File: view_thumb.php
<?php /** * view_thumb.php -- Thumb Nail view for Browse page * * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Bozz IT Consulting Inc * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file LICENSE. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ $iColumnWidth = round(100 / $default->thumbnail_view_columns); print("<table class=\"margin2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n"); print("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"); // Looping out Folders if ($default->owl_LookAtHD != "false") { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '$parent' $whereclause"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $DBFolderCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFolders[$DBFolderCount] = $sql->f("name"); //create list if files in } } $sql->query($FolderQuery); // ********************** // BEGIN Print Folders // ********************** $aRenderLine = array(); $RowCount = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { if (!check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid, false, false)) { if ($default->records_per_page == 0) { $DBFolderCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFolders[$DBFolderCount] = $sql->f("name"); //create list if files in } continue; } } // ******************************************* // Find out how many items (Folders and Files) // ******************************************* $iFolderId = $sql->f("id"); if(!$default->hide_folder_doc_count) { $GetItems = new Owl_DB; $iFolderCount = 0; $iParent = $sql->f("parent"); $GetItems->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '" . $sql->f("id") . "'" . $whereclause); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { while ($GetItems->next_record()) { $bFileDownload = check_auth($GetItems->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid, false, false); if ($bFileDownload) { $iFolderCount++; } } } else { $iFolderCount = $GetItems->num_rows(); } $iFileCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '0'); $iUrlCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '1'); $iNoteCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '2'); } $CountLines++; $RowCount++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; $aRenderLine['type'][$RowCount] = "FOLDER"; $aRenderLine['id'][$RowCount] = $sql->f("id"); if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if ($default->show_bulk > 0 or (fIsAdmin() and $default->show_bulk == 0 )) { if ($sess != "0" || ($sess == "0" && $default->anon_ro == 0)) { $aRenderLine['bulk'][$RowCount] = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fbatch[]\" value=\"" . $sql->f("id") . "\"></input>"; } } if(($default->expand_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { $aRenderLine['icon'][$RowCount] = "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_closed.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"; } if(($default->expand_disp_title and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_title and $expand == 0)) { $sPopupDescription = nl2br(trim($sql->f("description"))); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("id"); $url = fGetURL ('browse.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] = "\n<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\" title=\"$owl_lang->title_browse_folder\">" . $sql->f("name") . "</a>"; if(!$default->hide_folder_doc_count) { if ($iFolderCount > 0 or $iFileCount > 0 or $iUrlCount > 0 or $iNoteCount > 0) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= " ("; } if ($iFolderCount > 0 ) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= "<a href=\"#\" class=\"cfolders1\" title=\"$owl_lang->folder_count_pre $iFolderCount $owl_lang->folder_count_folder\">$iFolderCount</a>"; } if ($iFileCount > 0 ) { if ($iFolderCount > 0) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ":"; } $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= "<a href=\"#\" class=\"cfiles1\" title=\"$owl_lang->folder_count_pre $iFileCount $owl_lang->folder_count_file\">$iFileCount</a>"; } if ($iUrlCount > 0 ) { if ($iFileCount > 0 or $iFolderCount > 0) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ":"; } $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= "<a href=\"#\" class=\"curl1\" title=\"$owl_lang->folder_count_pre $iUrlCount $owl_lang->folder_count_url\">$iUrlCount</a>"; } if ($iNoteCount > 0) { if ($iUrlCount > 0 or $iFileCount > 0 or $iFolderCount > 0) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ":"; } $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ":<a href=\"#\" class=\"cnotes1\" title=\"$owl_lang->folder_count_pre $iNoteCount $owl_lang->folder_count_note\">$iNoteCount</a>"; } if ($iFolderCount > 0 or $iFileCount > 0 or $iUrlCount > 0 or $iNoteCount > 0) { $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ")"; } } if (trim($sql->f("description"))) { $aRenderLine['description'][$RowCount] = "<br /><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/transparent.gif\" border=\"0\"><a class=\"desc\">" . str_replace("\n", "<br /><img src=$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/transparent.gif border=\"0\"></img>", $sql->f("description")) . "</a>"; } } if ($default->records_per_page == 0) { $DBFolderCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFolders[$DBFolderCount] = $sql->f("name"); //create list if files in } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if ($default->hide_folder_size) { $aRenderLine['size'][$RowCount] = ""; } else { $FolderSize = fGetFolderSize($sql->f("id")); $aRenderLine['size'][$RowCount] = gen_filesize($FolderSize); } $aRenderLine['creator'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&curview=$curview\">" . flid_to_creator($sql->f("id")) . "</a>"; if ($sql->f("smodified")) { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("smodified")) + $default->time_offset); } else { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = " "; } } else { $aRenderLine['creator'][$RowCount] = flid_to_creator($sql->f("id")); if ($sql->f("smodified")) { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("smodified")) + $default->time_offset); } else { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = " "; } } $aRenderLine['status'][$RowCount] = ""; $aRenderLine['docid'][$RowCount] = ""; $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("id"); $url = fGetURL ('browse.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] = "\n<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\" title=\"$owl_lang->title_browse_folder\">"; $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] .= "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/thumb_folder.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $sql->f("id") ."\"></img>"; $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] .= "</a>"; if($default->old_action_icons) { $aRenderLine['filename'][$RowCount] = $sql->f("id"); } $aRenderLine['version'][$RowCount] = ""; $aRenderLine['checkedout'][$RowCount] = ""; $aRenderLine['imageattr'][$RowCount] = ""; $PrintRow = $CountLines % $default->thumbnail_view_columns; if ($PrintRow == "0") { $aRenderLine = fRenderThumbNails($aRenderLine, $sTrClass); $RowCount = 0; } } if ($default->owl_LookAtHD != "false") { $DBFolders[$DBFolderCount + 1] = "[END]"; //end DBfolder array $RefreshPage = CompareDBnHD('folder', $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . get_dirpath($parent), $DBFolders, $parent, $default->owl_folders_table); } //************************************* // BEGIN Print Files //************************************* // $DBFileCount = 0; $sql = new Owl_DB; if ($default->records_per_page > 0) { $sql->query("select * from $default->owl_files_table where parent = '$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $DBFileCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFiles[$DBFileCount] = $sql->f("filename"); //create list if files in } } $sql->query($FileQuery); while ($sql->next_record()) { $bPrintNew = false; $bPrintUpdated = false; $bFileDownload = check_auth($sql->f("id"), "file_download", $userid, false, false); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { if (!$bFileDownload) { if ($default->records_per_page == 0) { $DBFileCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFiles[$DBFileCount] = $sql->f("filename"); //create list if files in } continue; } } if ($sql->f("approved") == 0) { $DBFileCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFiles[$DBFileCount] = $sql->f("filename"); //create list if files in continue; } // // Find New files // if ($bFileDownload == 1) { if ($sql->f("created") > $lastlogin) { $bPrintNew = true; } if ($sql->f("smodified") > $lastlogin && $sql->f("created") < $lastlogin) { $bPrintUpdated = true; } } // ****************************************** // Check to see if this file as any comments // ****************************************** $bHasComments = true; $bPrintNewComment = false; $CheckComments = new Owl_DB; $CheckComments->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_comment_table where fid = '" . $sql->f("id") . "' order by comment_date desc"); $iTotalComments = $CheckComments->num_rows(); $CheckComments->next_record(); if ($CheckComments->f("comment_date") > $lastlogin) { $bPrintNewComment = true; } if ($iTotalComments == 0) { $bHasComments = false; } // ****************************************** // Check to see if this file is Word Indexed // ****************************************** $CheckComments->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_searchidx where owlfileid = '" . $sql->f("id") . "'"); if ($CheckComments->num_rows() > 0) { $bWasIndexed = true; } else { $bWasIndexed = false; } $iRealFileID = fGetPhysicalFileId($sql->f('id')); $CountLines++; $RowCount++; $iFileId = $sql->f("id"); $aRenderLine['type'][$RowCount] = "FILE"; $aRenderLine['id'][$RowCount] = $sql->f("id"); $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if ($default->show_bulk > 0 or (fIsAdmin() and $default->show_bulk == 0 )) { if ($sess != "0" || ($sess == "0" && $default->anon_ro == 0)) { $aRenderLine['bulk'][$RowCount] = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"batch[]\" value=\"" . $sql->f("id") . "\"></input>"; } } if(($default->expand_disp_status and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_status and $expand == 0)) { if ($bHasComments) { if ($bPrintNewComment) { $iImage = "newcomment"; } else { $iImage = "comment"; } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_comment'; $url = fGetURL ('modify.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['status'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/$iImage.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$iTotalComments --- $owl_lang->alt_comments\" title=\"$iTotalComments --- $owl_lang->alt_comments\"></img></a>"; } if ($default->anon_user <> $userid) { if ($bPrintNew) { $aRenderLine['status'][$RowCount] .