File: INSTALL.flatfile
If you cannot run PhpWiki on top of a relational database like MySQL or Postgresql, and your system does not support DBA files or (worse) has a broken implementation like NDBM on Solaris or GDBM on Linux, then a flat file Wiki should work for you. Installation is similar to using a DBA file for storing the pages. You should read the main INSTALL file before this one (it's not long and complicated so go ahead and we'll wait for you right here). INSTALLATION NOTES for 1.3 Set DATABASE_TYPE = file in config/config.ini, check DATABASE_DIRECTORY not to start with /tmp, and fire up the wiki url in your browser. The webserver will then start to create this directory with the correct permissions and populate the database. INSTALLATION NOTES for 1.2 First, edit lib/config.php and set the database to "file": $WhichDatabase = 'file'; // use one of "dbm", "mysql", "pgsql", "msql", // or "file" Now, the key thing is you need a directory that the web server can read and write to. This is where it will store current and archived pages. If you have root access the next section applies to you. If you don't have root access, skip down to the section "I DON'T HAVE ROOT ACCESS" to see what options you have. Choose where you want to have the pages stored; on my system I put them in a directory under the PhpWiki root directory. That is, I installed my PhpWiki in /home/swain/public_html/flatfiletest/phpwiki. I created a directory called "pages" like this: [root@localhost phpwiki]# mkdir pages This creates a new directory: [swain@localhost phpwiki]$ ls -l total 65 -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 1776 Dec 22 16:10 CREDITS -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 6323 Dec 12 16:53 DBLIB.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 10373 Nov 5 22:19 HISTORY -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 3241 Oct 8 15:08 INSTALL -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 1241 Oct 8 14:12 INSTALL.mSQL -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 1584 Oct 8 14:12 INSTALL.mysql -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 2001 Oct 8 15:19 INSTALL.pgsql -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 18106 Jun 2 2000 LICENSE -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 2873 Dec 12 16:24 README drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 admin -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 2366 Nov 13 05:59 admin.php drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 images -rw-r--r-- 1 swain swain 1305 Nov 8 10:34 index.php drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 3 22:44 lib drwxrwxr-x 6 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 locale drwxrwxr-x 4 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:50 pages drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 pgsrc drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 schemas drwxrwxr-x 2 swain swain 1024 Jan 1 18:46 templates Next, I'm going to change the owner of the directory. Your web server probably runs as user "nobody," so I log in as root and run the chown command: [swain@localhost phpwiki]$ su Password: [root@localhost phpwiki]# chown nobody:nobody pages Now the directory is read/writable by "nobody" and should work fine. If your web server runs as a different user substitute the appropriate name. I DON'T HAVE ROOT ACCESS... If you do not have root access to your machine you are in a tougher situation. What you can do is give the directory read/write permission to anybody, but for security reasons this is a bad idea. The second thing you can do is have your systems administrator install PhpWiki for you, or at least follow the steps above to create a directory owned by the web server. Another solution is to let the web server create the directory for you. The drawback to this approach is that you won't be able to edit the files or copy them from the command line, but most people can live with this limitation. (This is how you would do it on SourceForge, by the way; they have a cron job that sweeps the filesystem every few hours looking for things that are set world writable and change the permission.) This will require you to TEMPORARILY make the phpwiki/ directory world writable: cd .. chmod o+wr phpwiki cd phpwiki/ and create a PHP file like this: <html> <head> <title>Make a directory</title> </head> <?php /* I created this to set up server-writable files for the Wiki. You shouldn't have world writable files. */ $int = mkdir("pages", 0775); if ($int) { echo "mkdir returned $int (success)\n"; } ?> </html> Put the file in the phpwiki/ directory and call it through a web browser. This should create a directory owned by the web server in the phpwiki/ directory. IMPORTANT Now you need to restore the permissions of the phpwiki directory itself: cd .. chmod 755 phpwiki If you have problems after all of this, try contacting the phpwiki-talk list at phpwiki-talk@lists.sourceforge.net. Steve Wainstead swain@panix.com $Id: INSTALL.flatfile 7591 2010-07-02 08:05:07Z vargenau $