File: setup.sh
#! /bin/sh # (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project # # All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. # Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. # $Id: setup.sh 54140 2015-02-28 20:09:28Z jonnybradley $ # This file sets permissions and creates relevant folders for Tiki. # # part 0 - choose production mode or verbose debugging mode # --------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG=0 # production mode #DEBUG=1 # debugging mode DEBUG_PATH=0 # production mode #DEBUG_PATH=1 # debugging mode DEBUG_UNIX=0 # production mode #DEBUG_UNIX=1 # debugging mode DEBUG_PREFIX='D>' ECHOFLAG=1 # one empty line before printing used options in debugging mode PATCHCOMPOSERFLAG="0" # patch composer.phar to avoid the warnings # unfortunately, this file checks its own signature # and thus does not allow modifications # log composer instead of screen out# log composer instead of screen outputput LOGCOMPOSERFLAG="0" # default for composer output TIKI_COMPOSER_INSTALL_LOG=tiki-composer-install.log TIKI_COMPOSER_SELF_UPDATE_LOG=tiki-composer-self-update.log # part 1 - preliminaries # ---------------------- PERMISSIONCHECK_DIR="permissioncheck" SEARCHPATH="/bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin" #USE_CASES_FILE="usecases.txt" USE_CASES_FILE="usecases.bin" USE_CASES_PATH=${PERMISSIONCHECK_DIR} USE_CASES_NAME=${USE_CASES_PATH}/${USE_CASES_FILE} WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_c='f' WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_f='x' # Composer: If you are installing via a released Tiki package (zip, tar.gz, # tar.bz2, 7z), you can and should skip using Composer. If you are installing and # upgrading via SVN, you need to run Composer after 'svn checkout' and 'svn # upgrade'. More info at https://dev.tiki.org/Composer if [ -d ".svn" ]; then DEFAULT_WHAT='c' else DEFAULT_WHAT='f' fi define_path() { # define PATH for executable mode if [ ${DEBUG_PATH} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} old path: ${PATH} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} fi #PATH="${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin" #for ADDPATH in `echo /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin` ; do for ADDPATH in ${SEARCHPATH} ; do if [ -d ${ADDPATH} ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${ADDPATH}" if [ ${DEBUG_PATH} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} ${ADDPATH} exists fi else if [ ${DEBUG_PATH} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} ${ADDPATH} does not exist fi fi done if [ ${DEBUG_PATH} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} new path: ${PATH} fi } define_path # set used commands if [ ${DEBUG_UNIX} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} before: echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CAT=${CAT} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHGRP=${CHGRP} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHMOD=${CHMOD} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHOWN=${CHOWN} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} FIND=${FIND} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} ID=${ID} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MKDIR=${MKDIR} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MV=${MV} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} RM=${RM} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} SORT=${SORT} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} TOUCH=${TOUCH} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} UNIQ=${UNIQ} fi # list of commands CAT=`which cat` CHGRP=`which chgrp` CHMOD=`which chmod` CHOWN=`which chown` CUT=`which cut` FIND=`which find` GREP=`which grep` ID=`which id` MKDIR=`which mkdir` MV=`which mv` PHPCLI=`which php` RM=`which rm` SORT=`which sort` TOUCH=`which touch` UNIQ=`which uniq` if [ ${DEBUG_UNIX} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} after: echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CAT=${CAT} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHGRP=${CHGRP} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHMOD=${CHMOD} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} CHOWN=${CHOWN} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} FIND=${FIND} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} ID=${ID} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MKDIR=${MKDIR} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MV=${MV} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} RM=${RM} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} SORT=${SORT} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} TOUCH=${TOUCH} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} UNIQ=${UNIQ} fi # hint for users #POSSIBLE_COMMANDS='open|fix|nothing' POSSIBLE_COMMANDS="composer|fix|insane|mixed|morepain|moreworry|nothing|open|pain|paranoia|paranoia-suphp|risky|sbox|sboxworkaround|suphpworkaround|worry" #HINT_FOR_USER="Type 'fix', 'nothing' or 'open' as command argument." HINT_FOR_USER="\nType 'fix', 'nothing' or 'open' as command argument. \nIf you used Tiki Permission Check via PHP, you know which of the following commands will probably work: \ninsane mixed morepain moreworry pain paranoia paranoia-suphp risky sbox worry \nMore documentation: https://doc.tiki.org/Permission+Check\n" hint_for_users() { ${CAT} <<EOF Type 'fix', 'nothing' or 'open' as command argument. If you used Tiki Permission Check via PHP, you know which of the following commands will probably work: insane mixed morepain moreworry pain paranoia paranoia-suphp workaround risky sbox worry There are some other commands recommended for advanced users only. More documentation about this: https://doc.tiki.org/Permission+Check EOF } usage() { #usage: $0 [<switches>] open|fix #cat <<EOF ${CAT} <<EOF usage: sh `basename $0` [<switches>] ${POSSIBLE_COMMANDS} or if executable usage: $0 [<switches>] ${POSSIBLE_COMMANDS} -h show help -u user owner of files (default: $AUSER) -g group group of files (default: $AGROUP) -v virtuals list of virtuals (for multitiki, example: "www1 www2") -n not prompt for user and group, assume current -d off|on disable|enable debugging mode (override script default) There are some other commands recommended for advanced users only. More documentation about this: https://doc.tiki.org/Permission+Check Example: sh `basename $0` -n fix EOF } # evaluate command line options (cannot be done inside a function) set_debug() { case ${OPTARG} in off) DEBUG=0 ;; on) DEBUG=1 ;; *) DUMMY="no override, default remains active" ;; esac } OPT_AUSER= OPT_AGROUP= OPT_VIRTUALS= OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP= while getopts "hu:g:v:nd:" OPTION; do case $OPTION in h) usage ; exit 0 ;; u) OPT_AUSER=$OPTARG ;; g) OPT_AGROUP=$OPTARG ;; v) OPT_VIRTUALS=$OPTARG ;; n) OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP=1 ;; d) set_debug ;; ?) usage ; exit 1 ;; esac if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then if [ ${ECHOFLAG} = '1' ] ; then ECHOFLAG=0 echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} fi OUTPUT="option: -${OPTION}" if [ -n ${OPTARG} ] ; then OUTPUT="${OUTPUT} ${OPTARG}" fi echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} ${OUTPUT} fi done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # define command to execute for main program # default: do nothing if [ -z $1 ]; then #COMMAND=fix #COMMAND="nothing" COMMAND="default" else COMMAND=$1 fi if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} COMMAND: ${COMMAND} fi if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} usage output: begin usage echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} usage output: end #echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} fi # part 2 - distribution check # --------------------------- AUSER=nobody AGROUP=nobody VIRTUALS="" USER=`whoami` check_distribution() { if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then AUSER=www-data AGROUP=www-data elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then AUSER=apache AGROUP=apache elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]; then AUSER=apache AGROUP=apache elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then AUSER=wwwrun AGROUP=wwwrun else UNAME=`uname | cut -c 1-6` if [ "$UNAME" = "CYGWIN" ]; then AUSER=SYSTEM AGROUP=SYSTEM elif [ "$UNAME" = "Darwin" ]; then AUSER=_www AGROUP=_www fi fi } check_distribution # part 3 - default and writable subdirs # ------------------------------------- DIR_LIST_DEFAULT="addons admin db doc dump files img installer lang lib maps modules permissioncheck temp templates templates_c tests themes tiki_tests vendor vendor_extra whelp" DIR_LIST_WRITABLE="db dump img/wiki img/wiki_up img/trackers modules/cache temp temp/cache temp/public templates_c templates themes maps whelp mods files tiki_tests/tests temp/unified-index" DIRS=${DIR_LIST_WRITABLE} # part 4 - several functions # -------------------------- # part 