File: owl.lib.php
<?php /** * owl.lib.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: owl.lib.php,v 1.4 2010/01/08 13:39:54 b0zz Exp $ */ defined( 'OWL_INCLUDE' ) or die( 'Access Denied' ); require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/indexing.lib.php"); require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/scripts/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); if (file_exists($default->owl_fs_root ."/install")) { die("Please Remove the Intall Directory"); } if ($default->debug == true) { // error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); // I think we have a bit of work to get Owl to run with E_NOTICE turned On ;-( error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); } else { error_reporting (0); } // // Support for reg.globals off // // Support for reg.globals off if (!EMPTY($_POST)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($_POST)); } else if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($HTTP_POST_VARS)); } if (!EMPTY($_GET)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($_GET)); } else if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($HTTP_GET_VARS)); } if (!EMPTY($_FILE)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($_FILE)); } else if (!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { extract(fMagicQuotes($HTTP_POST_FILES)); } // Sanitize the sessions for tampering / XSS $username = strip_tags($username); if (strlen($username) > 20) { $username=""; } if (!is_numeric($filter)) { $filter=""; } if (isset($id) and !is_numeric($id)) { $aListofID = unserialize(stripslashes($id)); if (!is_array($aListofID)) { // someone tapered with the ID? /// redirect to browse Page $id=0; $action=""; } } if ($default->force_ssl == "1") { if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] !== "443" || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== "on") { header("Location: https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ."?sess=$sess"); exit; } } require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/sort.lib.php"); if(!empty($_GET[currentdb])) { $default->owl_current_db = $_GET[currentdb]; } else { if(!empty($_POST[currentdb])) { $default->owl_current_db = $_POST[currentdb]; } else { if(empty($default->owl_current_db)) { $default->owl_current_db = 0; } } } if (!isset($sess)) { if (!isset($_COOKIE["owl_sessid"])) { $sess = 0; } else { $sess = $_COOKIE["owl_sessid"]; } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE["owl_sessid"])) { $sess = $_COOKIE["owl_sessid"]; } } // Sanitize the sessions for tampering $sess = fOwl_ereg_replace(" ", "", $sess); if (! ereg("^[a-fA-F0-9]", $sess)) { $sess="1"; } if (strlen($sess) > 32) { $sess="1"; } if(!isset($default->owl_FileDir)) { $default->owl_FileDir = $default->owl_db_FileDir[$default->owl_default_db]; } if (empty($parent) || !is_numeric($parent)) { $parent = $default->HomeDir; } if (!isset($expand) or !is_numeric($expand)) { $expand = $default->expand; } if (empty($curview) || !is_numeric($curview)) { $curview = 0; } if (!isset($loginname)) { $loginname = 0; } if (!isset($login)) { $login = 0; } class Owl_DB extends DB_Sql { var $classname = "Owl_DB"; // BEGIN wes changes -- moved these settings to config/owl.php // Server where the database resides var $Host = ""; // Database name var $Database = ""; // User to access database var $User = ""; // Password for database var $Password = ""; function Owl_DB() { global $default; if(!isset($default->owl_current_db)) { $db = $default->owl_default_db; } else { $db = $default->owl_current_db; } $this->Host = $default->owl_db_host[$db]; $this->Database = $default->owl_db_name[$db]; $this->User = $default->owl_db_user[$db]; $this->Password = $default->owl_db_pass[$db]; //$this->Host = $default->owl_db_host[0]; //$this->Database = $default->owl_db_name[0]; //$this->User = $default->owl_db_user[0]; //$this->Password = $default->owl_db_pass[0]; } // END wes changes function haltmsg($msg) { printf("</td></table><b>$owl_lang->err_database:</b> %s<br>\n", $msg); printf("<b>$owl_lang->err_sql</b>: %s (%s)<br>\n", $this->Errno, $this->Error); } } if(!empty($sess)) { foreach ( $default->owl_db_id as $database ) { $default->owl_current_db = $database; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table where sessid = '$sess'"); $sql->next_record(); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ($numrows == 1) { break; } $default->owl_current_db = null; } } global $cCommonDBConnection; $cCommonDBConnection = new Owl_DB; $cCommonDBConnection->connect(); $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } getprefs(); getuserprefs(); // // Set the language from default or from the users file. // NOTE: the messages here cannot be internationalized // if (!isset($default->sButtonStyle)) { $default->sButtonStyle = $default->system_ButtonStyle; } gethtmlprefs(); if (isset($default->owl_lang)) { $langdir = "$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang"; if (is_dir("$langdir") != 1) { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>Path to the 'locale' directory was Not found: $langdir</center></font>"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table where sessid = '$sess'"); $sql->next_record(); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); $getuid = $sql->f("usid"); if ($numrows == 1) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$getuid'"); $sql->next_record(); $language = $sql->f("language"); $default->sButtonStyle = $sql->f("buttonstyle"); if (!$language) { $language = $default->owl_lang; } if (file_exists("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc")) { if (is_readable("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc")) { require_once("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc"); $default->owl_lang = $language; if (!empty($owl_lang->charset)) { $default->charset = $owl_lang->charset; } $default->auth_type[0][0] = "0"; $default->auth_type[0][1] = $owl_lang->auth_owl; $default->auth_type[1][0] = "1"; $default->auth_type[1][1] = $owl_lang->auth_http; $default->auth_type[2][0] = "2"; $default->auth_type[2][1] = $owl_lang->auth_pop3; $default->auth_type[3][0] = "3"; $default->auth_type[3][1] = $owl_lang->auth_ldap; $default->auth_type[4][0] = "4"; $default->auth_type[4][1] = $owl_lang->auth_radius; } else { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>The webserver does not have read access to: <br />The Language file '$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc' <br />Please fix the permissions and try again</center></font>"); } } else { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>The Language file '$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc' does not exists.</center></font>"); } } else { if ($sess == 0) { $language = $default->owl_lang; } if (file_exists("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang/language.inc")) { if (is_readable("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang/language.inc")) { require_once("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang/language.inc"); } else { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>The webserver does not have read access to: <br />The Language file '$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang/language.inc'. <br />Please fix the permissions and try again</center></font>"); } } else { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>The Language file '$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$default->owl_lang/language.inc' does not exists.</center></font>"); } } } } else { die("<br /><font size='4'><center>Unable to find language, please specify in config/owl.php.</center></font>"); } class Owl_Session { var $sessid; var $sessuid; var $sessdata; function Open_Session($sessid = 0, $sessuid = 0) { global $default; global $rememberme; $this->sessid = $sessid; $this->sessuid = $sessuid; if ($sessid == "0") // if there is no user loged in, then create a session for them { $current = time(); $random = $this->sessuid . $current; $this->sessid = md5($random); $OpenSess = new Owl_DB; $ip = fGetClientIP(); if (!$default->active_session_ip) { $ip = 0; } if ($rememberme == 1) { $current = time() +60*60*24*$default->cookie_timeout; } if (empty($_POST[currentdb])) { $iCurrentDB = "0"; } else { $iCurrentDB = $_POST[currentdb]; } // Clean up the Old sessions before a new one is created // this is in case the user deleted his cookie, but the active session // is still in the sessions table if ($rememberme == 1 and $default->remember_me) { $OpenSess->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_sessions_table where usid = '$this->sessuid' and currentdb = '$iCurrentDB'"); } $CheckSess = new Owl_DB; $CheckSess->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_sessions_table WHERE sessid = '$this->sessid' and usid = '$this->sessuid'"); // any matching session ids? $numrows = $CheckSess->num_rows($CheckSess); if (!$numrows) { $result = $OpenSess->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_sessions_table VALUES ('$this->sessid', '$this->sessuid', '$current', '$ip', '$iCurrentDB')"); if (!$result) { die("$owl_lang->err_sess_write"); } } if ($rememberme == 1 and $default->remember_me) { setcookie("owl_dbid", $iCurrentDB, time()+60*60*24*$default->cookie_timeout); setcookie ("owl_sessid", $this->sessid, time()+60*60*24*$default->cookie_timeout); } } // else we have a session id, try to validate it... $CheckSess->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_sessions_table WHERE sessid = '$this->sessid'"); // any matching session ids? $numrows = $CheckSess->num_rows($CheckSess); if (!$numrows) die("$owl_lang->err_sess_notvalid"); // return if we are a.o.k. while ($CheckSess->next_record()) { $this->sessdata["sessid"] = $CheckSess->f("sessid"); } return $this; } } function delFile($id, $action, $historical = 0) { global $default, $userid, $parent, $order, $sortorder, $sortname; global $owl_lang, $self, $usergroupid; if (check_auth($id, "file_delete", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; if ($type == "url") { $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); $filesize = $sql->f("f_size"); $owner = $sql->f("creatorid"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($filesize, $owner, "DEL"); if (fIsQuotaEnabled($owner)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$owner'"); } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if (file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename)) { // This is where we move the file to // the trash can if ($default->collect_trash == 1) { $sTrashDir = explode('/', $path); $sCreatePath = $default->trash_can_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } foreach($sTrashDir as $sDir) { $sCreatePath .= DIR_SEP . $sDir; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } } if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { //$sTrashSource = escapeshellcmd($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename); //$sTrashDest = escapeshellcmd($default->trash_can_location . "/" . $default->owl_current_db . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename); $sTrashSource = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $sTrashDest = $default->trash_can_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $cmd = "mv " . "\"" . $sTrashSource . "\" \"" . $sTrashDest . "\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_general, $result); } } else { copy("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$filename", "$default->trash_can_location/$default->owl_current_db/$path/$filename"); unlink($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename); } } else { unlink($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename); } } owl_syslog(FILE_DELETED, $userid, $filename, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); if (file_exists($default->thumbnails_location)) { $handle = opendir($default->thumbnails_location); while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { //print("F: $file Sub:" . substr($file, 0, 3) . "<br />"); list($sThumbFileDb, $sThumbFileId, $sThumbFileName) = split("_", $file); $sDelFileCheck = $sThumbFileDb . "_". $sThumbFileId; if ($sDelFileCheck == $default->owl_current_db . "_" .$id) { unlink($default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP .$file); } } } if ($action == "file_delete" or $action == "Delete Selected") { notify_users($usergroupid, 3, $id); } $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); // Clean up all monitored files with that id $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_comment_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table WHERE file_id = '$id'"); // Clean up all linked files $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE linkedto = '$id'"); // Clean up all linked files $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_peerreview_table WHERE file_id = '$id'"); // Clean up all Acls for this file $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id = '$id'"); // Clean up all Acls for this file $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_file_hash_table where file_id = '$id'"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for this file fDeleteFileIndexID($id); // Clean up all previous versions as well $sql->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' and parent='$parent'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $backup_parent = $sql->f("id"); } $aFirstpExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension ($filename); $firstpart = $aFirstpExtension[0]; $file_extension = $aFirstpExtension[1]; $Quota = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE (filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\\_%" . $file_extension . "' AND parent = '$backup_parent') OR (filename = '$filename'AND parent = '$parent') order by major_revision desc, minor_revision desc"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); $major_revision = $sql->f("major_revision"); $minor_revision = $sql->f("minor_revision"); //if (preg_match('/'.$firstpart.'_\d+-\d+'.$file_extension.'/', $filename)) if ($filename == $firstpart.'_'.$major_revision.'-'.$minor_revision.".".$file_extension) { owl_syslog(FILE_DELETED, $userid, $filename, $parent, $path, "FILE"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for the Backup files fDeleteFileIndexID($sql->f("id")); // Update the Quota for the Backup files if (fIsQuotaEnabled($sql->f("creatorid"))) { $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($sql->f("f_size"), $sql->f("creatorid"), "DEL"); $Quota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '". $sql->f("creatorid") . "'"); } if (file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename)) { if ($default->collect_trash == 1) { $sTrashDir = explode('/', $path); $sCreatePath = $default->trash_can_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } foreach($sTrashDir as $sDir) { $sCreatePath .= DIR_SEP . $sDir ; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } } if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "mv " . "\"" . $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename . "\" \"" . $default->trash_can_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename . "\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) printError($owl_lang->err_general, $result); } else { rename("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$filename", "$default->trash_can_location/$default->owl_current_db/$path/$filename"); } } else { unlink($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename); } $Quota->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE (filename = '$filename' AND parent = '$backup_parent')"); } } else { owl_syslog(FILE_CHANGED, $userid, $filename, $parent, $firstpart.'_'.$major_revision.'-'.$minor_revision.$file_extension, "FILE"); } //$sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE (filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\_%" . $file_extension . "' AND parent = '$backup_parent') OR (filename = '$filename'AND parent = '$parent')"); } } } else { $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); // Clean up all monitored files with that id $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id = '$id'"); $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_comment_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table WHERE file_id = '$id'"); // Clean up all linked files $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE linkedto = '$id'"); // Clean up all linked files $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id = '$id'"); $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_peerreview_table WHERE file_id = '$id'"); $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_file_hash_table where file_id = '$id'"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for this file fDeleteFileIndexID($id); owl_syslog(FILE_DELETED, $userid, $filename, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); } sleep(.5); } if (fid_to_name($parent) == "$default->version_control_backup_dir_name" and $self == "log") { $parent = owlfolderparent($parent); } if ($historical == 0) { displayBrowsePage($parent); } } else { if ($action == "file_delete") { printError($owl_lang->err_nofiledelete); } } } function fCheckIfReviewer ($file_id) { global $default, $userid; $dbCheck = new Owl_DB; $dbCheck->query("SELECT file_id from $default->owl_peerreview_table where reviewer_id = '$userid' and file_id = '$file_id' "); if ($dbCheck->num_rows() > 0) { return true; } return false; } function fIsDocApproved ($reviewers) { global $default, $owl_lang; if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { $iOneWasFound = false; if (isset($reviewers)) { foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if (is_numeric($iReviewerId)) { $iOneWasFound = true; } } if ($default->document_peer_review_optional == 1 and $iOneWasFound === false) { $iDocApproved = 1; } else { if ($iOneWasFound === false) { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { unlink($newpath); } printError($owl_lang->err_select_reviewer); } else { $iDocApproved = 0; } } } else { if ($default->document_peer_review_optional == 1 and $iOneWasFound === false) { $iDocApproved = 1; } else { $iDocApproved = 0; } } } else { $iDocApproved = 1; } return $iDocApproved; } function fCountFileType ($id, $type) { global $default, $userid; $GetItems = new Owl_DB; $GetItems->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE url = '$type' AND parent = '$id' AND approved = '1'"); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { while ($GetItems->next_record()) { $bFileDownload = check_auth($GetItems->f("id"), "file_download", $userid, false, false); if ($bFileDownload) { $iFileCount++; } } } else { $iFileCount = $GetItems->num_rows(); } return $iFileCount; } // -------------------------------- function check_for_sess ($uid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $mysess = 0; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table where usid = '$uid' and ip = '0' ORDER BY lastused ASC"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $time = time(); if (($time - $sql->f("lastused")) <= $default->owl_timeout) { $mysess = $sql->f("sessid"); if (!($default->remember_me)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_sessions_table set lastused = '$time' where sessid = '$mysess'"); } break; } } if ($mysess == 0) { $session = new Owl_Session; $userid = $session->Open_Session(0, $uid); $mysess = $userid->sessdata["sessid"]; $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_sessions_table set ip = '0' where sessid = '$mysess'"); } return $mysess; } function notify_file_owner($iFileId, $comment) { global $default, $userid; //global $owl_lang; $sql = new Owl_DB; $getuser = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$iFileId'"); $sql->next_record(); $iCreatorId = $sql->f("creatorid"); $sFileName = $sql->f("filename"); $iParent = $sql->f("parent"); $dNow = $sql->now(); $getuser->query("SELECT language, email,comment_notify,name from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$iCreatorId' and disabled = '0' and (expire_account = '' or expire_account is NULL or expire_account > $dNow)"); $getuser->next_record(); if ($getuser->f("comment_notify") == 1 and $userid <> $iCreatorId) { $language = $getuser->f("language"); if (empty($language)) { $language = $default->owl_lang; } if (file_exists("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc")) { include("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/language.inc"); } $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(NEW_COMMENT, $iFileId ); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_COMMENT\%", $comment, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_COMMENT\%", $comment, $aBody['TXT'] ); $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->SetLanguage($owl_lang->lang_code, "scripts/phpmailer/language/"); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } if (isset($default->smtp_port)) { $mail->Port = $default->smtp_port; } if ($default->use_smtp_ssl) { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } $mail->CharSet = "$owl_lang->charset"; // set the email charset to the language file charset $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $mail->AddAddress($getuser->f("email")); $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = $default->owl_email_subject . " " . $aBody['SUBJECT']; $mail->Body = $aBody['HTML']; $mail->altBody = $aBody['TXT']; if (!