!! The PhpWiki Development Team Please report bugs to mailto:phpwiki-talk@lists.sourceforge.net ! Administrators ;[ Steve Wainstead | mailto:swain@panix.com ] : ;: Original author ;: Inactive chief in charge ;[ Jeff Dairiki | mailto:dairiki@dairiki.org ] : ;: Did a complete rewrite of phpwiki-1.3 using PHP classes. ;: Inactive ;[ Reini Urban | mailto:rurban@x-ray.at ] : ;: Maintainance for the 1.2.x series since 1.2.4 and 1.3.x since 1.3.8 ;: Current chief in charge. External auth, ACL, DbSession, ... ;[ CarstenKlapp | PhpWiki:CarstenKlapp ] : ;: Maintainance for 1.3.4 - 1.3.7 and the MacOSX theme. ;: Inactive ! Developers ;[ Marc-Etienne Vargenau | mailto:vargenau@users.sourceforge.net ] : ;: Chief of FusionForge integration, WikiCreole integration, ;: HTML conformity, documentation, ... ;Sabri Labbenes ;: Wikiwyg ;[ Arno Hollosi | mailto:ahollosi@mail.com ] : ;: Wrote the MySQL library, the templates, and the database schema ;: plus many other things too numerous to mention, up to 1.2.x ;: Inactive ;[Joel Uckelman | mailto:uckelman@nomic.net ] : ;: Ported the dbmlib.php to the new dba_* interface, which is the default ;: in PHP 4.0.4 and later. ;: Inactive ;[ Dan Frankowski | http://wikilens.org ] : ;: Initiated and maintains the wikilens lib and project ("rating system"), ;: several plugins. ; Joe Edelman : ;: IncludePagePlugin ; Lawrence Akka : ;: Added ADODB support, OrphanedPages, XmlRpc Interface, RSS, ... ;: Inactive (=> wakkawiki) ; Pierrick Meignen ;: French localization, several patches, TeX2png plugin ; Jeb Bateman ; Gerrit Riessen : ;: cvs and file WikiDB backends ; Jochen Kalmbach : ;: flatfile backend, several patches (prefs, UserManagement) ; Joseph (Joby) Walker : ;: configuration libs and tools, WikiGroup architecture ; Johannes Große : ;: WikiPluginCached plugins and architecture ! Localization ;[ Jan Nieuwenhuizen | mailto:janneke@gnu.org ] : ;: built architecture to support internationalization ;: contributed Dutch translation ;[ Sandino Araico Sánchez | mailto:sandino@sandino.net ] : ;: contributed Spanish translation ;: Updates by Pablo Roca (proca@clavo.net), J.Ramón Palacios ;[ Jon Åslund | mailto:d98-jas@nada.kth.se ] : ;: contributed Swedish translation ; [ Arno Hollosi <ahollosi@mail.com> ] : ;: contributed German translation, ;: updates by Helmer Pardun <pardunpress@t-online.de>, ;: Carsten Klapp, Reini Urban ;[ Marco Milanesi | mailto:kpanic@ada2.unipv.it ] : ;: contributed the Italian translation ;[ Pierrick Meignen <meignen.pierrick@wanadoo.fr> ] : ;: contributed and maintains the French translation ;: Updates by Trique <roland.trique@free.fr>, Stéphane Gourichon ;: <stephane.gourichon@lip6.fr>, Pascal <pascal@phpfrance.com>, ;: Benoit Masson, Jean-Philippe Georget <jpgeorget@ouvaton.org> ;[ Tadashi Jokagi <webmaster@elf.no-ip.org> ] : ;: contributed and maintains the Japanese translation ;[ DruryL <druryl@user.sourceforge.net> ] : ;: contributed the Chinese translation, updates by ShiningRay <ShiningRay@users.sf.net> ; Jon Åslund ;: contributed the Swedish translation ! Patches (mainly for 1.2.x) ;[ Aredridel Niothke | mailto:aredridel@nbtsc.org ] : ;: has started a flat file database for Phpwiki 1.2.x ;[ Pablo Roca Rozas | mailto:proca@clavo.net ] : ;: contributed a new logo image file and updated the Spanish translation ;[Scott R. Anderson | mailto:sra@diem.net ] : ;: contributed a patch to allow authorized users' names to appear in RecentChanges. ;[Neil Brown | mailto:neilb@cse.unsw.edu.au ] : ;: has contributed numerous useful patches e.g. nested definition lists ;[Jan Hidders | mailto:hidders@win.tue.nl ] : ;: has contributed a patch for dbmlib.php for the wikilinks stuff and page removal. ;[Antti Kaihola | mailto:akaihola@siba.fi ] : ;: patch for named internal links ;[Jeremie Kass | mailto:jeremie@umich.edu ] : ;: contributed a patch so the logo is decided in the templates instead of being hardcoded. ; Jeremy Avnet ; Manuel Samper <manuel@samper.dyndns.org> ;: improved the WikiLink regexp splitter ! Contributors since 1.3.x: ; Sébastien Le Callonnec (AtomFeed, and more) ; Jean-Nicolas Gereone (Wikiwyg) ; Philippe Vanhaesendonck (oracle backend, several patches) ; Matt Palmer (debian package maintainer, sqlite, IniConfig) ; Renat Lumpau (gentoo package maintainer) ; Jeroen Coumans (several patches) ; Jim Cheetham (several patches) ; John Kershaw (several patches) ; John Cole (several patches, esp. groups and LDAP) ; Michael Van Dam (several patches, EditMetaDataPlugin, GoToPlugin, WikiBlogPlugin) ; Charles Corrigan (several patches and AccessLogSql) ; Arnaud Fontaine + L. Lunati : ;: http://wiki.crao.net/ crao theme, RssParser, JabberPresencePlugin, ... ; Kai Krakow (several patches) ; Ernie Oporto (LDAP, WikiGroup) ; Nicolas Noble (several patches, PopUpPlugin) ; Rasmus Watjen (PopAuth implementation) ; Konstantin Zadorozhny ; Pablo Martinez (several patches) ; Jason Buberel (HttpAuth patch) ; Mikhail Vladimirov (auth patches) ; Hendrik Scheider (some patches) ; Jérôme WAGNER (copypage idea) ; John Lines (LdapSearch plugin) ; Mike Pickering (Wordpress theme) ; Walter Rafelsberger (Shamino_com theme, FraktalNavigation) ; Lea 'LadyBug' Viljanen (CreateBibPlugin) ; Bill Morrow (apache2 support) ; Olivier Korn ; Cuthbert Cat (several patches, SiteMapPlugin, IncludeSiteMapPlugin) ; Roy Sutton ; Søren Jacobi ; Paul Pearson (PageTrailPlugin) ; Ken MacCuish (PageTrail Duplicates Patch (1.3.4)) ; Jim Hurne ; Norberto Meijome (LDAP Auth against W2K Active Directory) ; Ted Vinke (PhotoAlbumPlugin) ; Pascal Giard (AppendTextPlugin) ; Daniel O'Connor (FoafViewPlugin) ; Martin Geisler (PhpHighlightPlugin, PhpWeatherPlugin, configurator framework) ; Sameer D. Sahasrabuddhe (RichTablePlugin) ; NathanGass <gass@iogram.ch>, qubit <rtryon@dartmouth.edu> (UpLoadPlugin) ; electrawn (several patches, WikiSettingsPlugin) ; Martin Norbäck (CalendarListPlugin) ; Alister Bulman (Calendar patch) ; Sebastien Delahaye (locale) ; Manuel Vacelet ; Matti Airas (several patches) ; Micki Kaufman (IncludeSiteMap, ...) ; Oliver Betz (several patches) ; Paul Henry (several patches) ; Philip J. Hollenback ; Sascha Carlin (several patches) ; Scott Yilek (wikilens integration) ; Steven D. Brewer (UnfoldSubpages patch) ; Steve Christey, MITRE (LDAP injection issue) ; Thomas Moschny (auth patch) ; Todd Mokros (several patches, TemplateFormPlugin - not used, but thanks for the idea) ; Ricardo Gladwell (CollatePages, TextBox plugins) ; Rob Fulwell (FileBlog plugin) ; Robert Orenstein (Email Notification - not used) ; Roy "Kylratix" Laurie (several patches) ; Rui Carmo (blog theme and libs) ; Tony Laszlo (utf-8 fix) ; z2d2z@earthlink.net (several patches) ; Zot O'Connor (several patches and plugins) and many more (will be updated later) ! External credits: <pre> Olivier PLATHEY for fpdf, Don Sebà for fpdf Mircho Mirev for acdropdown (livesearch) Peter Jipsen, Kee-Lin Steven Chan for AsciiMath Simon Willison for HttpClient (RssFeed) Chris Petersen (Google API) Bob Apthorpe for babycart (Blog::SpamAssassin) Yamasoft for gif.php Stanislav Shramko for the original DBSession Dan Libby for the xmlrpc library and tests Dietrich Ayala (NuSphere Corporation) for nusoap Michael Heilemann (Kubrick css) Gabriel Wicke (MonoBook layout, CSS and js) Chris Snyder (RawHtml safe mode) Martin Langhoff <martin@catalyst.net.nz> (Gforge integration) Ry4an Brase (IRC gateway) Sara von Mosch (Word to wiki converter) </pre> ------------ !! In the 1.0 series: * John Jorgensen http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?AnotherPhpWiki, * Tim Voght http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?TimVoght, * Grant Morgan http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?GrantMorgan, * and especially Clifford A. Adams: http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?CliffordAdams $Id: CREDITS 7664 2010-08-31 15:42:34Z vargenau $