4.1 - several functions as permission settings for different usecases dec2oct() { #DEC_IN=85 # # # R8=$(( ${DEC_IN} % 8 )) O1=${R8} IN=$(( ${DEC_IN} - ${R8} )) # #echo foo ${IN} # DEC_IN=${IN} R64=$(( ${DEC_IN} % 64 )) O2=$(( ${R64} / 8 )) IN=$(( ${DEC_IN} - ${R64} )) # #echo bar ${IN} # DEC_IN=${IN} R512=$(( ${DEC_IN} % 512 )) O3=$(( ${R512} / 64 )) # #echo ${R512} ${R64} ${R8} # OCT_OUT=${O3}${O2}${O1} } dec2oct_test() { DEC_IN=$(( 0500 | 0220 )) dec2oct echo ${OCT_OUT} echo break exit 1 } #dec2oct_test debug_breakpoint() { echo echo "debug breakpoint" exit 1 } # debug exit debug_exit() { if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo echo "Exiting... for execution mode use option '-d off' or set DEBUG=0 at the beginning of this script" echo exit 1 fi } get_permission_data() { if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} permissioncheck subdir: ${PERMISSIONCHECK_DIR} fi if [ -d ${USE_CASES_PATH} ] ; then if [ -f ${USE_CASES_NAME} ] ; then NO_MATCH=999 MODEL_NAME=${NO_MATCH} MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS=${NO_MATCH} MODEL_PERMS_FILES=${NO_MATCH} while read ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE ; do USE_CASE=`echo ${ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE} | cut -d: -f1` if [ ${USE_CASE} = ${COMMAND} ] ; then MODEL_NAME=${USE_CASE} MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS=`echo ${ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE} | cut -d: -f2` MODEL_PERMS_FILES=`echo ${ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE} | cut -d: -f3` MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS=`echo ${ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE} | cut -d: -f4` MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES=`echo ${ONE_USE_CASE_PER_LINE} | cut -d: -f5` if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS=${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MODEL_PERMS_FILES=${MODEL_PERMS_FILES} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS=${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES=${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} fi fi done < ${USE_CASES_NAME} if [ ${MODEL_NAME} = ${NO_MATCH} ] ; then echo no matching use case found exit 1 fi else echo ${USE_CASES_NAME} does not exist exit 1 fi else echo ${USE_CASES_PATH} does not exist exit 1 fi } set_permission_dirs_special_write() { # function must be defined before set_permission_data for WRITABLE in $DIRS ; do if [ -d ${WRITABLE} ] ; then if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \;" echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \;" fi ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \; ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \; fi done } set_permission_data() { if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} 'for PHP_FILES in "./*.php" ; do' echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} " ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_FILES}" '${PHP_FILES}' echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "done" echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} ." fi for PHP_FILES in "./*.php" ; do ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_FILES} ${PHP_FILES} done ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} . for DEFAULT_DIR in ${DIR_LIST_DEFAULT} ; do if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} {} \;" echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_FILES} {} \;" fi #debug_breakpoint ${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} {} \; ${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_FILES} {} \; #set_permission_dirs_special_write done for WRITABLE in $DIRS ; do if [ -d ${WRITABLE} ] ; then if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \;" echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \;" fi ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \; ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \; fi done } permission_via_php_check() { # model was chosen by Tiki Permission Check (TPC) get_permission_data # set permissions # if [ ${DEBUG} = '2' ] ; then # echo # ${FIND} . -type d -exec echo ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_SUBDIRS} {} \; # ${FIND} . -type f -exec echo ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_FILES} {} \; # fi set_permission_data } set_permission_data_workaround_general() { for DEFAULT_DIR in ${DIR_LIST_DEFAULT} ; do # this is quick 'n dirty ${CHMOD} -R o+r ${DEFAULT_DIR}/ ${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -name "*.php" -exec ${CHMOD} o-r {} \; ${FIND} ${DEFAULT_DIR} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} o-r {} \; done } set_permission_data_workaround_sbox() { # 500 might not work with .css and images, not yet observed # # first: classic sbox COMMAND="sbox" permission_via_php_check # # second: fix permissions of none-PHP files , really quick 'n dirty set_permission_data_workaround_general # # reset $COMMAND , not really necessary COMMAND="sboxworkaround" } set_permission_data_workaround_suphp() { # 600/601 does not work with .css and images, as observed on Debian Wheezy # # first: classic paranoia-suphp COMMAND="paranoia-suphp" permission_via_php_check # # second: fix permissions of none-PHP files , really quick 'n dirty set_permission_data_workaround_general # # reset $COMMAND , not really necessary COMMAND="suphpworkaround" } yet_unused_permission_default() { ${CHMOD} -fR u=rwX,go=rX . } yet_unused_permission_exceptions() { ${CHMOD} o-rwx db/local.php ${CHMOD} o-rwx db/preconfiguration.php } # part 4.2 - composer # Set-up and execute composer to obtain dependencies exists() { if type $1 &>/dev/null then return 0 else return 1 fi } composer_core() { if [ ! -f temp/composer.phar ]; then if exists curl; then curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=temp else # todo : if exists php; php -r "eval('?>'.file_get_contents('https://getcomposer.org/installer'));" -- --install-dir=temp fi # if PATCHCOMPOSERFLAG then modify temp/composer.phar to avoid the warnings # this hack is not yet possible because of a self signature check in temp/composer.phar else # todo : if exists php; if [ ${LOGCOMPOSERFLAG} = "0" ] ; then php temp/composer.phar self-update fi if [ ${LOGCOMPOSERFLAG} = "1" ] ; then php temp/composer.phar self-update > ${TIKI_COMPOSER_SELF_UPDATE_LOG} fi fi if [ ! -f temp/composer.phar ]; then echo "We have failed to obtain the composer executable." echo "NB: Maybe you are behing a proxy, just export https_proxy variable and relaunch setup.sh" echo "1) Download it from http://getcomposer.org" echo "2) Store it in temp/" #exit return fi N=0 # todo : move "if exists php;" to function composer if exists php; then if [ ${LOGCOMPOSERFLAG} = "0" ] ; then #until php -dmemory_limit=-1 temp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist until php -dmemory_limit=-1 temp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist 2>&1 | sed '/Warning: Ambiguous class resolution/d' # setting memory_limit here prevents suhosin ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes do if [ $N -eq 7 ]; then #exit return else echo "Composer failed, retrying in 5 seconds, for a few times. Hit Ctrl-C to cancel." sleep 5 fi N=$((N+1)) done fi if [ ${LOGCOMPOSERFLAG} = "1" ] ; then until php -dmemory_limit=-1 temp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist > ${TIKI_COMPOSER_INSTALL_LOG} # setting memory_limit here prevents suhosin ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes do if [ $N -eq 7 ]; then #exit return else echo "Composer failed, retrying in 5 seconds, for a few times. Hit Ctrl-C to cancel." sleep 5 fi N=$((N+1)) done fi if [ ${LOGCOMPOSERFLAG} = "2" ] ; then echo "Suppress output lines with 'Warning: Ambiguous class resolution'\n..." #until php -dmemory_limit=-1 temp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist | sed '/Warning: Ambiguous class resolution/d' until php -dmemory_limit=-1 temp/composer.phar install --prefer-dist # setting memory_limit here prevents suhosin ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 536870912 bytes do if [ $N -eq 7 ]; then #exit return else echo "Composer failed, retrying in 5 seconds, for a few times. Hit Ctrl-C to cancel." sleep 5 fi N=$((N+1)) done fi fi #exit return } composer() { # todo : if exists php; # insert php cli version check here # http://dev.tiki.org/item4721 PHP_OPTION="--version" REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION=55 # minimal version PHP 5.5 but no decimal seperator, no floating point data #${PHPCLI} ${PHP_OPTION} LOCAL_PHP_VERSION=`${PHPCLI} ${PHP_OPTION} | ${GREP} ^PHP | ${CUT} -c5,7` #echo ${LOCAL_PHP_VERSION} if [ "${LOCAL_PHP_VERSION}" -ge "${REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION}" ] ; then echo "local PHP version ${LOCAL_PHP_VERSION} >= required PHP version ${REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION} - good" composer_core else echo "wrong PHP version ${LOCAL_PHP_VERSION} but >= ${REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION} necessary" exit 1 fi } # part 4.3 - several command options as fix, open, ... command_fix() { if [ "$USER" = 'root' ]; then if [ -n "$OPT_AUSER" ]; then AUSER=$OPT_AUSER elif [ -z "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then read -p "User [$AUSER]: " REPLY if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then AUSER=$REPLY fi fi else if [ -z "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then echo "You are not root or you are on a shared hosting account. You can now: 1- ctrl-c to break now. or 2- If you press enter to continue, you will probably get some error messages but it (the script) will still fix what it can according to the permissions of your user. This script will now ask you some questions. If you don't know what to answer, just press enter to each question (to use default value)" read -p "> Press enter to continue: " WAIT AUSER=$USER fi fi if [ -n "$OPT_AGROUP" ]; then AGROUP=$OPT_AGROUP elif [ -z "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then read -p "> Group [$AGROUP]: " REPLY if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then AGROUP=$REPLY fi fi touch db/virtuals.inc if [ -n "$OPT_VIRTUALS" ]; then VIRTUALS=$OPT_VIRTUALS elif [ -n "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then VIRTUALS=$(cat db/virtuals.inc) else read -p "> Multi [$(cat -s db/virtuals.inc | tr '\n' ' ')]: " VIRTUALS [ -z "$VIRTUALS" ] && VIRTUALS=$(cat db/virtuals.inc) fi if [ -n "$VIRTUALS" ]; then for vdir in $VIRTUALS; do echo $vdir >> db/virtuals.inc cat db/virtuals.inc | sort | uniq > db/virtuals.inc_new rm -f db/virtuals.inc && mv db/virtuals.inc_new db/virtuals.inc done fi echo "Checking dirs : " for dir in $DIRS; do echo -n " $dir ... " if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo -n " Creating directory" mkdir -p $dir fi echo " ok." if [ -n "$VIRTUALS" ] && [ $dir != "temp/unified-index" ]; then for vdir in $VIRTUALS; do echo -n " $dir/$vdir ... " if [ ! -d "$dir/$vdir" ]; then echo -n " Creating Directory" mkdir -p "$dir/$vdir" fi echo " ok." done fi done # Check that the USER is in AGROUP USERINAGROUP="no" for grp in `id -Gn $USER`; do if [ "$grp" = "$AGROUP" ]; then USERINAGROUP="yes" fi done echo "Fix global perms ..." if [ "$USER" = 'root' ]; then #chown -fR $AUSER:$AGROUP . || echo "Could not change ownership to $AUSER" echo -n "Change user to $AUSER and group to $AGROUP..." chown -fR $AUSER:$AGROUP . echo " done." else if [ -n "$OPT_AUSER" ]; then echo "You are not root. We will not try to change the file owners." fi if [ "$USERINAGROUP" = "yes" ]; then echo -n "Change group to $AGROUP ..." chgrp -Rf $AGROUP . echo " done." else echo "You are not root and you are not in the group $AGROUP. We can't change the group ownership to $AGROUP." echo "Special dirs permissions will be set accordingly." fi fi # find . ! -regex '.*^\(devtools\).*' -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; # echo -n " files perms fixed ..." # find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; # echo " dirs perms fixed ... done" echo -n "Fix normal dirs ..." chmod -fR u=rwX,go=rX . echo " done." echo -n "Fix special dirs ..." if [ "$USER" = 'root' -o "$USERINAGROUP" = "yes" ]; then chmod -R g+w $DIRS else chmod -fR go+w $DIRS fi # chmod 664 robots.txt tiki-install.php echo " done." if [ -n "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then composer fi } command_nothing() { echo 'Nothing done yet' echo "Try 'sh setup.sh fix' for classic default behaviour or 'sh setup.sh -h' for help." } command_open() { if [ "$USER" = 'root' ]; then if [ -n "$OPT_AUSER" ]; then AUSER=$OPT_AUSER elif [ -z "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then read -p "User [$AUSER]: " REPLY if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then AUSER=$REPLY fi fi chown -R $AUSER . else echo "You are not root or you are on a shared hosting account. We will not try to change the file owners." fi chmod -R a=rwX . echo " done" if [ -n "$OPT_USE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP" ]; then composer fi } set_group_minus_execute() { ${CHMOD} -R g-x . } set_group_minus_read() { ${CHMOD} -R g-r . } set_group_minus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R g-w . } set_group_plus_execute() { ${CHMOD} -R g+x . } set_group_plus_read() { ${CHMOD} -R g+r . } set_group_plus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R g+w . } set_other_minus_execute() { ${CHMOD} -R