= "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/new.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_new\"></img>"; } if ($bPrintUpdated) { $aRenderLine['status'][$RowCount] .= "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/updated.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_updated\"></img>"; } if ($bWasIndexed) { $aRenderLine['status'][$RowCount] .= " <a class=\"curl1\">*</a>"; } } } $sZeroFilledId = str_pad($sql->f("id"),$default->doc_id_num_digits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $aRenderLine['docid'][$RowCount] = $default->doc_id_prefix . $sZeroFilledId; $sThumbUrl = $default->thumbnails_url . DIR_SEP. $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_med.png"; $sThumbLoc = $default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_med.png"; $sLargeThumbUrl = $default->thumbnails_url . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_large.png"; $sLargeThumbLoc = $default->thumbnails_location . DIR_SEP . $default->owl_current_db . "_" . $iRealFileID . "_large.png"; if (file_exists($sThumbLoc)) { if (file_exists($sLargeThumbLoc)) { $sJScript = " onmouseover=\"showtrail('$sLargeThumbUrl',5);\" onmouseout=\"hidetrail();\""; } else { $sJScript = ""; } } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['binary'] = 1; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $sUrl = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); if (file_exists($sThumbLoc)) { $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] = "<a href=\"$sUrl\" title=\"" . $sql->f("filename"). "\">"; $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] .= "<img src=\"$sThumbUrl\" $sJScript border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $sql->f("filename"). "\"></img>"; } else { $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] = "<a href=\"$sUrl\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_no_thumb\">"; $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] .= "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/thumb_no.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$owl_lang->alt_no_thumb\" title=\"$owl_lang->alt_no_thumb\"></img>"; } $aRenderLine['thumb'][$RowCount] .= "</a>"; $sFileExtension = fFindFileExtension($sql->f("filename")); $aImageExtensionList = $default->thumbnail_image_type; $aVideoExtensionList = $default->thumbnail_video_type; $path = $default->owl_FileDir . DIR_SEP . find_path($parent) . DIR_SEP . $sql->f("filename"); $imagedata = array(); if ((preg_grep("/$sFileExtension/", $aImageExtensionList))) { $imagedata = @GetImageSize("$path"); if($imagedata) { $aRenderLine['imageattr'][$RowCount] = $imagedata[0] . "x" . $imagedata[1]; } else { $aRenderLine['imageattr'][$RowCount] = " Unknown"; } } else { $aRenderLine['imageattr'][$RowCount] = ""; } if (($default->expand_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { $choped = split("\.", $sql->f("filename")); $pos = count($choped); if ( $pos > 1 ) { $ext = strtolower($choped[$pos-1]); if ($iRealFileID == $sql->f('id')) { $sDispIcon = $ext . ".gif"; } else { $sDispIcon = $ext . "_lnk.gif"; } } else { $sDispIcon = "NoExtension"; } if (($ext == "gz") && ($pos > 2)) { $exttar = strtolower($choped[$pos-2]); if (strtolower($choped[$pos-2]) == "tar") { $ext = "tar.gz"; } } if ($sql->f("url") == "1") { $aRenderLine['icon'][$RowCount] = "<img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/url.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img>"; } else { if (!file_exists("$default->owl_fs_root/graphics/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon")) { if ($iRealFileID == $sql->f('id')) { $sDispIcon = "file.gif"; } else { $sDispIcon = "file_lnk.gif"; } } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['sess'] = $sess; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $url = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['icon'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\" title=\"$owl_lang->title_download_view : " . $sql->f("filename") ."\"><img src=\"$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></img></a>"; } } if (($default->expand_disp_title and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_title and $expand == 0)) { $sPopupDescription = fCleanDomTTContent($sql->f("description")); if (trim($sPopupDescription) == "") { $sPopupDescription = $owl_lang->no_description; } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['sess'] = $sess; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_details'; $url = fGetURL ('view.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] = "\n<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"$url\" onmouseover=" . '"' . "return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', '" . $owl_lang->description . "', 'content', '" . $sPopupDescription . "', 'lifetime', " . $default->popup_lifetime . ", 'fade', 'both', 'delay', 10, 'statusText', ' ', 'trail', true));" . '"'; $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= ">\n\n"; $aRenderLine['name'][$RowCount] .