File: messu-compose.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: messu-compose.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ $section = 'user_messages'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/messu/messulib.php'); $access->check_user($user); $access->check_feature('feature_messages'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_messages'); if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] == 'y') { if ($tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } if (($prefs['messu_sent_size'] > 0) && ($messulib->count_messages($user, 'sent') >= $prefs['messu_sent_size'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Sent box is full. Archive or delete some sent messages first if you want to send more messages.')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['to'])) $_REQUEST['to'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['cc'])) $_REQUEST['cc'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['bcc'])) $_REQUEST['bcc'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['subject'])) $_REQUEST['subject'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['body'])) $_REQUEST['body'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['replyto_hash'])) $_REQUEST['replyto_hash'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['priority'])) $_REQUEST['priority'] = 3; // Strip Re:Re:Re: from subject if (!empty($_REQUEST['reply']) || !empty($_REQUEST['replyall'])) { $_REQUEST['subject'] = tra("Re:") . preg_replace('/^(' . tra('Re:') . ')+/', '', $_REQUEST['subject']); $smarty->assign('reply', 'y'); } foreach (array( 'to', 'cc', 'bcc' ) as $dest) { if (is_array($_REQUEST[$dest])) { $sep = strstr(implode('', $_REQUEST[$dest]), ',') === false?', ': '; '; $_REQUEST[$dest] = implode($sep, $_REQUEST[$dest]); } } $smarty->assign('to', $_REQUEST['to']); $smarty->assign('cc', $_REQUEST['cc']); $smarty->assign('bcc', $_REQUEST['bcc']); $smarty->assign('subject', $_REQUEST['subject']); $smarty->assign('body', $_REQUEST['body']); $smarty->assign('priority', $_REQUEST['priority']); $smarty->assign('replyto_hash', $_REQUEST['replyto_hash']); $smarty->assign('mid', 'messu-compose.tpl'); $smarty->assign('sent', 0); if (isset($_REQUEST['send'])) { check_ticket('messu-compose'); $smarty->assign('sent', 1); $message = ''; // Validation: // must have a subject or body non-empty (or both) if (empty($_REQUEST['subject']) && empty($_REQUEST['body'])) { $smarty->assign('message', tra('ERROR: Either the subject or body must be non-empty')); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); die; } // Parse the to, cc and bcc fields into an array $arr_to = preg_split('/\s*(?<!\\\)[;,]\s*/', $_REQUEST['to']); $arr_cc = preg_split('/\s*(?<!\\\)[;,]\s*/', $_REQUEST['cc']); $arr_bcc = preg_split('/\s*(?<!\\\)[;,]\s*/', $_REQUEST['bcc']); if ($prefs['user_selector_realnames_messu'] == 'y') { $groups = ''; $arr_to = $userlib->find_best_user($arr_to, $groups, 'login'); $arr_cc = $userlib->find_best_user($arr_cc, $groups); $arr_bcc = $userlib->find_best_user($arr_bcc, $groups); } // Remove invalid users from the to, cc and bcc fields $users = array(); foreach ($arr_to as $a_user) { if (!empty($a_user)) { $a_user = str_replace('\\;', ';', $a_user); if ($userlib->user_exists($a_user)) { // mail only to users with activated message feature if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] != 'y' || $tikilib->get_user_preference($a_user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') == 'y') { // only send mail if nox mailbox size is defined or not reached yet if (($messulib->count_messages($a_user) < $prefs['messu_mailbox_size']) || ($prefs['messu_mailbox_size'] == 0)) { $users[] = $a_user; } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("Invalid user: %s"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } } foreach ($arr_cc as $a_user) { if (!empty($a_user)) { $a_user = str_replace('\\;', ';', $a_user); if ($userlib->user_exists($a_user)) { // mail only to users with activated message feature if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] != 'y' || $tikilib->get_user_preference($a_user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') == 'y') { // only send mail if nox mailbox size is defined or not reached yet if (($messulib->count_messages($a_user) < $prefs['messu_mailbox_size']) || ($prefs['messu_mailbox_size'] == 0)) { $users[] = $a_user; } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("Invalid user: %s"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } } foreach ($arr_bcc as $a_user) { if (!empty($a_user)) { $a_user = str_replace('\\;', ';', $a_user); if ($userlib->user_exists($a_user)) { // mail only to users with activated message feature if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] != 'y' || $tikilib->get_user_preference($a_user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') == 'y') { // only send mail if nox mailbox size is defined or not reached yet if (($messulib->count_messages($a_user) < $prefs['messu_mailbox_size']) || ($prefs['messu_mailbox_size'] == 0)) { $users[] = $a_user; } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("User %s can not receive messages"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } else { $message.