File: acl_security.lib.php
<?php /* * acl_security.lib.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ defined( 'OWL_INCLUDE' ) or die( 'Access Denied' ); define('EVERYONE', '0'); define('PERMIT', '1'); define('DENY', '0'); // // This function is simple...it returns either a 1 or 0 // If the authentication is good, it returns 1 // If the authentication is bad, it returns 0 // function check_auth($id, $action, $checkuserid, $report = false, $recursive = true) { global $default; global $owl_lang; global $usergroupid, $userid; global $aMyGroupAdmin; if ($userid == $checkuserid) { $usergroup = $usergroupid; } else { $usergroup = owlusergroup($checkuserid); } //print(" FUNCTION CALLED: $action <br />"); //$filecreator = owlfilecreator($id); //$foldercreator = owlfoldercreator($id); $bCheckFolder = false; list($type, $sub) = split("_", $action); if ($type == "folder") { $bCheckFolder = true; } switch ($action) { case "folder_delete": case "file_delete": $acl = "owldelete"; break; case "folder_property": case "file_property": $acl = "owlproperties"; break; case "folder_cp": case "file_cp": $acl = "owlcopy"; break; case "folder_move": case "file_move": case "file_lnk": $acl = "owlmove"; break; case "folder_acl": $acl = "owlsetacl"; $sAclType = "SETTING_FILE_ACL"; break; case "file_acl": $acl = "owlsetacl"; $sAclType = "SETTING_FOLDER_ACL"; break; case "folder_view": case "file_download": $acl = "owlread"; break; case "folder_create": $acl = "owlwrite"; break; case "folder_monitor": case "file_monitor": $acl = "owlmonitor"; break; case "file_comment": $acl = "owlcomment"; break; case "file_update": $acl = "owlupdate"; break; case "file_log": $acl = "owlviewlog"; break; case "file_lock": $acl = "owlcheckin"; break; case "file_email": $acl = "owlemail"; break; case "file_all": $acl = "file_all"; break; default: $acl = ""; break; } /* $aAclList[] = "owlread"; $aAclList[] = "owlwrite"; $aAclList[] = "owlviewlog"; $aAclList[] = "owldelete"; $aAclList[] = "owlcopy"; $aAclList[] = "owlmove"; $aAclList[] = "owlproperties"; $aAclList[] = "owlupdate"; $aAclList[] = "owlcomment"; $aAclList[] = "owlcheckin"; $aAclList[] = "owlemail"; $aAclList[] = "owlrelsearch"; $aAclList[] = "owlsetacl"; $aAclList[] = "owlmonitor"; */ if ($bCheckFolder and empty($sAclType)) { $sAclType = "FOLDER"; } if (empty($sAclType)) { $sAclType = "FILE"; } if (fIsAdmin()) { $groups = array(); } else { $groups = array(); $groups = fGetGroups($checkuserid, $sAclType, $id); } if ($acl == "file_all") { $filegroup = owlfilegroup($id); if (in_array($filegroup, $aMyGroupAdmin)) //if (fIsGroupAdmin($checkuserid, $filegroup)) { $aFileAccess = array(); $aFileAccess['owlread'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlwrite'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlviewlog'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owldelete'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcopy'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlmove'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlproperties'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlupdate'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcomment'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcheckin'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlemail'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlrelsearch'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlsetacl'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlmonitor'] = 1; return $aFileAccess; } else { return fGetAllAclChecked($id, $groups ); } } if ($bCheckFolder) { if(owlfoldercreator($id) == $checkuserid) { return PERMIT; } $foldergroup = owlfoldergroup($id); if (in_array($folder, $aMyGroupAdmin)) //if (fIsGroupAdmin($checkuserid, $foldergroup)) { return PERMIT; } //foreach($groups as $g) //{ //$result = fGetFAclChecked($id, $g[0], $acl, "group"); $result = fGetFAclChecked($id, $groups, $acl, "group"); if(!empty($result)) { return PERMIT; } //} $result = fGetFAclChecked($id, $checkuserid, $acl, "user_or_everyone"); if(!empty($result)) { return PERMIT; } //$result = fGetFAclChecked($id, EVERYONE, $acl, "user"); //if(!empty($result)) //{ //return PERMIT; //} } else { if(owlfilecreator($id) == $checkuserid) { return PERMIT; } $filegroup = owlfilegroup($id); if (in_array($filegroup, $aMyGroupAdmin)) //if (fIsGroupAdmin($checkuserid, $filegroup)) { return PERMIT; } //foreach($groups as $g) //{ //$result = fGetAclChecked($id, $g[0], $acl, "group"); $result = fGetAclChecked($id, $groups, $acl, "group"); if(!empty($result)) { return PERMIT; } //} $result = fGetAclChecked($id, $checkuserid, $acl, "user_or_everyone"); if(!empty($result)) { return PERMIT; } // $result = fGetAclChecked($id, EVERYONE, $acl, "user"); //if(!empty($result)) //{ //return PERMIT; //} } if (fIsAdmin()) { if( !$report ) { return PERMIT; } } //print("DEBUG: ID: $id UID: $userid ACL: $acl <br />"); return DENY; } ?>