$mail->Send() && $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } } } function notify_monitored_folders ($parent, $filename) { global $default, $userid; //global $owl_lang; $sql = new Owl_DB; $getuser = new Owl_DB; // For each user that want to receive notification of an UPDATE of this file if ($default->owl_monitor_subfolders) { $sql->query(get_parents_sql($parent, $filename)); } else { $sql->query("SELECT f.id, fid, name, description, parent, userid, filename from $default->owl_files_table f, $default->owl_monitored_folder_table m where f.filename = '$filename' and f.parent = '$parent' and m.fid = '$parent'"); } $dNow = $sql->now(); while ($sql->next_record()) { $CurrentUser = $sql->f("userid"); $getuser->query("SELECT id, email,language,attachfile from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$CurrentUser' and disabled = '0' and (expire_account = '' or expire_account is NULL or expire_account > $dNow)"); $getuser->next_record(); if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "file_download", $getuser->f("id")) == 1 and $getuser->f("id") != $userid) { // END BUG 548994 More Below $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); // $newpath = ereg_replace(" ","%20",$path); $newpath = $path; // $newfilename = ereg_replace(" ","%20",$sql->f("filename")); $newfilename = $sql->f("filename"); $DefUserLang = $getuser->f("language"); if(empty($DefUserLang)) { $DefUserLang = $default->owl_lang; } require("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$DefUserLang/language.inc"); $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $getuser->f("email")); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) { if ($default->generate_notify_link_session == '1') { $tempsess = check_for_sess($getuser->f("id")); } else { $tempsess = "0"; } $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->SetLanguage($owl_lang->lang_code, "scripts/phpmailer/language/"); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } if (isset($default->smtp_port)) { $mail->Port = $default->smtp_port; } if ($default->use_smtp_ssl) { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } $mail->CharSet = "$owl_lang->charset"; // set the email charset to the language file charset $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $mail->AddAddress($email); $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "$default->owl_email_subject $owl_lang->notif_subject_monitor"; if ($type != "url") { if ($getuser->f("attachfile") == 1) { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); $sFsPath = fCreateWaterMark($sql->f("id")); if (! $sFsPath === false) { $sAttachPath = $sFsPath; } else { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $sAttachPath = fGetFileFromDatbase($fid); } else { $sAttachPath = "$default->owl_FileDir/$newpath/$newfilename"; } } if (filesize($sAttachPath) > $default->smtp_max_size and $default->smtp_max_size > 0 ) { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $sql->f("id"); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />FILE TOO LARGE URL: <a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $link . "</a><br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); } else { $mimeType = fGetMimeType($newfilename); $mail->AddAttachment($sAttachPath, "" , "base64" , "$mimeType"); } } else { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $sql->f("id"); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />URL: <A HREF=" . $link . ">" . $link . "</A><br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); } } else { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "URL: <A HREF=" . $newfilename . ">" . $newfilename . "</A> <br /><br />$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); //$mail->altBody = "URL: $newfilename \n\n$owl_lang->notif_msg_alt\n\n" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "\n\n $owl_lang->description: $desc \n\n"; //$mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename; } $mail->Body .= "</body></html>"; if (!$mail->Send() && $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } if (!$default->owl_use_fs && $sql->f("attachfile") == 1) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$newfilename"); } } } } } // -------------------------------- function notify_monitored ($fid, $type) { global $default, $userid; //global $owl_lang; $sql = new Owl_DB; $getuser = new Owl_DB; // For each user that want to receive notification of an UPDATE of this file $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table f, $default->owl_monitored_file_table m where f.id = m.fid and m.fid = '$fid'"); $dNow = $sql->now(); while ($sql->next_record()) { $CurrentUser = $sql->f("userid"); $getuser->query("SELECT id, email,language,attachfile from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$CurrentUser' and disabled = '0' and notify = '0' and (expire_account = '' or expire_account is NULL or expire_account > $dNow)"); $getuser->next_record(); if (check_auth($fid, "file_download", $getuser->f("id")) == 1 and $getuser->f("id") != $userid) { // END BUG 548994 More Below $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); $newpath = $path; $newfilename = $sql->f("filename"); $DefUserLang = $getuser->f("language"); if(empty($DefUserLang)) { $DefUserLang = $default->owl_lang; } require("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$DefUserLang/language.inc"); $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $getuser->f("email")); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) { if ($default->generate_notify_link_session == '1') { $tempsess = check_for_sess($getuser->f("id")); } else { $tempsess = "0"; } $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->SetLanguage($owl_lang->lang_code, "scripts/phpmailer/language/"); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } if (isset($default->smtp_port)) { $mail->Port = $default->smtp_port; } if ($default->use_smtp_ssl) { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } $mail->CharSet = "$owl_lang->charset"; // set the email charset to the language file charset $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $mail->AddAddress($email); $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "$default->owl_email_subject $owl_lang->notif_subject_monitor"; if ($type != "url") { if ($getuser->f("attachfile") == 1) { //$desc = ereg_replace("[\\]", "", $sql->f("description")); $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); //$mail->altBody = "$owl_lang->notif_msg_alt\n\n" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "\n\n $owl_lang->description: $desc \n\n"; //$mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename; $sFsPath = fCreateWaterMark($fid); if (! $sFsPath === false) { $sAttachPath = $sFsPath; } else { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $sAttachPath = fGetFileFromDatbase($fid); } else { $sAttachPath = "$default->owl_FileDir/$newpath/$newfilename"; } } if (filesize($sAttachPath) > $default->smtp_max_size and $default->smtp_max_size > 0 ) { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $sql->f("fid"); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />(FILE WAS TOO LARGE) URL: <A HREF=" . $link . ">" . $link . "</A><br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); } else { $mimeType = fGetMimeType($newfilename); $mail->AddAttachment($sAttachPath, "" , "base64" , "$mimeType"); } } else { //$desc = ereg_replace("[\\]", "", $sql->f("description")); $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $sql->f("fid"); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />URL: <A HREF=" . $link . ">" . $link . "</A><br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); //$mail->altBody = "$owl_lang->notif_msg_alt\n\n" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "\n\n $owl_lang->description: $desc \n\n"; //$mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename; } } else { //$desc = ereg_replace("[\\]", "", $sql->f("description")); $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "URL: <A HREF=" . $newfilename . ">" . $newfilename . "</A> <br /><br />$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); //$mail->altBody = "URL: $newfilename \n\n$owl_lang->notif_msg_alt\n\n" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "\n\n $owl_lang->description: $desc \n\n"; //$mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename; } $mail->Body .= "</body></html>"; if (!$mail->Send() && $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } if (!$default->owl_use_fs && $sql->f("attachfile") == 1) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$newfilename"); } } } } } function notify_reviewer ($iUserId, $iFileId , $usermessage, $doc_action = "", $reason = "") { global $default, $userid; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT email,language,attachfile from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$iUserId'"); $sql->next_record(); $DefUserLang = $sql->f("language"); if(empty($DefUserLang)) { $DefUserLang = $default->owl_lang; } if ($default->generate_notify_link_session == '1') { $tempsess = check_for_sess($iUserId); } else { $tempsess = "0"; } $email = $sql->f("email"); require("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$DefUserLang/language.inc"); switch ($doc_action) { case "approved": $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['TXT'] ); owl_syslog(FILE_APPROVED, $userid, flid_to_filename($iFileId), owlfileparent($iFileId), uid_to_name($iUserId) . ": " .$usermessage, "FILE", flid_to_filesize($iFileId)); break; case "final_approved_auto": case "final_approved": if ($doc_action == "final_approved" or $doc_action == "approved" ) { $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(FINAL_APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['TXT'] ); } elseif ($doc_action == "final_approved_auto") { $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(FINAL_AUTO_APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['TXT'] ); } owl_syslog(FILE_APPROVED, $userid, flid_to_filename($iFileId), owlfileparent($iFileId), uid_to_name($iUserId) . ": " .$usermessage, "FILE", flid_to_filesize($iFileId)); break; case "rejected": $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(REJECT_APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage . $reason, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage . $reason, $aBody['TXT'] ); owl_syslog(FILE_REJECTED, $userid, flid_to_filename($iFileId), owlfileparent($iFileId), uid_to_name($iUserId) . ": " .$usermessage, "FILE", flid_to_filesize($iFileId)); break; case "reminder": $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(REMINDER_APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['TXT'] ); break; default: $aBody = fGetMailBodyText(NEW_APPROVED, $iFileId, $tempsess); $aBody['HTML'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['HTML'] ); $aBody['TXT'] = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%USER_MESSAGE\%", $usermessage, $aBody['TXT'] ); owl_syslog(FILE_REVIEW, $userid, flid_to_filename($iFileId), owlfileparent($iFileId), uid_to_name($iUserId) . ": " .$usermessage, "FILE", flid_to_filesize($iFileId)); //define ("FILE_REVIEW", "30"); //define ("FILE_APPROVED", "31"); //define ("FILE_REJECTED", "32"); break; } $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->SetLanguage($owl_lang->lang_code, "scripts/phpmailer/language/"); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } if (isset($default->smtp_port)) { $mail->Port = $default->smtp_port; } if ($default->use_smtp_ssl) { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->CharSet = "$owl_lang->charset"; // set the email charset to the language file charset $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $mail->AddAddress($email); $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML //print("<H1> ACTION: $doc_action </H1>"); //fDebugDisplayArray($aBody); $mail->Subject = $aBody['SUBJECT']; $mail->Body = $aBody['HTML']; $mail->altBody = $aBody['TXT']; if (!$mail->Send() && $default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } } function notify_users($groupid, $flag, $fileid, $type = "") { global $default, $userid; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$fileid'"); $sql->next_record(); if (empty($type) and $sql->f('url') == 1) { $type = "url"; } $path = find_path($sql->f('parent')); $filename = $sql->f('filename'); $dNow = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT distinct id, email,language,attachfile from $default->owl_users_table u left join $default->owl_users_grpmem_table m on u.id=m.userid where notify = '1' and disabled = '0' and (u.groupid='$groupid' or m.groupid='$groupid') and u.id <> '$userid' and m.groupid is not NULL and (expire_account = '' or expire_account is NULL or expire_account > $dNow)"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if (check_auth($fileid, "file_download", $sql->f("id")) == 1) { $newpath = $path; $newfilename = $filename; $DefUserLang = $sql->f("language"); if(empty($DefUserLang)) { $DefUserLang = $default->owl_lang; } require("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$DefUserLang/language.inc"); $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $sql->f("email")); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) { $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->SetLanguage($owl_lang->lang_code, "scripts/phpmailer/language/"); if ($default->generate_notify_link_session == '1') { $tempsess = check_for_sess($sql->f("id")); } else { $tempsess = "0"; } $aBody = fGetMailBodyText($flag, $fileid, $tempsess, $type); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } if (isset($default->smtp_port)) { $mail->Port = $default->smtp_port; } if ($default->use_smtp_ssl) { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } $mail->CharSet = "$owl_lang->charset"; // set the email charset to the language file charset $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $mail->AddAddress($email); $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = $default->owl_email_subject . " " . $aBody['SUBJECT']; if ($type != "url") { if ($sql->f("attachfile") == 1) { $sFsPath = fCreateWaterMark($fileid); if (! $sFsPath === false) { $sAttachPath = $sFsPath; } else { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $sAttachPath = fGetFileFromDatbase($fileid); } else { $sAttachPath = "$default->owl_FileDir/$newpath/$newfilename"; } } if (filesize($sAttachPath) > $default->smtp_max_size and $default->smtp_max_size > 0 ) { $desc = stripslashes($sql->f("description")); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" . owlfileparent($fileid) . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $fileid; $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$owl_lang->notif_msg<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->title: " . $sql->f("name") . "<br /><br />(FILE WAS TOO LARGE) URL: <A HREF=" . $link . ">" . $link . "</A><br /><br />$owl_lang->description: $desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . DIR_SEP . $filename; $mail->Body .= "<br /><br />" . $owl_lang->notif_user . " " .uid_to_name($userid); } else { $mimeType = fGetMimeType($newfilename); $mail->AddAttachment($sAttachPath, "" , "base64" , "$mimeType"); } } } $mail->Body = $aBody['HTML']; $mail->altBody = $aBody['TXT']; if (!$mail->Send() && $default->debug === true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } if (!$default->owl_use_fs && $sql->f("attachfile") == 1) { if ($type == "") { //unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$newfilename"); unlink($sAttachPath); } } } } } } function fInsertUnzipedFiles($path, $cParent, $FolderPolicy, $FilePolicy, $description, $groupid, $iCreatorID, $metadata, $title, $major_revision, $minor_revision, $doctype, $bRemoveFiles = true, $reviewers = array()) { global $default, $sess, $message; $sql = new OWL_DB; $sql_custom = new OWL_DB; $dir = dir($path); $dir->rewind(); while (false !== ($file = $dir->read())) { if ($file != "." and $file != ".." and $file != "CVS") { if(is_dir($path . DIR_SEP . $file)) { $original_name = $file; $file = trim(fOwl_ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", fOwl_ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $file))); if($original_name != $file) { rename($path. DIR_SEP . $original_name,$path . DIR_SEP . $file); } $smodified = $sql->now(); // Skip Already existing Folders $result = $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_folders_table where name='$file' and parent='$cParent'"); if($sql->num_rows() == 1) { $sql->next_record(); $newParent = $sql->f("id"); } else { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_folders_table (name,parent,security,description,groupid,creatorid,smodified) values ('$file', '$cParent', '$FolderPolicy', '$description', '$groupid', '$iCreatorID', $smodified)"); $newParent = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_folders_table, 'id'); fSetDefaultFolderAcl($newParent); fSetInheritedAcl($cParent, $newParent, "FOLDER"); } fInsertUnzipedFiles($path . DIR_SEP .$file, $newParent, $FolderPolicy, $FilePolicy, $description, $groupid, $iCreatorID, $metadata, $title, $major_revision, $minor_revision, $doctype, $bRemoveFiles); } else { $TheFileSize = filesize($path . DIR_SEP . $file); //get filesize $TheFileTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($path . DIR_SEP . $file)); $original_name = $file; $file = trim(fOwl_ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", fOwl_ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $file))); if($original_name != $file) { rename($path. DIR_SEP . $original_name,$path . DIR_SEP . $file); } $iDocApproved = fIsDocApproved ($reviewers); /* New title propagation (BDO 09-2008) */ $ctitle = $file; if ($title != "") { $ctitle = $title; if ($metadata == "") { $metadata = $title; } else { $pos = strpos($metadata, $title); if (($pos === FALSE) || (!strpos($metadata, ', '.$title))) { $metadata .= ", ".$title; } } } /* END BDO 09-2008 */ $ctitle = stripslashes($ctitle); $ctitle = fOwl_ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , fOwl_ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $ctitle)); $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($TheFileSize, $iCreatorID, "ADD"); $aFileHashes = fCalculateFileHash($path . DIR_SEP . $file); // SKIP already existing Files $result = $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where filename='$file' and parent='$cParent'"); if($sql->num_rows() == 1) { $bUpdate = true; $sql->next_record(); $searchid = $sql->f('id'); $result = $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set f_size= '$TheFileSize' , smodified = '$TheFileTime' where id = '$searchid'"); } else { $bUpdate = false; $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,updatorid,parent,created,description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, approved) values ('$ctitle', '$file', '$TheFileSize', '$iCreatorID', '$iCreatorID', '$cParent', '$TheFileTime' , '$description', '$metadata', '$FilePolicy', '$groupid', '$TheFileTime', '0','$major_revision','$minor_revision', '0', '$doctype', '$iDocApproved')"); $searchid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); } if ($default->calculate_file_hash == 1) { if ($bUpdate === true) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_file_hash_table set hash1='" . $aFileHashes[0] ."', hash2='" . $aFileHashes[1] ."', hash3='" . $aFileHashes[2] . "' WHERE file_id = '$searchid'"); } else { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_file_hash_table (file_id, hash1, hash2, hash3, signature) VALUES ('$searchid', '" . $aFileHashes[0] . "', '" . $aFileHashes[1] ."', '" . $aFileHashes[2] . "', 'NOT IMPLEMENTED')"); } } fSetDefaultFileAcl($searchid); fSetInheritedAcl($cParent, $searchid, "FILE"); if ( fIsQuotaEnabled($iCreatorID) ) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$iCreatorID'"); } if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if(!empty($iReviewerId)) { $result = $sql_custom->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_peerreview_table (reviewer_id, file_id, status) values ('$iReviewerId', '$searchid', '0')"); notify_reviewer ($iReviewerId, $searchid , $message); } } } //***************************************************** // This line was commented out because on large // Zip files with allot of indexable files // it would cause the Script to time out and/or run out of resources. // Run admin/tools/bigindex.pl instead. // 1171872 Error in "Add Archive" //***************************************************** if ($default->index_files_on_archive_add == 1) { fIndexAFile($file, $path . "/" . $file, $searchid); } fGenerateThumbNail($searchid); if ($bUpdate === true) { $sql_custom->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table (file_id, field_name, field_value) values ('$searchid', '" . $sql_custom->f("field_name") ."', '" . ${$sql_custom->f("field_name")} ."');"); } } if ( !$default->owl_use_fs ) { if ($default->owl_compressed_database && file_exists($default->gzip_path)) { if ($bRemoveFiles === true) { $aFileExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension($file); if ($aFileExtension[1] == "gz") { rename($path . DIR_SEP . $file, $path . DIR_SEP . $aFileExtension[0]); $sCurrentFile = $path . DIR_SEP . $aFileExtension[0]; } else { $sCurrentFile = $path . DIR_SEP . $file; } system(escapeshellcmd($default->gzip_path) . " " . escapeshellarg($sCurrentFile)); $sCurrentFile = $sCurrentFile . ".gz"; $fsize = filesize($sCurrentFile); $fd = fopen($sCurrentFile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); unlink($sCurrentFile); } else { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $aFileExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension($file); if ($aFileExtension[1] == "gz") { copy($path . DIR_SEP . $file, $tmpDir . DIR_SEP . $aFileExtension[0]); $sCurrentFile = $tmpDir . DIR_SEP . $aFileExtension[0]; $zipedfile = $tmpDir . DIR_SEP . $file; } else { $sCurrentFile = $path . DIR_SEP . $file; $zipedfile = $tmpDir . DIR_SEP . $file . ".gz"; } system(escapeshellcmd($default->gzip_path) . " -c " . escapeshellarg($sCurrentFile) . " > " . escapeshellarg($zipedfile)); $fsize = filesize($zipedfile); $fd = fopen($zipedfile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); unlink($zipedfile); } $compressed = '1'; } else { $sCurrentFile = $path . DIR_SEP . $file; $fsize = filesize($sCurrentFile); $fd = fopen($sCurrentFile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); $compressed = '0'; if ($bRemoveFiles === true) { unlink($sCurrentFile); } } if ($searchid !== null && $filedata) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$searchid', '". addslashes($filedata) ."', '$compressed')"); } } } } } $dir->close(); $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp_initial_load"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } } function fGenFolderThumbNails($Folderid) { global $default, $owl_lang; $GetFolder = new Owl_DB; $GetFiles = new Owl_DB; $GetFiles->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where parent ='" . $Folderid . "'"); while ( $GetFiles->next_record() ) { fGenerateThumbNail($GetFiles->f("id")); } $GetFolder->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where parent ='$Folderid'"); while ($GetFolder->next_record()) { fGenFolderThumbNails($GetFolder->f("id")); } } function fGenerateThumbNail($fid) { global $default, $owl_lang, $sess; // gotta grab the image size if ($default->thumbnails == 1) { $filename = fid_to_filename($fid); $sFileExtension = fFindFileExtension($filename); $aImageExtensionList = $default->thumbnail_image_type; $aVideoExtensionList = $default->thumbnail_video_type; $iStartParent = owlfileparent($fid); $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if ($default->owl_use_fs === true) { $path = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . find_path($iStartParent) . DIR_SEP . $filename; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); } else { $path = fGetFileFromDatbase($fid); } if ((preg_grep("/$sFileExtension/", $aImageExtensionList)) and file_exists($default->thumbnails_tool_path)) { // Some image types have to be converted then resized //if ($sFileExtension == "png") //{ //copy($path , $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp.png"); //} if ($sFileExtension == "pdf" and file_exists($default->pdf_thumb_path)) { exec(escapeshellcmd($default->pdf_thumb_path) . " -f 1 -l 1 \"".