File: tiki-list_comments.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-list_comments.php 55919 2015-07-26 15:26:29Z lindonb $ require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $auto_query_args = array('types_section', 'types', 'show_types', 'sort_mode', 'offset', 'find', 'findfilter_approved'); if (isset($_REQUEST['blogId'])) { $bloglib = TikiLib::lib('blog'); $blogId = $_REQUEST['blogId']; $access->check_feature('feature_blogs'); $bloglib->check_blog_exists($blogId); $tikilib->get_perm_object('blog', $blogId); if ($tiki_p_blog_admin != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to view the comments for this blog')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } else { $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin_comments'); } $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); $title = tra('Comments'); $sections_keys = array('objectType' => 'commentsFeature', 'itemObjectType' => 'itemCommentsFeature'); if (isset($blogId)) { $title .= ' - ' . $bloglib->get_title($blogId); } else if (isset($_REQUEST['types_section']) && isset($sections_enabled[$_REQUEST['types_section']])) { // types_section is used to limit the user to only one section (e.g. 'blogs') $title = $title . ' - ' . tra(ucwords($_REQUEST['types_section'])); $smarty->assign_by_ref('types_section', $_REQUEST['types_section']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['types'])) { $requested_types = $_REQUEST['types']; $default_list_value = 'n'; } else { $requested_types = array(); $default_list_value = 'y'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('title', $title); $show_types = array(); $selected_types = array(); foreach ($sections_enabled as $k => $info) { if (isset($_REQUEST['types_section']) && $k != $_REQUEST['types_section']) continue; // The logic below obviously does not work for tracker comments, so let's handle them in a way that is simpler to understand if ($k == 'trackers' && $prefs['feature_trackers'] == 'y') { $show_types['trackeritem'] = 'Tracker Item'; if ($default_list_value == 'y' || in_array('trackeritem', $requested_types)) { $selected_types[] = 'trackeritem'; } continue; } foreach ($sections_keys as $stype => $sfeature) { if (isset($info[$sfeature]) && $prefs[$info[$sfeature]] == 'y' && isset($info[$stype])) { $comment_type = $info[$stype]; $show_types[$comment_type] = ucwords($comment_type); if ($default_list_value == 'y' || in_array($comment_type, $requested_types)) { $selected_types[] = $comment_type; } } } } // No need to show types choices if there is only one choice that is already choosed if (count($show_types) == 1 && count($selected_types) == 1) $show_types = array(); $headers = array('title' => 'Title', 'objectType' => 'Type', 'object' => 'Object', 'userName' => 'Author', 'commentDate' => 'Date', 'data' => 'Comment',); $more_info_headers = array('user_ip' => tra('IP'), 'email' => tra('Email'), 'website' => tra('Website')); if (count($selected_types) == 1) { unset($headers['objectType']); $headers['object'] = tra(ucwords($selected_types[0])); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('show_types', $show_types); $smarty->assign_by_ref('selected_types', $selected_types); $smarty->assign_by_ref('headers', $headers); $smarty->assign_by_ref('more_info_headers', $more_info_headers); // Handle actions if (isset($_REQUEST['checked'])) { check_ticket('list_comments'); $checked = is_array($_REQUEST['checked']) ? $_REQUEST['checked'] : array($_REQUEST['checked']); if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { // Delete comment(s) if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'remove') { $access->check_authenticity(tra('Delete comments')); foreach ($checked as $id) { $commentslib->remove_comment($id); } } // Ban IP adresses of multiple spammers if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ban') { ask_ticket('admin-banning'); $mass_ban_ip = implode('|', $checked); header('Location: tiki-admin_banning.php?mass_ban_ip=' . $mass_ban_ip); exit; } // Ban IP adresses of multiple spammers and remove comments if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ban_remove') { ask_ticket('admin-banning'); $mass_ban_ip = implode('|', $checked); header('Location: tiki-admin_banning.php?mass_remove=y&mass_ban_ip=' . $mass_ban_ip); exit; } // Approve comment(s) if ($prefs['feature_comments_moderation'] == 'y' && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'approve') { foreach ($checked as $id) { $commentslib->approve_comment($id, 'y'); } } // Reject comment(s) if ($prefs['feature_comments_moderation'] == 'y' && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'reject') { foreach ($checked as $id) { $commentslib->approve_comment($id, 'r'); $rejected[$id] = true; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('rejected', $rejected); } // Archive comment(s) if ($prefs['comments_archive'] == 'y' && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'archive') { foreach ($checked as $id) { $commentslib->archive_thread($id); } } // Unarchive comment(s) if ($prefs['comments_archive'] == 'y' && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'unarchive') { foreach ($checked as $id) { $commentslib->unarchive_thread($id); } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; } else { $sort_mode = 'commentDate_desc'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode); if (isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) { $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; } else { $offset = 0; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset); if (isset($_REQUEST["find"])) { $find = strip_tags($_REQUEST["find"]); } else { $find = ''; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('find', $find); if (!isset($_REQUEST['findfilter_approved'])) $_REQUEST['findfilter_approved'] = ''; if ($prefs['feature_comments_moderation'] == 'y') { $filter_values = array('approved' => $_REQUEST['findfilter_approved']); $filter_names = array('approved' => tra('Approved Status')); $filters = array('approved' => array('n' => tra('Queued'), 'y' => tra('Approved'), 'r' => tra('Rejected'))); asort($filters['approved']); } else { $filters = $filter_names = $filter_values = array(); } $objectsIds = ''; if (isset($blogId)) { $objectsIds = $bloglib->get_blog_posts_ids($blogId); if (empty($objectsIds)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('This blog has no posts.')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $smarty->assign('blogId', $blogId); } $comments = $commentslib->get_all_comments($selected_types, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, 'y', $_REQUEST['findfilter_approved'], false, $objectsIds); $smarty->assign_by_ref('comments', $comments['data']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filters', $filters); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filter_names', $filter_names); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filter_values', $filter_values); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant', $comments['cant']); ask_ticket('list_comments'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-list_comments.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');