(" "); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][modified]) + $default->time_offset); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print(" "); print("<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/16x16.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); if (check_auth($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id], "folder_delete", $userid, false, false) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_delete'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id]; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $url = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 2); print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\"\tonclick='return confirm(\"$owl_lang->reallydelete " . htmlspecialchars($sql->f("name"), ENT_QUOTES) . "?\");'><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/trash.gif\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_del_folder\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_del_folder\"\tborder=\"0' ></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); } if (check_auth($aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id], "folder_property", $userid, false, false) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_modify'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $aFolderMatchSearch[$fkey][id]; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $url = fGetURL ('modify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_mod_folder\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_mod_folder\"></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); } print("</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); $hit++; } } if(sizeof($files) > 0) { while($max > 0) { foreach(array_keys($files) as $key) { if($files[$key][score] == $max) { $iRealFileID = fGetPhysicalFileId($files[$key][id]); $name = find_path($files[$key][p], true)."/".$files[$key][n]; $filename = $files[$key][f]; $description = $files[$key][x]; $choped = split("\.", $filename); $pos = count($choped); if ( $pos > 1 ) { $ext = strtolower($choped[$pos-1]); } else { $ext = "NoExtension"; } if ($files[$key][id] != $iRealFileID) { $ext = $ext . "_lnk"; } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; print("<tr>\n"); if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_score and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_score and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; $t_score = $max; for ($c=$max; $c>=1; $c--) { if ( $t_score >= 10) { if ( 0 == ($c % 10)) { print "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/star10.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"10 Points\"></img>"; $t_score = $t_score - 10; } } else { if ( (0 == ($t_score % 2)) && $t_score > 0 ) { print "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/star.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"2 Points\"></img>"; } $t_score = $t_score - 1; } } print "</td>\n"; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; $sPopupDescription = fCleanDomTTContent($files[$key][x]); if ($sPopupDescription == "") { $sPopupDescription = $owl_lang->no_description; } print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"browse.php?sess=$sess&parent=". $files[$key][p] . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $files[$key][id] ."\""); print(" onmouseover=" . '"' . "return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', '" . $owl_lang->description . "', 'content', '" . $sPopupDescription . "', 'lifetime', 3000, 'fade', 'both', 'delay', 10, 'statusText', ' ', 'trail', true));" . '"'); print(">\n"); print($hit . ". " .$name); print("</a>\n"); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { $sZeroFilledId = str_pad($files[$key][id],$default->doc_id_num_digits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\" align=\"left\">"); print $default->doc_id_prefix . $sZeroFilledId; print("</td>\n"); } if ($default->thumbnails == 1 and $default->thumbnails_small_width > 0) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"); $sThumbUrl = $default->thumbnails_url . "/" . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_small.png"; $sThumbLoc = $default->thumbnails_location . "/" . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_small.png"; if (file_exists($sThumbLoc)) { print("<img src=\"$sThumbUrl\" border=\"1\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_thumb_small\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_thumb_small\"></img>"); } else { print(" \n"); } print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 1) or ($default->colps_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"); print("<table>\n"); fPrintCustomFields ($files[$key][doctype], $files[$key][id], 0, "visible", "readonly"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { //print "<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' width='16'>"; print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\" width=\"16\">"; if ($files[$key][u] == "1") { print("<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/url.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"); } else { $sDispIcon = $ext; if (!file_exists("$default->owl_fs_root/graphics/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon.gif")) { $sDispIcon = "file"; } print("<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"); } print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; if ($files[$key][u] == "1") { print "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$filename\" target=\"new\">".$filename."</a>"; } else { print "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"download.php?sess=$sess&id=".$files[$key][id]."&parent=".$files[$key][p]."\">".$filename."</a>"; } print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; if ($files[$key][u] == "1") { print(" "); } else { print("".gen_filesize($files[$key][s])); } print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $files[$key][id] . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname\">" . fid_to_creator($files[$key][id]) ."</a>"); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_updated and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_updated and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print("<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $files[$key][up_id] . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname\">" . uid_to_name($files[$key][up_id]) ."</a>"); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; print("".date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($files[$key][date]) + $default->time_offset)); print("</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_search_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print "<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"; printFileIcons($files[$key][id],$files[$key][f],$files[$key][c],$files[$key][u],$default->owl_version_control,$ext,$files[$key][p],false); print("</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); $hit++; } } $max--; } } } else { print "<div class=\"searchresult\">$owl_lang->search_results_for “".htmlspecialchars(str_replace('\\\\','\\', stripslashes(implode(" ", $query))))."”<br /><br /></div>"; print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); print("<tr>"); $iColspan = 0; if (($default->expand_search_disp_score and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_score and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_folder_path and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->owl_log_hd_fld_path</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->doc_number</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if ($default->thumbnails == 1 and $default->thumbnails_small_width > 0) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 1) or ($default->colps_search_disp_doc_fields and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->doc_fields</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\"> </td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->file</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->size</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->postedby</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_updated and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_updated and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->updated_by</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->modified</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } if (($default->expand_search_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_search_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class=\"title1\">$owl_lang->actions</td>\n"); $iColspan++; } print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr><td class=\"admin3\" colspan=\"$iColspan\" align=\"center\">"); print("$owl_lang->owl_log_no_rec</td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td colspan=\"$iColspan\" align=\"center\">"); print(" </td></tr>\n"); } } else { print("<p>" . $owl_lang->query_empty . "</p>"); } $keywords = str_replace("%", "*", $keywords); print("</table>"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); if ($default->show_search == 2 or $default->show_search == 3) { fPrintSpacer(); fPrintSearch(1); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 12); } if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); include($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/footer.inc"); ?>