= $sql->f("name") . "</a>"; } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_version and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_version and $expand == 0)) { $aRenderLine['version'][$RowCount] = $sql->f("major_revision") . "." . $sql->f("minor_revision"); } } if ($sql->f("url") == "1") { if ($bFileDownload == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { if($default->old_action_icons) { $aRenderLine['filename'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"" . $sql->f("filename") . "\" target=\"new\" title=\"$owl_lang->title_browse_site : " . $sql->f("filename") . "\">" . $sql->f("filename") . "</a>"; } } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { $aRenderLine['size'][$RowCount] = " "; } } else { if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { $aRenderLine['filename'][$RowCount] = $sql->f("filename"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { $aRenderLine['size'][$RowCount] = " "; } } } else { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $url = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); $aRenderLine['size'][$RowCount] = gen_filesize($sql->f("f_size")); } if ($default->records_per_page == 0) { if ($sql->f("linkedto") == 0) { $DBFileCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array $DBFiles[$DBFileCount] = $sql->f("filename"); //create list if files in } } $aRenderLine['creator'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&curview=$curview\" title=\"$owl_lang->last_logged " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format , strtotime(fid_to_creator_lastlogon($sql->f("id"))) + $default->time_offset) . "\">" . fid_to_creator($sql->f("id")) . "</a>"; $aRenderLine['updator'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("updatorid") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&curview=$curview\" title=\"$owl_lang->last_logged " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format , strtotime(fid_to_creator_lastlogon($sql->f("id"))) + $default->time_offset) . "\">" . uid_to_name($sql->f("updatorid")) . "</a>"; if ($sql->f("smodified")) { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("smodified")) + $default->time_offset); } else { $aRenderLine['smodified'][$RowCount] = " "; } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($holder = uid_to_name($sql->f("checked_out"))) == "Owl") { $aRenderLine['checkedout'][$RowCount] = "-"; } else { $aRenderLine['checkedout'][$RowCount] = "<a class=\"$sLfList\" href=\"prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("checked_out") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=$parent&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&curview=$curview\" title=\"$owl_lang->last_logged " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format , strtotime(fid_to_creator_lastlogon($sql->f("id"))) + $default->time_offset) . "\">$holder</a>"; } } $PrintRow = $CountLines % $default->thumbnail_view_columns; if ($PrintRow == "0") { $aRenderLine = fRenderThumbNails($aRenderLine, $sTrClass); $RowCount = 0; } } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if ($PrintRow > 0) { $aRenderLine = fRenderThumbNails($aRenderLine, $sTrClass); } $DBFiles[$DBFileCount + 1] = "[END]"; //end DBfile array print("</table>"); print("</td></tr></table>\n"); function fRenderThumbNails($aRenderLine, $sTrClass) { global $default, $owl_lang, $mid; print("<tr>"); for ($c = 1; $c <= $default->thumbnail_view_columns; $c++) { print("<td class=\"title1\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"$iColumnWidth%\">". $aRenderLine['bulk'][$c] . " "); if ($default->thumb_disp_status == 1) { print($aRenderLine['status'][$c]. " "); } print($aRenderLine['icon'][$c] . " " . $aRenderLine['name'][$c] ."</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); print("<tr>"); $CountLines = 0; for ($c = 1; $c <= $default->thumbnail_view_columns; $c++) { $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } print("<td class=\"$sTrClass\">"); print($aRenderLine['thumb'][$c] . "<br />"); if(strlen($aRenderLine['imageattr'][$c]) > 1) { if ($default->thumb_disp_image_info == 1) { print($owl_lang->thumb_image_size . $aRenderLine['imageattr'][$c] . "<br />"); } } else { print("<br />"); } if(!$default->old_action_icons) { if ($default->thumb_disp_action == 1) { if ($aRenderLine['type'][$c] == "FOLDER") { $mid->printMenu('vermenuf'.$aRenderLine['id'][$c]); } else { $mid->printMenu('vermenu'.$aRenderLine['id'][$c]); } } } if($default->thumb_disp_version == 1) { if(strlen($aRenderLine['version'][$c]) > 0) { print($owl_lang->ver . ": " . $aRenderLine['version'][$c] . "<br />"); } } print($aRenderLine['filename'][$c]); if(strlen($aRenderLine['docid'][$c]) > 0 and $default->thumb_disp_doc_num == 1) { print($owl_lang->doc_number . ": " . $aRenderLine['docid'][$c] . "<br />"); } if ($default->thumb_disp_size == 1) { if(strlen($aRenderLine['size'][$c]) > 0) { print($owl_lang->size . " " . $aRenderLine['size'][$c] . "<br />"); } } if(strlen($aRenderLine['creator'][$c]) > 0 and $default->thumb_disp_posted == 1) { print($owl_lang->postedby .": " . $aRenderLine['creator'][$c] . "<br />"); } if(strlen($aRenderLine['updator'][$c]) > 0 and $default->thumb_disp_updated == 1) { print($owl_lang->updated_by . ": " . $aRenderLine['updator'][$c] . "<br />"); } if(strlen($aRenderLine['smodified'][$c]) > 0 and $default->thumb_disp_modified == 1) { print($owl_lang->modified .": " . $aRenderLine['smodified'][$c] . "<br />"); } if(strlen($aRenderLine['checkedout'][$c]) > 0 and $default->thumb_disp_held == 1) { print($owl_lang->held .": " . $aRenderLine['checkedout'][$c]); } print("</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); $aRenderLine = array(); return $aRenderLine; } ?>