File: tiki-setup.php
<?php /** * contains the hooks for Tiki's internal functionality. * * this script may only be included, it will die if called directly. * * @package TikiWiki * @copyright (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project. All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. * @licence Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. */ // $Id: tiki-setup.php 55585 2015-05-27 15:43:35Z jonnybradley $ // die if called directly. /** * @global array $prefs * @global array $tikilib */ global $prefs, $tikilib; if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<') && php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { header('location: tiki-install.php'); exit; } elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<') && php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { // This is command-line. No 'location' command make sense here. Let admins access what works and deal with the rest. echo "Warning: Tiki13 and above expects PHP 5.5.0 and above. You are running " . phpversion() . " at your own risk\n"; } // Be sure that the user is not already defined by PHP on hosts that still have the php.ini config "register_globals = On" unset($user); require_once 'lib/setup/third_party.php'; // Enable Versioning include_once ('lib/setup/twversion.class.php'); $TWV = new TWVersion(); $num_queries = 0; $elapsed_in_db = 0.0; $server_load = ''; $area = 'tiki'; $crumbs = array(); require_once ('lib/setup/tikisetup.class.php'); require_once ('lib/setup/timer.class.php'); $tiki_timer = new timer(); $tiki_timer->start(); require_once ('tiki-setup_base.php'); // Attempt setting locales. This code is just a start, locales should be set per-user. // Also, different operating systems use different locale strings. en_US.utf8 is valid on POSIX systems, maybe not on Windows, feel free to add alternative locale strings. setlocale(LC_ALL, ''); // Attempt changing the locale to the system default. // Since the system default may not be UTF-8 but we may be dealing with multilingual content, attempt ensuring the collations are intelligent by forcing a general UTF-8 collation. // This will have no effect if the locale string is not valid or if the designated locale is not generated. foreach (array('en_US.utf8') as $UnicodeLocale) { if (setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $UnicodeLocale)) { break; } } if ($prefs['feature_tikitests'] == 'y') { require_once ('tiki_tests/tikitestslib.php'); } $crumbs[] = new Breadcrumb($prefs['browsertitle'], '', $prefs['tikiIndex']); if ($prefs['site_closed'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/site_closed.php'); } require_once ('lib/setup/error_reporting.php'); if ($prefs['use_load_threshold'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/load_threshold.php'); } require_once ('lib/setup/sections.php'); $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); $domain_map = array(); if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else { $host = ""; } if ( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ) { $requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $requestUri = ""; } if ( $prefs['tiki_domain_prefix'] == 'strip' && substr($host, 0, 4) == 'www.' ) { $domain_map[$host] = substr($host, 4); } elseif ( $prefs['tiki_domain_prefix'] == 'force' && substr($host, 0, 4) != 'www.' ) { $domain_map[$host] = 'www.' . $host; } if (strpos($prefs['tiki_domain_redirects'], ',') !== false) { foreach (explode("\n", $prefs['tiki_domain_redirects']) as $row) { list($old, $new) = array_map('trim', explode(',', $row, 2)); $domain_map[$old] = $new; } unset($old); unset($new); } if ( isset($domain_map[$host]) ) { $prefix = $tikilib->httpPrefix(); $prefix = str_replace("://$host", "://{$domain_map[$host]}", $prefix); $url = $prefix . $requestUri; $access->redirect($url, null, 301); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'])) { $tikilib->setSessionId($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); } elseif (function_exists('session_id')) $tikilib->setSessionId(session_id()); // Session info needs to be kept up to date if pref login_multiple_forbidden is set if ( $prefs['login_multiple_forbidden'] == 'y' ) { $tikilib->update_session(); } require_once ('lib/setup/cookies.php'); if ($prefs['mobile_feature'] === 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/mobile.php'); // needs to be before js_detect but after cookies } else { $prefs['mobile_mode'] = ''; } require_once ('lib/setup/user_prefs.php'); require_once ('lib/setup/language.php'); require_once ('lib/setup/javascript.php'); require_once ('lib/setup/wiki.php'); /* Cookie consent setup, has to be after the JS decision and wiki setup */ $cookie_consent_html = ''; if ($prefs['cookie_consent_feature'] === 'y') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['cookie_consent_checkbox']) || $prefs['site_closed'] === 'y') { // js disabled setCookieSection($prefs['cookie_consent_name'], 'y'); // set both real cookie and tiki_cookie_jar $feature_no_cookie = false; setCookieSection($prefs['cookie_consent_name'], 'y'); } $cookie_consent = getCookie($prefs['cookie_consent_name']); if (empty($cookie_consent)) { if ($prefs['javascript_enabled'] !