File: tiki-payment.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-payment.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ // Data sent by the IPN must be left unharmed if ( isset( $_GET['ipn'] ) ) { $ipn_data = $_POST; } $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'amount' => 'text', 'manual_amount' => 'text', 'description' => 'text', 'request' => 'alpha', 'payable' => 'digits', 'offset_outstanding' => 'digits', 'offset_overdue' => 'digits', 'offset_past' => 'digits', 'offset_canceled' => 'digits', 'invoice' => 'digits', 'cancel' => 'digits', 'note' => 'striptags', 'detail' => 'wikicontent', 'cclite_payment_amount' => 'text', // params for cart module 'tiki_credit_amount' => 'text', 'tiki_credit_pay' => 'text', 'tiki_credit_type' => 'text', 'checkout' => 'text', 'update' => 'word', 'daconfirm' => 'word', // ticketlib 'ticket' => 'word', 'returnurl' => 'url', ), 'staticKeyFiltersForArrays' => array('cart' => 'digits',), // params for cart module 'catchAllUnset' => null, ) ); require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $paymentlib = TikiLib::lib('payment'); $access->check_feature('payment_feature'); $auto_query_args = array( 'offset_outstanding', 'offset_overdue', 'offset_past', 'offset_canceled', ); if ( isset($_POST['tiki_credit_pay']) && isset($_POST['tiki_credit_amount']) && isset($_POST['tiki_credit_type']) && isset($_POST['invoice']) ) { require_once 'lib/payment/creditspaylib.php'; $userpaycredits = new UserPayCredits; $userpaycredits->payAmount($_POST['tiki_credit_type'], $_POST['tiki_credit_amount'], $_POST['invoice']); } if ( isset($ipn_data) ) { $access->check_feature('payment_paypal_ipn'); require_once 'lib/payment/paypallib.php'; $invoice = $paypallib->get_invoice($ipn_data); if (!is_numeric($invoice) || $invoice < 1) { echo 'Payment response was not correctly formatted'; // goes back to PayPal server - for debugging mainly exit; } $info = $paymentlib->get_payment($invoice); // Important to check with paypal first if (isset($info) && $paypallib->is_valid($ipn_data, $info)) { $amount = $paypallib->get_amount($ipn_data); $paymentlib->enter_payment($invoice, $amount, 'paypal', $ipn_data); } else { echo 'Payment '.$invoice.' was not verified'; // goes back to PayPal server exit; } exit; } if ($prefs['payment_system'] == 'israelpost' && isset($_GET['invoice']) && $jitGet->OKauthentication->word()) { $gateway = $paymentlib->gateway('israelpost'); // Return URL - check payment right away through APIs $id = $_GET['invoice']; $verified = $gateway->check_payment($id, $jitGet, $jitPost); if ($verified) { $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $id, tra('Payment has been confirmed.')); } else { $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $id, tra('Payment confirmation has not been received yet.')); } } if ( isset( $_POST['manual_amount'], $_POST['invoice'] ) && preg_match('/^\d+(\.\d{2})?$/', $_POST['manual_amount']) ) { $objectperms = Perms::get('payment', $_REQUEST['invoice']); if ( $objectperms->payment_manual ) { $paymentlib->enter_payment( $_POST['invoice'], $_POST['manual_amount'], 'user', array( 'user' => $user, 'note' => $_POST['note'], ) ); if (isset($_POST['returnurl'])) { header('Location: ' . $_POST['returnurl']); exit; } $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $_POST['invoice'], tra('Manual payment entered.')); } else { $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $_POST['invoice'], tra('You do not have permission to enter payment.')); } } if ( isset($_POST['request']) && $globalperms->request_payment ) { // Create new payment request if ( ! empty($_POST['description']) && preg_match('/^\d+(\.\d{2})?$/', $_POST['amount']) && $_POST['payable'] > 0 ) { $id = $paymentlib->request_payment($_POST['description'], $_POST['amount'], (int) $_POST['payable'], $_POST['detail']); if ( $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' ) { $cat_objid = $id; $cat_type = 'payment'; $cat_desc = $_POST['description']; $cat_name = $_POST['description']; $cat_href = 'tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $id; require 'categorize.php'; } $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $id, tra('New payment requested.')); } } if ( isset($_REQUEST['cancel']) ) { $objectperms = Perms::get('payment', $_REQUEST['cancel']); $info = $paymentlib->get_payment($_REQUEST['cancel']); if ( $objectperms->payment_admin || $info['user'] == $user ) { $access->check_authenticity(tr('Cancel payment %0?', $_REQUEST['cancel'])); $paymentlib->cancel_payment($_REQUEST['cancel']); $access->redirect('tiki-payment.php?invoice=' . $_REQUEST['cancel'], tra('Payment canceled.')); } } // Obtain information /** * @param $type */ function fetch_payment_list($type) { global $globalperms, $user, $prefs; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $paymentlib = TikiLib::lib('payment'); $offsetKey = 'offset_' . $type; $method = 'get_' . $type; $offset = isset($_REQUEST[$offsetKey]) ? intval($_REQUEST[$offsetKey]) : 0; $max = intval($prefs['maxRecords']); $forUser = ''; if (!$globalperms->payment_admin && ( ($type == 'outstanding' || $type == 'overdue') && $prefs['payment_user_only_his_own'] == 'y' || $type != 'outstanding' && $type != 'overdue' && $prefs['payment_user_only_his_own_past'] == 'y' ) ) { $forUser = $user; } $data = $paymentlib->$method($offset, $max, $forUser); $data['offset'] = $offset; $data['offset_arg'] = "offset_$type"; $data['max'] = $max; $smarty->assign($type, $data); } if ( $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && $globalperms->payment_request ) { $cat_type = 'payment'; $cat_objid = ''; $cat_object_exists = false; $smarty->assign('section', 'payment'); require 'categorize_list.php'; } if ( isset($_REQUEST['invoice']) ) { $smarty->assign('invoice', $_REQUEST['invoice']); } fetch_payment_list('outstanding'); fetch_payment_list('overdue'); fetch_payment_list('past'); fetch_payment_list('canceled'); fetch_payment_list('authorized'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-payment.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');