File: fgal_listing_conf.tpl
{* $Id: fgal_listing_conf.tpl 54417 2015-03-15 15:45:45Z lindonb $ *} {if is_array($fgal_options) and count($fgal_options) gt 0} {foreach key=key item=item from=$fgal_options} {if $key eq 'default_view'} <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="fgal_{$key}"> {$item.name} </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <select id="fgal_{$key}" name="fgal_{$key}" class="form-control"> <option value="list"{if $item.value eq 'list'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}List{/tr} </option> <option value="browse"{if $item.value eq 'browse'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Browse{/tr} </option> <option value="page"{if $item.value eq 'page'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Page{/tr} </option> {if $prefs.fgal_elfinder_feature eq 'y'} <option value="finder"{if $item.value eq 'finder'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Finder View{/tr} </option> {/if} </select> </div> </div> {elseif $key eq 'icon_fileId'} <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="fgal_{$key}"> {$item.name} </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <input type="text" id="fgal_{$key}" name="fgal_{$key}" value="{$item.value}" class="form-control" placeholder="{tr}File{/tr}..." > <span class="help-block"> {tr}Enter the ID of any file in any gallery to be used as the icon for this gallery in browse view{/tr} </span> </div> </div> {else} <div class="checkbox col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <label for="fgal_{$key}{if isset($fgal_ext)}{$fgal_ext}{/if}"> {assign var='pref_name' value="fgal_$key"} <input type="checkbox" id="fgal_{$key}" name="fgal_{$key}" {if $item.value eq 'y'} checked="checked" {/if} {if isset($edit_mode) and $edit_mode eq 'y' and $prefs.$pref_name neq 'y'} disabled="disabled" {/if} > {$item.name} {if isset($edit_mode) and $edit_mode eq 'y' and $prefs.$pref_name neq 'y'} <span class="help-block"> {tr}The checkbox is disabled because this preference is disabled globally.{/tr} </span> {if $tiki_p_admin eq 'y' or $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries eq 'y'} <span class="help-block"> <a href="tiki-admin.php?page=fgal"> {tr}Please enable the preference globally first.{/tr} </a> </span> {else} <span class="help-block"> {tr}Site administrators can enable the preference.{/tr} </span> {/if} {/if} </label> </div> {/if} {/foreach} {/if} {if is_array($fgal_listing_conf) and count($fgal_listing_conf) gt 0} {foreach key=key item=item from=$fgal_listing_conf} <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="fgal_list_{$key}"> {$item.name} </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <select id="fgal_list_{$key}" name="fgal_list_{$key}" class="form-control"> {if $key eq 'name' or $key eq 'name_admin'} <option value="a"{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'a'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Name-filename{/tr} </option> <option value="n"{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'n'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Name{/tr} </option> <option value="f"{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'f'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Filename only{/tr} </option> {elseif $key neq 'deleteAfter'} <option value='n'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'n'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Hide{/tr} </option> <option value='y'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'y'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Show as a column{/tr} </option> <option value='o'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'o'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Show in popup box{/tr} </option> <option value='a'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'a'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Both{/tr} </option> {/if} {if $key eq 'lockedby' or $key eq 'lockedby_admin'} <option value='i'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'i'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Show an icon in a column{/tr} </option> {/if} {if $key eq 'deleteAfter'} <option value='n'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'n'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Hide{/tr} </option> <option value='y'{if isset($item.value) and $item.value eq 'y'} selected="selected"{/if}> {tr}Show as a column{/tr} </option> {/if} </select> </div> </div> {/foreach} {/if}