== 'y') { $prefs['cookie_consent_mode'] = ''; } else { $headerlib->add_js('jqueryTiki.no_cookie = true; jqueryTiki.cookie_consent_alert = "' . addslashes($prefs['cookie_consent_alert']) . '";'); } foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, session_name()) === false) { setcookie($k, '', time() - 3600); // unset any previously existing cookies except the session } } $cookie_consent_html = $smarty->fetch('cookie_consent.tpl'); } else { $feature_no_cookie = false; } } $smarty->assign('cookie_consent_html', $cookie_consent_html); if ($prefs['feature_polls'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/polls.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_mailin'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/mailin.php'); } require_once ('lib/setup/tikiIndex.php'); if ($prefs['useGroupHome'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/default_homepage.php'); } // change $prefs['tikiIndex'] if feature_sefurl is enabled (e.g. tiki-index.php?page=HomePage becomes HomePage) if ($prefs['feature_sefurl'] == 'y' && ! defined('TIKI_CONSOLE')) { //TODO: need a better way to know which is the type of the tikiIndex URL (wiki page, blog, file gallery etc) //TODO: implement support for types other than wiki page and blog if ($prefs['tikiIndex'] == 'tiki-index.php' && $prefs['wikiHomePage']) { $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $prefs['tikiIndex'] = $wikilib->sefurl($userlib->best_multilingual_page($prefs['wikiHomePage'])); } else if (substr($prefs['tikiIndex'], 0, strlen('tiki-view_blog.php')) == 'tiki-view_blog.php') { include_once('tiki-sefurl.php'); $prefs['tikiIndex'] = filter_out_sefurl($prefs['tikiIndex'], 'blog'); } } require_once ('lib/setup/theme.php'); if (!empty($varcheck_errors)) { $smarty->assign('msg', $varcheck_errors); $smarty->display('error_raw.tpl'); die; } if ($prefs['feature_challenge'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/challenge.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_usermenu'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/usermenu.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_live_support'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/live_support.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_referer_stats'] == 'y' || $prefs['feature_stats'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/stats.php'); } require_once ('lib/setup/dynamic_variables.php'); require_once ('lib/setup/output_compression.php'); if ($prefs['feature_debug_console'] == 'y') { // Include debugger class declaration. So use loggin facility in php files become much easier :) include_once ('lib/debug/debugger.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_integrator'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/integrator.php'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['comzone'])) { require_once ('lib/setup/comments_zone.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_lastup'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/last_update.php'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['interactive_translation_mode']) && ($_SESSION['interactive_translation_mode'] == 'on')) { $cachelib->empty_cache('templates_c'); } if ($prefs['feature_freetags'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/freetags.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_areas'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && $prefs['categories_used_in_tpl'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/categories.php'); $areaslib = TikiLib::lib('areas'); $areaslib->HandleObjectCategories($objectCategoryIdsNoJail); } elseif ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/categories.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_userlevels'] == 'y') { require_once ('lib/setup/userlevels.php'); } if ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'openid') { require_once ('lib/setup/openid.