File: route.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: route.php 56768 2015-11-24 15:42:49Z arildb $ // Adding support for an other web server? Check the end of the file /** * Routing method, receives the path portion of the URL relative to tiki root. * http://example.com/tiki/hello-world?foo-bar * $path is expectedto be hello-world */ function tiki_route($path) { /* // If you are converting to Tiki and want to preserve some URLs, map the urls and remove the comment block $urlMapping = array( 'wiki/old-page-name' => 'PageName', 'corporate/Privacy+Policy.pdf' => 'dl123', ); if (isset($urlMapping[$path])) { $path = $urlMapping[$path]; } */ $simple = array( 'articles' => 'tiki-view_articles.php', 'blogs' => 'tiki-list_blogs.php', 'calendar' => 'tiki-calendar.php', 'categories' => 'tiki-browse_categories.php', 'chat' => 'tiki-chat.php', 'contact' => 'tiki-contact.php', 'directories' => 'tiki-directory_browse.php', 'faqs' => 'tiki-list_faqs.php', 'filelist' => 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php', 'forums' => 'tiki-forums.php', 'galleries' => 'tiki-galleries.php', 'login' => 'tiki-login_scr.php', 'logout' => 'tiki-logout.php', 'my' => 'tiki-my_tiki.php', 'newsletters' => 'tiki-newsletters.php', 'quizzes' => 'tiki-list_quizzes.php', 'register' => 'tiki-register.php', 'sheets' => 'tiki-sheets.php', 'stats' => 'tiki-stats.php', 'surveys' => 'tiki-list_surveys.php', 'trackers' => 'tiki-list_trackers.php', 'users' => 'tiki-list_users.php', ); foreach ($simple as $key => $file) { tiki_route_attempt("|^$key$|", $file); } /* Valid: art123 article123 art123-XYZ article123-XYZ */ tiki_route_attempt('/^(art|article)(\d+)(\-.*)?$/', 'tiki-read_article.php', tiki_route_single(2, 'articleId')); tiki_route_attempt('|^blog(\d+)(\-.*)?$|', 'tiki-view_blog.php', tiki_route_single(1, 'blogId')); tiki_route_attempt('|^blogpost(\d+)(\-.*)?$|', 'tiki-view_blog_post.php', tiki_route_single(1, 'postId')); tiki_route_attempt('|^cat(\d+)(\-.*)?$|', 'tiki-browse_categories.php', tiki_route_single(1, 'parentId')); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('browseimage', 'tiki-browse_image.php', 'imageId'); tiki_route_attempt('/^event(\d+)(\-.*)?$/', 'tiki-calendar_edit_item.php', tiki_route_single(1, 'viewcalitemId')); tiki_route_attempt( '|^cal(\d[\d,]*)$|', 'tiki-calendar.php', function ($parts) { $ids = explode(',', $parts[1]); $ids = array_filter($ids); return array('calIds' => $ids); } ); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('directory', 'tiki-directory_browse.php', 'parent'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('dirlink', 'tiki-directory_redirect.php', 'siteId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('faq', 'tiki-view_faq.php', 'faqId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('file', 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php', 'galleryId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('forum', 'tiki-view_forum.php', 'forumId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('forumthread', 'tiki-view_forum_thread.php', 'comments_parentId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('gallery', 'tiki-browse_gallery.php', 'galleryId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('img', 'show_image.php', 'id'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('image', 'show_image.php', 'id'); tiki_route_attempt( '|^imagescale(\d+)/(\d+)$|', 'show_image.php', function ($parts) { return array( 'id' => $parts[1], 'scalesize' => $parts[2], ); } ); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('int', 'tiki-integrator.php', 'repID'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('item', 'tiki-view_tracker_item.php', 'itemId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('newsletter', 'tiki-newsletters.php', 'nlId', array('info' => '1')); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('nl', 'tiki-newsletters.php', 'nlId', array('info' => '1')); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('poll', 'tiki-poll_form.php', 'pollId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('quiz', 'tiki-take_quiz.php', 'quizId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('survey', 'tiki-take_survey.php', 'surveyId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('tracker', 'tiki-view_tracker.php', 'trackerId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('sheet', 'tiki-view_sheets.php', 'sheetId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('user', 'tiki-user_information.php', 'userId'); tiki_route_attempt('|^userinfo$|', 'tiki-view_tracker_item.php', function () { return array('view' => ' user'); }); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('dl', 'tiki-download_file.php', 'fileId'); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('thumbnail', 'tiki-download_file.php', 'fileId', array('thumbnail' => '')); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('display', 'tiki-download_file.php', 'fileId', array('display' => '')); tiki_route_attempt_prefix('preview', 'tiki-download_file.php', 'fileId', array('preview' => '')); tiki_route_attempt( '/^(wiki|page)\-(.+)$/', 'tiki-index.php', function ($parts) { return array('page' => $parts[2]); } ); tiki_route_attempt( '/^show:(.+)$/', 'tiki-slideshow.php', function ($parts) { return array('page' => urldecode($parts[1])); } ); tiki_route_attempt( '|^tiki\-(\w+)\-(\w+)$|', 'tiki-ajax_services.php', function ($parts) { if ($parts[2] == 'x') { return array( 'controller' => $parts[1], ); } else { return array( 'controller' => $parts[1], 'action' => $parts[2], ); } } ); if (false !== $dot = strrpos($path, '.')) { // Prevent things that look like filenames from being considered for wiki page names $extension = substr($path, $dot + 1); if (in_array($extension, array('css', 'gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'php', 'html', 'js', 'htm', 'shtml', 'cgi', 'sql', 'phtml', 'txt', 'ihtml'))) { return; } } tiki_route_attempt( '|.*|', 'tiki-index.php', function ($parts) { return array('page' => urldecode($parts[0])); } ); } function tiki_route_attempt($pattern, $file, $callback = null, $extra = array()) { global $path, $inclusion; if ($inclusion) { return; } if (preg_match($pattern, $path, $parts)) { $inclusion = $file; if ($callback && is_callable($callback)) { $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $callback($parts), $extra); } } } function tiki_route_attempt_prefix($prefix, $file, $key, $extra = array()) { tiki_route_attempt("|^$prefix(\d+)$|", $file, tiki_route_single(1, $key), $extra); } function tiki_route_single($index, $name) { return function ($parts) use ($index, $name) { return array($name => $parts[$index]); }; } $sapi = php_sapi_name(); $base = null; $path = null; $inclusion = null; // This portion may need to vary depending on the webserver/configuration switch ($sapi) { case 'apache2handler': default: // Fix $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI', which is ASCII encoded on IIS // Convert the SERVER variable itself, to fix $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] access everywhere // route.php comes first in the processing. Avoid dependencies. if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'IIS') !== false) { if (mb_detect_encoding($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'UTF-8', true) == false) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = utf8_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } } if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'])) { $full = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $full = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (strpos($full, '?') !== false) { $full = substr($full, 0, strpos($full, '?')); } } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) { $full = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['UNENCODED_URL'])) { // For IIS $full = $_SERVER['UNENCODED_URL']; } else { break; } $file = basename(__FILE__); $base = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, -strlen($file)); $path = substr($full, strlen($base)); break; } // Global check if (is_null($base) || is_null($path)) { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); echo "Request could not be understood. Verify routing file."; exit; } tiki_route($path); if ($inclusion) { $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $inclusion; include __DIR__ . '/' . $inclusion; } else { error_log("No route found - full:$full query:{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"); header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); echo "No route found. Please see http://dev.tiki.org/URL+Rewriting+Revamp"; exit; }
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