$path."\" \"". $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "\""); exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " \"" . $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "-000001.ppm\" \"" . $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp.png\""); } else if ($sFileExtension == "doc" and file_exists($default->wordtotext_path)) { // USE antiword to generate a postscript file exec(escapeshellcmd($default->wordtotext_path) . " -p letter " . $default->wordtotext_thumbnail_switches ." \"".$path."\" > \"". $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . ".ps\""); $sFileContent = file_get_contents($tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . ".ps"); $pos = strpos($sFileContent,"%%Page: 2"); if ($pos!==false) { $str = substr($sFileContent,0,$pos); $str .= "%%Trailer\n%%Pages: 1\n%%EOF\n"; $fp = fopen($tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . ".ps","w"); fwrite($fp,$str); fclose($fp); } // USE imagemagik convert tool to generate a thumbnail exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " \"" . $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . ".ps\" \"" . $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp.png\""); } else { switch ($sFileExtension) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "tiff": case "png": $temp_full_size_png = $path; break; default: exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " \"" . $path . "\" \"" . $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp.png\""); $temp_full_size_png = $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp.png"; break; } } if (! file_exists($temp_full_size_png)) { $temp_full_size_png = $tmpDir .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_tmp-0.png"; } if ($default->debug == true) { $imagedata = GetImageSize($temp_full_size_png); } else { $imagedata = @GetImageSize($temp_full_size_png); } $imagewidth = $imagedata[0]; //print("<pre>"); //print("T: $temp_full_size_png "); //print_r($imagedata); //print("</pre>"); if ($imagewidth > 0) { if ($default->thumbnails_small_width > 0) { $iPercentShrinkSmall = 100 * $default->thumbnails_small_width / $imagewidth; exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -strip -resize " . $iPercentShrinkSmall ."% \"" . $temp_full_size_png . "\" \"" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_small.png\""); } if ($default->thumbnails_med_width > 0) { $iPercentShrinkMed = 100 * $default->thumbnails_med_width / $imagewidth; exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -strip -resize " . $iPercentShrinkMed ."% \"" . $temp_full_size_png . "\" \"" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_med.png\""); } if ($default->thumbnails_large_width > 0) { $iPercentShrinkLarge = 100 * $default->thumbnails_large_width / $imagewidth; exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -strip -resize " . $iPercentShrinkLarge ."% \"" . $temp_full_size_png . "\" \"" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_large.png\""); } } } if ((preg_grep("/$sFileExtension/", $aVideoExtensionList)) and file_exists($default->thumbnails_video_tool_path)) { exec("cd '$tmpDir' ; " . escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_video_tool_path) . " $default->thumbnails_video_tool_opt '$path' > /dev/null 2>&1"); if (file_exists($tmpDir . "/00000002.png")) { if ($default->debug == true) { $imagedata = GetImageSize($temp_full_size_png); } else { $imagedata = @GetImageSize($temp_full_size_png); } $imagewidth = $imagedata[0]; if ($imagewidth > 0) { $iPercentShrinkSmall = 100 * $default->thumbnails_small_width / $imagewidth; $iPercentShrinkMed = 100 * $default->thumbnails_med_width / $imagewidth; $iPercentShrinkLarge = 100 * $default->thumbnails_large_width / $imagewidth; exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -resize " . $iPercentShrinkSmall ."% '" . $tmpDir . "/00000002.png' '" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_small.png'"); exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -resize " . $iPercentShrinkMed ."% '" . $tmpDir . "/00000002.png' '" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_med.png'"); exec(escapeshellcmd($default->thumbnails_tool_path) . " -resize " . $iPercentShrinkLarge ."% '" . $tmpDir . "/00000002.png' '" . $default->thumbnails_location .DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $fid . "_large.png'"); } } } //print("cd $tmpDir ; $default->thumbnails_video_tool_path $default->thumbnails_video_tool_opt $path > /dev/null 2>&1"); myDelete($tmpDir); } } function fVirusCheck($filename, $name, $iLookAtHD = false) { global $default, $userid, $parent, $owl_lang; //print("DEBUG: Calling Virus Function <br />"); if (trim($default->virus_path) <> "") { $command = escapeshellcmd($default->virus_path) . " \"" . $filename . "\""; system($command , $retval); if ($retval > 0) { owl_syslog(FILE_VIRUS, $userid, $name, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); if ($iLookAtHD === true) { return 1; } else { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: $owl_lang->virus_infected -- $filename" , "DEBUG: $owl_lang->virus_return_val " . $retval . "<br />COMMAND: " . $command); } else { printError($owl_lang->virus_infected); } } } else { return 0; } } } function verify_login($username, $password) { global $default; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT user_auth from $default->owl_users_table where username = '" . addslashes($username) ."'"); $sql->next_record(); $sUserAuth = trim($sql->f("user_auth")); if (!empty($sUserAuth)) { $default->auth = $sUserAuth; } if ($username == "admin" and $default->auth > 1) { $default->auth = 0; } if ( $default->auth == 1) { //$username = addslashes($username); $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $password = addslashes($password); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username'"); } else if ( $default->auth == 2) { $mbox = @imap_open ("{" . $default->auth_host . "/pop3/notls:" . $default->auth_port . "}INBOX", $username, $password); if($mbox) { $username = addslashes($username); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username'"); imap_close($mbox); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where 1=0"); } } else if ( $default->auth == 3) { // LDAP - authenticate the user and if successful get his details from owl db // then if he's not in the owl db, login wil fail... $error = ldap_authenticate($username, $password); if ($error == "0") { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username'"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where 1=0"); } } else if ( $default->auth == 4) { // radius authentication $error = radius_authenticate($username, $password); if ($error == "0") { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username'"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where 1=0"); } } else { $username = addslashes($username); $password = stripslashes($password); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username' and password = '" . md5($password) . "'"); } $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); //print("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username' and password = '" . md5($password) . "'"); //exit("<br> D: $numrows username = '$username' and password = '" . $password . "'"); // Bozz Begin added Password Encryption above, but for now // I will allow admin to use non crypted password until he // upgrades all users if ($numrows == "1") { $sql->next_record(); $iFirstDir = $sql->f("firstdir"); $iHomeDir = $sql->f("homedir"); $iMaxSession = $sql->f("maxsessions"); if ($sql->f("disabled") == 1) { $verified["bit"] = 2; } else { $verified["bit"] = 1; } $verified["user"] = $sql->f("username"); $verified["uid"] = $sql->f("id"); $verified["group"] = $sql->f("groupid"); if ( $iHomeDir <> $iFirstDir) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$iFirstDir'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ($numrows == "1") { $verified["homedir"] = $iFirstDir; } else { $verified["homedir"] = $iHomeDir; } } else { $verified["homedir"] = $iHomeDir; } $maxsessions = $iMaxSession + 1; } else { // LOGIN has FAILED, lets see if a valid username has been used // $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where username = '$username'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); if ($numrows == "1") { while ($sql->next_record()) { $verified["uid"] = $sql->f("id"); $verified["user"] = $sql->f("username"); } } else { if ($default->auth == 1) { die("ACCESS DENIED"); exit; } } } // remove stale sessions from the database for the user // that is signing on. $time = time() - $default->owl_timeout; if ($verified["group"] == 0) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_sessions_table where lastused <= $time "); } else { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_sessions_table where usid = '" . $verified["uid"] . "' and lastused <= $time "); } // Check if Maxsessions has been reached $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table where ip <> '0' and usid = '" . $verified["uid"] . "'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) >= $maxsessions && $verified["bit"] != 0) { if ($verified["group"] == 0) { $verified["bit"] = 1; } else { $verified["bit"] = 3; } } return $verified; } function verify_session($sess) { global $default; global $owl_lang; global $parent, $fileid, $sess, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } // Sanitize the sessions for tampering $sess = fOwl_ereg_replace(" ", "", $sess); if (! ereg("^[a-fA-F0-9]", $sess)) { $sess="1"; } if (strlen($sess) > 32) { $sess="1"; } $sess = ltrim($sess); $verified["bit"] = 0; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table where sessid = '$sess'"); $numrows = $sql->num_rows($sql); $time = time(); if ($numrows == "1") { while ($sql->next_record()) { $ip = fGetClientIP(); if ($ip == $sql->f("ip") || 0 == $sql->f("ip")) { if (($time - $sql->f("lastused")) <= $default->owl_timeout) { $verified["bit"] = 1; $verified["userid"] = $sql->f("usid"); $verified["currentdb"] = $sql->f("currentdb"); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $verified["userid"] . "'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $verified["groupid"] = $sql->f("groupid"); } else { if ($default->remember_me) { setcookie ("owl_sessid", ""); } include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>"); print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_collapse_width'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='border2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs(); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); fPrintFormTextLine(" ", "", "", $owl_lang->sesstimeout , "", true); print("<tr>"); print("<td class='form1'>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>"); print("<td>"); print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>"); print("<tr><td valign='top' width='100%'>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>"); if ($parent == "" || $fileid == "") { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php", "btn_login"); } else { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php?parent=$parent&fileid=$fileid", "btn_login"); } print("\t\t<td class='button1'>"); print("<input class='fbuttonup1' type='submit' value='$owl_lang->btn_back' alt='$owl_lang->alt_back' title='$owl_lang->alt_back' onclick='history.back();' onmouseover=\"highlightButton('fbuttondown1', this)\" onmouseout=\"highlightButton('fbuttonup1', this)\"></input>"); print("</td>"); print("</tr></table>\n"); print("</td></tr>"); print("</table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs(); } print("</td></tr></table>\n"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); exit(); } } else { if ($default->remember_me) { setcookie ("owl_sessid", ""); } include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); print("<table class=\"border1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"90%\"><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); print("<table class=\"border2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n"); print("<table>\n<tr>\n<td class=\"form1\">" . $owl_lang->sessinuse . "</td>\n"); if ($parent == "" || $fileid == "") { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php", "btn_login"); } else { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php?parent=$parent&fileid=$fileid", "btn_login"); } print("\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); exit; } } } return $verified; } function delTree($fid) { global $fCount, $folderList, $default; // delete from database $sql = new Owl_DB; $del = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id = '$fid'"); $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_monitored_folder_table WHERE fid = '$fid'"); $sql->query("SELECT id, f_size, creatorid FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE parent = '$fid'"); // Clean up Comments and Monitored Files from each file we are going to // delete while ($sql->next_record()) { $new_current_quota = fCalculateQuota($sql->f("f_size"), $sql->f("creatorid"), "DEL"); if (fIsQuotaEnabled($iCurrentCreatorid)) { $del->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_current_quota' WHERE id = '" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "'"); } $iFileid = $sql->f("id"); $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$iFileid'"); $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_comment_table WHERE fid = '$iFileid'"); if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id = '$iFileid'"); } // Clean up all comments with this file $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table WHERE file_id = '$iFileid'"); // Clean up all linked files $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE linkedto = '$iFileid'"); // Clean up all linked files $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_peerreview_table WHERE file_id = '$iFileid'"); $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id = '$iFileid'"); $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_file_hash_table where file_id = '$iFileid'"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for this file fDeleteFileIndexID($iFileid); } // Clean up Folder ACL's $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table WHERE folder_id = '$fid'"); // Clean up File ACL's $sql->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE parent = '$fid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $iFileid = $sql->f("id"); $del->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table WHERE file_id = '$iFileid'"); } $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE parent = '$fid'"); for ($c = 0; $c < $fCount; $c++) { if ($folderList[$c][2] == $fid) { delTree($folderList[$c][0]); } } } function find_path($parent, $bDisplayOnly = false) { global $default; $path = fid_to_name($parent); $sql = new Owl_DB; if ($bDisplayOnly === true) { $iStopFolder = $default->HomeDir; } else { $iStopFolder = 1; } if (empty($parent)) { return ("[ ORPHANED ]"); } while ($parent != $iStopFolder and $parent > 0) { $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$parent' and 1=1"); if ( $sql->num_rows() == 1) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $path = fid_to_name($sql->f("parent")) . DIR_SEP . $path; $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } } else { return ("[ ORPHANED ]"); } } return $path; } function fid_to_filename($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT filename from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("filename"); } function fid_to_name($parent) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } if (empty($parent)) { $parent=0; } $sql->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { return $sql->f("name"); } } function flid_to_name($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("name"); } function flid_to_filesize($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT f_size from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("f_size"); } function flid_to_filename($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT filename from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("filename"); } function owlusergroup($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $groupid = $sql->f("groupid"); return $groupid; } function owlfilecreator($fileid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $filecreator = 0; $sql->query("SELECT creatorid from " . $default->owl_files_table . " where id = '$fileid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $filecreator = $sql->f("creatorid"); return $filecreator; } function fIsFolderCreator($folderid) { global $default, $userid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $filecreator = 0; $sql->query("SELECT creatorid from " . $default->owl_folders_table . " where id = '$folderid' and creatorid = '$userid'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function fIsFileCreator($fileid) { global $default, $userid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $filecreator = 0; $sql->query("SELECT creatorid from " . $default->owl_files_table . " where id = '$fileid' and creatorid = '$userid'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function fSetInheritedAcl($parent, $id, $type) { global $default; $sql = new Owl_DB; $qAclInsert = new Owl_DB; if ($default->inherit_acl_from_parent_folder == '1') { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where folder_id = '$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $sCheckQuery = "SELECT * FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table WHERE ("; $sQuery = "INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (group_id, user_id, file_id, folder_id, owlread, owlwrite, owlviewlog, owldelete, owlcopy, owlmove, owlproperties, owlupdate, owlcomment, owlcheckin, owlemail, owlrelsearch, owlsetacl, owlmonitor) VALUES ("; $sValue = $sql->f('group_id'); if( !isset( $sValue)) { $sQuery .= "NULL, "; $sCheckQuery .= "group_id is NULL AND "; } else { $sQuery .= "'" . $sql->f('group_id') . "', "; $sCheckQuery .= "group_id = '" . $sql->f('group_id') . "' AND "; } $sValue = $sql->f('user_id'); if(!isset($sValue)) { $sQuery .= "NULL, "; $sCheckQuery .= "user_id is NULL AND "; } else { $sQuery .= "'" . $sql->f('user_id') . "', "; $sCheckQuery .= "user_id = '" . $sql->f('user_id') . "' AND "; } if ($type == "FOLDER") { $sQuery .= "NULL, '" . $id . "', '"; $sCheckQuery .= "file_id is NULL AND folder_id ='" . $id . "')"; $iOwlUpdate = $sql->f('owlupdate'); } else { $sQuery .= "'" . $id . "', NULL, '"; $sCheckQuery .= "file_id ='" . $id . "' AND folder_id is NULL)"; $iOwlUpdate = $sql->f('owlwrite'); } $sQuery .= $sql->f('owlread') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlwrite') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlviewlog') . "', '" . $sql->f('owldelete') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlcopy') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlmove') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlproperties') . "', '" . $iOwlUpdate . "', '" . $sql->f('owlcomment') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlcheckin') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlemail') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlrelsearch') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlsetacl', '') . "', '" . $sql->f('owlmonitor') . "')"; $qAclInsert->query($sCheckQuery); if ($qAclInsert->num_rows() == 0) { $qAclInsert->query($sQuery); } } } } function fGetFAclChecked($file_id, $gid_uid, $acl, $type = "group") { global $default, $dbOwlQueries; static $dbOwlQueries; if(empty($dbOwlQueries)) { $dbOwlQueries=new Owl_DB; $dbOwlQueries->connect(); } if (empty($acl)) { return ""; } if ($type == "group") { if (is_array($gid_uid)) { $sAclType = "("; $iCount = 0; foreach($gid_uid as $g) { $sAclType .= "group_id = '$g[0]' OR "; } $sAclType .= "1=0)"; } else { $sAclType = "(group_id = '$gid_uid')"; } } else if ($type == "user") { $sAclType = "(user_id = '$gid_uid')"; } else { $sAclType = "(user_id = '$gid_uid' or user_id ='0')"; } $qGetAcl = "SELECT * FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where folder_id = '$file_id' and $acl = '1' and $sAclType"; $dbOwlQueries->query($qGetAcl); if ($dbOwlQueries->num_rows() > 0) { return "checked=\"checked\""; } else { return ""; } } function fGetAclChecked($file_id, $gid_uid, $acl, $type = "group") { global $default, $dbOwlQueries; static $dbOwlQueries; if(empty($dbOwlQueries)) { $dbOwlQueries=new Owl_DB; $dbOwlQueries->connect(); } if (empty($acl)) { return ""; } if ($type == "group") { if (is_array($gid_uid)) { $sAclType = "("; $iCount = 0; foreach($gid_uid as $g) { $sAclType .= "group_id = '$g[0]' OR "; } $sAclType .= "1=0)"; } else { $sAclType = "(group_id = '$gid_uid')"; } } else if ($type == "user") { $sAclType = "(user_id = '$gid_uid')"; } else { $sAclType = "(user_id = '$gid_uid' or user_id ='0')"; } $qGetAcl = "SELECT * FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id = '$file_id' and $acl = '1' and $sAclType"; $dbOwlQueries->query($qGetAcl); if ($dbOwlQueries->num_rows() > 0) { return "checked=\"checked\""; } else { return ""; } } function fGetAllAclChecked($file_id, $groups ) { global $default; global $userid; $aFileAccess = array(); if(owlfilecreator($file_id) == $userid or fIsAdmin()) { $aFileAccess['owlread'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlwrite'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlviewlog'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owldelete'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcopy'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlmove'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlproperties'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlupdate'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcomment'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlcheckin'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlemail'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlrelsearch'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlsetacl'] = 1; $aFileAccess['owlmonitor'] = 1; return $aFileAccess; } static $dbOwlQueries; if(empty($dbOwlQueries)) { $dbOwlQueries=new Owl_DB; $dbOwlQueries->connect(); } if (is_array($groups)) { $sAclType = "("; $iCount = 0; foreach($groups as $g) { $sAclType .