File: indexing.lib.php
<?php /** * indexing.lib.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: indexing.lib.php,v 2010/01/04 14:38:30 b0zz Exp $ */ defined( 'OWL_INCLUDE' ) or die( 'Access Denied' ); function DoesFileIDContainKeyword($fileid, $query) { global $default ,$cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } if (empty($query)) { $query = "1=1"; } $sql->query("SELECT owlfileid from $default->owl_searchidx where ($query) and owlfileid = '$fileid'"); return $sql->num_rows(); } function IndexATextFile($filename, $owlfileid) { global $default, $owl_lang; $fileidnum = $owlfileid; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_wordidx"); //Import all words and indexes $nextwordindex = 0; $wordindex = array(); while ($sql->next_record()) // this may get ugly, we could have 100K words and indexes, they gotta go into memory. { $wordindex[$sql->f("word")] = $sql->f("wordid"); if ($sql->f("wordid") > $nextwordindex) { $nextwordindex = $sql->f("wordid"); //get largest word index in table } } $nextwordindex++; // Note: again, here we've just read in the big wordidx, we should index as many // files as possible while we have this index in memory, here we // only index a single filename, but if someone wants to greatly improve performance, // index an array of filenames here... if (file_exists($filename)) { $fp = fopen($filename, "rb"); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 1024); $line = strtolower($line); $line = strip_tags($line); // this line added to deal with WORD Tables $line = str_replace("|", " ",$line); // remove long _____________________________ lines $line = preg_replace('*__*', '', $line); //$wordtemp = preg_split("/\W/", $line); //split line into words a word is any # of A-Za-z's separated by somethign not a-zA-Z $wordtemp = preg_split("/\s+/", $line); //split line into words a word is any # of A-Za-z's separated by somethign not a-zA-Z if (!isset($wordtemp)) continue; foreach($wordtemp as $wd) { $wd = fReplaceSpecial($wd); $wd = stripslashes(fOwl_ereg_replace("[$default->list_of_chars_to_remove_from_wordidx]","",str_replace("]", "", str_replace("[", "",$wd)))); if (strlen(trim($wd)) > 0 and strlen(trim($wd)) < 128) { $words[$wd]++; //keep a count of how often each word is seen //print("WORDS: $words[$wd] ---- "); if ($words[$wd] == 1) // if this is the first time we've seen this word in this document... { if ($wordindex[$wd]) // if this word was already in the wordidx table... { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_searchidx VALUES('$wordindex[$wd]','$fileidnum')"); //add a searchidx table entry for this fileidnum (owlidnum) } else // if word not in word index, add to both wordidx and searchidx { if (!empty($default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx)) { array($WordList); $WordList = $default->words_to_exclude_from_wordidx; $checkword = str_replace("+", "\+", $wd); $checkword = str_replace("'", "\'", $checkword); $checkword = str_replace("{", "\{", $checkword); $checkword = str_replace("}", "\}", $checkword); $checkword = str_replace("(", "\(", $checkword); $checkword = str_replace(")", "\)", $checkword); if (!(preg_grep("/$checkword/", $WordList))) { $wordindex[$wd] = $nextwordindex; //first remember this word as being in the wordindex $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_searchidx values('$wordindex[$wd]', '$fileidnum')"); //add pointer to owlidnum for this wordindexnum $wd = addslashes($wd); $sql->query("SELECT wordid from $default->owl_wordidx where word = '$wd'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ( $numrows == 0 ) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_wordidx values('$nextwordindex', '$wd')"); $nextwordindex++; } } } else { $wordindex[$wd] = $nextwordindex; //first remember this word as being in the wordindex $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_searchidx values('$wordindex[$wd]', '$fileidnum')"); //add pointer to owlidnum for this wordindexnum $wd = addslashes($wd); $sql->query("SELECT wordid from $default->owl_wordidx where word = '$wd'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ( $numrows == 0 ) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_wordidx values('$nextwordindex', '$wd')"); $nextwordindex++; } } } } //if first instance of this word... } } //for each word } //while!feof } else { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: $owl_lang->err_file_indexing"); } } } function IndexABigString($bigstring, $owlfileid) { global $default; $fileidnum = $owlfileid; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_wordidx"); //Import all words and indexes $nextwordindex = 0; $wordindex = array(); while ($sql->next_record()) // this may get ugly, we could have 100K words and indexes, they gotta go into memory. { $wordindex[$sql->f("word")] = $sql->f("wordid"); if ($sql->f("wordid") > $nextwordindex) { $nextwordindex = $sql->f("wordid"); //get largest word index in table } } $nextwordindex++; // Note: again, here we've just read in the big wordidx, we should index as many // files as possible while we have this index in memory, here we // only index a single filename, but if someone wants to greatly improve performance, // index an array of filenames here... $wordtemp = preg_split("/\s+/", strtolower($bigstring)); //split line into words a word is any # of A-Za-z's separated by somethign not a-zA-Z if (!isset($wordtemp)) return; foreach($wordtemp as $wd) { $wd = fOwl_ereg_replace("[$default->list_of_chars_to_remove_from_wordidx]","",$wd); if (strlen(trim($wd)) > 0 and strlen(trim($wd)) < 128) { $words[$wd]++; //keep a count of how often each word is seen //print("WORDS: $words[$wd] ---- "); if ($words[$wd] == 1) // if