Using PhpWiki 1.3 with Mac OS X / Darwin PhpWiki works quite well and retains almost complete functionality when used with a default installation of Mac OS X 10.1 (or greater), with only a few minor exceptions as noted below. Setting up a database for the Wiki backend is probably the most difficult part of the PhpWiki installation as it will require use of the Terminal utility; therefore it is recommended that you at least have some familiarity with the unix command prompt. However, the setup is straightforward and you should be able to complete the install by following the instructions in the INSTALL document included with the PhpWiki download. If you intend to compile the required database software or PHP module yourself you should download and install the Developer tools from Apple, which includes the necessary cc compiler, and at least temporarily activate the superuser (root) account. The steps necessary to do this are relatively more complicated and are beyond the scope of this document. In any case you may find Project Builder to be an attractive alternative to TextEdit, especially if you are intent on heavily customizing PhpWiki, working with PHP or doing any other code development. Among other niceties it provides multiple undos (even beyond the last file save), line numbering and syntax coloring; however it doesn't always properly handle coloring for strangely nested \"escaped quotes\" which are frequently called for in PHP when generating HTML code. \\" <--(kludge for broken syntax coloring) Instructions for using Project Builder with PhpWiki can be found at the bottom of this document. Database -------- A suitable database for PhpWiki is not included with Mac OS X 10.1. If you decide to use one of the more popular (and free) database packages such as mySQL or PostgreSQL with PhpWiki, fortunately there are precompiled versions of the software available. Some distributions even come with Mac OS X installers which will significantly reduce the amount of work you will have to do in the unix environment. The MySQL 3.23.46 binary installation works well with Mac OS X 10.1 and PhpWiki. After you install and test mySQL follow the instructions given in INSTALL.mysql to prepare a new database for use with PhpWiki. Apache PHP Module ----------------- The default PHP module for Apache as supplied by Apple does work with PhpWiki but is missing support for the zlib and GD libraries. Wiki will still produce a valid ZIP file when an administrator saves a ZIP dump of the database but it will not use any compression. If you want compressed ZIP dumps you will have to install a version of PHP which does support the zlib library, or compile PHP yourself and replace the default /usr/libexec/httpd/libphp4.so (part of the Apple-supplied Apache installation). PHP with GD library support is required to use "text2png", an experimental plugin for Wiki 1.3. PhpWiki 1.3 already knows where to find the required PEAR.php on Mac OS X systems. However if you need to use PEAR with other PHP applications, edit or create the file /usr/local/lib/php.ini then add the following line: include_path = ".:/System/Library/PHP"; If you compiled a version of PHP yourself (perhaps newer than the 4.0.6 version included by Apple) the path will already be included in the php.ini file. In that case you shouldn't have to change the path, unless you installed PHP into a location other than the default /usr/local/ prefix. Obtaining and Installing mySQL and libphp4.so --------------------------------------------- Mark Liyanage has graciously provided precompiled Mac OS X versions of mySQL, an updated PHP module for Apache and some installation instructions on his web site. He has also written some tips if you want to compile these programs for yourself. <http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/> Note that whether you use the built-in PHP module or another PHP module, it must be activated in Apache's httpd.conf before you can use PHP. Take a look at Mark's PHP installation instructions or read the Apache documentation for more information. A good place to find other distributions of mySQL or PostgreSQL which can be used with Mac OS X are listed at: <http://versiontracker.com/macosx/> <http://fink.sourceforge.net/> PHP 4.1 and Mac OS X -------------------- The version of PHP 4.1 from Mark Liyanage's web site requires an updated PEAR library. PhpWiki seems to work anyway but it will produce warnings about a depreciated user function with each page load. 1. Move the current contents of '/System/Library/PHP' into a backup folder, such as '/System/Library/PHP/PEAR-4.0.6'. 