= "group_id = '$g[0]' OR "; } $sAclType .= "1=0)"; } else { $sAclType = "(group_id = '$groups')"; } $sAclUser = "(user_id = '$userid' or user_id = '0')"; $qGetAcl = "SELECT * FROM $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id = '$file_id' and ( $sAclUser or $sAclType )"; //$dbOwlQueries = new Owl_DB; $dbOwlQueries->query($qGetAcl); while ( $dbOwlQueries->next_record()) { if ($aFileAccess['owlread'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlread'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlread'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlwrite'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlwrite'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlwrite'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlviewlog'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlviewlog'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlviewlog'); } if ($aFileAccess['owldelete'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owldelete'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owldelete'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlcopy'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlcopy'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlcopy'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlmove'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlmove'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlmove'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlproperties'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlproperties'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlproperties'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlupdate'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlupdate'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlupdate'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlcomment'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlcomment'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlcomment'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlcheckin'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlcheckin'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlcheckin'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlemail'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlemail'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlemail'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlrelsearch'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlrelsearch'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlrelsearch'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlsetacl'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlsetacl'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlsetacl'); } if ($aFileAccess['owlmonitor'] == 0) { $aFileAccess['owlmonitor'] += $dbOwlQueries->f('owlmonitor'); } } return $aFileAccess; } function uid_to_lastlogon($creatorid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql2 = new Owl_DB; $sql2->query("SELECT lastlogin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $creatorid . "'"); $sql2->next_record(); if ( $sql2->num_rows() == 0 ) { $logindate = 0; } else { $logindate = $sql2->f("lastlogin"); } return $logindate; } function fid_to_creator_lastlogon($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql2 = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql2)) { $sql2 = new Owl_DB; } $sql2 = new Owl_DB; $creatorid = owlfilecreator($id); $sql2->query("SELECT lastlogin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $creatorid . "'"); $sql2->next_record(); if ( $sql2->num_rows() == 0 ) { $logindate = 0; } else { $logindate = $sql2->f("lastlogin"); } return $logindate; } function fid_to_creator($id) { global $default, $owl_lang, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql2 = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql2)) { $sql2 = new Owl_DB; } $creatorid = owlfilecreator($id); $sql2->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $creatorid . "'"); $sql2->next_record(); if ( $sql2->num_rows() == 0 ) { $name = "<font class=\"url\">" . $owl_lang->orphaned . "</font>"; } else { $name = $sql2->f("name"); } return $name; } function owlfoldercreator($folderid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $foldercreator = 0; $sql->query("SELECT creatorid from " . $default->owl_folders_table . " where id = '$folderid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $foldercreator = $sql->f("creatorid"); return $foldercreator; } function flid_to_creator($folderid) { global $default, $owl_lang, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql2 = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql2)) { $sql2 = new Owl_DB; } //$sql = new Owl_DB; //$sql->query("SELECT creatorid from " . $default->owl_files_table . " where id = '$id'"); //while ($sql->next_record()) //{ //$creatorid = $sql->f("creatorid"); $creatorid = owlfoldercreator($folderid); $sql2->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $creatorid . "'"); $sql2->next_record(); if ( $sql2->num_rows() == 0 ) { $name = "<font class=url>" . $owl_lang->orphaned . "</font>"; } else { $name = $sql2->f("name"); } //} return $name; } function owlfiletype ($fileid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $filecreator = 0; $sql->query("SELECT url from " . $default->owl_files_table . " where id = '$fileid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $filetype = $sql->f("url"); return $filetype; } function owlfilegroup($fileid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $filegroup = 0; $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$fileid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $filegroup = $sql->f("groupid"); return $filegroup; } function owlfoldergroup($folderid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $foldergroup = 0; $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$folderid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $foldergroup = $sql->f("groupid"); return $foldergroup; } function fCurFolderSecurity($folderid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT security from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$folderid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $iFoldSecurity = $sql->f("security"); } return $iFoldSecurity; } function owlfolderparent($folderid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; if ( $default->HomeDir == $folderid ) { $folderparent = 1; } else { $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$folderid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $folderparent = $sql->f("parent"); } } return $folderparent; } function owlfileparent($fileid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$fileid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $fileparent = $sql->f("parent"); return $fileparent; } function group_to_name($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_groups_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("name"); } function uid_to_name($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $name = ""; if (empty($id)) { $name = "Owl"; } else { $sql->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $name = $sql->f("name"); if ($name == "") $name = "Owl"; } return $name; } function uid_to_uname($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $name = ""; $sql->query("SELECT username from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $username = $sql->f("username"); if ($username == "") $username = "Owl"; return $username; } function prefaccess($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $prefaccess = 1; $sql->query("SELECT noprefaccess from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $prefaccess = !($sql->f("noprefaccess")); return $prefaccess; } // only get dir path from db function get_dirpath($parent) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } global $sess, $expand; $name = fid_to_name($parent); $navbar = "$name"; $new = $parent; while ($new != "1") { $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$new'"); $sql->next_record(); $newparentid = $sql->f("parent"); if ($newparentid == "") { break; } $name = fid_to_name($newparentid); $navbar = "$name/" . $navbar; $new = $newparentid; } return $navbar; } function get_dirpathfs($parent) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } global $sess, $expand; $name = fid_to_name($parent); $navbar = "$name"; $new = $parent; while ($new != "1") { $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$new'"); $sql->next_record(); $newparentid = $sql->f("parent"); if ($newparentid == "") { break; } $name = fid_to_name($newparentid); $navbar = "$name\\" . $navbar; $new = $newparentid; } return $navbar; } function fIsGroupAdmin($userid, $iGroup, $sSettingACL = "", $iObjectID = "0") { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } if ($sSettingACL == "FOLDER") { $iGroup = owlfoldergroup($iObjectID); } if ($sSettingACL == "FILE") { $iGroup = owlfilegroup($iObjectID); } if ($sSettingACL == "SETTING_FOLDER_ACL") { $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$iObjectID' and groupid='$iGroup'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { return false; } } if ($sSettingACL == "SETTING_FILE_ACL") { $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$iObjectID' and groupid='$iGroup'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { return false; } } $sql->query("SELECT groupadmin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid' and groupid='$iGroup'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("groupadmin") == 1) { return true; } $sql->query("SELECT userid FROM $default->owl_users_grpmem_table WHERE userid='$userid' and groupadmin='$iGroup'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) > 0) { return true; } return false; } function fIsAdmin($Admin = false, $bforcecheck = false ) { global $default, $usergroupid, $userid, $cCommonDBConnection, $bAdminCache, $bFileAdminCache; if ($bforcecheck === true) { $bAdminCache = NULL; $bFileAdminCache = NULL; } if (empty($userid)) { $userid = 0; $usergroupid = -1; } if($Admin === true) { if (!empty($bAdminCache)) { return $bAdminCache; } if ($usergroupid == "0") { $bAdminCache = true; return true; } else { $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT userid,groupid from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where userid = '$userid' and groupid = '0'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { $bAdminCache = false; return false; } else { $bAdminCache = true; return true; } } } else { if (!empty($bFileAdminCache)) { return $bFileAdminCache; } if ($usergroupid == "0" or $usergroupid == $default->file_admin_group) { $bFileAdminCache = true; return true; } else { $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT userid,groupid from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where userid = '$userid' and (groupid = '$default->file_admin_group' or groupid = '0')"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { $bFileAdminCache = false; return false; } else { $bFileAdminCache = true; return true; } } } $bFileAdminCache = false; $bAdminCache = false; return false; } function fIsEmailToolAccess($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT email_tool from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("email_tool") == 1) { return true; } return false; } function fIsReportViewer($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT viewreports from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("viewreports") == 1) { return true; } return false; } function fIsLogViewer($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT viewlogs from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("viewlogs") == 1) { return true; } return false; } function fIsUserAdmin($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT useradmin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("useradmin") == 1) { return true; } return false; } function fIsNewsAdmin($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT newsadmin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("newsadmin") == 1) { return true; } return false; } function gen_filesize($file_size) { global $owl_lang; if (ereg("[^0-9]", $file_size)) return $file_size; if ($file_size >= 1073741824) { $file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . $owl_lang->file_size_gigabyte; } elseif ($file_size >= 1048576) { $file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . $owl_lang->file_size_megabyte; } elseif ($file_size >= 1024) { $file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . $owl_lang->file_size_kilobyte; } else { if(!empty($file_size)) { $file_size = $file_size . $owl_lang->file_size_byte; } else { $file_size = "0". $owl_lang->file_size_byte; } } return $file_size; } function uploadCompat($varname) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES; if ($_FILES[$varname]) return $_FILES[$varname]; if ($HTTP_POST_FILES[$varname]) return $HTTP_POST_FILES[$varname]; $tmp = "$varname_name"; global $$tmp; $retfile['name'] = $$tmp; $tmp = "$varname_type"; global $$tmp; $retfile['type'] = $$tmp; $tmp = "$varname_size"; global $$tmp; $retfile['size'] = $$tmp; $tmp = "$varname_error"; global $$tmp; $retfile['error'] = $$tmp; $tmp = "$varname_tmp_name"; global $$tmp; $retfile['tmp_name'] = $$tmp; return $retfile; } function fGetMimeType ($filename) { global $default; $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; if ($filetype = strrchr($filename, ".")) { $filetype = substr($filetype, 1); $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_mime_table where filetype = '$filetype'"); while ($sql->next_record()) $mimeType = $sql->f("mimetype"); } return $mimeType; } if ($default->use_file_expiry == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $dNow = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_files_table where expires < $dNow and expires > '1900-01-01 00:00:00'"); $iSaveUID = $userid; $userid = 1; while ($sql->next_record()) { delFile($sql->f('id'), "file_delete"); } $userid = $iSaveUID; } if ($sess) { $ok = verify_session($sess); $temporary_ok = $ok["bit"]; $userid = $ok["userid"]; $default->owl_current_db = $ok["currentdb"]; $default->owl_FileDir = $default->owl_db_FileDir[$default->owl_current_db]; getuserprefs(); gethtmlprefs(); global $aMyGroupAdmin; $aMyGroupAdmin = fGetMyAdminGroups ($userid); $usergroupid = $ok["groupid"]; if ($ok["bit"] != "1") { if ($default->remember_me or isset($_COOKIE['owl_sessid'])) { setcookie ("owl_sessid", ""); } include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/header.inc"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_expand_width'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } else { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_collapse_width'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='border2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs(); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); fPrintFormTextLine(" ", "", "", $owl_lang->invalidsess , "", true); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class='form1'>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>\n"); print("<td>\n"); print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n<td valign='top' width='100%'>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>"); if ($parent == "" || $fileid == "") { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php", "btn_login"); } else { fPrintButton("$default->owl_root_url/index.php?parent=$parent&fileid=$fileid", "btn_login"); } print("\t\t<td class='button1'>"); print("<input class='fbuttonup1' type='submit' value='$owl_lang->btn_back' alt='$owl_lang->alt_back' title='$owl_lang->alt_back' onclick='history.back();' onmouseover=\"highlightButton('fbuttondown1', this)\" onmouseout=\"highlightButton('fbuttonup1', this)\"></input>"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("</td>\n</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); exit; } else { $lastused = time(); if (!($default->remember_me)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_sessions_table set lastused = '$lastused' where usid = '$userid' and sessid = '$sess'"); } elseif (!(isset($_COOKIE["owl_sessid"]))) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_sessions_table set lastused = '$lastused' where usid = '$userid' and sessid = '$sess'"); } } } else { $usergroupid = "-1"; $user = "-1"; $default->owl_FileDir = $default->owl_db_FileDir[$default->owl_current_db]; } if ($default->owl_maintenance_mode == 1) { if(!fIsAdmin(true)) { printError("SYSTEM IS NOW DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE", "", "INFO"); } } function checkrequirements() { global $default; global $owl_lang; $status = 0; if (ini_get("file_uploads") == 0) { print("<center><h3>FILE UPLOAD NEEDS TO BE ON IN YOUR php.ini</h3>"); $status = 1; } if (version_compare(phpversion(), $default->phpversion) == -1) { print("<center><h3>$owl_lang->err_bad_version_1<br />"); print("$default->phpversion<br />"); print("$owl_lang->err_bad_version_2<br />"); print phpversion(); print("<br />$owl_lang->err_bad_version_3</h3></center>"); $status = 1; } if ($default->debug == true) { if (!file_exists($default->owl_tmpdir)) { print("<center><h3>$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_exists</h3></center>"); $status = 1; } else { if (!is_writable($default->owl_tmpdir)) { print("<center><h3>$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_writeable</h3></center>"); print("</h3>"); $status = 1; } } if (!file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . fid_to_name(1))) { print("<center><h3>$owl_lang->debug_doc_not_exists: $default->owl_FileDir</h3></center>"); $status = 1; } else { if (!is_writable($default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . fid_to_name(1))) { print("<center><h3>$owl_lang->debug_doc_not_writeable</h3></center>"); $status = 1; } } if(ini_get('safe_mode') == 1) { print("<center><h3>OWL REQUIRES SAFE MODE TO BE Off</h3></center>"); $status = 1; } } return $status; } function myExec($_cmd, &$lines, &$errco) { $cmd = "$_cmd ; echo $?"; exec($cmd, $lines); // Get rid of the last errco line... $errco = (integer) array_pop($lines); if (count($lines) == 0) { return ""; } else { return $lines[count($lines) - 1]; } } function myDelete($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (is_dir($file)) { $handle = @opendir($file); while ($filename = @readdir($handle)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { myDelete($file . DIR_SEP . $filename); } } @closedir($handle); @rmdir($file); } else { @unlink($file); } } } function printError($message, $submessage = "", $type = "ERROR") { global $default; global $sess, $parent, $expand, $order, $sortorder , $sortname, $userid; global $language; global $owl_lang; include_once("$default->owl_fs_root/lib/header.inc"); include_once("$default->owl_fs_root/lib/userheader.inc"); if (isset($parent)) { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_view", $userid) != "1") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id = '$parent'"); $sql->next_record(); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } } print("<center>"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_expand_width'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } else { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_collapse_width'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='border2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { if ($default->owl_maintenance_mode == 0) { fPrintPrefs(); } } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); //print("<tr>\n"); fPrintFormTextLine("--- $type ---", "", "", $message , "", true); if(!empty($submessage)) { fPrintFormTextLine("--- DETAILS ---", "", "", $submessage , "", true); } print("<tr>"); print("<td class='form1'>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 1); print("</td>"); print("<td class='form2'>"); print("<input class='fbuttonup1' type='submit' value='$owl_lang->btn_back' alt='$owl_lang->alt_back' title='$owl_lang->alt_back' onclick='history.back();' onmouseover=\"highlightButton('fbuttondown1', this)\" onmouseout=\"highlightButton('fbuttonup1', this)\"></input>"); print("</td>"); print("</tr>"); print("</table>\n"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); include_once($default->owl_fs_root . "/lib/footer.inc"); exit(); } function getuserprefs () { global $default, $userid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } if ($userid == "" ) { $iUid = $default->anon_user; } else { $iUid = $userid; } $sql->query("SELECT user_offset, firstdir, homedir, buttonstyle, user_default_view, user_major_revision, user_minor_revision from $default->owl_users_table WHERE id = '$iUid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { if ( ! is_null($sql->f("user_default_view"))) { $default->expand = $sql->f("user_default_view"); } $aRev = array(); $aRev = fValidateRevision($sql->f("user_major_revision"),$sql->f("user_minor_revision")); $default->major_revision = $aRev['major']; $default->minor_revision = $aRev['minor']; $default->HomeDir = $sql->f("homedir"); $default->FirstDir = $sql->f("firstdir"); $default->sButtonStyle = $sql->f("buttonstyle"); $iOffsetDifference = $sql->f("user_offset") - $default->machine_time_zone + date("I"); if ($iOffsetDifference == 0) { $default->time_offset = 0; } else { $default->time_offset = 3600 * ($iOffsetDifference - date("I")); } } } function getprefs () { global $default, $userid, $owl_lang, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } define ("NEW_FILE", "0"); define ("UPDATED_FILE", "1"); define ("NEW_COMMENT", "2"); define ("DELETED_FILE", "3"); define ("NEW_PASSWORD", "4"); define ("NEW_APPROVED", "5"); define ("REMINDER_APPROVED", "6"); define ("FINAL_APPROVED", "7"); define ("FINAL_AUTO_APPROVED", "8"); define ("REJECT_APPROVED", "9"); define ("ADMIN_PASSWORD", "10"); define ("APPROVED", "11"); define ("SELF_REG_USER", "12"); define ("LOGIN", "1"); define ("LOGIN_FAILED", "2"); define ("LOGOUT", "3"); define ("FILE_DELETED", "4"); define ("FILE_UPLOAD", "5"); define ("FILE_UPDATED", "6"); define ("FILE_DOWNLOADED", "7"); define ("FILE_CHANGED", "8"); define ("FILE_LOCKED", "9"); define ("FILE_UNLOCKED", "10"); define ("FILE_EMAILED", "11"); define ("FILE_MOVED", "12"); define ("FOLDER_CREATED", "13"); define ("FOLDER_DELETED", "14"); define ("FOLDER_MODIFIED", "15"); define ("FOLDER_MOVED", "16"); define ("FORGOT_PASS", "17"); define ("USER_REG", "18"); define ("FILE_VIEWED", "19"); define ("FILE_VIRUS", "20"); define ("FILE_COPIED", "21"); define ("FOLDER_COPIED", "22"); define ("FILE_LINKED", "23"); define ("USER_ADMIN", "24"); define ("TRASH_CAN", "25"); define ("FILE_ACL", "26"); define ("FOLDER_ACL", "27"); define ("FOLDER_DISTRIBUTE", "28"); define ("FOLDER_LINKED", "29"); define ("FILE_REVIEW", "30"); define ("FILE_APPROVED", "31"); define ("FILE_REJECTED", "32"); define ("FILE_PUBLISHED", "33"); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_prefs_table"); $sql->next_record(); $default->owl_email_from = $sql->f("email_from"); $default->owl_email_fromname = $sql->f("email_fromname"); $default->owl_email_replyto = $sql->f("email_replyto"); $default->owl_email_server = $sql->f("email_server"); $default->owl_email_subject = $sql->f("email_subject"); $default->use_smtp_ssl = $sql->f("smtp_ssl"); $default->allow_different_filename_update = $sql->f("different_filename_update"); $default->smtp_port = $sql->f("smtp_port"); $default->smtp_max_size = $sql->f("smtp_max_size"); $default->use_smtp = $sql->f("use_smtp"); $default->use_smtp_auth = $sql->f("use_smtp_auth"); $default->smtp_auth_login = $sql->f("smtp_auth_login"); $default->smtp_passwd = $sql->f("smtp_passwd"); // // LookAtHD is not supported with $default->owl_use_fs = false // if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $default->owl_LookAtHD = $sql->f("lookathd"); } else { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") { $default->owl_compressed_database = 0; } $default->owl_LookAtHD = "false"; } $default->owl_lookAtHD_del = $sql->f("lookathddel"); $default->owl_def_file_security = $sql->f("def_file_security"); $default->owl_def_file_group_owner = $sql->f("def_file_group_owner"); $default->owl_def_file_owner = $sql->f("def_file_owner"); $default->owl_def_file_title = $sql->f("def_file_title"); $default->owl_def_file_meta = $sql->f("def_file_meta"); $default->owl_def_fold_security = $sql->f("def_fold_security"); $default->owl_def_fold_group_owner = $sql->f("def_fold_group_owner"); $default->owl_def_fold_owner = $sql->f("def_fold_owner"); $default->max_filesize = $sql->f("max_filesize"); $default->owl_timeout = $sql->f("timeout"); if ($sql->f("tmpdir") == "") { $default->owl_tmpdir = $default->owl_FileDir; $default->owl_tmpdir .