File: tiki-ajax_services.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-ajax_services.php 55094 2015-04-15 15:58:36Z jonnybradley $ // To contain data services for ajax calls // // If controller and action are specified in the request, the controller class matching the // controller key in the $contollerMap registry will be instantiated. The method matching the // action name will be called. The input to the method is a JitFilter. The output of the method // will be serialized and sent to the browser. // // Otherwise, the procedural script remains $inputConfiguration = array(array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'action' => 'word', 'controller' => 'text', // confirm modals 'title' => 'xss', 'customAction' => 'xss', 'customVerb' => 'xss', 'customObject' => 'xss', 'customMsg' => 'xss', 'toId' => 'digits', 'toList' => 'xss', 'forumId' => 'digits', 'ticket' => 'alnum', 'daconfirm' => 'alnum', 'modal' => 'digits', ), 'staticKeyFiltersForArrays' => array( // confirm modals 'items' => 'xss', 'rows' => 'xss', 'extra' => 'xss', ) , )); if (isset($_REQUEST['controller'], $_REQUEST['action'])) { $inputConfiguration[] = array('catchAllUnset' => null); } //Some times the filters spit out some errors, here we get the error into a var, so the ajax still works. ob_start(); require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $errMsg = ob_get_clean(); if (isset($_REQUEST['controller'], $_REQUEST['action'])) { $controller = $_REQUEST['controller']; $addonpackage = ''; if (strpos($_REQUEST['controller'], ".") !== false) { $parts = explode(".", $_REQUEST['controller']); if (count($parts) == 3) { $addonpackage = $parts[0] . "." . $parts[1]; $controller = $parts[2]; } } $action = $_REQUEST['action']; $broker = TikiLib::lib('service')->getBroker($addonpackage); $broker->process($controller, $action, $jitRequest); exit; } if ($access->is_serializable_request() && isset($_REQUEST['listonly'])) { $access->check_feature('feature_jquery_autocomplete'); $sep = '|'; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['separator'] ) ) { $sep = $_REQUEST['separator']; } $p = strrpos($_REQUEST['q'], $sep); if ($p !== false) { $_REQUEST['q'] = substr($_REQUEST['q'], $p + 1); } if ($_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'groups') { $listgroups = $userlib->get_groups(0, -1, 'groupName_asc', '', '', 'n'); // TODO proper perms checking - this looks right but returns nothing for reg, and everything for admin // $listgroups['data'] = Perms::filter( array( 'type' => 'group' ), 'object', $listgroups['data'], array( 'object' => 'groupName' ), 'view_group' ); $grs = array(); foreach ($listgroups['data'] as $gr) { if (isset($_REQUEST['q']) && stripos($gr['groupName'], $_REQUEST['q']) !== false) { $grs[] = $gr['groupName']; } } $access->output_serialized($grs); } elseif ($_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'users') { $listusers = $userlib->get_users_names(); // TODO also - proper perms checking // tricker for users? Check the group they're in, then tiki_p_group_view_members $usrs = array(); foreach ($listusers as $usr) { if (isset($_REQUEST['q']) && stripos($usr, $_REQUEST['q']) !== false) { $usrs[] = $usr; } } $access->output_serialized($usrs); } elseif ($_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'usersandcontacts') { $contactlib = TikiLib::lib('contact'); $listcontact = $contactlib->list_contacts($user); $listusers = $userlib->get_users(); $contacts = array(); $query = $_REQUEST['q']; foreach ($listcontact as $key=>$contact) { if (isset($query) && (stripos($contact['firstName'], $query) !== false or stripos($contact['lastName'], $query) !== false or stripos($contact['email'], $query) !== false)) { if ($contact['email']<>'') { $contacts[] = $contact['email']; } } } foreach ($listusers['data'] as $key=>$contact) { if (isset($query) && (stripos($contact['firstName'], $query) !== false or stripos($contact['login'], $query) !== false or stripos($contact['lastName'], $query) !== false or stripos($contact['email'], $query) !== false)) { if ($prefs['login_is_email'] == 'y') { $contacts[] = $contact['login']; } else { $contacts[] = $contact['email']; } } } $contacts = array_unique($contacts); sort($contacts); $access->output_serialized($contacts); } elseif ($_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'userrealnames') { $groups = ''; $listusers = $userlib->get_users_light(0, -1, 'login_asc', '', $groups); $done = array(); $finalusers = array(); foreach ($listusers as $usrId => $usr) { if (isset($_REQUEST['q'])) { $longusr = $usr . ' (' . $usrId . ')'; if (array_key_exists($usr, $done)) { // disambiguate duplicates if (stripos($longusr, $_REQUEST['q']) !== false) { $oldkey = array_search($usr, $finalusers); if ($oldkey !== false) { $finalusers[$oldkey] = $done[$usr]; } } if (stripos($longusr, $_REQUEST['q']) !== false) { $finalusers[] = $longusr; } } else { if (stripos($longusr, $_REQUEST['q']) !== false) { $finalusers[] = $usr; } } $done[$usr] = $longusr; } } // TODO also - proper perms checking // tricker for users? Check the group they're in, then tiki_p_group_view_members $access->output_serialized($finalusers); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'tags' ) { $freetaglib = TikiLib::lib('freetag'); $tags = $freetaglib->get_tags_containing($_REQUEST['q']); $access->output_serialized($tags); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'icons' ) { $dir = 'img/icons'; $max = isset($_REQUEST['max']) ? $_REQUEST['max'] : 10; $icons = array(); $style_dir = $tikilib->get_style_path($prefs['style'], $prefs['style_option']); if ($style_dir && is_dir($style_dir . $dir)) { read_icon_dir($style_dir . $dir, $icons, $max); } read_icon_dir($dir, $icons, $max); $access->output_serialized($icons); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'shipping' && $prefs['shipping_service'] == 'y' ) { global $shippinglib; require_once 'lib/shipping/shippinglib.php'; $access->output_serialized($shippinglib->getRates($_REQUEST['from'], $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['packages'])); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['listonly'] == 'trackername' ) { $trackers = TikiLib::lib('trk')->get_trackers_containing($_REQUEST['q']); $access->output_serialized($trackers); } } elseif ($access->is_serializable_request() && isset($_REQUEST['zotero_tags'])) { // Handle Zotero Requests $access->check_feature(array( 'zotero_enabled' )); $zoterolib = TikiLib::lib('zotero'); $references = $zoterolib->get_references($_REQUEST['zotero_tags']); if ($references === false) { $access->output_serialized(array('type' => 'unauthorized', 'results' => array())); } else { $access->output_serialized(array('type' => 'success', 'results' => $references)); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['geocode']) && $access->is_serializable_request()) { $access->output_serialized(TikiLib::lib('geo')->geocode($_REQUEST['geocode'])); } else { $access->display_error(NULL, 'No AJAX service matches request parameters', 404); } /** * @param $dir * @param $icons * @param $max */ function read_icon_dir($dir, &$icons, $max) { $fp = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($f = readdir($fp))) { preg_match('/^([^\.].*)\..*$/', $f, $m); if (count($m) > 0 && count($icons) < $max && stripos($m[1], $_REQUEST['q']) !== false && !in_array($dir . '/' . $f, $icons)) { $icons[] = $dir . '/' . $f; } } }