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] == 'y') { if (!isset($_SESSION['wysiwyg'])) { $_SESSION['wysiwyg'] = 'n'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('wysiwyg', $_SESSION['wysiwyg']); } if ($prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && empty($user)) { if ($prefs['recaptcha_enabled'] === 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js'); } $captchalib = TikiLib::lib('captcha'); $smarty->assign('captchalib', $captchalib); } if ($prefs['feature_credits'] == 'y') { require_once('lib/setup/credits.php'); } if ( $prefs['https_external_links_for_users'] == 'y' ) { $base_url_canonical_default = $base_url_https; } else { $base_url_canonical_default = $base_url_http; } if ( !empty($prefs['feature_canonical_domain']) ) { $base_url_canonical = $prefs['feature_canonical_domain']; } else { $base_url_canonical = $base_url_canonical_default; } // Since it's easier to be error-resistant than train users, ensure base_url_canonical ends with '/' if ( substr($base_url_canonical,-1) != '/' ) { $base_url_canonical .= '/'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('phpErrors', $phpErrors); $smarty->assign_by_ref('num_queries', $num_queries); $smarty->assign_by_ref('elapsed_in_db', $elapsed_in_db); $smarty->assign_by_ref('crumbs', $crumbs); $smarty->assign('lock', false); $smarty->assign('edit_page', 'n'); $smarty->assign('forum_mode', 'n'); $smarty->assign('uses_tabs', 'n'); $smarty->assign('wiki_extras', 'n'); $smarty->assign('tikipath', $tikipath); $smarty->assign('tikiroot', $tikiroot); $smarty->assign('url_scheme', $url_scheme); $smarty->assign('url_host', $url_host); $smarty->assign('url_port', $url_port); $smarty->assign('url_path', $url_path); $smarty->assign('dir_level', $dir_level); $smarty->assign('base_host', $base_host); $smarty->assign('base_url', $base_url); $smarty->assign('base_url_http', $base_url_http); $smarty->assign('base_url_https', $base_url_https); $smarty->assign('base_url_canonical', $base_url_canonical); $smarty->assign('base_url_canonical_default', $base_url_canonical_default); $smarty->assign('show_stay_in_ssl_mode', $show_stay_in_ssl_mode); $smarty->assign('stay_in_ssl_mode', $stay_in_ssl_mode); $smarty->assign('tiki_version', $TWV->version); $smarty->assign('tiki_branch', $TWV->branch); $smarty->assign('tiki_star', $TWV->getStar()); $smarty->assign('tiki_uses_svn', $TWV->svn); $smarty->assign('symbols', TikiLib::symbols()); if ( isset( $_GET['msg'] ) ) { $smarty->assign('display_msg', $_GET['msg']); } elseif ( isset( $_SESSION['msg'] ) ) { $smarty->assign('display_msg', $_SESSION['msg']); unset($_SESSION['msg']); } else { $smarty->assign('display_msg', ''); } require_once 'lib/setup/events.php'; if ( $prefs['rating_advanced'] == 'y' && $prefs['rating_recalculation'] == 'randomload' ) { $ratinglib = TikiLib::lib('rating'); $ratinglib->attempt_refresh(); } $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/tiki-js.js'); // using jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js plugin for tiki 11, still required in tiki 12 LTS to support some 3rd party plugins if ( isset($prefs['javascript_cdn']) && $prefs['javascript_cdn'] == 'google' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_cdn("$url_scheme://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/$headerlib->jquery_version/jquery.min.js"); // Goggle does not provide this file via a cdn - load local $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/plugins/migrate-min/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"); } else if ( isset($prefs['javascript_cdn']) && $prefs['javascript_cdn'] == 'jquery' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_cdn("$url_scheme://code.jquery.com/jquery-$headerlib->jquery_version.min.js"); $headerlib->add_jsfile_cdn("$url_scheme://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"); } else { if ( $prefs['tiki_minify_javascript'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/jquery-min/jquery-$headerlib->jquery_version.min.js"); $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/plugins/migrate-min/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"); } else { $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/jquery/jquery-$headerlib->jquery_version.js"); $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/plugins/migrate/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js"); } } if ( $prefs['fgal_elfinder_feature'] === 'y' ) { $str = $prefs['tiki_minify_javascript'] === 'y' ? 