= DIR_SEP . fid_to_name(1); } else { $default->owl_tmpdir = $sql->f("tmpdir"); } $default->expand = $sql->f("expand"); $default->owl_version_control = $sql->f("version_control"); $default->default_revision = $sql->f("default_revision"); $default->major_revision = $sql->f("major_revision"); $default->minor_revision = $sql->f("minor_revision"); $default->restrict_view = $sql->f("restrict_view"); $default->dbdump_path = $sql->f("dbdump_path"); $default->gzip_path = $sql->f("gzip_path"); $default->tar_path = $sql->f("tar_path"); $default->unzip_path = $sql->f("unzip_path"); $default->pod2html_path = $sql->f("pod2html_path"); $default->pdftotext_path = $sql->f("pdftotext_path"); $default->rtftotext_path = $sql->f("rtftotext_path"); $default->wordtotext_path = $sql->f("wordtotext_path"); $default->file_perm = $sql->f("file_perm"); $default->folder_perm = $sql->f("folder_perm"); $default->anon_ro = $sql->f("anon_ro"); $default->anon_user = $sql->f("anon_user"); $default->file_admin_group = $sql->f("file_admin_group"); $default->machine_time_zone = $sql->f("machine_time_zone"); $default->use_wysiwyg_for_textarea = $sql->f("use_wysiwyg_for_textarea"); $default->force_ssl = $sql->f("force_ssl"); $default->make_file_indexing_user_selectable = $sql->f("make_file_indexing_user_selectable"); $default->turn_file_index_off = $sql->f("turn_file_index_off"); $default->show_folder_desc_as_popup = $sql->f("show_folder_desc_as_popup"); $default->hide_backup = $sql->f("hide_backup"); $default->collect_trash = $sql->f("collect_trash"); if ($sql->f("trash_can_location") == "") { $default->trash_can_location = $default->owl_FileDir . "/TrashCan"; } else { $default->trash_can_location = $sql->f("trash_can_location"); } $default->allow_popup = $sql->f("allow_popup"); $default->allow_custfieldspopup=$sql->f("allow_custpopup"); $default->show_file_stats = $sql->f("status_bar_location"); $default->display_file_info_panel_wide = $sql->f("info_panel_wide"); $default->allow_track_favorites = $sql->f("track_favorites"); $default->show_prefs = $sql->f("pref_bar"); $default->show_search = $sql->f("search_bar"); $default->show_bulk = $sql->f("bulk_buttons"); $default->show_action = $sql->f("action_buttons"); $default->show_folder_tools = $sql->f("folder_tools"); //$default->hide_bulk = $sql->f("hide_bulk"); // // Logging options // $default->logging = $sql->f("logging"); $default->log_file = $sql->f("log_file"); $default->log_login = $sql->f("log_login"); $default->log_rec_per_page = $sql->f("log_rec_per_page"); // // Sticky loggin (remember me Link) // $default->remember_me = $sql->f("remember_me"); $default->cookie_timeout = $sql->f("cookie_timeout"); // // Self Register options // $default->self_reg = $sql->f("self_reg"); $default->self_reg_quota = $sql->f("self_reg_quota"); $default->self_reg_notify = $sql->f("self_reg_notify"); $default->self_reg_attachfile = $sql->f("self_reg_attachfile"); $default->self_reg_disabled = $sql->f("self_reg_disabled"); $default->self_reg_noprefacces = $sql->f("self_reg_noprefacces"); $default->self_reg_maxsessions = $sql->f("self_reg_maxsessions"); $default->self_reg_group = $sql->f("self_reg_group"); $default->forgot_pass = $sql->f("forgot_pass"); $default->records_per_page = $sql->f("rec_per_page"); $default->self_reg_homedir = $sql->f("self_reg_homedir"); $default->self_reg_firstdir = $sql->f("self_reg_firstdir"); $default->self_create_homedir = $sql->f("self_create_homedir"); $default->registration_using_captcha = $sql->f("self_captcha"); $default->expand_disp_status = $sql->f("expand_disp_status"); $default->expand_disp_doc_num = $sql->f("expand_disp_doc_num"); $default->expand_disp_doc_type = $sql->f("expand_disp_doc_type"); $default->expand_disp_doc_fields =$sql->f("expand_disp_doc_fields"); $default->expand_disp_title = $sql->f("expand_disp_title"); $default->expand_disp_version = $sql->f("expand_disp_version"); $default->expand_disp_file = $sql->f("expand_disp_file"); $default->expand_disp_size = $sql->f("expand_disp_size"); $default->expand_disp_posted = $sql->f("expand_disp_posted"); $default->expand_disp_updated = $sql->f("expand_disp_updated"); $default->expand_disp_modified = $sql->f("expand_disp_modified"); $default->expand_disp_action = $sql->f("expand_disp_action"); $default->expand_disp_held = $sql->f("expand_disp_held"); $default->collapse_disp_status = $sql->f("collapse_disp_status"); $default->collapse_disp_doc_num = $sql->f("collapse_disp_doc_num"); $default->collapse_disp_doc_type = $sql->f("collapse_disp_doc_type"); $default->collapse_disp_doc_fields =$sql->f("collapse_disp_doc_fields"); $default->collapse_disp_title = $sql->f("collapse_disp_title"); $default->collapse_disp_version = $sql->f("collapse_disp_version"); $default->collapse_disp_file = $sql->f("collapse_disp_file"); $default->collapse_disp_size = $sql->f("collapse_disp_size"); $default->collapse_disp_posted = $sql->f("collapse_disp_posted"); $default->collapse_disp_updated = $sql->f("collapse_disp_updated"); $default->collapse_disp_modified = $sql->f("collapse_disp_modified"); $default->collapse_disp_action = $sql->f("collapse_disp_action"); $default->collapse_disp_held = $sql->f("collapse_disp_held"); $default->expand_search_disp_score = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_score"); $default->expand_search_disp_folder_path = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_folder_path"); $default->expand_search_disp_doc_type = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_doc_type"); $default->expand_search_disp_doc_fields = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_doc_fields"); $default->expand_search_disp_file = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_file"); $default->expand_search_disp_size = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_size"); $default->expand_search_disp_posted = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_posted"); $default->expand_search_disp_updated = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_updated"); $default->expand_search_disp_modified = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_modified"); $default->expand_search_disp_action = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_action"); $default->expand_search_disp_doc_num = $sql->f("expand_search_disp_doc_num"); $default->collapse_search_disp_score = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_score"); $default->collapse_search_disp_folder_path = $sql->f("colps_search_disp_fld_path"); $default->collapse_search_disp_doc_type = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_doc_type"); $default->colps_search_disp_doc_fields = $sql->f("colps_search_disp_doc_fields"); $default->collapse_search_disp_file = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_file"); $default->collapse_search_disp_size = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_size"); $default->collapse_search_disp_posted = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_posted"); $default->collapse_search_disp_updated = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_updated"); $default->collapse_search_disp_modified = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_modified"); $default->collapse_search_disp_action = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_action"); $default->collapse_search_disp_doc_num = $sql->f("collapse_search_disp_doc_num"); $default->hide_folder_doc_count = $sql->f("hide_folder_doc_count"); $default->old_action_icons = $sql->f("old_action_icons"); $default->search_result_folders = $sql->f("search_result_folders"); $default->restore_file_prefix = $sql->f("restore_file_prefix"); $default->doc_id_prefix = $sql->f("doc_id_prefix"); $default->doc_id_num_digits = $sql->f("doc_id_num_digits"); $default->view_doc_in_new_window = $sql->f("view_doc_in_new_window"); $default->admin_login_to_browse_page = $sql->f("admin_login_to_browse_page"); $default->save_keywords_to_db = $sql->f("save_keywords_to_db"); $default->anon_access = $sql->f("anon_ro"); $default->document_peer_review = $sql->f("peer_review"); $default->document_peer_review_optional = $sql->f("peer_opt"); $default->peer_review_leave_old_file_accessible = $sql->f("leave_old_file_accessible"); $default->auto_checkout_checking = $sql->f("auto_checkout_checking"); $default->hide_folder_size = $sql->f("folder_size"); $default->use_zip_for_folder_download = $sql->f("download_folder_zip"); $default->display_password_override = $sql->f("display_password_override"); $default->virus_path = $sql->f("virus_path"); $default->thumb_disp_status = $sql->f("thumb_disp_status"); $default->thumb_disp_doc_num = $sql->f("thumb_disp_doc_num"); $default->thumb_disp_image_info = $sql->f("thumb_disp_image_info"); $default->thumb_disp_version = $sql->f("thumb_disp_version"); $default->thumb_disp_size = $sql->f("thumb_disp_size"); $default->thumb_disp_posted = $sql->f("thumb_disp_posted"); $default->thumb_disp_updated = $sql->f("thumb_disp_updated"); $default->thumb_disp_modified = $sql->f("thumb_disp_modified"); $default->thumb_disp_action = $sql->f("thumb_disp_action"); $default->thumb_disp_held = $sql->f("thumb_disp_held"); $default->thumbnails_tool_path = $sql->f("thumbnails_tool_path"); $default->pdf_thumb_path = $sql->f("pdf_thumb_path"); $default->pdf_pdftk_tool_greater_than_1_40 = $sql->f("pdf_pdftk_tool_greater_than_1_40"); $default->pdf_watermark_path = $sql->f("pdf_watermark_path"); $default->pdf_custom_watermark_filepath = $sql->f("pdf_custom_watermark_filepath"); $default->pdf_watermarks = $sql->f("pdf_watermarks"); $default->thumbnails_video_tool_path = $sql->f("thumbnails_video_tool_path"); $default->thumbnails_video_tool_opt = $sql->f("thumbnails_video_tool_opt"); $default->thumbnails_small_width = $sql->f("thumbnails_small_width"); $default->thumbnails_med_width = $sql->f("thumbnails_med_width"); $default->thumbnails_large_width = $sql->f("thumbnails_large_width"); $default->thumbnail_view_columns= $sql->f("thumbnail_view_columns"); $default->thumbnails= $sql->f("thumbnails"); $default->min_pass_length = $sql->f("min_pass_length"); $default->min_username_length = $sql->f("min_username_length"); $default->min_pass_numeric = $sql->f("min_pass_numeric"); $default->min_pass_special = $sql->f("min_pass_special"); $default->enable_lock_account = $sql->f("enable_lock_account"); $default->lock_account_bad_password = $sql->f("lock_account_bad_password"); $default->track_user_passwords = $sql->f("track_user_passwords"); $default->change_password_every = $sql->f("change_password_every"); $default->file_desc_req = $sql->f("filedescreq"); $default->folder_desc_req = $sql->f("folderdescreq"); $default->show_user_info = $sql->f("show_user_info"); $default->owl_motd = $sql->f("motd"); $default->owl_maintenance_mode = $sql->f("owl_maintenance_mode"); // 0 = Old Standard Owl Authentication // 1 = .htaccess authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) // 2 = pop3 authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) // 3 = LDAP authentication (username must also exists as the Owl users Table) $default->lookHD_ommit_ext[] = "owlctl"; if (!$default->old_action_icons) { require_once ($default->owl_fs_root . "/scripts/phplayersmenu/lib/PHPLIB.php"); require_once ($default->owl_fs_root . "/scripts/phplayersmenu/lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php"); require_once ($default->owl_fs_root . "/scripts/phplayersmenu/lib/layersmenu.inc.php"); } } function fIsQuotaEnabled($current_user) { global $default ; global $owl_lang; $quota_max = 0; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$current_user'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $quota_max = $sql->f("quota_max"); } if ( $quota_max == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } function fCalculateQuota($size, $current_user, $type) { global $default; global $owl_lang; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$current_user'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $quota_max = $sql->f("quota_max"); $quota_current = $sql->f("quota_current"); if ($type == "ADD") { $new_quota = $quota_current + $size; } elseif ($type == "DEL") { $new_quota = $quota_current - $size; } } if (($new_quota > $quota_max) and fIsQuotaEnabled($current_user)) { printError("<b class=hilite>" . uid_to_name($current_user) ."</b>: $owl_lang->err_quota" . gen_filesize($size) . "$owl_lang->err_quota_needed" . gen_filesize($quota_max - $quota_current) . "$owl_lang->err_quota_avail"); if (($quota_max - $quota_current) <= 0) { printError("$owl_lang->err_quota_exceed"); } } return $new_quota; } function printfileperm($currentval, $namevariable, $printmessage, $type) { global $default; global $owl_lang; $file_perm[0][0] = 0; $file_perm[1][0] = 1; $file_perm[2][0] = 2; $file_perm[3][0] = 3; $file_perm[4][0] = 4; $file_perm[5][0] = 5; $file_perm[6][0] = 6; $file_perm[7][0] = 7; $file_perm[8][0] = 8; if ($type == "admin") { $file_perm[0][1] = "$owl_lang->everyoneread_ad"; $file_perm[1][1] = "$owl_lang->everyonewrite_ad"; $file_perm[2][1] = "$owl_lang->groupread_ad"; $file_perm[3][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_ad"; $file_perm[4][1] = "$owl_lang->onlyyou_ad"; $file_perm[5][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_ad_nod"; $file_perm[6][1] = "$owl_lang->everyonewrite_ad_nod"; $file_perm[7][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_worldread_ad"; $file_perm[8][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_worldread_ad_nod"; } else { $file_perm[0][1] = "$owl_lang->everyoneread"; $file_perm[1][1] = "$owl_lang->everyonewrite"; $file_perm[2][1] = "$owl_lang->groupread"; $file_perm[3][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite"; $file_perm[4][1] = "$owl_lang->onlyyou"; $file_perm[5][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_nod"; $file_perm[6][1] = "$owl_lang->everyonewrite_nod"; $file_perm[7][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_worldread"; $file_perm[8][1] = "$owl_lang->groupwrite_worldread_nod"; } print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class='form1'>$printmessage</td>\n"); print("<td class='form1' width='100%'>"); print("<select class='fpull1' name='$namevariable' size='1'>\n"); foreach($file_perm as $fp) { print("<option value='$fp[0]'"); if ($fp[0] == $currentval) { print(" selected='selected'"); } print(">$fp[1]</option>\n"); } print("</select>\n</td>\n</tr>\n"); } ; function owl_syslog($action, $userid, $filename, $logparent, $detail, $type, $filesize = '0') { global $default; if ($default->logging == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $log = 0; $logdate = date("Y-m-d G:i:s"); $ip = fGetClientIP(); $agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if ($default->log_file == 1 && $type == "FILE") { $log = 1; } if ($default->log_login == 1 && $type == "LOGIN") { $log = 1; } if ($type == "ADMIN") { $log = 1; } if ($log == 1) { if (empty($logparent)) { $logparent = 0; } $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_log_table (userid, filename, action, parent, details, logdate, ip, agent, type, filesize) values ('$userid', '$filename', '$action', '$logparent', '" . addslashes($detail) . "', '$logdate', '$ip', '$agent', '$type', '$filesize')"); } } } function change_ownership_perms($file, $id, $func_parent, $fileowner, $groupid, $policy, $prop_file_sec) { global $default; if ( $id == "1") { $file = ""; } //if (is_dir($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($func_parent) . "/" . $file)) //{ $sql = new Owl_DB; $smodified = $sql->now(); $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_folders_table SET creatorid='$fileowner', groupid='$groupid', security='$policy', smodified=$smodified WHERE id='$id'"); if ($prop_file_sec >= 0 ) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET creatorid='$fileowner', groupid='$groupid', security='$prop_file_sec', smodified=$smodified where parent='$id'"); } $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT name, id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent='$id'"); while($sql->next_record()) { $newfile = $sql->f("name"); $newid = $sql->f("id"); change_ownership_perms($newfile, $newid, $id, $fileowner, $groupid, $policy, $prop_file_sec); } //} //else //{ //if ($default->debug == true) //{ //printError("DEBUG: Security Propagation attempt on a file"); //} //} } function printgroupperm($currentval, $namevariable, $printmessage, $type) { global $default; global $owl_lang; $group_perm[0][0] = 50; $group_perm[1][0] = 51; $group_perm[2][0] = 52; $group_perm[3][0] = 53; $group_perm[4][0] = 54; $group_perm[5][0] = 55; $group_perm[6][0] = 56; $group_perm[7][0] = 57; $group_perm[8][0] = 58; if ($type == "admin") { $group_perm[0][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryoneread_ad"; $group_perm[1][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryonewrite_ad"; $group_perm[2][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupread_ad"; $group_perm[3][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_ad"; $group_perm[4][1] = "$owl_lang->gonlyyou_ad"; $group_perm[5][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_ad_nod"; $group_perm[6][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryonewrite_ad_nod"; $group_perm[7][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_worldread_ad"; $group_perm[8][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_worldread_ad_nod"; } else { $group_perm[0][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryoneread"; $group_perm[1][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryonewrite"; $group_perm[2][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupread"; $group_perm[3][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite"; $group_perm[4][1] = "$owl_lang->gonlyyou"; $group_perm[5][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_nod"; $group_perm[6][1] = "$owl_lang->geveryonewrite_nod"; $group_perm[7][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_worldread"; $group_perm[8][1] = "$owl_lang->ggroupwrite_worldread_nod"; } print("<tr>\n"); print("<td class='form1'>$printmessage</td>\n"); print("<td class='form1' width='100%'>"); print("<select class='fpull1' name='$namevariable' size='1'>\n"); foreach($group_perm as $fp) { print("<option value='$fp[0]' "); if ($fp[0] == $currentval) { print("selected='selected'"); } print(">$fp[1]</option>\n"); } print("</select></td>\n</tr>\n"); } ; function get_title_tag($chaine) { $fp = @fopen ($chaine, 'r'); if ($fp) { while (! feof ($fp)) { $contenu .= fgets ($fp, 1024); if (stristr($contenu, '</title>')) { break; } } if (eregi("<title>(.*)</title>", $contenu, $out)) { return $out[1]; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function RndInt($Format) { switch ($Format) { case "letter": case "special": $Rnd = rand(0, 25); if ($Rnd > 25) { $Rnd = $Rnd - 1; } break; case "number": $Rnd = rand(0, 9); if ($Rnd > 9) { $Rnd = $Rnd - 1; } break; } return $Rnd; } function GenRandPassword() { /** * RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATION ALGORITHM * PROGRAMMED BY: BRIAN GRIFFIN * January 1, 2003 * MXrider005@hotmail.com * * You can use this freely. Just don't credit it as your own work! And please e-mail me if you do just to let me know. Thanks. */ // DEFINE STRINGS TO USE FOR CHARACTER C // OMBINATIONS IN THE PASSWORD $LCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $UCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $Special = "~!@#$%^&*()_+}{|:;'>?<,/\\"; $Integer = "0123456789"; // DEFINE CONSTANTS FOR ALGORTTHM define("LEN", "1"); /** * THIS FUNCTION GENERATES A RANDOM NUMBER THAT WILL BE USED TO * RANDOMLY SELECT CHARACTERS FROM THE STRINGS ABOVE */ /** * RUN THE FUNCTION TO GENERATE RANDOM INTEGERS FOR EACH OF THE * 6 CHARACTERS IN THE PASSWORD PRODUCED. */ $a = RndInt("letter"); $b = RndInt("letter"); $c = RndInt("letter"); $d = RndInt("letter"); $e = RndInt("number"); $f = RndInt("number"); $g = RndInt("special"); $h = RndInt("letter"); // EXTRACT 6 CHARACTERS RANDOMLY FROM TH // E DEFINITION STRINGS $L1 = substr($LCase, $a, LEN); $L2 = substr($LCase, $b, LEN); $U1 = substr($UCase, $c, LEN); $U2 = substr($UCase, $d, LEN); $I1 = substr($Integer, $e, LEN); $I2 = substr($Integer, $f, LEN); $S1 = substr($Special, $g, LEN); $L3 = substr($LCase, $h, LEN); // COMBINE THE CHARACTERS AND DISPLAY TH // E NEW PASSWORD $PW = $L1 . $U2 . $I1 . $L2 . $I2 . $U1 . $L3 . $S1; return $PW; } if (!