this is the first time we've seen this word in this document... { if ($wordindex[$wd]) // if this word was already in the wordidx table... { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_searchidx values('$wordindex[$wd]','$fileidnum')"); //add a searchidx table entry for this fileidnum (owlidnum) } else // if word not in word index, add to both wordidx and searchidx { $wordindex[$wd] = $nextwordindex; //first remember this word as being in the wordindex $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_searchidx values('$wordindex[$wd]', '$fileidnum')"); //add pointer to owlidnum for this wordindexnum $wd = addslashes($wd); $sql->query("SELECT wordid from $default->owl_wordidx where word = '$wd'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ( $numrows == 0 ) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_wordidx values('$nextwordindex', '$wd')"); $nextwordindex++; } } } //if first instance of this word... } } //for each word } // When a file gets delete/removed, this should be called to update the indexing // tables function fDeleteFileIndexID($fidtoremove) { global $default; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_searchidx where owlfileid = '$fidtoremove'"); // Note, I'm leaving the wordidx table alone, it can only grow so large as // there are only so many words in the language, will make indexing future items a bit faster methinks } /** * Indexes a file, if we know how * * @param mixed $new_name * @param mixed $newpath * @param mixed $id * * @return null if the path hasn't changed, or otherwise the new temporary file. This should be cleaned after copying. */ function fIndexAFile($new_name, $newpath, $id) { global $default, $sess, $index_file; //fOwlWebDavLog ("OWL -> fIndexAFile", "Indexed FILE: $new_name path: $newpath index: $index_file"); if ($default->turn_file_index_off == 1) { return true; } if ($index_file != "1") { return null; } $return_value_for_function = null; // IF the file was inserted in the database now INDEX it for SEARCH. $sSearchExtension = fFindFileExtension($new_name); switch( strtolower($sSearchExtension) ) { //********************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************** // PDF Files with Images // // Images in PDF file could be extracted with pdfimage (Standard with Fedora Core 4 xpdf package) // and then use GOCR to OCR the images. // // nightmare::/mnt has the rpm for gocr // //********************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************** case 'pdf': { if( !file_exists($default->pdftotext_path) ) { break; } //$command = escapeshellarg($default->pdftotext_path) . ' "' . $newpath . '" "' . $default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text"'; $command = escapeshellcmd($default->pdftotext_path) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($newpath) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); $last_line = system($command, $retval); if ($retval > 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { switch ($retval) { case "1": $sPdfError = "Error opening a PDF file. (Not A PDF File?)"; break; case "2": $sPdfError = "Error opening an ouput file. ($default->owl_tmpdir Writeable by the webserver?)"; break; } printError('DEBUG: Indexing PDF File \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError. "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } } IndexATextFile($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text', $id); unlink($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); } break; case 'doc': { if ( !file_exists($default->wordtotext_path) ) { break; } //$command = escapeshellarg($default->wordtotext_path) . ' ' . $default->wordtotext_switches . ' "' . escapeshellcmd($newpath) . '" > "' . escapeshellcmd($default->owl_tmpdir) . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text"'; $command = escapeshellcmd($default->wordtotext_path) . ' ' . $default->wordtotext_switches . ' ' . escapeshellarg($newpath) . ' > ' . escapeshellarg($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); $last_line = system($command, $retval); if ($retval > 0) { // If it failed maybe this is a RTF file lets try it: if (file_exists($default->rtftotext_path)) { $command1 = escapeshellarg($default->rtftotext_path) . " --text " . ' "' . $newpath . '" > "' . $default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text"'; $last_line1 = system($command1, $retval1); if ($retval1 > 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { $sPdfError1 = "Return: $retval1 $last_line1"; printError('DEBUG: Indexing MS WORD File \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError. "<br />COMMAND: $command<br /><br />" . 'DEBUG: Indexing RTFFile \'' . $newpath1 . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError1 . "<br />COMMAND: $command1"); } } } else { if ($default->debug == true) { $sPdfError = "Return: $retval $last_line"; printError('DEBUG: Indexing MS WORD File \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError. "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } } } IndexATextFile($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text', $id); unlink($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); } break; case 'rtf': { if ( !file_exists($default->rtftotext_path) ) { break; } $command = escapeshellarg($default->rtftotext_path) . " --text " . ' "' . $newpath . '" > "' . $default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text"'; $last_line = system($command, $retval); if ($retval > 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { $sPdfError = "Return: $retval $last_line"; printError('DEBUG: Indexing RTFFile \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError . "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } } IndexATextFile($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text', $id); unlink($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); } break; case 'xlsx': { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $archive = new PclZip($newpath); $aListOfFiles = $archive->listContent(); while ($aFileDetails = current($aListOfFiles)) { if($aFileDetails["filename"] == "xl/sharedStrings.xml") { $iContentFileIndex = $aFileDetails["index"]; break; } next($aListOfFiles); } if ($archive->extractByIndex($iContentFileIndex, $tmpDir) == 0 and $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true), "N: $newpath P: $tmpDir"); } else { $text = file_get_contents("$tmpDir/xl/sharedStrings.xml"); $text = fOwl_ereg_replace('</t>', "</t>\n", $text); $fp = fopen($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", "w"); fwrite($fp, strip_tags($text)); fclose($fp); IndexATextFile($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", $id); } myDelete($tmpDir); } break; case 'ppt': { if ( !file_exists($default->ppttotext_path) ) { break; } $command = escapeshellarg($default->ppttotext_path) . " " . ' "' . $newpath . '" > "' . $default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text"'; $last_line = system($command, $retval); if ($retval > 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { $sPdfError = "Return: $retval $last_line"; printError('DEBUG: Indexing PPT File \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $sPdfError . "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } } IndexATextFile($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text', $id); unlink($default->owl_tmpdir . DIR_SEP . $new_name . '.text'); } break; case 'pptx': { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $archive = new PclZip($newpath); $aListOfFiles = $archive->listContent(); //print("<pre>"); //print_r($afileDetails); //print("LIST OF FILES"); //print_r($aListOfFiles); $fp = fopen($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", "w"); while ($aFileDetails = current($aListOfFiles)) { if( ( preg_match('/^ppt\/slides\//', $aFileDetails["filename"]) and preg_match('/xml?/', $aFileDetails["filename"]) and ! preg_match('/^ppt\/slides\/_/', $aFileDetails["filename"])) OR ( preg_match('/^ppt\/notesSlides\//', $aFileDetails["filename"]) and preg_match('/xml?/', $aFileDetails["filename"]) and ! preg_match('/^ppt\/notesSlides\/_/', $aFileDetails["filename"])) ) { //print("FILE: " . $aFileDetails["filename"]); //print("[ EXTRACTED ]"); $iContentFileIndex = $aFileDetails["index"]; if ($archive->extractByIndex($iContentFileIndex, $tmpDir) == 0 and $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true), "N: $newpath P: $tmpDir"); } else { $text = file_get_contents($tmpDir . DIR_SEP . $aFileDetails["filename"]); fwrite($fp, strip_tags($text)); } } next($aListOfFiles); } fclose($fp); IndexATextFile($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", $id); myDelete($tmpDir); } break; case 'docx': { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $archive = new PclZip($newpath); $aListOfFiles = $archive->listContent(); while ($aFileDetails = current($aListOfFiles)) { if($aFileDetails["filename"] == "word/document.xml") { $iContentFileIndex = $aFileDetails["index"]; break; } next($aListOfFiles); } if ($archive->extractByIndex($iContentFileIndex, $tmpDir) == 0 and $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true), "N: $newpath P: $tmpDir"); } else { $text = file_get_contents("$tmpDir/word/document.xml"); $fp = fopen($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", "w"); fwrite($fp, strip_tags($text)); fclose($fp); IndexATextFile($tmpDir ."/document.xml.text", $id); } myDelete($tmpDir); } break; case 'sxw': case 'odt': { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $archive = new PclZip($newpath); $aListOfFiles = $archive->listContent(); while ($aFileDetails = current($aListOfFiles)) { if($aFileDetails["filename"] == "content.xml") { $iContentFileIndex = $aFileDetails["index"]; break; } next($aListOfFiles); } if ($archive->extractByIndex($iContentFileIndex, $tmpDir) == 0 and $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true), "N: $newpath P: $tmpDir"); } else { $text = file_get_contents("$tmpDir/content.xml"); $fp = fopen($tmpDir ."/content.xml.text", "w"); fwrite($fp, strip_tags($text)); fclose($fp); IndexATextFile($tmpDir ."/content.xml.text", $id); } myDelete($tmpDir); } break; case 'xls': { $xlwords = ''; require_once($default->owl_fs_root . '/scripts/Excel/reader.php'); $xl = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $xl->read($newpath); for ($k = count($xl->sheets)-1; $k>=0; $k--) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $xl->sheets[$k]['numRows']; $i++) { for ($j = 1; $j <= $xl->sheets[$k]['numCols']; $j++) { $xlwords .= $xl->sheets[$k]['cells'][$i][$j] . ' '; } } } $xlwords = preg_replace('# +#si',' ',$xlwords); $xlwords = preg_replace('# $#si','',$xlwords); //$xlwords = utf8_encode($xlwords); IndexABigString($xlwords, $id); } break; case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': case 'png': case 'ppm': case 'psd': case 'bmp': case 'tiff': case 'tif': case 'swf': case 'tga': case 'xpm': { if (!file_exists($default->ocr_path) ) { break; } $cleanup = array(); $temp_file = $newpath; if ( file_exists($default->thumbnails_tool_path) ) { // Convert to non-compressed, greyscale bmp: $temp_file = tempnam($default->owl_tmpdir, 'TESSERACT'); $cleanup[] = $temp_file; $temp_file .