= sprintf(tra("Invalid user: %s"), htmlspecialchars($a_user)) . "<br />"; } } } $users = array_unique($users); // Validation: either to, cc or bcc must have a valid user if (count($users) > 0) { $users_formatted = array(); foreach ($users as $rawuser) $users_formatted[] = htmlspecialchars($rawuser); $message.= tra("Message has been sent to: ") . implode(',', $users_formatted) . "<br />"; } else { $message.= tra('ERROR: No valid users to send the message'); $smarty->assign('message', $message); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); die; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // hollmeer 2012-11-03: ADDED PGP/MIME ENCRYPTION PREPARATION // // USING lib/openpgp/opepgplib.php // // // // get publickey armor block for email // // // if ($prefs['openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail'] == 'y') { global $openpgplib; $aux_pgpmime_content = $openpgplib->getPublickeyArmorBlock($_REQUEST['priority'], $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['cc']); $prepend_email_body = $aux_pgpmime_content[0]; $user_armor = $aux_pgpmime_content[1]; } // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Insert the message in the inboxes of each user foreach ($users as $a_user) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hollmeer: send with gpg-armor block etc included // // A changed encryption-related version was copied from lib/messu/messulib.pgp // // into lib/openpgp/openpgplib.php for prepending/appending content into // // message body // if ($prefs['openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail'] == 'y') { // USE PGP/MIME MAIL VERSION $result = $openpgplib->post_message_with_pgparmor_attachment( $a_user, $user, $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['cc'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['body'], $prepend_email_body, // NOTE THIS! $user_armor, // NOTE THIS! $_REQUEST['priority'], $_REQUEST['replyto_hash'], isset($_REQUEST['replytome']) ? 'y' : '', isset($_REQUEST['bccme']) ? 'y' : '' ); } else { // USE ORIGINAL TIKI MAIL VERSION $result = $messulib->post_message( $a_user, $user, $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['cc'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['body'], $_REQUEST['priority'], $_REQUEST['replyto_hash'], isset($_REQUEST['replytome']) ? 'y' : '', isset($_REQUEST['bccme']) ? 'y' : '' ); } // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($result) { if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $tikilib->score_event($user, 'message_send'); $tikilib->score_event($a_user, 'message_receive'); } // if this is a reply flag the original messages replied to if ($_REQUEST['replyto_hash'] <> '') { $messulib->mark_replied($a_user, $_REQUEST['replyto_hash']); } } else { $message = tra('An error occurred, please check your mail settings and try again'); } } // Insert a copy of the message in the sent box of the sender $messulib->save_sent_message($user, $user, $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['cc'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['body'], $_REQUEST['priority'], $_REQUEST['replyto_hash']); $smarty->assign('message', $message); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['reply']) && $_REQUEST['reply'] == 'y') { $logslib->add_action('Replied', '', 'message', 'add=' . $tikilib->strlen_quoted($_REQUEST['body'])); } else { $logslib->add_action('Posted', '', 'message', 'add=' . strlen($_REQUEST['body'])); } } } $allowMsgs = $prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] != 'y' || $tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'allowMsgs', 'y'); $smarty->assign('allowMsgs', $allowMsgs); include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); ask_ticket('messu-compose'); include_once ('tiki-mytiki_shared.php'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");
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