'min' : 'full'; $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor_extra/elfinder/js/elfinder.' . $str . '.js') ->add_cssfile('vendor_extra/elfinder/css/elfinder.' . $str . '.css') ->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/elfinder/tiki-elfinder.js'); $elFinderLang = str_replace(array('cn', 'pt-br'), array('zh_CN', 'pt_BR'), $language); if (file_exists('vendor_extra/elfinder/js/i18n/elfinder.' . $elFinderLang . '.js')) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor_extra/elfinder/js/i18n/elfinder.' . $elFinderLang . '.js'); } } $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js'); if (isset($_REQUEST['geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location'])) { $zoomToFoundLocation = $_REQUEST['geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location']; } else { $zoomToFoundLocation = isset($prefs['geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location']) ? $prefs['geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location'] : 'street'; } $headerlib->add_js('var zoomToFoundLocation = "'.$zoomToFoundLocation.'";'); // Set the zoom option after searching for a location $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery-json/src/jquery.json.js'); if ($prefs['feature_jquery_zoom'] === 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/zoom/jquery.zoom.js') ->add_css(' .img_zoom { display:inline-block; } .img_zoom:after { content:""; display:block; width:33px; height:33px; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; background:url(vendor/jquery/plugins/zoom/icon.png); } .img_zoom img { display:block; } '); } if ($prefs['feature_syntax_highlighter'] == 'y') { //add codemirror stuff $headerlib ->add_cssfile('vendor/codemirror/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css') ->add_jsfile_dependancy('vendor/codemirror/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js') ->add_jsfile('vendor/codemirror/codemirror/addon/search/searchcursor.js', 3) ->add_jsfile('vendor/codemirror/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js') //add tiki stuff ->add_cssfile('lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.css') ->add_jsfile('lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js', 5); require_once("lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php"); createCodemirrorModes(); } if ($prefs['feature_wikilingo'] == 'y') { $headerlib //flp stuff ->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/css/theme.dropbox.css') ->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/jquery.tablesorter.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_carousel'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/infinitecarousel/jquery.infinitecarousel3.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_ajax'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-ajax_services.js'); if ( $prefs['ajax_autosave'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/ajax/autosave.js'); } } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_ui'] == 'y' ) { if ( isset($prefs['javascript_cdn']) && $prefs['javascript_cdn'] == 'google' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_cdn("$url_scheme://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/$headerlib->jqueryui_version/jquery-ui.min.js"); } else if ( isset($prefs['javascript_cdn']) && $prefs['javascript_cdn'] == 'jquery' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_cdn("$url_scheme://code.jquery.com/ui/$headerlib->jqueryui_version/jquery-ui.min.js"); } else { if ( $prefs['tiki_minify_javascript'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"); } else { $headerlib->add_jsfile_dependancy("vendor/jquery/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js"); } } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_ui_theme'] !== 'none' ) { if ( isset($prefs['javascript_cdn']) && $prefs['javascript_cdn'] == 'jquery' ) { // cdn for css not working - this is the only css from a cdn anyway - so use local version //$headerlib->add_cssfile("//code.jquery.com/ui/$headerlib->jqueryui_version/themes/{$prefs['feature_jquery_ui_theme']}/jquery-ui.css"); $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/jquery-ui-themes/themes/' . $prefs['feature_jquery_ui_theme'] . '/jquery-ui.css'); } else { $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/jquery-ui-themes/themes/' . $prefs['feature_jquery_ui_theme'] . '/jquery-ui.css'); } } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_autocomplete'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_css( '.ui-autocomplete-loading { background: white url("img/spinner.gif") right center no-repeat; }' ); } if ( $prefs['jquery_ui_chosen'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/chosen/chosen.jquery.js'); // $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/chosen/chosen.css'); Replaced by github.com/alxlit/bootstrap-chosen $headerlib->add_css( 'select { font-size: 16px; padding: 4px; border-color:#fff; /* this forces chrome to apply the font-size */ }' ); } if ( $prefs['jquery_fitvidjs'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/fitvidjs/jquery.fitvids.js') ->add_jq_onready('$("article").fitVids();'); // apply fitvid to any video in the middle section } $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/jquery-timepicker-addon/dist/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js'); $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/jquery-timepicker-addon/dist/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_superfish'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/superfish/dist/js/superfish.