File: tiki-calendar_export_ical.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-calendar_export_ical.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ require_once('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_calendar'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_view_events'); // Initialization TikiInit::appendIncludePath("lib/ical/"); include_once ('lib/ical/iCal.php'); // list calendars // $calendarlib = TikiLib::lib('calendar'); // ###trebly:B10111:[FIX-ADD-ENH]-> there are several meaning for the same var $calendarViewMode if ( ! isset($calendarViewMode) ) { // ###trebly:B10111:[FIX-ADD-ENH]-> $calendarViewMode become an array, several bugs comes from confusion of global values and parameters by ref // for calendars : (main-)calendar, action_calendar, mod_calendar, mod_action_calendar the changes of values by url request is terrible // for the moment 01/11/2011:11:55 just one value is used with index 'default', but initialisation is done. // The init is actually into two places, tiki-calendar_setup.php and tiki-calendar_export.php will be grouped for clean // $prefs would be added when need, $_SESSION, $PARAMS too this now generates not any change in the behavior. $calendarViewMode=array(casedefault=>'month',calgen=>'month',calaction=>'month',modcalgen=>'month',modcalaction=>'month',trackercal=>'month'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['viewmode'])) { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $_REQUEST['viewmode']; } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['CalendarViewMode'])) { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $_SESSION['CalendarViewMode']; } else { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $prefs['calendar_view_mode']; } } # If specified, limit the export to the maximum number of records (events) # indicated in the request; otherwise, the limit is from the global preferences. if (isset($_REQUEST['maxRecords'])) { $maxRecords = $_REQUEST['maxRecords']; } if ( isset($_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate']) ) { $startTime = $_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate']; } else { // by default, export will start from yesterday's events. $startDate = new TikiDate(); $startDate->addDays(-1); $startTime = $startDate->getTime(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['start_date_Month'])) { $startTime = TikiLib::make_time(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['start_date_Month'], $_REQUEST['start_date_Day'], $_REQUEST['start_date_Year']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["tstart"])) { $startTime = $_REQUEST["tstart"]; } $endDate = new TikiDate(); $endDate->setDate($startTime); if ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'month') { $stopTime = $endDate->addMonths(1); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'quarter') { $stopTime = $endDate->addMonths(3); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'semester') { $stopTime = $endDate->addMonths(6); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'year') { $stopTime = $endDate->addMonths(12); } else { $stopTime = $endDate->addMonths(1); } $stopTime = $endDate->getTime(); if (isset($_REQUEST['stop_date_Month'])) { $stopTime = TikiLib::make_time(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['stop_date_Month'], $_REQUEST['stop_date_Day'], $_REQUEST['stop_date_Year']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["tstop"])) { $stopTime = $_REQUEST["tstop"]; } $calendarIds = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['calendarIds'])) { $calendarIds = $_REQUEST['calendarIds']; foreach ($calendarIds as $anId) $smarty->assign('individual_'.$anId, $userlib->object_has_one_permission($anId, 'calendar')); } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST["calendarId"])) { $_REQUEST["calendarId"] = 0; } else { $smarty->assign('individual_'.$_REQUEST["calendarId"], $userlib->object_has_one_permission($_REQUEST["calendarId"], 'calendar')); } } $sort_mode="name"; $find=""; $calendars = $calendarlib->list_calendars(0, -1, $sort_mode, $find); foreach (array_keys($calendars["data"]) as $i) { $calendars["data"][$i]["individual"] = $userlib->object_has_one_permission($i, 'calendar'); } $smarty->assign('calendars', $calendars["data"]); // export calendar // if ( ((is_array($calendarIds) && (count($calendarIds) > 0)) or isset($_REQUEST["calendarItem"]) ) && $_REQUEST["export"]=='y') { // get calendar events if ( !isset($_REQUEST["calendarItem"]) ) { $events = $calendarlib->list_raw_items($calendarIds, $user, $startTime, $stopTime, -1, $maxRecords, $sort_mode = 'start_asc', $find = ''); } else { $events[] = $calendarlib->get_item($_REQUEST["calendarItem"]); } if ( isset($_REQUEST['csv']) ) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=tiki-calendar.csv"); $first = true; $description = ''; foreach ($events as $event) { $line = ''; foreach ($event as $name => $field) { if ( $first === true ) { $description .= '"'.$name.'";'; } if ( is_array($field) ) { $line .= '"'.str_replace(array("\n","\r",'"'), array('\\n','','""'), join(',', $field)).'";'; } else { $line .= '"'.str_replace(array("\n","\r",'"'), array('\\n','','""'), $field).'";'; } } if ( $first === true ) { echo (trim($description, ';'))."\n"; $first = false; } echo trim($line, ';')."\n"; } } else { // create ical array// $iCal = new File_iCal(); $cal = $iCal->getSkeletonCalendar(); foreach ($events as $event) { $ea=array(); $ea['Summary']=$event['name']; $ea['dateStart']=$event['start']; $ea['dateEnd']=$event['end']; $ea['Description']= preg_replace( '/\n/', "\\n", strip_tags( TikiLib::lib('parser')->parse_data( $event['description'], array('is_html' => $prefs['calendar_description_is_html'] === 'y') ) ) ); if ($event['participants']) { $ea['Attendees']=$event['participants']; } $ea['LastModified']=$event['lastModif']; // re: Second character of duration value must be a 'P' ?? // jb for tiki 11 - feb 2013 // spec is at: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.6, so i tried: // $durationSeconds = $event['end'] - $event['start']; // $duration = $durationSeconds > 0 ? '+' : '-'; // $duration .= 'P' . $durationSeconds . 'S'; // however, when formatted seemingly correctly you then get an error saying it's not in integer! :( // so just removing duration for now as it's implied by the start and end anyway - TODO better // $ea['Duration']=($duration); $ea['Contact']=array($event['user']); if (!empty($event['organizers'])) { $ea['organizer']=array($event['organizers']); } if (!empty($event['url'])) { $ea['URL']=$event['url']; } $ea['DateStamp']=$event['created']; //$ea['RequestStatus']=$event['status']; $ea['UID']='tiki-'.$event['calendarId'].'-'.$event['calitemId']; $c = $iCal->factory('Event', $ea); $cal->addEvent($c); } $iCal->addCalendar($cal); $iCal->sendHeader("calendar"); $calendar_str = $iCal->__toString(); header("Content-Length: ".strlen($calendar_str)); header("Expires: 0"); // These two lines fix pb with IE and HTTPS header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Pragma: dummy=bogus"); // Outlook needs iso8859 encoding header("Content-Type:text/calendar; method=REQUEST; charset=iso-8859-15"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable"); $re_encode = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'windows'); // only re-encode to ISO-8859-15 if client on Windows if (function_exists('recode') && $re_encode !== false) { print(recode('utf-8..iso8859-15', $calendar_str)); } elseif (function_exists('iconv') && $re_encode !== false) { print(iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15", $calendar_str)); } else { print($calendar_str); // UTF-8 is good for other platforms } } die; } $smarty->assign('iCal', $iCal); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-calendar_export_ical.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");