File: security.lib.php
<?php /* * File: security.lib.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ defined( 'OWL_INCLUDE' ) or die( 'Access Denied' ); function getfolderpolicy($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("select security from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("security"); } function getfilepolicy($id) { global $default, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } $sql->query("select security from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) return $sql->f("security"); } function fIsInBrokenTree($folder_id) { global $default, $userid, $bIsInBrokenTree, $aFoldersChecked, $aFoldersParentChecked; if (empty($aFoldersParentChecked[$folder_id])) { //$iParentFolderId = owlfolderparent($folder_id); //$aFoldersParentChecked[$folder_id] = $iParentFolderId; $iParentFolderId = $folder_id; $aFoldersParentChecked[$folder_id] = $folder_id; //print("<pre>"); //print_r($aFoldersParentChecked); //print("</pre>"); } else { $iParentFolderId = $aFoldersParentChecked[$folder_id]; } // print("<br />STEVE DEBUG: P: $iParentFolderId <br />"); if ($bIsInBrokenTree === false and $iParentFolderId > 1) { if ($aFoldersChecked[$iParentFolderId] == 0 or empty($aFoldersChecked[$iParentFolderId])) { if (check_auth($iParentFolderId, "folder_view", $userid, false, false) == "1") { $aFoldersChecked[$iParentFolderId] = 1; //print("<pre>"); //print_r($aFoldersChecked); //print("</pre>"); $bIsInBrokenTree = false; fIsInBrokenTree($iParentFolderId); } else { $bIsInBrokenTree = true; } } } } function fSetDefaultFolderAcl ( $iFolderID ) { global $default, $usergroupid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } if ($default->advanced_security == 1 ) { // BEGIN Set Default Acls for this Folder if(!empty($default->folder_security)) { foreach($default->folder_security[$default->owl_current_db] as $aFolderAcl) { $qItems = ""; $qValues = "('$iFolderID'"; $bUseFolderGroupForACL = false; if ($aFolderAcl[group_id] == "" and $aFolderAcl[user_id] == "") { $bUseFolderGroupForACL = true; } foreach($aFolderAcl as $sAcl => $values) { if (($sAcl == "user_id" and $values == "") or ($sAcl == "group_id" and $values == "" and $bUseFolderGroupForACL === false)) { continue; } $qItems .= ", " .$sAcl; if($bUseFolderGroupForACL === true) { $qValues .= ", '" . $usergroupid . "'"; $bUseFolderGroupForACL = false; } else { $qValues .= ", '" . $values . "'"; } } $qItems .= ")"; $qValues .= ")"; $qSetAcl = "INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (folder_id" . $qItems . " VALUES " . $qValues; //print ( "INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (folder_id" . $qItems . " VALUES " . $qValues . "<br />"); $sql->query($qSetAcl); } } // END Set Default Acls for this Folder } } function fSetDefaultFileAcl ( $iFileID ) { global $default, $usergroupid, $cCommonDBConnection; $sql = $cCommonDBConnection; if ($default->advanced_security == 1 ) { if (empty($sql)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; } // BEGIN Set Default Acls for this File if(!empty($default->file_security)) { foreach($default->file_security[$default->owl_current_db] as $aFileAcl) { $qItems = ""; $qValues = "('$iFileID'"; $bUseFileGroupForACL = false; if ($aFileAcl[group_id] == "" and $aFileAcl[user_id] == "") { $bUseFileGroupForACL = true; } foreach($aFileAcl as $sAcl => $values) { if (($sAcl == "user_id" and $values == "") or ($sAcl == "group_id" and $values == "" and $bUseFileGroupForACL === false)) { continue; } $qItems .= ", " .$sAcl; if($bUseFileGroupForACL === true) { $qValues .= ", '" . $usergroupid . "'"; $bUseFileGroupForACL = false; } else { $qValues .= ", '" . $values . "'"; } } $qItems .= ")"; $qValues .= ")"; $qSetAcl = "INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (file_id" . $qItems . " VALUES " . $qValues; //print ( "INSERT INTO $default->owl_advanced_acl_table (file_id" . $qItems . " VALUES " . $qValues . "<br />"); $sql->query($qSetAcl); } } // END Set Default Acls for this File } } if ( $default->advanced_security == 1 ) { require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/acl_security.lib.php"); } else { require_once($default->owl_fs_root ."/lib/def_security.lib.php"); } ?>