= '.tif'; $cleanup[] = $temp_file; $command = $default->thumbnails_tool_path . " \"{$newpath}\" -colorspace gray \"{$temp_file}\" 2>&1"; $last_line = system($command, $retval); if ( $retval > 0 ) { if ( $default->debug == true ) { printError('DEBUG: Indexing picture \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $last_line. "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } $temp_file = $newpath; // reset... } } // Now OCR it... $tesseract_result = "{$default->owl_tmpdir}/{$new_name}"; $command = $default->ocr_path . " \"{$temp_file}\" \"{$tesseract_result}\" 2>&1"; $tesseract_result .= '.txt'; $cleanup[] = $tesseract_result; @shell_exec($command); if ( !file_exists($tesseract_result) ) { if ( $default->debug == true ) { printError('DEBUG: (tesseract) Indexing picture \'' . $newpath . '\' Failed:' , $last_line. "<br />COMMAND: $command"); } } else { IndexATextFile($tesseract_result, $id); } foreach( $cleanup as $file ) { @unlink($file); } } break; # C/C++ sources case 'idl': case 'odl': case 'odh': case 'tlh': case 'tli': case 'vsz': case 'vsprops': case 'i': case 'cod': case 'def': case 'inl': case 'mak': case 'mk': case 'snippet': case 'c': case 'cpp': case 'cxx': case 'cc': case 'h': case 'hpp': case 'hxx': # Assembler sources case 'asm': case 'lst': case 's': # HTML case 'html': case 'htm': case 'js': case 'css': case 'plg': case 'shtml': case 'xht': case 'xhtml': # PHP case 'php': case 'inc': case 'php3': case 'php4': case 'php5': case 'tpl': # Perl case 'pl': # XML case 'xml': case 'rels': case 'xslt': case 'wsdl': # General purpose files case 'txt': case 'text': case 'csv': case 'diff': case 'patch': case 'dic': case 'exc': case 'log': case 'eml': case 'msg': case 'ics': case 'vcs': case 'ini': case 'inf': case 'ins': case 'isp': case 'lic': case 'nfo': case 'pls': case 'scp': case 'sct': case 'vbs': case 'wsc': case 'wsf': case 'wsh': case 'wri': case 'wtx': { IndexATextFile($newpath, $id); } break; } // End switch extension return $return_value_for_function; } function fReplaceSpecial($sString) { $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("À", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("à", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Á", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("á", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Â", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("â", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ã", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ã", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ä", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ä", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Å", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("å", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Æ", "a", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("æ", "a", $sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[Çç]", "c", $wd); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ç", "c", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ç", "c", $sString); //$sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[ÈèÉéÊêËë]", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("È", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("è", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("É", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("é", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ê", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ê", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ë", "e", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ë", "e", $sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[ÌìÍíÎîÏï]", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ì", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ì", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Í", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("í", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Î", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("î", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ï", "i", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ï", "i", $sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[Ññ]", "n", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ñ", "n", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ñ", "n", $sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[ÒòÓóÔôÕõÖöØø]", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ò", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ò", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ó", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ó", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ô", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ô", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Õ", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("õ", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ö", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ö", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ø", "o",$sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ø", "o",$sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[ÙùÚúÛûÜü]", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ù", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ù", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ú", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ú", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Û", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("û", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ü", "u", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ü", "u", $sString); // $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("[Ýýÿ]", "y", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("Ý", "y", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ý", "y", $sString); $sString = fOwl_ereg_replace("ÿ", "y", $sString); return $sString; } ?>