File: tiki-list_object_permissions.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-list_object_permissions.php 55917 2015-07-26 15:22:07Z lindonb $ include_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); $all_perms = $userlib->get_permissions(); /** * @param $permName * @param $objectType * @return bool */ function is_perm($permName, $objectType) { global $all_perms, $tikilib; $permGroup = $tikilib->get_permGroup_from_objectType($objectType); foreach ($all_perms['data'] as $perm) { if ($perm['permName'] == $permName) { return $permGroup == $perm['type']; } } return false; } /** * @param $objectId * @param $objectType * @param $objectName * @param string $filterGroup * @return array */ function list_perms($objectId, $objectType, $objectName, $filterGroup='') { global $prefs; $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $ret = array(); $cats = array(); $perms = $userlib->get_object_permissions($objectId, $objectType); if (!empty($perms)) { foreach ($perms as $perm) { if (empty($filterGroup) || in_array($perm['groupName'], $filterGroup)) { $json = json_encode(array('group' => $perm['groupName'], 'perm' => $perm['permName'], 'objectId' => $objectId, 'objectType' => $objectType)); $ret[] = array('group' => $perm['groupName'], 'perm' => $perm['permName'], 'reason' => 'Object', 'objectId' => $objectId, 'objectType' => $objectType, 'objectName' => $objectName, 'json' => $json); } } } elseif ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($objectType, $objectId); if (!empty($categs)) { foreach ($categs as $categId) { $category_perms = $userlib->get_object_permissions($categId, 'category'); if (!empty($category_perms)) { foreach ($category_perms as $category_perm) { if (is_perm($category_perm['permName'], $objectType) && (empty($filterGroup) || in_array($category_perm['groupName'], $filterGroup))) { $cats[] = array('group' => $category_perm['groupName'], 'perm' => $category_perm['permName'], 'reason' => 'Category', 'objectId' => $categId, 'objectType' => 'category', 'objectName' => $categlib->get_category_name($categId)); } } } } } } return array('objectId' => $objectId, 'special' => $ret, 'category' => $cats); } $filterGroup = empty($_REQUEST['filterGroup']) ? array() : $_REQUEST['filterGroup']; $feedbacks = array(); $del = !empty($_REQUEST['delete']) && $_REQUEST['delete'] === 'delete'; $dup = !empty($_REQUEST['duplicate']) && $_REQUEST['duplicate'] === 'duplicate'; if ($del || $dup) { $access->check_authenticity(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['groupPerm'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['groupPerm'] as $perm) { $perm = json_decode($perm, true); if ($del) { $userlib->remove_permission_from_group($perm['perm'], $perm['group']); $feedbacks[] = tra('Remove permission %0 from %1', '', false, array($perm['perm'], $perm['group'])); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['toGroup']) && $userlib->group_exists($_REQUEST['toGroup'])) { $userlib->assign_permission_to_group($perm['perm'], $_REQUEST['toGroup']); $feedbacks[] = tra('Assign permission %0 to %1', '', false, array($perm['perm'], $_REQUEST['toGroup'])); } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['objectPerm'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['objectPerm'] as $perm) { $perm = json_decode($perm, true); if ($del) { $userlib->remove_object_permission($perm['group'], $perm['objectId'], $perm['objectType'], $perm['perm']); $feedbacks[] = tra('Remove permission %0 from %1', '', false, array($perm['perm'], $perm['group'])); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['toGroup']) && $userlib->group_exists($_REQUEST['toGroup'])) { $userlib->assign_object_permission($_REQUEST['toGroup'], $perm['objectId'], $perm['objectType'], $perm['perm']); $feedbacks[] = tra('Assign permission %0 to %1', '', false, array($perm['perm'], $_REQUEST['toGroup'])); } } } if (!empty($feedbacks) && $dup && !empty($_REQUEST['toGroup']) && !empty($filterGroup) && !in_array($_REQUEST['toGroup'], $filterGroup)) { $filterGroup[] = $_REQUEST['toGroup']; } } $types = array('wiki page', 'file gallery', 'tracker', 'forum', 'group', 'articles', 'blog', 'calendar', 'sheet'); $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); $all_groups = $userlib->list_all_groups(); $res = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $res[$type]['default'] = array(); $type_perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_asc', '', $tikilib->get_permGroup_from_objectType($type)); foreach ($all_groups as $gr) { $perms = $userlib->get_group_permissions($gr); foreach ($type_perms['data'] as $type_perm) { if (in_array($type_perm['permName'], $perms) && (empty($filterGroup) || in_array($gr, $filterGroup))) { $res[$type]['default'][] = array('group' => $gr, 'perm' => $type_perm['permName']); } } } $res[$type]['objects'] = array(); $res[$type]['category'] = array(); switch ($type) { case 'wiki page': case 'wiki': $objects = $tikilib->list_pageNames(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['pageName'], $type, $object['pageName'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectType' => $type); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category']); } } break; case 'file galleries': case 'file gallery': $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal'); $objects = $filegallib->list_file_galleries(0, -1, 'name_asc', '', '', $prefs['fgal_root_id']); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['id'], $type, $object['name'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name'], 'objectType' => $type); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; case 'tracker': case 'trackers': $objects = TikiLib::lib('trk')->list_trackers(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['trackerId'], $type, $object['name'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name'], 'objectType' => $type); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; case 'forum': case 'forums': $objects = $commentslib->list_forums(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['forumId'], $type, $object['name'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; case 'group': case 'groups': foreach ($all_groups as $object) { $r = list_perms($object, $type, '', $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category']); } } break; case 'calendar': $calendarlib = TikiLib::lib('calendar'); $objects = $calendarlib->list_calendars(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['calendarId'], $type, $object['name'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; case 'articles': $artlib = TikiLib::lib('art'); $objects = $artlib->list_articles(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['articleId'], $type, $object['title'], $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['title']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['title']); } } break; case 'blog': $bloglib = TikiLib::lib('blog'); $objects = $bloglib->list_blogs(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['blogId'], $type, isset($object['name']) ? $object['name'] : null, $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; case 'sheet': $sheetlib = TikiLib::lib('sheet'); $objects = $sheetlib->list_sheets(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $r = list_perms($object['sheetId'], $type, isset($object['name']) ? $object['name'] : null, $filterGroup); if (count($r['special']) > 0) { $res[$type]['objects'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'special' => $r['special'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } if (count($r['category']) > 0) { $res[$type]['category'][] = array('objectId' => $r['objectId'], 'category' => $r['category'], 'objectName' => $object['name']); } } break; default: break; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('res', $res); $smarty->assign_by_ref('feedbacks', $feedbacks); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filterGroup', $filterGroup); $smarty->assign_by_ref('all_groups', $all_groups); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-list_object_permissions.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');