o-x . } set_other_minus_read() { ${CHMOD} -R o-r . } set_other_minus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R o-w . } set_other_plus_execute() { ${CHMOD} -R o+x . } set_other_plus_read() { ${CHMOD} -R o+r . } set_other_plus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R o+w . } set_user_minus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R u-w . } set_user_plus_execute() { ${CHMOD} -R u+x . } set_user_plus_read() { ${CHMOD} -R u+r . } set_user_plus_write() { ${CHMOD} -R u+w . } special_dirs_set_permissions_files() { for WRITABLE in $DIRS ; do if [ -d ${WRITABLE} ] ; then if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \;" fi ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES} {} \; fi done } special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs() { for WRITABLE in $DIRS ; do if [ -d ${WRITABLE} ] ; then if [ ${DEBUG} = '1' ] ; then echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} echo ${DEBUG_PREFIX} "${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \;" fi ${FIND} ${WRITABLE} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} ${MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS} {} \; fi done } special_dirs_set_group_minus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='g-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_group_minus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='g-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_group_minus_write() { #order: 1. files 2. subdirs special_dirs_set_group_minus_write_files special_dirs_set_group_minus_write_subdirs } special_dirs_set_group_plus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='g+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_group_plus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='g+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_group_plus_write() { #order: 1. subdirs 2. files special_dirs_set_group_plus_write_subdirs special_dirs_set_group_plus_write_files } special_dirs_set_other_minus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='o-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_other_minus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='o-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_other_minus_write() { #order: 1. files 2. subdirs special_dirs_set_other_minus_write_files special_dirs_set_other_minus_write_subdirs } special_dirs_set_other_plus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='o+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_other_plus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='o+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_other_plus_write() { #order: 1. subdirs 2. files special_dirs_set_other_plus_write_subdirs special_dirs_set_other_plus_write_files } special_dirs_set_user_minus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='u-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_user_minus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='u-w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_user_minus_write() { #order: 1. files 2. subdirs special_dirs_set_user_minus_write_files special_dirs_set_user_minus_write_subdirs } special_dirs_set_user_plus_write_files() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_FILES='u+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_files } special_dirs_set_user_plus_write_subdirs() { MODEL_PERMS_WRITE_SUBDIRS='u+w' special_dirs_set_permissions_subdirs } special_dirs_set_user_plus_write() { #order: 1. subdirs 2. files special_dirs_set_user_plus_write_subdirs special_dirs_set_user_plus_write_files } tiki_setup_default_menu() { echo ${CAT}<<EOF Tiki setup.sh - your options ============================ Composer: If you are installing via a released Tiki package (zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, 7z), you can and should skip using Composer. If you are installing and upgrading via SVN, you need to run Composer after 'svn checkout' and 'svn upgrade'. More info at https://dev.tiki.org/Composer c run composer (log output on screen, not all warnings) and exit (recommended to be done first) L run composer (log output to logfile) and exit (recommended to be done first) V run composer (verbose log output on screen) and exit (recommended to be done first) For all Tiki instances (via SVN or via a released package): f fix file & directory permissions (classic default) o open file and directory permissions (classic option) S clear screen predefined Tiki Permission Check models: ---------------------------------------- 1 paranoia 2 paranoia-suphp w suphp workaround 3 sbox W sbox workaround 4 mixed 5 worry 6 moreworry 7 pain 8 morepain 9 risky a insane q quit x exit There are some other commands recommended for advanced users only. More documentation about this: https://doc.tiki.org/Permission+Check EOF } tiki_setup_default() { dummy=foo #WHAT='f' # old default WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} # composer is recommended in case of an svn checkout while true do tiki_setup_default_menu echo -n "Your choice [${WHAT}]? " read INPUT if [ -z ${INPUT} ] ; then DUMMY=foo else OLDWHAT=${WHAT} WHAT=${INPUT} fi case ${WHAT} in 0) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="php" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 1) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="paranoia" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 2) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="paranoia-suphp" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 3) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="sbox" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 4) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="mixed" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 5) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="worry" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 6) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="moreworry" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 7) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="pain" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 8) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="morepain" ; permission_via_php_check ;; 9) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="risky" ; permission_via_php_check ;; a) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="insane" ; permission_via_php_check ;; w) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="suphpworkaround" ; set_permission_data_workaround_suphp ;; W) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; COMMAND="sboxworkaround" ; set_permission_data_workaround_sbox ;; S) WHAT=${OLDWHAT} ; clear ;; f) WHAT=$WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_f ; command_fix ;; o) WHAT=${DEFAULT_WHAT} ; command_open ;; c) WHAT=$WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_c ; LOGCOMPOSERFLAG="0" ; composer ;; C) WHAT=$WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_c ; LOGCOMPOSERFLAG="0" ; composer ;; L) WHAT=$WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_c ; LOGCOMPOSERFLAG="1" ; composer ;; V) WHAT=$WHAT_NEXT_AFTER_c ; LOGCOMPOSERFLAG="2" ; composer ;; q) echo ""; exit ;; Q) echo ""; exit ;; x) echo ""; exit ;; X) echo ""; exit ;; *) WHAT='x'; echo 'no such command' ;; esac done } # part 5 - main program # --------------------- case ${COMMAND} in # free defined # default is used if no parameter at command line is given default) tiki_setup_default ;; fix) command_fix ;; menu) tiki_setup_default ;; nothing) command_nothing ;; open) command_open ;; # Tiki Permission Check (via PHP) insane) permission_via_php_check ;; mixed) permission_via_php_check ;; morepain) permission_via_php_check ;; moreworry) permission_via_php_check ;; pain) permission_via_php_check ;; paranoia) permission_via_php_check ;; paranoia-suphp) permission_via_php_check ;; php) permission_via_php_check ;; risky) permission_via_php_check ;; sbox) permission_via_php_check ;; sboxworkaround) set_permission_data_workaround_sbox ;; suphpworkaround) set_permission_data_workaround_suphp ;; worry) permission_via_php_check ;; # composer composer) composer ;; # plain chmod gmr) set_group_minus_read ;; gmw) set_group_minus_write ;; gmx) set_group_minus_execute ;; gpr) set_group_plus_read ;; gpw) set_group_plus_write ;; gpx) set_group_plus_execute ;; omr) set_other_minus_read ;; omw) set_other_minus_write ;; omx) set_other_minus_execute ;; opr) set_other_plus_read ;; opw) set_other_plus_write ;; opx) set_other_plus_execute ;; umw) set_user_minus_write ;; upr) set_user_plus_read ;; upw) set_user_plus_write ;; upx) set_user_plus_execute ;; # special chmod sdgmw) special_dirs_set_group_minus_write ;; sdgpw) special_dirs_set_group_plus_write ;; sdomw) special_dirs_set_other_minus_write ;; sdopw) special_dirs_set_other_plus_write ;; sdumw) special_dirs_set_user_minus_write ;; sdupw) special_dirs_set_user_plus_write ;; foo) echo foo ;; #*) echo ${HINT_FOR_USER} ;; *) hint_for_users ;; esac exit 0 # EOF