File: tiki-edit_invoice.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-edit_invoice.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ require_once('tiki-setup.php'); $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $access->check_feature('feature_invoice'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); //check if profile is created if ($trklib->get_tracker_by_name("Invoice Items") < 1) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You need to apply the "Invoice" profile')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } (int)$_REQUEST['InvoiceId'] = $_REQUEST['InvoiceId']; //handle saving data (edit or update) if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { //start invoice /* $_REQUEST['InvoiceId'] = $trklib->replaceItemFromRequestValues( $trklib->get_tracker_by_name("Invoices"), array( "Client Id", "Invoice Number", "Date Issued", "Payment Term", "Tax 1 Description", "Tax 1 Rate", "Tax 2 Description", "Tax 2 Rate", "Invoice Note", "Days Payment Due", ), $_REQUEST, $_REQUEST['InvoiceId'] );*/ die; //end invoice //start invoice items $invoiceItems = array(); $_TEMP = $_REQUEST; $itemsToDelete = array(); foreach (explode(',', $_REQUEST['InvoiceItemIds']) as $itemId) { $itemsToDelete[$itemId] = $itemId; } $_TEMP['InvoiceId'] = array(); for ($i = 0, $count_InvoiceItemId = count($_REQUEST['InvoiceItemId']); $i < $count_InvoiceItemId; $i++) { $_TEMP['InvoiceId'][$i] = $_REQUEST['InvoiceId']; $invoiceItem = $trklib->replaceItemFromRequestValues( $trklib->get_tracker_by_name("Invoice Items"), array( "Invoice Id", "Amount", "Quantity", "Work Description", "Taxable", ), $_TEMP, $_REQUEST['InvoiceItemId'][$i], $i ); if (isset($itemsToDelete[$_REQUEST['InvoiceItemId'][$i]])) { unset($itemsToDelete[$_REQUEST['InvoiceItemId'][$i]]); } array_push($invoiceItems, $invoiceItem); } //end invoice items //here I need to delete items that were deleted on the page foreach ($itemsToDelete as $itemId) { $trklib->remove_tracker_item($itemId); } //end delete header('Location: tiki-view_invoice.php?InvoiceId='.$_REQUEST['InvoiceId']); die; } $invoiceItems = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['InvoiceId'])) { $invoice = Tracker_Query::tracker("Invoices") ->byName() ->equals($_REQUEST['InvoiceId']) ->getOne(); $invoice['Item Ids'] = implode(',', $invoice['Item Ids']); $smarty->assign("invoice", $invoice); $invoiceItems = Tracker_Query::tracker("Invoice Items") ->byName() ->fields(array("Invoice Id")) ->search(array($_REQUEST['InvoiceId'])) ->query(); } else { $_REQUEST['InvoiceId'] = 0; } //give the user the last invoice number $LastInvoice = Tracker_Query::tracker("Invoices") ->byName() ->limit(0) ->offset(1) ->desc(true) ->excludeDetails() ->getOne(); $NewInvoiceNumber = (isset($LastInvoice["Invoice Number"]) ? $LastInvoice["Invoice Number"] + 1 : 1); $smarty->assign("NewInvoiceNumber", $NewInvoiceNumber); $smarty->assign("InvoiceId", $_REQUEST['InvoiceId']); $smarty->assign("clients", Tracker_Query::tracker("Invoice Clients")->byName()->query()); $smarty->assign("setting", Tracker_Query::tracker("Invoice Settings")->byName()->getOne()); //we add an extra item to the end of invoiceItems, so we can duplicate it on the page if (count($invoiceItems) < 1) { $invoiceItems[] = array( "Quantity" => "", "Work Description" => "", "Taxable" => "", "Amount" => "", ); } $smarty->assign("invoiceItems", $invoiceItems); $headerlib->add_jq_onready( "function setupTotal() { $('#InvoiceForm :input') .unbind('change') .change(function() { findTotal(); }) .change(); } function findTotal() { var total = 0; $('.InvoiceItem').each(function() { var itemTotal = $(this).find('.InvoiceQuantity').val() * $(this).find('.InvoiceAmount').val(); total += itemTotal; }); $('#Amount').text(total); } setupTotal(); $('#InvoiceNewItem').click(function() { var lastInvoiceItem = $('.InvoiceItem:last'); var newInvoiceItem = lastInvoiceItem.clone(); newInvoiceItem.find(':input').not(':checkbox,:button').val(''); newInvoiceItem.insertAfter(lastInvoiceItem); setupTotal(); }); $('#InvoiceForm').click(function(e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('DeleteItem')) { if ($('.InvoiceItem').length > 1) { $(e.target).parent().parent().remove(); } return false; } }); $('#InvoiceForm').submit(function() { $('.InvoiceTaxable').each(function() { var InvoiceTaxable = $(this); if (!InvoiceTaxable.is(':checked')) { InvoiceTaxable .val('n') .prop('checked', 'true'); } }); $('.InvoiceItemId').each(function() { var InvoiceItemId = $(this); InvoiceItemId.val(InvoiceItemId.val() ? InvoiceItemId.val() : '0'); }); var InvoiceId = $('#InvoiceId'); InvoiceId.val(InvoiceId.val() ? InvoiceId.val() : 0); return false; });" ); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-edit_invoice.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");