$sess && !$loginname && !$login) { if (!isset($fileid) and !isset($dlfileid)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$default->anon_user'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { $accountname = $sql->f("name"); if ($sql->f("disabled") != 1) { $ip = fGetClientIP(); $Resutls = 0; foreach($default->anonymous_user_net_access as $sNetworks) { if (netMatch($sNetworks, $ip) === true) { $iResutls++; } } if ($iResutls > 0 or empty($default->anonymous_user_net_access)) { $userid = $default->anon_user; } else { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php") { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: ANONYMOUS ACCESS DENIED FROM : $ip "); } else { printError("ANONYMOUS ACCESS DENIED"); } } } } else { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php" and $default->WebDAV === false) { if(isset($parent) and is_numeric($parent)) { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } else { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } } } else { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { if(isset($parent) and is_numeric($parent)) { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } else { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } } } else { //if ($default->anon_ro > 3) //{ //header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&fileid=$fileid&parent=$parent"); //} //else //{ $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$default->anon_user'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { $accountname = $sql->f("name"); if ($sql->f("disabled") != 1) { $ip = fGetClientIP(); $iResutls = 0; foreach($default->anonymous_user_net_access as $sNetworks) { if (netMatch($sNetworks, $ip) === true) { $iResutls++; } } if ($iResutls > 0 or empty($default->anonymous_user_net_access)) { $userid = $default->anon_user; } else { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php") { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: ANONYMOUS ACCESS DENIED FROM : $ip "); } else { printError("ANONYMOUS ACCESS DENIED"); } } } if (isset($fileid) and empty($anon)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&fileid=$fileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db&anon=1"); } } if (isset($dlfileid) and empty($anon)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&dlfileid=$dlfileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db&anon=1"); } } } else { if (isset($fileid)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&fileid=$fileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } if (isset($dlfileid)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&dlfileid=$dlfileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } } } else { if (isset($fileid)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&failure=4&fileid=$fileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } if (isset($dlfileid)) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/register.php") { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1&failure=4&dlfileid=$dlfileid&parent=$parent¤tdb=$default->owl_current_db"); } } } //} } } //print("DB: $default->owl_current_db") ; //print("L: $_POST[loginname] -- $_GET[loginname]") ; //print("<br />S: $sess") ; //exit; if (!$sess && $loginname) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$default->anon_user'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { if ($sql->f("disabled") != 1) { $userid = $default->anon_user; } else { $verified = verify_login($loginname, $password); if (!empty($verified['bit'])) { $sFailiure = "&failure=" . $verified['bit']; } header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1$sFailiure"); } } else { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1"); } } if (!$sess && $login) { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] != $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php") header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/index.php?login=1"); } function fFindFileExtension ($filename) { $filesearch = explode('.', $filename); $extensioncounter = 0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $firstpart = $firstpart . "."; } $firstpart = $firstpart . $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter == 0) { $firstpart = $filename; $file_extension = ''; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } return strtolower($file_extension); } function fFindFileFirstpartExtension ($filename, $sDelimiter = ".") { $filesearch = explode($sDelimiter, $filename); $extensioncounter = 0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $firstpart = $firstpart . $sDelimiter; } $firstpart = $firstpart . $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter == 0) { $firstpart = $filename; $file_extension = ''; $haveextension=""; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $haveextension="."; } $aFileLog = array(); $aFileLog[0] = $firstpart; $aFileLog[1] = $file_extension; $aFileLog[2] = $haveextension; return $aFileLog; } if (!function_exists("file_get_contents")) { function file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path = 0) { $data = ""; // just to be safe. Dunno, if this is really needed $file = @fopen($filename, "rb", $use_include_path); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) $data .= fread($file, 1024); fclose($file); } return $data; } } function my_copy($oldname, $newname) { if(is_file($oldname)) { $perms = fileperms($oldname); return copy($oldname, $newname) && chmod($newname, $perms); } else if(is_dir($oldname)) { my_dir_copy($oldname, $newname); } else { die("Cannot copy file: $oldname (it's neither a file nor a directory)"); } } function my_dir_copy($oldname, $newname) { global $default; if(!is_dir($newname)) { mkdir($newname, $default->directory_mask); } $dir = opendir($oldname); while($file = readdir($dir)) { if($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } my_copy("$oldname/$file", "$newname/$file"); } closedir($dir); } function fCopyFolder ($Folderid, $destparent) { global $default; $GetFolder = new Owl_DB; $InsertFolder = new Owl_DB; $smodified = $InsertFolder->now(); $GetFolder->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where id ='$Folderid'"); $GetFolder->next_record(); if ($GetFolder->num_rows() == 1) { $InsertFolder->query("INSERT into $default->owl_folders_table (name, parent, security, groupid, creatorid, description, smodified, linkedto) values ('". $GetFolder->f("name") ."', '" . $destparent ."', '" . $GetFolder->f("security") . "', '" . $GetFolder->f("groupid") . "', '" . $GetFolder->f("creatorid") . "', '" . $GetFolder->f("description") . "', $smodified , '" . $GetFolder->f("linkedto") . "')"); $newParent = $InsertFolder->insert_id($default->owl_folders_table, 'id'); // COPY ACL's $GetAcl = new Owl_DB; $PutAcl = new Owl_DB; $GetAcl->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where folder_id ='" . $Folderid . "'"); while ( $GetAcl->next_record() ) { if (is_null($GetAcl->f("group_id"))) { $iGroup_Id = "NULL, "; } else { $iGroup_Id = "'" . $GetAcl->f("group_id") . "', "; } if (is_null($GetAcl->f("user_id"))) { $iUser_Id = "NULL, "; } else { $iUser_Id = "'" . $GetAcl->f("user_id"). "', "; } $PutAcl->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (group_id, user_id, file_id, folder_id, owlread, owlwrite, owlviewlog, owldelete, owlcopy, owlmove, owlproperties, owlupdate, owlcomment, owlcheckin, owlemail, owlrelsearch, owlsetacl, owlmonitor) values (" . $iGroup_Id . $iUser_Id . "NULL , '" . $newParent . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlread") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlwrite") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlviewlog") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owldelete") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcopy") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlmove") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlproperties") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlupdate") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcomment") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcheckin") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlemail") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlrelsearch") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlsetacl") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlmonitor") . "')"); } $GetFiles = new Owl_DB; $PutFiles = new Owl_DB; $GetFileData = new Owl_DB; $PutFileData = new Owl_DB; $GetDoctype = new Owl_DB; $PutDoctype = new Owl_DB; $GetFiles->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where parent ='" . $GetFolder->f("id") . "'"); while ( $GetFiles->next_record() ) { // INSERT Files $PutFiles->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,parent,created, description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, approved, expires, linkedto) values ('" . $GetFiles->f("name") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("filename") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("f_size") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("creatorid") . "' , '$newParent', '" . $GetFiles->f("created") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("description") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("metadata") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("security") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("groupid") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("smodified") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("checked_out") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("major_revision") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("minor_revision") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("url") . "' , '" . $GetFiles->f("doctype") . "' , '1', '" . $GetFiles->f("expires") . "', '" .$GetFiles->f("linkedto") . "')"); $newFile = $PutFiles->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); fCopyFileAcl($GetFiles->f("id"), $newFile); // INSERT Associated Data if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $GetFileData->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_data_table where id = '" . $GetFiles->f("id") . "'"); $GetFileData->next_record(); $PutFileData->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$newFile', '" . addslashes($GetFileData->f("data")) . "','" . $GetFileData->f("compressed") . "')"); } // INSERT Thumbnails $id = $GetFiles->f("id"); if (file_exists($default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $id . "_small.png")) { copy ($default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $id . "_small.png", $default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $newFile . "_small.png"); copy ($default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $id . "_med.png", $default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $newFile . "_med.png"); copy ($default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $id . "_large.png", $default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $newFile . "_large.png"); } // INSERT Associated Custom Fields $GetDoctype->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table where file_id ='" . $GetFiles->f("id") . "'"); while ( $GetDoctype->next_record() ) { $PutDoctype->query("INSERT into $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table (file_id, field_name, field_value) values ('$newFile', '" . $GetDoctype->f("field_name") . "' , '" . $GetDoctype->f("field_value") . "')"); } } $GetFolders = new Owl_DB; $GetFolders->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where parent ='" . $GetFolder->f("id") . "'"); while($GetFolders->next_record()) { fCopyFolder($GetFolders->f("id"), $newParent); } } } function array_sort($array, $key) { if( is_array($array)) { for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($array); $i++) { $sort_values[$i] = $array[$i][$key]; } asort ($sort_values); reset ($sort_values); $i = 1; while (list ($arr_key, $arr_val) = each ($sort_values)) { $sorted_arr[$i] = $array[$arr_key]; $i++; } return $sorted_arr; } else { return $array; } } function fGetUserInfoInMyGroups($uid, $condition = "", $primary_group = false, $sSettingACL = "", $iObjectID = "") { global $default, $usergroupid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $i = 1; $UserGroupid = $usergroupid; if (empty($condition)) { $sWhere = ""; } else { $sWhere = " and $condition "; } if(fIsAdmin() or fIsGroupAdmin($uid, $UserGroupid, $sSettingACL, $iObjectID)) { $sql->query("SELECT id, language,attachfile, username,name ,email from $default->owl_users_table where 1=1 $sWhere"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $users[$i][username] = $sql->f("username"); $users[$i][name] = $sql->f("name"); $users[$i][email] = $sql->f("email"); $users[$i][id] = $sql->f("id"); $users[$i][language] = $sql->f("language"); $users[$i][attachfile] = $sql->f("attachfile"); $i++; } return array_sort($users, "name"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT id, language,attachfile, username,name ,email from $default->owl_users_table WHERE groupid = '$UserGroupid' $sWhere"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $users[$i][username] = $sql->f("username"); $users[$i][name] = $sql->f("name"); $users[$i][email] = $sql->f("email"); $users[$i][id] = $sql->f("id"); $users[$i][language] = $sql->f("language"); $users[$i][attachfile] = $sql->f("attachfile"); $i++; } } if ($primary_group) { $sql->query("SELECT username,name ,email from $default->owl_users_table where groupid = '$UserGroupid' and disabled='0' $sWhere"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $bAddUser = true; if(!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $aUsers) { $sId = $aUsers["id"]; if($sId == $sql->f("id")) { $bAddUser = false; } } } if($bAddUser) { $users[$i][username] = $sql->f("username"); $users[$i][name] = $sql->f("name"); $users[$i][email] = $sql->f("email"); $users[$i][id] = $sql->f("id"); $users[$i][language] = $sql->f("language"); $users[$i][attachfile] = $sql->f("attachfile"); $i++; } } } else { $membersql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($membersql)) { $membersql = new Owl_DB; } $membersql->query("SELECT userid,groupid from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where userid = '$uid'"); while ($membersql->next_record()) { $CurrentGroupid = $membersql->f("groupid"); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where groupid = '$CurrentGroupid' and disabled='0' $sWhere"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $bAddUser = true; if(!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $aUsers) { $sId = $aUsers["id"]; if($sId == $sql->f("id")) { $bAddUser = false; } } } if($bAddUser) { $users[$i][username] = $sql->f("username"); $users[$i][name] = $sql->f("name"); $users[$i][email] = $sql->f("email"); $users[$i][id] = $sql->f("id"); $users[$i][language] = $sql->f("language"); $users[$i][attachfile] = $sql->f("attachfile"); $i++; } } } } return array_sort($users, "name"); } function fGetGroups ($uid, $sSettingACL = "", $iObjectID = "") { global $default, $usergroupid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; $bUserAdmin = fIsUserAdmin($uid); if (fIsAdmin() or ($bUserAdmin and $sSettingACL == "")) { if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $groups[0][0] = $usergroupid; $groups[0][1] = group_to_name($usergroupid); $sql->query("SELECT id,name FROM $default->owl_groups_table WHERE id <> '$usergroupid' ORDER BY name"); $i = 1; while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($bUserAdmin and $sql->f("id") == 0) { continue; } $groups[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $groups[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $i++; } } elseif (fIsGroupAdmin($uid, $usergroupid, $sSettingACL, $iObjectID)) { if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT id,name from $default->owl_groups_table where id <> '0' and id <> '$default->file_admin_group' order by name"); $i = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { //print("D: $default->file_admin_group I: " . $sql->f("id") . "<br />"); $groups[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $groups[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $i++; } } else { $agroups = array(); if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$uid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $agroups[] = $sql->f("groupid"); $maingroup = $sql->f("groupid"); } $sql->query("SELECT groupid from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where (groupid is not NULL AND userid = '$uid' and groupid <> '$maingroup')"); $sGroupAdminQuery = ""; while ($sql->next_record()) { $agroups[] = $sql->f("groupid"); $sGroupAdminQuery .= " groupadmin <> '" . $sql->f("groupid") . "' AND"; } $sGroupAdminQuery .= " 1=1 "; $sql->query("SELECT groupadmin from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where ($sGroupAdminQuery) AND userid = '$uid' and groupadmin is not NULL"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $agroups[] = $sql->f("groupadmin"); } $sGroupAdminQuery = ""; foreach ($agroups as $usergroup) { $sGroupAdminQuery .= " id = '" . $usergroup . "' OR"; } $sGroupAdminQuery .= " 1=0 "; $sql->query("SELECT id, name from $default->owl_groups_table where ($sGroupAdminQuery) order by name;"); //print("SELECT id, name from $default->owl_groups_table where ($sGroupAdminQuery) order by name;"); $i = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { $groups[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $groups[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $i++; } } return $groups; } function fGetLastLogin() { global $default, $userid, $cCommonDBConnection; $getlastlogin = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($getlastlogin)) { $getlastlogin = new Owl_DB; } if ($default->anon_user <> $userid and !empty($userid)) { $getlastlogin->query("SELECT lastlogin FROM $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $userid . "'"); $getlastlogin->next_record(); $lastlogin = $getlastlogin->f("lastlogin"); } else { $lastlogin = fOwl_ereg_replace("'", "", $getlastlogin->now()); } return $lastlogin; } function fCheckWithinHomeDir ( $currentparent ) { global $default, $parent, $bIsWithinHomeDir; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("select id,name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$currentparent' "); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($bIsWithinHomeDir) { break; } if ($sql->f("parent") == $default->HomeDir) { $bIsWithinHomeDir = true; break; } fCheckWithinHomeDir ($sql->f("parent")); } } function fCheckWithinSpecialAccess ( $currentparent ) { global $default, $bIsWithinSpecialAccess; if(!empty($default->special_folder_defaults[$currentparent])) { $bIsWithinSpecialAccess = true; return; } $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("select id,name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$currentparent' "); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($bIsWithinSpecialAccess) { break; } if(!empty($default->special_folder_defaults[$sql->f("parent")])) { $bIsWithinSpecialAccess = true; break; } fCheckWithinSpecialAccess ($sql->f("parent")); } } function fGetFolderSize($iFolderId, $iFolderSize = 0, $getfiles = 0) { global $default, $userid; if ($getfiles == 0) { $getfiles = new Owl_DB; } $getfolders = new Owl_DB; if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { $getfiles->query("SELECT id, f_size from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '$iFolderId'"); while ($getfiles->next_record()) { $iFileId = $getfiles->f("id"); if (check_auth($iFileId, "file_download", $userid, false, false) == 1) { $iFolderSize += $getfiles->f("f_size"); } } } else { $getfiles->query("SELECT sum(f_size) as fsize from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '$iFolderId'"); $getfiles->next_record(); if(!is_null($getfiles->f("fsize"))) { $iFolderSize += $getfiles->f("fsize"); } } $getfolders->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '$iFolderId'"); while ($getfolders->next_record()) { $iFolderSize = fGetFolderSize($getfolders->f("id") , $iFolderSize, $getfiles); } return $iFolderSize; } function fGetBulkDownloadFiles($iFolderId) { global $filelist, $default, $userid, $pdffilelist, $aLinkedFileList; $getfiles = new Owl_DB; // DONT DOWNLOAD URLS $getfiles->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '$iFolderId' and url <> '1'"); if ($getfiles->num_rows() > 0 ) { while ($getfiles->next_record()) { $iFileId = $getfiles->f("id"); $oldid = $iFileId; $iFileId = fGetPhysicalFileId($iFileId); if (check_auth($iFileId, "file_download", $userid) == 1) { $path = fCreateWaterMark($iFileId); if (! $path === false) { $fspath = $path; $pdffilelist[] = $fspath; } else { $fspath = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . get_dirpath(owlfileparent($iFileId)) . DIR_SEP . flid_to_filename($iFileId); if ($oldid == $iFileId) { $filelist[] = $fspath; } else { $aLinkedFileList[$iFileId] = array($fspath => $oldid); } //$filelist[] = $fspath; } //$filelist[] = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath(owlfileparent($iFileId)) . "/" . flid_to_filename($iFileId); } } } else { $fspath = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . get_dirpath($iFolderId); $filelist[] = $fspath; } $getfolders = new Owl_DB; $getfolders->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '$iFolderId'"); while ($getfolders->next_record()) { fGetBulkDownloadFiles($getfolders->f("id")); } } function fGetPhysicalFolderId ( $iFolderId ) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $getfiles = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($getfiles)) { $getfiles = new Owl_DB; } $RealId = 0; $getfiles->query("SELECT linkedto from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$iFolderId'"); while ($getfiles->next_record()) { $RealId = $getfiles->f("linkedto"); } if(empty($RealId) or $RealId == 0) { $RealId = $iFolderId; } return $RealId; } function fGetPhysicalFileId ( $iFileId ) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $getfiles = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($getfiles)) { $getfiles = new Owl_DB; } $RealId = 0; $getfiles->query("SELECT linkedto from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$iFileId'"); while ($getfiles->next_record()) { $RealId = $getfiles->f("linkedto"); } if(empty($RealId) or $RealId == 0) { $RealId = $iFileId; } return $RealId; } function fCleanDomTTContent ($sDescription , $bDomPopup = 1) { $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("\n", "%OWLNEWLIINE%", $sDescription); $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("\"", "'", $sReturnDesc); $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("'", "\\'", $sReturnDesc); $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("\r", '', $sReturnDesc); $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("\r", '', $sReturnDesc); if ($bDomPopup == 1) { //$sReturnDesc = ereg_replace("<","&lt;",$sReturnDesc); // the above line was removed because it was preventing HTML rendering in the File Description // Home I have not broken anything in the process. $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("%OWLNEWLIINE%", "<br />", $sReturnDesc); } else { $sReturnDesc = fOwl_ereg_replace("%OWLNEWLIINE%", "<br />", $sReturnDesc); $sReturnDesc = htmlentities($sReturnDesc); } return $sReturnDesc; } /* function ldap_authenticate($u, $p) { global $default; // Generate a DN from a uid $dn = "$default->ldapuserattr=$u, " . $default->ldapserverroot; // Connect to ldap server $dsCon = ldap_connect($default->ldapserver); // Make sure we connected if (!