File: tiki-admin_banning.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-admin_banning.php 55447 2015-05-16 18:25:16Z jonnybradley $ require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/ban/banlib.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_banning'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin_banning'); $auto_query_args = array( 'banId' ); if (isset($_REQUEST['remove'])) { $access->check_authenticity(); $banlib->remove_rule($_REQUEST['remove']); unset($_REQUEST['banId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['del']) && isset($_REQUEST['delsec'])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST['delsec']) as $sec) { $banlib->remove_rule($sec); } unset($_REQUEST['banId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST["import"]) && isset($_FILES["fileCSV"])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); // import banning rules // $number_imported = $banlib->importCSV($_FILES["fileCSV"]["tmp_name"], isset($_REQUEST['import_as_new'])); if ($number_imported > 0) { $smarty->assign('updated', "y"); $smarty->assign('number_imported', $number_imported); } unset($_REQUEST['banId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); if ($_REQUEST['mode'] === 'user' && empty($_REQUEST['userreg'])) { TikiLib::lib('errorreport')->report(tra("Not saved:") . ' ' . tra("Username pattern empty")); } else if ($_REQUEST['mode'] === 'ip' && $_REQUEST['ip1'] == 255 && $_REQUEST['ip2'] == 255 && $_REQUEST['ip3'] == 255 && $_REQUEST['ip4'] == 255) { TikiLib::lib('errorreport')->report(tra("Not saved:") . ' ' . tra("Default IP pattern still set")); } else { $_REQUEST['use_dates'] = isset($_REQUEST['use_dates']) ? 'y' : 'n'; $_REQUEST['date_from'] = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['date_fromMonth'], $_REQUEST['date_fromDay'], $_REQUEST['date_fromYear']); $_REQUEST['date_to'] = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['date_toMonth'], $_REQUEST['date_toDay'], $_REQUEST['date_toYear']); $sections = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? array_keys($_REQUEST['section']) : array(); // Handle case when many IPs are banned if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'mass_ban_ip') { foreach ($_REQUEST['multi_banned_ip'] as $ip => $value) { list($ip1,$ip2,$ip3,$ip4) = explode('.', $ip); $banlib->replace_rule($_REQUEST['banId'], 'ip', $_REQUEST['title'], $ip1, $ip2, $ip3, $ip4, $_REQUEST['userreg'], $_REQUEST['date_from'], $_REQUEST['date_to'], $_REQUEST['use_dates'], $_REQUEST['message'], $sections); } } else { $banlib->replace_rule($_REQUEST['banId'], $_REQUEST['mode'], $_REQUEST['title'], $_REQUEST['ip1'], $_REQUEST['ip2'], $_REQUEST['ip3'], $_REQUEST['ip4'], $_REQUEST['userreg'], $_REQUEST['date_from'], $_REQUEST['date_to'], $_REQUEST['use_dates'], $_REQUEST['message'], $sections); } $info['sections'] = array(); $info['title'] = ''; $info['mode'] = 'user'; $info['ip1'] = 255; $info['ip2'] = 255; $info['ip3'] = 255; $info['ip4'] = 255; $info['use_dates'] = 'n'; $info['date_from'] = $tikilib->now; $info['date_to'] = $tikilib->now + 7 * 24 * 3600; $info['message'] = ''; $smarty->assign_by_ref('info', $info); unset($_REQUEST['banId']); } } if ( !empty($_REQUEST['export']) ) { $maxRecords = -1; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['max'])) { $maxRecords = $_REQUEST['max']; } else { $maxRecords = $prefs['maxRecords']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['banId'])) { $info = $banlib->get_rule($_REQUEST['banId']); } else { $_REQUEST['banId'] = 0; $info['sections'] = array(); $info['title'] = ''; $info['mode'] = 'user'; $info['user'] = ''; $info['ip1'] = 255; $info['ip2'] = 255; $info['ip3'] = 255; $info['ip4'] = 255; $info['use_dates'] = 'n'; $info['date_from'] = $tikilib->now; $info['date_to'] = $tikilib->now + 7 * 24 * 3600 * 100; $info['message'] = ''; } // Handle case when coming from tiki-list_comments with a list of IPs to ban if (!empty($_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip'])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); $smarty->assign('mass_ban_ip', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip']); $info['mode'] = 'mass_ban_ip'; $info['title'] = tr('Multiple IP Banning'); $info['message'] = tr('Access from your localization was forbidden due to excessive spamming.'); $info['date_to'] = $tikilib->now + 365 * 24 * 3600; $banId_list = explode('|', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip']); // Handle case when coming from tiki-list_comments with a list of IPs to ban and also delete the related comments if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mass_remove']) ) { $access->check_authenticity(tra('Delete comments then set banning rules')); } foreach ($banId_list as $id) { $ban_comment=$commentslib->get_comment($id); $ban_comments_list[$ban_comment['user_ip']][$id]['userName'] = $ban_comment['userName']; $ban_comments_list[$ban_comment['user_ip']][$id]['title'] = $ban_comment['title']; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mass_remove']) ) { $commentslib->remove_comment($id); } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ban_comments_list', $ban_comments_list); } // Handle case when coming from tiki-admin_actionlog with a list of IPs to ban if (!empty($_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_actionlog'])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $smarty->assign('mass_ban_ip', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_actionlog']); $info['mode'] = 'mass_ban_ip'; $info['title'] = tr('Multiple IP Banning'); $info['message'] = tr('Access from your localization was forbidden due to excessive spamming.'); $info['date_to'] = $tikilib->now + 365 * 24 * 3600; $banId_list = explode('|', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_actionlog']); foreach ($banId_list as $id) { $ban_actions=$logslib->get_info_action($id); $ban_comments_list[$ban_actions['ip']][$id]['userName'] = $ban_actions['user']; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ban_comments_list', $ban_comments_list); } // Handle case when coming from tiki-adminusers with a list of IPs to ban if (!empty($_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_users'])) { check_ticket('admin-banning'); $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $smarty->assign('mass_ban_ip', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_users']); $info['mode'] = 'mass_ban_ip'; $info['title'] = tr('Multiple IP Banning'); $info['message'] = tr('Access from your localization was forbidden due to excessive spamming.'); $info['date_to'] = $tikilib->now + 365 * 24 * 3600; $banUsers_list = explode('|', $_REQUEST['mass_ban_ip_users']); foreach ($banUsers_list as $banUser) { $ban_actions=$logslib->get_user_registration_action($banUser); $ban_comments_list[$ban_actions['ip']][$banUser]['userName'] = $banUser; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ban_comments_list', $ban_comments_list); } $smarty->assign('banId', $_REQUEST['banId']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('info', $info); if (!isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { $sort_mode = 'created_desc'; } else { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; } if (!isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset); if (isset($_REQUEST["find"])) { $find = $_REQUEST["find"]; } else { $find = ''; } $smarty->assign('find', $find); $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode); $items = $banlib->list_rules($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find); if (isset($_REQUEST['export']) || isset($_REQUEST['csv'])) { // export banning rules // $csv = $banlib->export_rules($items['data']); header("Content-type: text/comma-separated-values; charset:UTF-8"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tiki-admin_banning.csv"'); if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { header('Content-Length: ' . mb_strlen($csv, '8bit')); } else { header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($csv)); } echo $csv; die(); } $smarty->assign('cant', $items['cant']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_pages', $items["cant"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('items', $items["data"]); $smarty->assign('sections', $sections_enabled); ask_ticket('admin-banning'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-admin_banning.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");
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