File: tiki-admin_toolbars.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-admin_toolbars.php 56652 2015-11-08 16:56:25Z lindonb $ $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'save' => 'alpha', 'load' => 'alpha', 'pref' => 'striptags', 'section' => 'striptags', ), ) ); $auto_query_args = array('section', 'comments', 'autoreload', 'view_mode'); require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; require_once 'lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php'; $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); $access->check_feature(array('javascript_enabled', 'feature_jquery_ui')); $sections = array( 'global' => tra('Global'), 'admin' => tra('Admin')); $sections2 = array(); if ($prefs['feature_wiki'] == 'y') $sections2['wiki page'] = tra('Wiki Pages'); if ($prefs['feature_trackers'] == 'y') $sections2['trackers'] = tra('Trackers'); if ($prefs['feature_blogs'] == 'y') $sections2['blogs'] = tra('Blogs'); if ($prefs['feature_calendar'] == 'y') $sections2['calendar'] = tra('Calendars'); if ($prefs['feature_articles'] == 'y') $sections2['cms'] = tra('Articles'); if ($prefs['feature_faqs'] == 'y') $sections2['faqs'] = tra('FAQs'); if ($prefs['feature_newsletters'] == 'y') $sections2['newsletters'] = tra('Newsletters'); if ($prefs['feature_forums'] == 'y') $sections2['forums'] = tra('Forums'); if ($prefs['feature_maps'] == 'y') $sections2['maps'] = tra('Maps'); if ($prefs['feature_sheet'] == 'y') $sections2['sheet'] = tra('Spreadsheets'); if ($prefs['wikiplugin_wysiwyg'] == 'y') $sections2['wysiwyg_plugin'] = tra('WYSIWYG Plugin'); asort($sections2); $sections = array_merge($sections, $sections2); if ( isset($_REQUEST['section']) && in_array($_REQUEST['section'], array_keys($sections)) ) { $section = $_REQUEST['section']; } else { $keys = array_keys($sections); $section = reset($keys); } if ( isset($_REQUEST['comments']) && $_REQUEST['comments'] == 'on') { $comments = true; } else { $comments = false; } foreach ($sections as $skey => $sval) { if (isset($prefs['toolbar_' . $skey . ($comments ? '_comments' : '') . 'modified']) && $prefs['toolbar_' . $skey . ($comments ? '_comments' : '') . 'modified'] == 'y') { $sections[$skey] = $sval . ' *'; } } $view_mode = isset($_REQUEST['view_mode']) ? $_REQUEST['view_mode'] : ''; if ($view_mode === 'sheet' && $section !== 'sheet') { $view_mode = ''; $_REQUEST['view_mode'] = ''; } $smarty->assign('view_mode', $view_mode); if (!empty($_REQUEST['reset_all_custom_tools'])) { $access->check_authenticity(tra('Are you sure you want to delete all your custom tools?')); Toolbar::deleteAllCustomTools(); $access->redirect('tiki-admin_toolbars.php'); } if ( isset($_REQUEST['save'], $_REQUEST['pref']) ) { $prefName = 'toolbar_' . $section . ($comments ? '_comments' : ''); $tikilib->set_preference($prefName, $_REQUEST['pref']); $tikilib->set_preference($prefName . 'modified', 'y'); } if ( (isset($_REQUEST['reset']) && $section != 'global') || (isset($_REQUEST['reset_global']) && $section == 'global') ) { $prefName = 'toolbar_' . $section . ($comments ? '_comments' : ''); $tikilib->delete_preference($prefName); $tikilib->set_preference($prefName . 'modified', 'n'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); header('location: ?'. smarty_function_query(array('_urlencode'=>'n'), $smarty)); } if ( !empty($_REQUEST['save_tool']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tool_name'])) { // input from the tool edit form Toolbar::saveTool( $_REQUEST['tool_name'], $_REQUEST['tool_label'], $_REQUEST['tool_icon'], $_REQUEST['tool_token'], $_REQUEST['tool_syntax'], $_REQUEST['tool_type'], $_REQUEST['tool_plugin'] ); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); header('location: ?'. smarty_function_query(array('_urlencode'=>'n'), $smarty)); } $current = $tikilib->get_preference('toolbar_' . $section . ($comments ? '_comments' : '')); if (empty($current)) { $current = $tikilib->get_preference('toolbar_global' . ($comments ? '_comments' : '')); $smarty->assign('not_global', false); } else { $smarty->assign('not_global', true); } $smarty->assign('not_default', false); if ($section == 'global') { $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); if ( $defprefs = $cachelib->getSerialized("tiki_default_preferences_cache") ) { if ($defprefs['toolbar_global' . ($comments ? '_comments' : '')] != $current) { $smarty->assign('not_default', true); } } } if ( !empty($_REQUEST['delete_tool']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tool_name'])) { // input from the tool edit form Toolbar::deleteTool($_REQUEST['tool_name']); if (strpos($_REQUEST['tool_name'], $current) !