($dsCon)) { printError("Sorry, cannot contact LDAP server"); return(1); } // Attempt to bind, if it works, the password is acceptable ldap_set_option($dsCon, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $default->ldapprotocolversion); $bind = ldap_bind($dsCon, $dn, $p); if(!($bind)) { return(1); } else { // If we got here, the username/password worked. ldap_close($dsCon); return (0); } } */ function ldap_authenticate($usr, $pswd) { global $default; if(empty($usr) or empty($pswd)) { return(1); } if(empty($default->owl_current_db)) { $db = $default->owl_default_db; } else { $db = $default->owl_current_db; } //list ($user, $domain) = split('@', $u); if ($default->owl_db_ldapdomain["$db"] != "") { $dn = $usr."@".$default->owl_db_ldapdomain["$db"]; } else { $dn = $default->ldapuserattr["$db"]."=".$usr.", ".$default->ldapserverroot["$db"]; } if (!($connect=ldap_connect($default->owl_db_ldapserver["$db"]))) { return(1); //die("Could not connect to a domain controller"); } ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $default->ldapprotocolversion); ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // bind to server if (!($bind=@ldap_bind($connect, $dn,$pswd))) { return(1); } else { ldap_close($connect); return (0); } } function fGetLocales() { global $default; $aLanguages = array(); $dir = dir($default->owl_LangDir); if (empty($dir)) { $aLanguages[] = "ERROR: CANT READ LOCALES"; return $aLanguages; } $dir->rewind(); while ($file = $dir->read()) { if ($file != "." and $file != ".." and $file != "CVS" and $file != "favicon.ico") { $aLanguages[] = $file; } } $dir->close(); $aLanguages = iSort($aLanguages); reset($aLanguages); return $aLanguages; } function iSort($sortarr) { $bakarr = $sortarr; for($arrnum = 0; $arrnum < Count($sortarr); $arrnum++) { $sortarr[$arrnum] = strtolower($sortarr[$arrnum])."|".$arrnum; } sort($sortarr); reset($sortarr); for($arrnum = 0; $arrnum < Count($sortarr); $arrnum++) { $temp = explode("|", $sortarr[$arrnum]); $newarr[] = $bakarr[$temp[Count($temp)-1]]; } return $newarr; } function fCleanupUserInput ( $UserInputField ) { return fOwl_ereg_replace("\\\\","/",stripslashes($UserInputField)); } function fIntializeCheckBox ( $iCheckboxItem ) { if (!empty($iCheckboxItem)) { return $iCheckboxItem; } else { return "0"; } } function fbCheckForPasswdReuse ( $sPassword , $uid ) { global $default; $bReused = false; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_trackpasswd_table WHERE userid='$uid' and password='" . md5($sPassword) . "'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_trackpasswd_table (userid, password) VALUES ('$uid', '" . md5($sPassword) . "')"); $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_trackpasswd_table WHERE userid='$uid'"); if ($sql->num_rows() > $default->track_user_passwords) { $qCleanup = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_trackpasswd_table WHERE userid='$uid' ORDER BY id DESC"); $iCountPassRecords = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { $iCountPassRecords++; if ( $iCountPassRecords > $default->track_user_passwords) { $qCleanup->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_trackpasswd_table WHERE id='" . $sql->f("id") . "'"); } } } } else { $bReused = true; } return $bReused; } function fbValidUsername( $sUsername ) { global $default; $iStrLen = strlen($sUsername); $bValid = true; if ($iStrLen < $default->min_username_length) { $bValid = false; } if (ereg(' ', $sUsername)) { $bValid = false; } return $bValid; } function fbValidPassword( $sPassword ) { global $default; $iStrLen = strlen($sPassword); $bValid = true; if ($iStrLen < $default->min_pass_length) { $bValid = false; } $iNumOfAlpha = 0; $iNumOfNum = 0; $iNumOfSpec = 0; for ( $c = 0; $c < $iStrLen; $c++) { $cLetter = substr($sPassword, $c, 1); if (preg_match("/[0-9]/", $cLetter)) { $iNumOfNum++; } if (preg_match("/[\\\~\!\.\/\,\"\=\-\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\{\}\|\[\]\;\'\?\>\<\:]/", $cLetter)) { $iNumOfSpec++; } } if ($iNumOfNum < $default->min_pass_numeric or $iNumOfSpec < $default->min_pass_special) { $bValid = false; } return $bValid; } /** * CODE FROM: php.net * * Note Contributed by: mariano at cricava dot com * http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.mktime.php * * Calculates the difference for two given dates, and returns the result * in specified unit. * * @param string Initial date (format: [dd-mm-YYYY hh:mm:ss], hh is in 24hrs format) * @param string Last date (format: [dd-mm-YYYY hh:mm:ss], hh is in 24hrs format) * @param char 'd' to obtain results as days, 'h' for hours, 'm' for minutes, 's' for seconds, and 'a' to get an indexed array of days, hours, minutes, and seconds * * @return mixed The result in the unit specified (float for all cases, except when unit='a', in which case an indexed array), or null if it could not be obtained * * USAGE: $dateFrom = "25-03-2005 14:20:00"; $dateTo = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", strtotime('now')); $diffd = getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, 'd'); $diffh = getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, 'h'); $diffm = getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, 'm'); $diffs = getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, 's'); $diffa = getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, 'a'); echo 'Calculating difference between ' . $dateFrom . ' and ' . $dateTo . ' <br /><br />'; echo $diffd . ' days.<br />'; echo $diffh . ' hours.<br />'; echo $diffm . ' minutes.<br />'; echo $diffs . ' seconds.<br />'; echo '<br />In other words, the difference is ' . $diffa['days'] . ' days, ' . $diffa['hours'] . ' hours, ' . $diffa['minutes'] . ' minutes and ' . $diffa['seconds'] . ' seconds.<br>'; */ function getDateDifference($dateFrom, $dateTo, $unit = 'd') { $difference = null; $dateFromElements = split(' ', $dateFrom); $dateToElements = split(' ', $dateTo); $dateFromDateElements = split('-', $dateFromElements[0]); $dateFromTimeElements = split(':', $dateFromElements[1]); $dateToDateElements = split('-', $dateToElements[0]); $dateToTimeElements = split(':', $dateToElements[1]); // Get unix timestamp for both dates for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) { if ( $dateFromTimeElements[$i] == "") $dateFromTimeElements[$i] = 0; if ( $dateToTimeElements[$i] == "") $dateToTimeElements[$i] = 0; } $date1 = mktime($dateFromTimeElements[0], $dateFromTimeElements[1], $dateFromTimeElements[2], $dateFromDateElements[1], $dateFromDateElements[0], $dateFromDateElements[2]); $date2 = mktime($dateToTimeElements[0], $dateToTimeElements[1], $dateToTimeElements[2], $dateToDateElements[1], $dateToDateElements[0], $dateToDateElements[2]); if( $date1 > $date2 ) { return null; } $diff = $date2 - $date1; $days = 0; $hours = 0; $minutes = 0; $seconds = 0; if ($diff % 86400 <= 0) // there are 86,400 seconds in a day { $days = $diff / 86400; } if($diff % 86400 > 0) { $rest = ($diff % 86400); $days = ($diff - $rest) / 86400; if( $rest % 3600 > 0 ) { $rest1 = ($rest % 3600); $hours = ($rest - $rest1) / 3600; if( $rest1 % 60 > 0 ) { $rest2 = ($rest1 % 60); $minutes = ($rest1 - $rest2) / 60; $seconds = $rest2; } else { $minutes = $rest1 / 60; } } else { $hours = $rest / 3600; } } switch($unit) { case 'd': case 'D': $partialDays = 0; $partialDays += ($seconds / 86400); $partialDays += ($minutes / 1440); $partialDays += ($hours / 24); $difference = $days + $partialDays; break; case 'h': case 'H': $partialHours = 0; $partialHours += ($seconds / 3600); $partialHours += ($minutes / 60); $difference = $hours + ($days * 24) + $partialHours; break; case 'm': case 'M': $partialMinutes = 0; $partialMinutes += ($seconds / 60); $difference = $minutes + ($days * 1440) + ($hours * 60) + $partialMinutes; break; case 's': case 'S': $difference = $seconds + ($days * 86400) + ($hours * 3600) + ($minutes * 60); break; case 'a': case 'A': $difference = array ( "days" => $days, "hours" => $hours, "minutes" => $minutes, "seconds" => $seconds ); break; } return $difference; } function fGetHostByAddress($ip='') { if ($ip=='') { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $longisp = @gethostbyaddr($ip); $isp = explode('.', $longisp); if (preg_match("/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/", $longisp)) { return 'ISP lookup failed.'; } return $longisp; } require_once ($default->owl_fs_root . "/scripts/fpdf/fpdf.php"); class Owl_PDF extends FPDF { //Page header var $sFpdfTitle = ""; var $sFpdfDocName = ""; var $sFpdfDocLocation = ""; function Header() { //Logo //Arial bold 15 $this->SetFont('Arial','B',15); $this->SetTextColor(0,0,0); //Move to the right $this->Cell(80); //Title $this->Cell(30,10,$this->sFpdfTitle,0,0,'C'); //Line break $this->Ln(20); } //Page footer function Footer() { global $default; //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom $this->SetY(-15); //Arial italic 8 $this->SetFont('Arial','',8); $this->SetTextColor(0,0,0); //Page number $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().' of {nb}',0,0,'C'); $this->SetY(-12); $this->SetX(-55); $this->SetFontSize(6); $this->Cell(0,10,"Name: " . $this->sFpdfDocName,0,1); $this->SetY(-10); $this->SetX(-57); if (!empty($this->sFpdfDocLocation)) { $this->Cell(0,10,"Location: " .$this->sFpdfDocLocation,0,1); } else { $this->Cell(0,10,"",0,1); } if ($this->DefOrientation == "L") { $this->Image("$default->owl_fs_root/graphics/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/owl_pdf.png",8,197,20,0,'','http://owl.sourceforge.net'); } else { $this->Image("$default->owl_fs_root/graphics/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/owl_pdf.png",8,280,26,0,'','http://owl.sourceforge.net'); } $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetX(8); $this->PutLink("http://owl.sourceforge.net", "http://owl.sourceforge.net"); } function SetStyle($tag,$enable) { //Modify style and select corresponding font $this->$tag+=($enable ? 1 : -1); $style=''; foreach(array('B','I','U') as $s) { if($this->$s>0) { $style.=$s; } } $this->SetFont('',$style); } function PutLink($URL,$txt) { //Put a hyperlink $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); $this->Write(5,$txt,$URL); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetTextColor(0); } } function fGeneratePdfFile($iFileId) { global $default, $parent, $owl_lang; $sLocation = find_path($parent); $sName = flid_to_filename($iFileId); if($default->owl_use_fs) { $path = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $sLocation . DIR_SEP . $sName; $txt = file_get_contents($path); } else { $path = fGetFileFromDatbase($iFileId); $txt = utf8_decode(file_get_contents($path)); } $aFirstpExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension ($sName); $sFirstPart = $aFirstpExtension[0]; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT metadata, name from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$iFileId'"); $sql->next_record(); $pdf=new Owl_PDF(); $pdf->SetTitle($sql->f("name")); $pdf->SetAuthor(fid_to_creator($iFileId)); $pdf->SetCreator($default->version); $pdf->SetKeywords($sql->f("metadata")); $pdf->sFpdfTitle = $sql->f("name"); $pdf->sFpdfDocName = $sName; $pdf->sFpdfDocLocation = $sLocation; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Times','',12); $pdf->MultiCell(0,5,$txt); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Output($sFirstPart . ".pdf", 'D'); } function fWindowsMoveFolders($source, $dest) { if (file_exists($source)) { if($hDocDir = opendir($source)) { if(!file_exists($dest)) { mkdir($dest, $default->directory_mask); } while ($file = readdir($hDocDir)) { if ($file[0] == '.') { continue; } if (!is_file("$source/$file")) { fWindowsMoveFolders($source. DIR_SEP. $file, $dest . DIR_SEP . $file); } else { rename("$source/$file", "$dest/$file"); } } } } else { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: File does not exist: $source"); } } } function return_bytes($val) { $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1}); switch($last) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } function fGetMailBodyText($iTypeFlag, $iFileId = -1, $tempsess = 0, $type = "0") { global $default, $language, $owl_lang, $userid; $aBody = array(); $sql = new Owl_DB; $sFileCreated = ""; $sFileModified = ""; if($iFileId > 0) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where id='$iFileId'"); $sql->next_record(); $sFileCreated = $sql->f("created"); $sFileModified = $sql->f("smodified"); $sFileCreator = uid_to_name($sql->f('creatorid')); $sFileUpdator = uid_to_name($sql->f("updatorid")); $sUsername = uid_to_name($userid); if(!empty($sFileCreated)) { $sFileCreated = date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("created")) + $default->time_offset); } if (!empty($sFileModified)) { $sFileModified = date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("smodified")) + $default->time_offset); } if ($type == "url") { $link = $sql->f('filename'); $path = find_path($sql->f('parent')) . DIR_SEP . $sql->f('name'); } else { $path = find_path($sql->f('parent')) . DIR_SEP . $sql->f('filename'); $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=$tempsess&parent=" .$sql->f('parent') . "&expand=1&fileid=$iFileId"; } } switch ($iTypeFlag) { case NEW_FILE: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->notif_subject_new; $sFile = "new_document"; break; case UPDATED_FILE: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->notif_subject_upd; $sFile = "upd_document"; break; case NEW_COMMENT: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->notif_subject_comment; $sFile = "new_comment"; break; case DELETED_FILE: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->notif_subject_file_deleted; $sFile = "del_document"; break; case NEW_PASSWORD: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->self_reg_subj; $sFile = "forgot_password"; break; case NEW_APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_review; $sFile = "new_review"; break; case APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_approved; $sFile = "approved_review"; break; case REMINDER_APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_reminder; $sFile = "new_review"; break; case FINAL_APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_approved; $sFile = "final_review"; break; case FINAL_AUTO_APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_approved; $sFile = "final_auto_review"; break; case REJECT_APPROVED: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->peer_subj_rejected; $sFile = "reject_review"; break; case ADMIN_PASSWORD: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->notif_subj_new_account; $sFile = "new_account"; break; case SELF_REG_USER: $aBody['SUBJECT'] = $owl_lang->self_reg_subj; $sFile = "self_reg"; break; } $sHtmlFilePath = "$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/emailtemplates/$sFile.html"; $sTxtFilePath = "$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$language/emailtemplates/$sFile.txt"; $handle = @fopen($sTxtFilePath, "r"); $sBody = ""; if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); $cUnixComment = $buffer[0]; $cHtmlCommentStart = $buffer[0] . $buffer[1] . $buffer[2] . $buffer[3] ; $cHtmlCommentEnd = $buffer[0] . $buffer[1] . $buffer[2]; if($cUnixComment != '#' and $cHtmlCommentStart != "<!--" and $cHtmlCommentEnd != "-->") { $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_TITLE\%", $sql->f('name'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%REPO_NAME\%", $default->owl_db_name[$default->owl_current_db], $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_NAME\%", $sql->f('filename'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%OWL_FILE_PATH\%", $path, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_SIZE\%", $sql->f('f_size'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_OWNER\%", $sFileCreator, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_UPDATOR\%", $sFileUpdator, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_CREATION_DATE\%", $sFileCreated, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_DESC\%", $sql->f("description"), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_MODIFICATION_DATE\%", $sFileModified, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_VERSION\%", $sql->f("major_revision") . "." . $sql->f("minor_revision"), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_URL\%", $link, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%CURRENT_USER\%", $sUsername, $buffer); $sBody .= $buffer; } } fclose($handle); } $aBody['TXT'] = $sBody; $sBody = ""; $handle = @fopen($sHtmlFilePath, "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); $cUnixComment = $buffer[0]; $cHtmlCommentStart = $buffer[0] . $buffer[1] . $buffer[2] . $buffer[3] ; $cHtmlCommentEnd = $buffer[0] . $buffer[1] . $buffer[2]; if($cUnixComment != '#' and $cHtmlCommentStart != "<!--" and $cHtmlCommentEnd != "-->") { $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_TITLE\%", $sql->f('name'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_NAME\%", $sql->f('filename'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%OWL_FILE_PATH\%", $path, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%REPO_NAME\%", $default->owl_db_name[$default->owl_current_db], $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_SIZE\%", $sql->f('f_size'), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_OWNER\%", $sFileCreator, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_UPDATOR\%", $sFileUpdator, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_CREATION_DATE\%", $sFileCreated , $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_DESC\%", $sql->f("description"), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_MODIFICATION_DATE\%", $sFileModified , $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_VERSION\%", $sql->f("major_revision") . "." . $sql->f("minor_revision"), $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%FILE_URL\%", "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $sql->f('filename') . "</a>", $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%LANG_CODE\%", $owl_lang->lang_code, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%LANG_CHARSET\%", $default->charset, $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%TITLE\%", $default->site_title . " " . $default->version , $buffer); $buffer = fOwl_ereg_replace("\%CURRENT_USER\%", $sUsername , $buffer); $sBody .= $buffer; } } fclose($handle); } $aBody['HTML'] = $sBody; return $aBody; } function fDebugDisplayArray($aArray) { if(empty($aArray)) { print("<pre>"); print("ARRAY IS EMPTY"); print("</pre>"); } else { print("<pre>"); print_r($aArray); print("</pre>"); } } // CODE Contributed By: wmswms function get_parents_sql($parent, $filename) { global $default, $userid; $sql = new Owl_DB; // list of folder id's from $parent up to id=1 (Documents) $folders = array(); // get file id and folder (parent) id $sql->query("SELECT f.id, name, description, parent, filename from $default->owl_files_table f where f.filename = '$filename' and f.parent = '$parent'"); $sql->next_record(); $next_parent = $sql->f("parent"); // walk up folder hierarchy while ($next_parent != 1) { $folders[] = $next_parent; $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$next_parent'"); $sql->next_record(); $next_parent = $sql->f("parent"); } // for Documents root folder $folders[] = 1; // convert to comma-sep list for SQL $folders = implode(',', $folders); return "SELECT f.id, fid, name, description, parent, userid, filename from $default->owl_files_table f, $default->owl_monitored_folder_table m where f.filename = '$filename' and f.parent = '$parent' and m.fid IN ($folders)"; } function fMoveBackupVersions ($fname, $source, $dest, $parent) { global $default, $newFolder; $sql = new Owl_DB; $aFirstpExtension = fFindFileFirstpartExtension ($fname); $firstpart = $aFirstpExtension[0]; $file_extension = $aFirstpExtension[1]; // Get the id of the backup folder for the SOURCE Directory if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $sql->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' and parent='$parent'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $backup_parent = $sql->f("id"); } // Get the id of the backup folder for the Destination Directory // If it doesn't exists create one $sql->query("SELECT id FROM $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='$default->version_control_backup_dir_name' and parent='$newFolder'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $BackupFolderId = $sql->f("id"); } } else { $sDestinationBackupDir = "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest/$default->version_control_backup_dir_name"; if (!is_dir($sDestinationBackupDir)) { mkdir($sDestinationBackupDir, $default->directory_mask); if (is_dir($sDestinationBackupDir)) { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_folders_table (name, parent, security, groupid, creatorid, description) values ('$default->version_control_backup_dir_name', '$newFolder', '" . fCurFolderSecurity($newFolder) ."', '" . owlfoldergroup($newFolder) ."', '" . owlfoldercreator($newFolder) . "', '')"); $BackupFolderId = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_folders_table, 'id'); } else { printError("$owl_lang->err_backup_folder_create"); } } } // Move the Backup files to the Destination backup Directory $qMoveBackupFiles = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE (filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\\_%" . $file_extension . "' AND parent = '$backup_parent') OR (filename = '$filename'AND parent = '$parent') ORDER BY major_revision desc, minor_revision desc"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $major_revision = $sql->f("major_revision"); $minor_revision = $sql->f("minor_revision"); if ($filename == $firstpart.'