2. Take the contents of the 'pear' folder from the official PHP 4.1 tarball (php-4.1.0.tar.gz) and move it into '/System/Library/PHP'. PhpWiki Configuration Notes --------------------------- Move the phpwiki folder into the directory used by the web server. In Mac OS X 10.1 this folder will be "/Library/WebServer/Documents" (unless you previously changed it to somewhere else in the config file "/private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf"). Follow the generalized installation instructions described in INSTALL but with the changes to sections 1 and 2 listed below. Section 1 The Mac OS X Apache web server runs as user "www" and this works fine with PhpWiki so long as "Everyone" has at least read-only access in the phpwiki folder's Get Info. If you want to perform serial dumps instead of ZIP dumps you need to set at least one directory to be accessible read-write by the http server. The easiest solution is probably to create a new folder called "dumps" inside the phpwiki folder, then give the user "www" read-write access to it in the terminal: sudo chown www:www /System/Library/phpwiki/dumps sudo chmod u+wrx /System/Library/phpwiki/dumps Section 2 A few lines need to be inserted into Apache's configuration in order to use "nice" URLs with PhpWiki such as: "http://somehost/wiki/GoodStyle" Open the terminal and type in the following to edit the web server configuration file (enter your administration password when prompted): sudo pico /etc/httpd/httpd.conf Scroll down to the <IfModule mod-alias.c> section. Copy the comment line "#PhpWiki 1.3 aliases" and the four lines below it, then paste it into the mod_alias section as shown below. <IfModule mod_alias.c> # # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will # require it to be present in the URL. So "/icons" isn't aliased in this # example, only "/icons/". If the fakename is slash-terminated, then the # realname must also be slash terminated, and if the fakename omits the # trailing slash, the realname must also omit it. # Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/httpd/icons/" #PhpWiki 1.3 aliases Alias /wiki/themes/ "/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwiki/themes/" Alias /wiki/themes "/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwiki/themes" Alias /wiki/favicon.ico "/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwiki/favicon.ico" Alias /wiki/ "/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwiki/index.php/" Alias /wiki "/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwiki/index.php" To save your changes and exit, press 'control-x', then 'y' followed by the 'return' key. Restart the Web Sharing server from the System Preferences "Sharing" control panel or from the terminal: sudo apachectl graceful Next, edit the following lines in part five of index.php to match the following: define('DATA_PATH', '/wiki'); define('USE_PATH_INFO', true); define('VIRTUAL_PATH', '/wiki'); Section 3 To retain your PhpWiki logs between system restarts you should specify a non-temporary directory. I recommend you use the same folder where the web-server stores it's logs. Change the following (line 73) in index.php from: define('ACCESS_LOG', '/tmp/wiki_access_log'); to something like: define('ACCESS_LOG', '/private/var/log/httpd/wiki_access.log'); Note that the automatic /etc/daily and weekly cron cleanup routines will not touch the Wiki log file--even if it is in the same directory as the httpd logs--it will be up to you to Trash it once in a while or write your own /etc/daily.local file to include it as part of a server log rotation. The web server must have write access to the log file: sudo chown www /private/var/log/httpd/wiki_access.log Using Apple's Project Builder with PhpWiki ------------------------------------------ A PB project file is available on the SourceForge CVS server to allow you to easily edit PhpWiki's source code using Apple's Project Builder. PB 2.1 (Dec 2002 DevTools) is recommended. If you have not yet updated to at least PB 1.1.1 (Dec 2001 DevTools) it is highly recommended you do so because the PhpWiki source are written in ISO-8859-1, and some of the bug fixes are pertinent to file encoding. The older PB 1.1 has some bugs which makes it impossible to select the correct character encoding in the GUI for any pre-existing source code files. By using this project file you will find the PhpWiki source files are already preset to use the correct ISO-8859-1 (Western Latin-1) encoding. Also by using the project file, if you are updating or adding a tranlastion to the './phpwiki/locale/po/' files, you do not have to run 'make' from the terminal window. The Build Target settings have been preconfigured to automatically build the project with a "legacy Makefile", by invoking '/usr/bin/gnumake' in