== false) { $current = str_replace($_REQUEST['tool_name'], '', $current); $current = str_replace(',,', ',', $current); $prefName = 'toolbar_' . $section . ($comments ? '_comments' : ''); $tikilib->set_preference($prefName, $current); } } if (!empty($current)) { $current = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $current); $current = trim($current, '/'); $current = explode('/', $current); $loadedRows = count($current); foreach ( $current as &$line ) { $bits = explode('|', $line); $line = array(); foreach ($bits as $bit) { $line[] = explode(',', $bit); } } $rowCount = max($loadedRows, 1) + 1; } else { $rowCount = 1; } $init = ''; $setup = ''; $map = array(); $qtlist = Toolbar::getList(); $usedqt = array(); $qt_p_list = array(); $qt_w_list = array(); foreach ( $current as &$line ) { foreach ($line as $bit) { $usedqt = array_merge($usedqt, $bit); } } $customqt = Toolbar::getCustomList(); $view_mode = !empty($_REQUEST['view_mode']) ? $_REQUEST['view_mode'] : ''; foreach ( $qtlist as $name ) { $tag = Toolbar::getTag($name); if ( ! $tag ) { $tag = Toolbar::getTag($name, true); if ( ! $tag ) { $tag = Toolbar::getTag($name, true, true); continue; } } $wys = strlen($tag->getWysiwygToken('dummy', false)) ? 'qt-wys' : ''; $wyswik = strlen($tag->getWysiwygWikiToken('dummy', false)) ? 'qt-wyswik' : ''; $test_html = $tag->getWikiHtml(''); $wiki = strlen($test_html) > 0 ? 'qt-wiki' : ''; $wiki = strpos($test_html, 'qt-sheet') !== false ? 'qt-sheet' : $wiki; $cust = Toolbar::isCustomTool($name) ? 'qt-custom' : ''; $avail = $tag->isAccessible() ? '' : 'qt-noaccess'; $icon = $tag->getIconHtml(); if (strpos($name, 'wikiplugin_') !== false) { $plug = 'qt-plugin'; $label = substr($name, 11); $qt_p_list[] = $name; } else { $plug = ''; $label = $name; if (empty($cust)) { $qt_w_list[] = $name; } } $label = htmlspecialchars($label); $label .= '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . $tag->getWysiwygToken('dummy', false) . '" />'; $label .= '<input type="hidden" name="syntax" value="' . htmlspecialchars($tag->getSyntax('dummy')) . '" />'; $label .= '<input type="hidden" name="type" value="' . $tag->getType() . '" />'; if ($tag->getType() == 'Wikiplugin') { $label .= '<input type="hidden" name="plugin" value="' . $tag->getPluginName() . '" />'; } $visible = true; if ($view_mode === 'both') { $visible = (!empty($wys) || !empty($wiki)); } else if ($view_mode === 'wiki') { $visible = !empty($wiki); } else if ($view_mode === 'wysiwyg') { $visible = !empty($wys); } else if ($view_mode === 'wysiwyg_wiki') { $visible = !empty($wyswik); } else if ($view_mode === 'sheet') { $visible = (strpos($wiki, 'qt-sheet') !== false); } $qtelement[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'class' => "toolbar qt-$name $wys $wiki $wyswik $plug $cust $avail", 'html' => "$icon<span>$label</span>", 'visible' => $visible, ); } $headerlib->add_js( "var toolbarsadmin_rowStr = '" . substr(implode(",#row-", range(0, $rowCount)), 2) . "';" . "var toolbarsadmin_fullStr = '#full-list-w,#full-list-p,#full-list-c';" . "var toolbarsadmin_delete_text = '" . tra('Are you sure you want to delete this custom tool?') . "'\n" ); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/toolbars/tiki-admin_toolbars.js'); $display_w = array_diff($qt_w_list, $usedqt); if (!in_array('-', $display_w)) { array_unshift($display_w, '-'); } $display_p = array_diff($qt_p_list, $usedqt); $display_c = array_diff($customqt, $usedqt); sort($display_c); sort($display_p); sort($display_w); $headerlib->add_cssfile('themes/base_files/feature_css/admin.css'); if (count($_REQUEST) == 0) { $smarty->assign('autoreload', 'on'); } else { $smarty->assign('autoreload', isset($_REQUEST['autoreload']) ? $_REQUEST['autoreload'] : ''); } $plugins = array(); $parserlib = TikiLib::lib('parser'); foreach ($parserlib->plugin_get_list() as $name) { $info = $parserlib->plugin_info($name); if (isset($info['prefs']) && is_array($info['prefs']) && count($info['prefs']) > 0) $plugins[$name] = $info; } $smarty->assign('plugins', $plugins); $smarty->assign('comments', $comments); $smarty->assign('loaded', $section); $smarty->assign('rows', range(0, $rowCount - 1)); $smarty->assign('rowCount', $rowCount); $smarty->assign('sections', $sections); $smarty->assign_by_ref('qtelement', $qtelement); $smarty->assign_by_ref('display_w', $display_w); $smarty->assign_by_ref('display_p', $display_p); $smarty->assign_by_ref('display_c', $display_c); $smarty->assign_by_ref('current', $current); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-admin_toolbars.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');