_'.$major_revision.'-'.$minor_revision.".".$file_extension) { $qMoveBackupFiles->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET parent='$BackupFolderId' WHERE id='" . $sql->f("id") ."'"); rename("$default->owl_FileDir/$source" . "$default->version_control_backup_dir_name/" . $sql->f("filename") , "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest" . "$default->version_control_backup_dir_name/". $sql->f("filename")); } } } } } class RPDF extends FPDF { function Header() { global $userid, $owl_lang; //Logo //Arial bold 15 $this->SetFont('Arial','B',10); $this->SetTextColor(255,192,203); //Move to the right $this->Cell(80); //Title $this->Cell(30,10,"$owl_lang->watermark_string - (" . uid_to_name($userid) . " " . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . ")",0,0,'C'); //Line break $this->Ln(20); } function TextWithDirection($x,$y,$txt,$direction='R') { $txt=str_replace(')','\\)',str_replace('(','\\(',str_replace('\\','\\\\',$txt))); if ($direction=='R') $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f Tm (%s) Tj ET',1,0,0,1,$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); elseif ($direction=='L') $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f Tm (%s) Tj ET',-1,0,0,-1,$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); elseif ($direction=='U') $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f Tm (%s) Tj ET',0,1,-1,0,$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); elseif ($direction=='D') $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f Tm (%s) Tj ET',0,-1,1,0,$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); else $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td (%s) Tj ET',$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); if ($this->ColorFlag) $s='q '.$this->TextColor.' '.$s.' Q'; $this->_out($s); } function TextWithRotation($x,$y,$txt,$txt_angle,$font_angle=0) { $txt=str_replace(')','\\)',str_replace('(','\\(',str_replace('\\','\\\\',$txt))); $font_angle+=90+$txt_angle; $txt_angle*=M_PI/180; $font_angle*=M_PI/180; $txt_dx=cos($txt_angle); $txt_dy=sin($txt_angle); $font_dx=cos($font_angle); $font_dy=sin($font_angle); $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f Tm (%s) Tj ET', $txt_dx,$txt_dy,$font_dx,$font_dy, $x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$txt); if ($this->ColorFlag) $s='q '.$this->TextColor.' '.$s.' Q'; $this->_out($s); } } function fisUserWaterMark() { global $default, $userid; $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT pdf_watermarks from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { return fIntializeCheckBox($sql->f('pdf_watermarks')); } } function fCreateWaterMark($fid) { global $default, $userid, $sess, $owl_lang; if ($default->pdf_watermarks == 0) { return false; } elseif (fisUserWaterMark($userid) == 0) { return false; } $filename = fid_to_filename($fid); $sFileExtension = fFindFileExtension($filename); if ($sFileExtension == "pdf" and fisUserWaterMark() == 1) { $iStartParent = owlfileparent($fid); $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (!file_exists($tmpDir)) { mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); } $sTmpDirPath = $tmpDir; if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $sFilePath = find_path($iStartParent); $path = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . $sFilePath . DIR_SEP . $filename; $aFilePath = explode( "/" , $sFilePath ); foreach ($aFilePath as $sDirectory) { $sTmpDirPath .= DIR_SEP . $sDirectory; if (!file_exists($sTmpDirPath)) { mkdir($sTmpDirPath, $default->directory_mask); } } copy($path , $sTmpDirPath . DIR_SEP . $filename); } else { $path = fGetFileFromDatbase($fid); } if ($default->pdf_pdftk_tool_greater_than_1_40 == "1") { $sPdftkAction = "stamp"; } else { $sPdftkAction = "background"; } if (file_exists($default->pdf_custom_watermark_filepath)) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { exec(escapeshellcmd($default->pdf_watermark_path) . " '" . $path . "' $sPdftkAction '" . $default->pdf_custom_watermark_filepath . "' output '" . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename . "'", $output); } else { exec(escapeshellcmd($default->pdf_watermark_path) . " \"" . $path . "\" $sPdftkAction \"" . $default->pdf_custom_watermark_filepath . "\" output \"" . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename . "\" dont_ask", $output); //exec($default->pdf_watermark_path . " " . $path . " $sPdftkAction " . $default->pdf_custom_watermark_filepath . " output " . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename, $output); } } else { $pdf=new RPDF(); $pdf->Open(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',40); $pdf->SetTextColor(255,192,203); $pdf->TextWithRotation(50,145, $owl_lang->watermark_string ,45,-45); $pdf->TextWithRotation(50,180, uid_to_name($userid) ,45,-45); $pdf->TextWithRotation(50,210,$owl_lang->watermark_source ,45,-45); $pdf->TextWithRotation(50,240,date("F j, Y, g:i a") ,45,-45); $pdf->Output($tmpDir . "/water.pdf"); if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { exec(escapeshellcmd($default->pdf_watermark_path) . " '" . $path . "' $sPdftkAction '" . $tmpDir ."/water.pdf' output '" . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename . "'", $output); } else { //exec($default->pdf_watermark_path . " " . $path . " $sPdftkAction " . $tmpDir ."/water.pdf output " . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename, $output); exec(escapeshellcmd($default->pdf_watermark_path) . " \"" . $path . "\" $sPdftkAction \"" . $tmpDir ."/water.pdf\" output \"" . $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename . "\" dont_ask", $output); } } //exit($default->pdf_watermark_path . " '" . $path . "' $sPdftkAction '" . $tmpDir ."/water.pdf' output '" . $tmpDir . "/stamp_" . $filename . "'"); return ( $sTmpDirPath . "/stamp_" . $filename); } return false; } function fGetFileFromDatbase($id) { global $sess, $default; $uncomptmpfile = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess/" . flid_to_filename($id); $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir,$default->directory_mask); $getfile = new Owl_DB; $getfile->query("SELECT data,compressed FROM $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id='$id'"); while ($getfile->next_record()) { if ($getfile->f("compressed")) { $tmpfile = $uncomptmpfile . ".gz"; if ($default->debug) { if (!file_exists($default->owl_tmpdir)) { printError("$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_exists"); } if (!is_writable($default->owl_tmpdir)) { printError("$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_writeable"); } } if (file_exists($tmpfile)) unlink($tmpfile); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); if ($default->owl_encrypt_database == 1) { $cipher = new cCipherClass; $cipher->securekey = mhash(MHASH_SHA256,$default->owl_encrypt_keyphrase); $cipher->iv = mcrypt_create_iv(32); $sData = $cipher->decrypt($getfile->f("data")); } else { $sData = $getfile->f("data"); } fwrite($fp, $sData); fclose($fp); system(escapeshellcmd($default->gzip_path) . " -df $tmpfile"); $fsize = filesize($uncomptmpfile); $fd = fopen($uncomptmpfile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); } else { $tmpfile = $uncomptmpfile; if ($default->debug) { if (!file_exists($default->owl_tmpdir)) { printError("$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_exists"); } if (!is_writable($default->owl_tmpdir)) { printError("$owl_lang->debug_tmp_not_writeable"); } } if (file_exists($tmpfile)) unlink($tmpfile); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); if ($default->owl_encrypt_database == 1) { $cipher = new cCipherClass; $cipher->securekey = mhash(MHASH_SHA256,$default->owl_encrypt_keyphrase); $cipher->iv = mcrypt_create_iv(32); $sData = $cipher->decrypt($getfile->f("data")); } else { $sData = $getfile->f("data"); } fwrite($fp, $sData); fclose($fp); } } return $uncomptmpfile; } function bIsPearAvailable() { $pathArray = explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path() ); foreach ($pathArray as $sPath) { if (file_exists($sPath . "/PEAR.php")) { return true; } } return false; } function fCalculateFileHash ( $sFilePath ) { global $default; $aFileHash = array(); if ($default->calculate_file_hash == 1) { $i = 0; $sFileContent = addslashes(file_get_contents($sFilePath)); foreach ($default->file_hash_algorithm as $sAlgorithm) { //$sPhpCode = "\$sFileHash = bin2hex(mhash(" . $sAlgorithm . ", \"" . addslashes($sFileContent) ."\"));"; $sPhpCode = "\$sFileHash = bin2hex(mhash(" . $sAlgorithm . ", '" . $sFileContent ."'));"; //print("C: $sPhpCode <br />"); eval($sPhpCode); $aFileHash[$i] = $sFileHash; $i++; } } if (empty($aFileHash[0])) { $aFileHash[0] = ''; } if (empty($aFileHash[1])) { $aFileHash[1] = ''; } if (empty($aFileHash[2])) { $aFileHash[2] = ''; } return $aFileHash; } // progress bar file fix function file_basename($file= null) { if($file=== null || strlen($file)<= 0) { return null; } $file= explode('?', $file); $file= explode('\\', $file[0]); $basename= $file[count($file)-1]; return $basename; } function fIsFolderRSSFeed($folderid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT rss_feed from " . $default->owl_folders_table . " where id = '$folderid' and rss_feed = '1'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function netMatch($network, $ip) { $network=trim($network); $ip = trim($ip); $d = strpos($network,"-"); if ($d===false) { $ip_arr = explode('/', $network); if (!preg_match("@\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*@",$ip_arr[0],$matches)){ $ip_arr[0].=".0"; // Alternate form 194.1.4/24 } $network_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : (0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1])); $ip_long = ip2long($ip); return ($ip_long & $mask) == ($network_long & $mask); } else { $from = ip2long(trim(substr($network,0,$d))); $to = ip2long(trim(substr($network,$d+1))); $ip = ip2long($ip); return ($ip>=$from and $ip<=$to); } } function fIsRevisionMajor($iUserID) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT user_default_revision from $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $iUserID . "'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f('user_default_revision') == "") { if ($default->default_revision == "1") { return "major_revision"; } else { return "minor_revision"; } } else if ($sql->f('user_default_revision') == "1") { return "major_revision"; } else { return "minor_revision"; } } function fGetClientIP() { if ($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) { $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } elseif ($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) { $forwardedip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; list($ip, $ip2, $ip3, $ip4) = split (",", $forwardedip); } else { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } return $ip; } function bIsMicrosoftBrowser($version = 0) { if (eregi("(MSIE.6)", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { if (!empty($version)) { if ($version == 6) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } else if (eregi("(MSIE.7)", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { if (!empty($version)) { if ($version == 7) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } else if (eregi("(MSIE.8)", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { if (!empty($version)) { if ($version == 8) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } function fCheckCustomRequiredFields($doctype, $iFileID) { global $default, $owl_lang; $sql_custom = new Owl_DB; $sql_custom->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); $bError = 0; $sFieldName = ""; while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { switch ($sql_custom->f("field_type")) { case "mcheckbox": $iValueCount = 0; $bThisFieldError = false; $aValues = split('\|', $sql_custom->f("field_values")); $sThisFieldName = $sql_custom->f("field_name"); foreach ($aValues as $sValue) { if ( $sql_custom->f("required") == "1") { if ($_POST[$sql_custom->f("field_name") . "_" . $iValueCount] == "") { $bThisFieldError = true; } else { $bThisFieldError = false; break; } } else { break; } $iValueCount++; } if ($bThisFieldError === true) { $bError++; $sFieldName .= " " . $sThisFieldName; } break; case "radio": if ( $sql_custom->f("required") == "1" and $_POST[$sql_custom->f("field_name") . $iFileID] == "") { $bError++; $sFieldName .= " " . $sql_custom->f("field_name"); } break; default: if ( $sql_custom->f("required") == "1" and $_POST[$sql_custom->f("field_name")] == "") { $bError++; $sFieldName .= " " . $sql_custom->f("field_name"); } break; } } if ($bError > 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_doc_field_req, $sFieldName); } } function fCopyFileAcl($iSourceFile, $iDestFile) { global $default; $GetAcl = new Owl_DB; $PutAcl = new Owl_DB; $GetAcl->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_advanced_acl_table where file_id ='$iSourceFile'"); while ( $GetAcl->next_record() ) { if (is_null($GetAcl->f("group_id"))) { $iGroup_Id = "NULL, "; } else { $iGroup_Id = "'" . $GetAcl->f("group_id") . "', "; } if (is_null($GetAcl->f("user_id"))) { $iUser_Id = "NULL, "; } else { $iUser_Id = "'" . $GetAcl->f("user_id"). "', "; } $PutAcl->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (group_id, user_id, folder_id, file_id, owlread, owlwrite, owlviewlog, owldelete, owlcopy, owlmove, owlproperties, owlupdate, owlcomment, owlcheckin, owlemail, owlrelsearch, owlsetacl, owlmonitor) values (" . $iGroup_Id . $iUser_Id . "NULL , '" . $iDestFile . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlread") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlwrite") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlviewlog") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owldelete") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcopy") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlmove") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlproperties") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlupdate") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcomment") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlcheckin") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlemail") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlrelsearch") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlsetacl") . "', '" . $GetAcl->f("owlmonitor") . "')"); } } function fOwl_ereg_replace ($sPattern, $sSubstitute, $sString) { if (function_exists('mb_ereg_replace')) { //return addslashes(mb_ereg_replace($sPattern, $sSubstitute, $sString)); return mb_ereg_replace($sPattern, $sSubstitute, $sString); } else { //return addslashes(ereg_replace($sPattern, $sSubstitute, $sString)); return ereg_replace($sPattern, $sSubstitute, $sString); } } function pclzip_convert_filename_cb($p_event, &$p_header) { global $default; if ($p_event == PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT) { // contributed code $p_header['filename'] = iconv("IBM437", "UTF-8", $p_header['filename']); $p_header['filename'] = iconv($default->extract_convert_from_charset, $default->extract_convert_to_charset, $p_header['filename']); } elseif ($p_event == PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD) { //$p_header['stored_filename'] = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "cp850", $p_header['stored_filename']); $p_header['stored_filename'] = iconv($default->add_convert_from_charset, $default->add_convert_to_charset, $p_header['stored_filename']); // contributed code $p_header['stored_filename'] = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "IBM437", $p_header['stored_filename']); } return 1; } function fMagicQuotes ($aValue) { if (is_array($aValue)) { foreach ($aValue as $k => $v) { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (!is_array($v) and $v <> 'Array') { $v = strip_tags($v); $aValue[$k] = addslashes($v); } } else { if (!is_array($v) and $v <> 'Array') { $v = strip_tags($v); $aValue[$k] = $v; } } } } return $aValue; } function fGetUserEmailSignature($iUserID) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $name = ""; if (empty($iUserID)) { $name = "Owl"; } else { $sql->query("SELECT email_sig from $default->owl_user_prefs where user_id = '$iUserID'"); $sql->next_record(); $name = $sql->f("email_sig"); } return $name; } function fGetMOTD() { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("SELECT motd from $default->owl_prefs_table"); $sql->next_record(); return $sql->f('motd'); } function fOwlWebDavLog ($sFunction, $sMessage) { // if ($default->owl_debug) // { $file = fopen("/tmp/WebDAV.DBG", 'a+'); fwrite($file, "[$sFunction]: $sMessage\n"); fclose($file); // } } // // Authenticate with a Radius Server // function radius_authenticate($usr, $pswd) { global $default; require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/script/radius/radius.class.php"); if(empty($usr) or empty($pswd)) { return(1); } if(empty($default->owl_current_db)) { $db = $default->owl_default_db; } else { $db = $default->owl_current_db; } $radius = new Radius($default->owl_db_radiusserver["$db"], $default->owl_db_radiussecret["$db"], 1); if ($radius->AccessRequest($usr, $pswd, 2)) { // Authentication accepted. return(0); } else { // Authentication rejected. return(1); } // check for user in the radius server // return 0 if authentication is ok return(1); } class cCipherClass { var $securekey; var $iv; function encrypt($input) { //return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, $input, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $this->iv)); return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, $input, MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, $this->iv)); } function decrypt($input) { //return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, base64_decode($input), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $this->iv)); return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, base64_decode($input), MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, $this->iv)); } } function fEncryptFiledata($filedata) { global $default; if ($default->owl_encrypt_database == 1) { $cipher = new cCipherClass; $cipher->securekey = mhash(MHASH_SHA256,$default->owl_encrypt_keyphrase); $cipher->iv = mcrypt_create_iv(32); return addslashes($cipher->encrypt($filedata)); } else { return addslashes($filedata); } } function fValidateRevision($major_revision, $minor_revision) { global $default; if ($major_revision == "") { $major_revision = $default->major_revision; } if ($minor_revision == "") { $minor_revision = $default->minor_revision; } $aRev['major'] = $major_revision; $aRev['minor'] = $minor_revision; if (! is_numeric($minor_revision)) { printError($owl_lang->err_field_minor_version); } if (! is_numeric($major_revision)) { printError($owl_lang->err_field_major_version); } // if we make it this far return the default OR what was passed return $aRev; } function fViewFileAction($iFid, $sFilename) { global $default; $ext = fFindFileExtension($sFilename); $imgfiles = array("jpg","gif","bmp","png"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $imgfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'image_preview'; } $htmlfiles = array("php","php3"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $htmlfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'php_show'; } $htmlfiles = array("html","htm","xml"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $htmlfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'html_show'; } if ($ext != "" && $ext == "pod") { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'pod_show'; } $txtfiles = array("tpl", "txt","text","README", "readme", "sh", "c", "h", "cpp", "pl", "perl", "sql", "py", "tex", "bib"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $txtfiles)) { if(owlfiletype($iFid) == 2) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'note_show'; } else { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'text_show'; } } $pdffiles = array("pdf"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $pdffiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'pdf_show'; } $mswordfiles = array("doc", "sxw", "docx"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $mswordfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'doc_show'; } $msexcelfiles = array("xls", "xlsx"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $msexcelfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'xls_show'; } $emailfiles = array("eml"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $emailfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'email_show'; } if (!empty ($default->view_other_file_type_inline)) { $inline =$default->view_other_file_type_inline; if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $inline)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'inline'; } } $audiofiles = array("mp3"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $audiofiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'mp3_play'; } $pptfiles = array("ppt"); if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $pptfiles)) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'ppt_show'; } $zipfiles = array("tar.gz", "tgz", "tar", "gz", "zip"); $bPrintZipView = false; if ($ext != "" && preg_grep("/\b$ext\b/", $zipfiles)) { if ($ext == "zip" && file_exists($default->unzip_path) && trim($default->unzip_path) != "") { $bPrintZipView = true; } if ($ext == "gz" && file_exists($default->gzip_path) && trim($default->gzip_path) != "") { $bPrintZipView = true; } if (($ext == "tar" || $ext == "tar.gz" || $ext == "tgz") && file_exists($default->tar_path) && trim($default->tar_path) != "") { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $bPrintZipView = true; } } if ( $bPrintZipView ) { $urlArgs2['action'] = 'zip_preview'; } } return $urlArgs2['action']; } function fGetMyAdminGroups ($userid) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $aUserGroupAdmin = array(); $sql->query("SELECT groupid, groupadmin from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("groupadmin") == 1) { $aUserGroupAdmin[] = $sql->f("groupid"); } $sql->query("SELECT groupadmin, userid FROM $default->owl_users_grpmem_table WHERE userid='$userid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $iGroupAdmin = $sql->f('groupadmin'); if (!empty($iGroupAdmin)) { $aUserGroupAdmin[] = $sql->f("groupadmin"); } } return $aUserGroupAdmin; } ?>