the folder './phpwiki/locale'. Just click the build button in the toolbar. To download the phpwiki.pbxproj bundle, use CVS to checkout the module named "phpwiki.pbxproj" then place it into the same folder which contains your "phpwiki" folder. How to use SSH with Project Builder ----------------------------------- To use the CVS functions in PB, the phpwiki folder itself must have been checked out with CVS (i.e. the 'CVS' folders within each subdirectory of the phpwiki source are required by PB). Project Builder 1.1.1 (December 2001 Dev Tools) can be used with SourceForge's CVS but a little work is needed to get it set up the first time. The following instructions were based on a tip from macosxhints.com. Preparation Make sure that your ssh keys have been uploaded to your account at SourceForge and that you can sucessfully ssh into your account. Next, ensure that you can check out your project from SourceForge using the unix command-line based CVS tools provided by Mac OS X. Instructions 1. Download and install "keychain" from: <http://www.gentoo.org/projects/keychain.html> Keychain is also available via the Fink package manager. The Keychain script acts as a front-end to ssh-agent, allowing you to easily have one long-running ssh-agent process per system, rather than per login session. This dramatically reduces the number of times you need to enter your passphrase, from once per new terminal window session to once every time your local machine is rebooted. It also allows you to use Project Builder with SSH instead of RSH. SSH is required if you want to commit files to a CVS repository at SourceForge. 2. If you use the default tcsh shell or csh, add the following to your .cshrc file: setenv CVS_RSH 'ssh' alias pb 'open -a /Developer/Applications/Project\ Builder.app ' # Alias to servers via SSH alias sshsf 'ssh mysfuserid@phpwiki.sourceforge.net' Also add the following to your ~/.login file: # Keychain is an OpenSSH key manager # This will add my SSH1 and SSH2 key # Use '/sw/bin/keychain' for a fink-installed keychain /usr/bin/keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_dsa source ~/.keychain/${HOST}-csh If you use bash instead, add following lines to the ~/.bashrc file: CVS_RSH=ssh; EXPORT CVS_RSH alias pb='open -a /Developer/Applications/Project\ Builder.app ' # Alias to servers via SSH alias sshsf='ssh mysfuserid@phpwiki.sourceforge.net' Bash users also add the following to your ~/.login file: # Keychain is an OpenSSH key manager # This will add my SSH1 and SSH2 key /usr/bin/keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_dsa source ~/.keychain/${HOSTNAME}-sh 3. Close the terminal window then open a new one. Keychain will activate ssh-agent which will ask for your ssh key password. It keeps running in the background and won't ask for your password again until you log out or restart. 4. From now on, YOU MUST open Project Builder from the Terminal shell for it's CVS to work with SSH. This is why we created a command alias in .cshrc to launch Project Builder. If it is already running because you double-clicked the PB icon, quit it, then launch it from the terminal by typing pb. <em>Once PB is running you can safely double-click a project file to open it</em>. Using the above method, ProjectBuilder will successfully connect to the Sourceforge CVS with SSH. Any other server which requires cvs connections to be made cia ssh instead of rsh should now work too. Note: Renaming /usr/bin/rsh to something else and replacing it with ssh doesn't seem to work; Project Builder simply MUST be launched from the command line for it to work at all with ssh. Hopefully Project Builder's integrated CVS will be improved in the future to directly support SSH. To let Apple know that full support for SSH in Project Builder is important, send an email to: <macosx-tools-feedback@group.apple.com> Project Builder: Miscellaneous ------------------------------ ProjectBuilder 1.1.1 has a new auto-indent feature but it does not yet recognise php files. You can create a temporary file with the filename suffix ".c" and drag it into the project. Paste your code into that temp file to use auto-indent, then copy your changes back to the original file when you're done. Emacs Users: You can add custom Alt-key bindings to Project Builder for some common Emacs stuff: *Note the wrapped url! <http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/TasksAndConcepts/ ProgrammingTopics/TextDisplay/Tasks/TextDefaultsAndBindings.html> If you have problems after all of this, try contacting the phpwiki-talk list at phpwiki-talk@lists.sourceforge.net. Carsten Klapp <carstenklapp@users.sourceforge.net> $Id: INSTALL.MacOSX 6202 2008-08-26 13:14:32Z vargenau $