File: ubr_link_upload.php
<?php //****************************************************************************************************** // ATTENTION: THIS FILE HEADER MUST REMAIN INTACT. DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS FILE HEADER. // // Name: ubr_link_upload.php // Revision: 1.6 // Date: 5/25/2008 12:34:10 PM // Link: http://uber-uploader.sourceforge.net // Initial Developer: Peter Schmandra http://www.webdice.org // Description: Create a link file in the temp directory // // Licence: // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public // License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS // IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // rights and limitations under the License. // //*************************************************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************************************************** // ATTENTION // // If you need to debug this file, set the $DEBUG_AJAX = 1 in ubr_ini.php and use the showDebugMessage function. eg. // showDebugMessage("He There"); //*************************************************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************************************************** // The following possible query string formats are assumed // // 1. No query string // 2. ?about=1 //*************************************************************************************************************** $THIS_VERSION = '1.6'; // Version of this file $UPLOAD_ID = ''; // Initialize upload id require 'ubr_ini.php'; require 'ubr_lib.php'; if($PHP_ERROR_REPORTING){ error_reporting(E_ALL); } if(isset($_GET['about']) && $_GET['about'] == 1){ kak("<u><b>UBER UPLOADER LINK UPLOAD</b></u><br>UBER UPLOADER VERSION = <b>" . $UBER_VERSION . "</b><br>UBR_LINK_UPLOAD = <b>" . $THIS_VERSION . "<b><br>\n", 1, __LINE__); } else{ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATTENTION // Put your authentication code here. eg. // if(!authUser($_COOKIE['uber_user'] ){ exit; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // Set config file if($MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATTENTION // Put your multi config file code here. eg // if($_SESSION['user_name'] == 'TOM'){ $config_file = 'tom_config.php'; } // if($_COOKIE['user_name'] == 'TOM'){ $config_file = 'tom_config.php'; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else{ $config_file = $DEFAULT_CONFIG; } // Load config file require $config_file; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATTENTION // Put your config over-ride or create code here. eg. // $config_file['max_upload_size'] = $_SESSION['new_max_upload_size']; // $config_file['employee_num'] = $_SESSION['employee_num']; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create directories if(!create_dir($TEMP_DIR)){ if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage('Failed to create temp_dir ' . $TEMP_DIR); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to create temp_dir", 1); } if(!create_dir($_CONFIG['upload_dir'])){ if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage('Failed to create upload_dir ' . $_CONFIG['upload_dir']); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to create upload_dir", 1); } if($_CONFIG['log_uploads']){ if(!create_dir($_CONFIG['log_dir'])){ if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage('Failed to create log_dir ' . $_CONFIG['log_dir']); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to create log_dir", 1); } } // Purge old link files if($PURGE_LINK_FILES){ purge_ubr_files($TEMP_DIR, $PURGE_LINK_LIMIT, '.link', $DEBUG_AJAX); } // Purge old redirect files if($PURGE_REDIRECT_FILES){ purge_ubr_files($TEMP_DIR, $PURGE_REDIRECT_LIMIT, '.redirect', $DEBUG_AJAX); } // Generate upload id $UPLOAD_ID = generateUploadID(); // Format link file path $PATH_TO_LINK_FILE = $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . ".link"; // Show debug message if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage("Upload ID = $UPLOAD_ID"); } // Write link file if(write_link_file($TEMP_DIR, $UPLOAD_ID, $PATH_TO_LINK_FILE, $DEBUG_UPLOAD, $DELETE_LINK_FILE, $PURGE_TEMP_DIRS, $PURGE_TEMP_DIRS_LIMIT, $_CONFIG)){ if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage('Created link file ' . $PATH_TO_LINK_FILE); } startUpload($UPLOAD_ID, $DEBUG_UPLOAD); } else{ if($DEBUG_AJAX){ showDebugMessage('Failed to create link file ' . $PATH_TO_LINK_FILE); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to create link file: $UPLOAD_ID.link", 1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a directory function create_dir($dir){ if(is_dir($dir)){ return true; } else{ umask(0); if(@mkdir($dir, 0777)){ return true; } else{ return false; } } } //Purge old redirect and link files function purge_ubr_files($temp_dir, $purge_time_limit, $file_type, $debug_ajax){ $now_time = mktime(); if(is_dir($temp_dir)){ if($dp = @opendir($temp_dir)){ while(false !== ($file_name = readdir($dp))){ if($file_name != '.' && $file_name != '..' && strcmp(substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '.')), $file_type) == 0){ if($file_time = @filectime($temp_dir . $file_name)){ if(($now_time - $file_time) > $purge_time_limit){ @unlink($temp_dir . $file_name); } } } } closedir($dp); } else{ if($debug_ajax){ showDebugMessage('Failed to open temp_dir ' . $temp_dir); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to open temp_dir", 1); } } else{ if($debug_ajax){ showDebugMessage('Failed to find temp_dir ' . $temp_dir); } showAlertMessage("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Failed to find temp_dir", 1); } } //Write 'upload_id.link' file function write_link_file($temp_dir, $upload_id, $path_to_link_file, $debug_upload, $delete_link_file, $purge_temp_dirs, $purge_temp_dirs_limit, $_config){ $fp = @fopen($path_to_link_file, "wb"); if(is_resource($fp)){ fwrite($fp, "temp_dir<=>". $temp_dir . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "upload_id<=>". $upload_id . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "path_to_link_file<=>". $path_to_link_file . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "debug_upload<=>". $debug_upload . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "delete_link_file<=>". $delete_link_file . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "purge_temp_dirs<=>". $purge_temp_dirs . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "purge_temp_dirs_limit<=>". $purge_temp_dirs_limit . "\n"); // Write all the config settings to the link file foreach($_config as $config_setting=>$config_value){ fwrite($fp, $config_setting . "<=>". $config_value . "\n"); } fclose($fp); umask(0); chmod($path_to_link_file, 0666); return true; } else{ return false; } } ?>