File: tiki-forum_import.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-forum_import.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ /**************************************************************************** ** TikiWiki Forum Import Tool v1.00 12/01/2007 ** **************************************************************************** ** Written by Mike Kerr (kerrnel22) ** ** This script is for importing the contents of a TikiWiki forum: ** - from the same database ** - from a different database ** - from a different server ** - from an SQL dump ** ** You must have 'tiki_forum_admin' permissions to run this script, due to ** the sensitive and invasive nature of this activity. Forum moderators do ** not count. ** ** This tool will not import attachments, or retain state information such ** as read counters or posts waiting on moderator approval. ** ** The target forum must already exist on your Tiki installation. The forum ** you select to move will not be recreated. Only the contents will be ** copied. ** ** Roadmap ** ------- ** v1.1 - Allow to migrate phpBB2 (perhaps other forum types) to Tiki forums. ** ** STATE OF THE CODE ** ----------------- ** - Currently only works when importing Tiki forums from an SQL file. ** - SQL file dump must be set to escape single quotes with \' instead of '' ** - If you get timeout problems, you may need to increase your php.ini ** 'max_execution_time' to something like 120 or more, depending on the ** size of your SQL file. 120 is good for a file around 20Mb. ** ****************************************************************************/ // Initialization $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'step1' => 'word', 'step2' => 'word', 'step3' => 'word', 'import' => 'word', 'fForumid' => 'digits', 'tForumid' => 'digits', 'ftype' => 'word', 'prefix' => 'word', 'server' => 'striptags', ) ) ); require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_forums'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin_forum'); include_once ('lib/importerlib.php'); $import = new Importer($dbTiki); global $prefs; // Which iteration of the process are we in? // Step 0 - Select Import Method // Step 1 - Test Import Method Succeeded // Step 2 - Select Forum to Import From/To // Step 3 - Migration Complete - Do Again? if (isset($_POST["step4"])) { } else if (isset($_POST["step3"])) { if ($_POST["import"] == 'same') { // Same db and server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'other') { // Different db & server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'sql') { // Import from SQL file if (!$_POST["fForumid"] || !$_POST["tForumid"]) { $smarty->assign('failed', 'true'); } else { $moo = $import->importSQLForum( $_POST["ftype"], $_POST["prefix"], $_POST["server"], $_POST["fForumid"], $_POST["tForumid"] ); $smarty->assign('failed', 'false'); } } else { // Error $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Form error - no import method selected for some reason.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $smarty->assign('step', 'import'); $smarty->assign('iMethod', $_POST["import"]); $smarty->assign('fi_type', $_POST["ftype"]); $smarty->assign('fi_prefix', $_POST["prefix"]); $smarty->assign('server', $_POST["server"]); $smarty->assign('tomove', $moo); $smarty->assign('fF', $_POST["fForumid"]); $smarty->assign('tF', $_POST["tForumid"]); } else if (isset($_POST["step2"])) { if ($_POST["import"] == 'same') { // Same db and server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'other') { // Different db & server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'sql') { // Import from SQL file //read sql file to create forum list $sqlForums = $import->parseForumList( $_POST["ftype"], $_POST["prefix"], $_POST["server"] ); $smarty->assign('fromForums', $sqlForums); if (count($sqlForums) == 0) { $smarty->assign('noforumsF', 'true'); } else { $smarty->assign('noforumsF', 'false'); } } else { // Error $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Form error - no import method selected for some reason.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $toForums = $import->list_forums(0, -1, 'created_asc', ''); $smarty->assign_by_ref('toForums', $toForums["data"]); if (count($toForums["data"]) == 0) { $smarty->assign('noforumsT', 'true'); } else { $smarty->assign('noforumsT', 'false'); } $smarty->assign('step', 'select'); $smarty->assign('iMethod', $_POST["import"]); $smarty->assign('fi_type', $_POST["ftype"]); $smarty->assign('fi_prefix', $_POST["prefix"]); $smarty->assign('server', $_POST["server"]); } else if (isset($_POST["step1"])) { if (!isset($_POST["import"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Form error - no import method selected for some reason.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'same') { // Same db and server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'other') { // Different db & server } else if ($_POST["import"] == 'sql') { // Import from SQL file /* Import from the SQL file will only look in $tikiroot/$tmpDir or * $tikiroot/img/wiki_up for the speficied file. Any path is * stripped off the filename input by the user. $tmpDir overrides * the wiki_up directory. If the file exists, it then gets * parsed to strip out just the SQL needed for the type of system * being imported. The relevant data is stored in /tmp in two * temporary flatfiles. */ if (!isset($_REQUEST["server"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Form error - no server-side filename entered for selected import method.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $server = basename($_REQUEST["server"]); if ($server == '') { $smarty->assign('passed', 'false'); $smarty->assign('filecheck', ''); $smarty->assign('server', ''); } else if (file_exists($prefs['tmpDir'] . '/' . $server)) { $smarty->assign('filecheck', $prefs['tmpDir']); $smarty->assign('passed', 'true'); $smarty->assign('server', $prefs['tmpDir'] . '/' . $server); } else if (file_exists('img/wiki_up/' . $server)) { $smarty->assign('filecheck', "img/wiki_up"); $smarty->assign('passed', 'true'); $smarty->assign('server', "img/wiki_up" . $server); } else { $smarty->assign('filecheck', $prefs['tmpDir']); $smarty->assign('passed', 'false'); } } else { // Error $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Form error - no import method selected for some reason.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $smarty->assign('step', 'test'); $smarty->assign('iMethod', $_POST["import"]); $smarty->assign('fi_type', $_POST["ftype"]); $smarty->assign('fi_prefix', $_POST["prefix"]); } else { $smarty->assign('step', 'new'); $smarty->assign('tmpdir', isset($prefs['tmpDir']) ? $prefs['tmpDir'] : ''); $smarty->assign('fi_types', $import->fi_types); $smarty->assign('fi_prefixes', $import->fi_prefixes); } // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the page $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-forum_import.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); exit;