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/superfish/dist/js/supersubs.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_tooltips'] === 'y' || $prefs['feature_jquery_superfish'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/superfish/dist/js/hoverIntent.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_reflection'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/reflection-jquery/js/reflection.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_media'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/media/jquery.media.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_tablesorter'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/jquery.tablesorter.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/widgets/widget-pager.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/widgets/widget-filter-formatter-jui.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/widgets/widget-grouping.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/widgets/widget-columnSelector.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/tablesorter/js/parsers/parser-input-select.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_shadowbox'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js'); $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/colorbox/' . $prefs['jquery_colorbox_theme'] . '/colorbox.css'); } if ( $prefs['wikiplugin_flash'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfobject/swfobject.js'); } // include and setup themegen editor if already open if (! empty($tiki_p_admin) && $tiki_p_admin === 'y' && !empty($prefs['themegenerator_feature']) && $prefs['themegenerator_feature'] === 'y' && !empty($_COOKIE['themegen']) && (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'tiki-admin.php') === false || strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'page=look') === false)) { $themegenlib = TikiLib::lib('themegenerator'); $themegenlib->setupEditor(); } if ( $prefs['feature_jquery_validation'] == 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery-validation/dist/jquery.validate.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/validators/validator_tiki.js'); } $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/async/jquery.async.js', 10); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/treetable/javascripts/src/jquery.treetable.js'); $headerlib->add_cssfile('vendor/jquery/plugins/treetable/stylesheets/jquery.treetable.css'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('vendor/cwspear/bootstrap-hover-dropdown/bootstrap-hover-dropdown.js'); if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/captcha/captchalib.js'); } if ( $prefs['feature_jcapture'] === 'y' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jcapture_tiki/tiki-jcapture.js'); } if ( ! empty( $prefs['header_custom_css'] ) ) { $headerlib->add_css($prefs['header_custom_css']); } if ( ! empty( $prefs['header_custom_js'] ) ) { $headerlib->add_js($prefs['header_custom_js']); } if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/files.js'); } if ($prefs['feature_trackers'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-trackers.js'); if ($prefs['feed_tracker'] === 'y') { $opts = TikiLib::lib('trk')->get_trackers_options(null, 'publishRSS', 'y'); foreach ($opts as & $o) { $o = $o['trackerId']; } $trackers = TikiLib::lib('trk')->list_trackers(); $rss_trackers = array(); foreach ($trackers['data'] as $trk) { if (in_array($trk['trackerId'], $opts)) { $rss_trackers[] = array( 'trackerId' => $trk['trackerId'], 'name' => $trk['name'], ); } } TikiLib::lib('smarty')->assign('rsslist_trackers', $rss_trackers); } } if ($prefs['feature_draw'] == 'y') { //svg-edit/empbedapi.js neededs to be external - why? $headerlib->add_jsfile("vendor/svg-edit/svg-edit/embedapi.js"); $headerlib->add_jsfile("lib/svg-edit_tiki/draw.js"); $headerlib->add_cssfile("lib/svg-edit_tiki/draw.css"); } if ($prefs['geo_always_load_openlayers'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_map(); } if ($prefs['workspace_ui'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-workspace-ui.js'); } if ($prefs['feature_sefurl'] != 'y') { $headerlib->add_js( '$.service = function (controller, action, query) { if (! query) { query = {}; } query.controller = controller; if (action) { query.action = action; } return "tiki-ajax_services.php?" + $.buildParams(query); };' ); } if ($prefs['feature_friends'] == 'y' || $prefs['monitor_enabled'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/social.js'); } if ($prefs['ajax_inline_edit'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/inline_edit.js'); } if ($prefs['mustread_enabled'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/mustread.js'); } if (true) { // Before being clever and moving this close to where you think it's needed (again), // consider there are more places that you think. $headerlib->add_jsfile('tiki-jsplugin.php?language='.$prefs['language'], 'dynamic'); if ($prefs['wikiplugin_module'] === 'y' && $prefs['wikiplugininline_module'] === 'n') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('tiki-jsmodule.php?language='.$prefs['language'], 'dynamic'); } } if ( session_id() ) { if ( $prefs['tiki_cachecontrol_session'] ) { header('Cache-Control: ' . $prefs['tiki_cachecontrol_session']); } } else { if ( $prefs['tiki_cachecontrol_nosession'] ) { header('Cache-Control: ' . $prefs['tiki_cachecontrol_nosession']); } } if ( !empty($prefs['access_control_allow_origin']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) && $base_host !== $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) { $http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']; if (in_array($http_origin, preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $prefs['access_control_allow_origin']))) { header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin"); } } if ( isset($token_error) ) { $smarty->assign('token_error', $token_error); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } require_once( 'lib/setup/plugins_actions.php' ); if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-admin.js'); } if ($prefs['wikiplugin_addtocart'] == 'y') { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/payment/cartlib.js'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ******************************************************************** // // ** IMPORTANT NOTE: ** // // ** USE THE GLOBAL VARIABLE BELOW TO CONTROL THE VERSION OF EMAIL ** // // ** WHICH IS USED ** // // ** $prefs['openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail'] == 'y' ** // // ** USE TIKI OpenPGP Enabled PGP/MIME-standard mail ** // // ** $prefs['openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail'] == 'n' ** // // ** USE TIKI normal mail functionality ** // // ** ** // // ** SETTING THIS PREFERENCES VARIABLE TO "y" NEED PROPER ** // // ** CONFIGURATION OF gnupg AND RELATED KEYRING WITH PROPERLY ** // // ** CONFIGURED TIKI-SENDER KEYPAIR (PRIVATE/PUBLIC) AND ALL USER ** // // ** ACCOUNT-RELATED PUBLIC KEYS ** // // ** ** // // ** DO NOT SWITCH THIS VARIABLE TO TRUE FOR THIS EXPERIMENTAL ** // // ** FULLY PGP/MIME-ENCRYPTION COMPLIANT EMAIL FUNCTIONALITY, IF ** // // ** YOU ARE **NOT ABSOLUTE SURE HOW TO CONFIGURE IT**! ** // // ** ** // // ** ONCE PROPERLY CONFIGURED, SUCH 100% OPAQUE FUNCTIONALITY ** // // ** DELIVERS ROBUST END-TO-END PRIVACY WITH HIGH DEGREE OF TESTED ** // // ** ROBUSTNESS FOR THE FOLLOWING MAIL TRAFFIC: ** // // ** ** // // ** - all webmail-based messaging from messu-compose.php ** // // ** - all admin notifications ** // // ** - all newsletters ** // // ** ** // // ** PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL SITE ACCOUNTS **MUST** HAVE PROPERLY ** // // ** CONFIGURED OpenPGP-COMPLIANT PUBLIC-KEY IN THE SYSTEM's ** // // ** KEYRING, SO IT IS NOT THEN WISE/POSSIBLE TO ALLOW ANONYMOUS ** // // ** SUBSCRIPTIONS TO NEWSLETTERS ETC, OR USE NOT FULLY PGP/MIME ** // // ** READY ACCOUNTS IN SUCH SYSTEM. ** // // ** ** // // ** IT IS ASSUMED, THAT IF AND WHEN YOU TURN SUCH PGP/MIME ON ** // // ** YOU ARE FULLY AWARE OF THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONSEQUENCES. ** // // ** ** // if ($prefs['openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail'] == 'y') { // hollmeer 2012-11-03: // TURNED ON openPGP support from a lib based class require_once( 'lib/openpgp/openpgplib.php' ); } // ** ** // // ******************************************************************** // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( $prefs['feature_hidden_links'] == 'y' && isset($jitRequest['wysiwyg']) && $jitRequest['wysiwyg'] != 'y') { $headerlib->add_js("$('body').find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function() { var headerid = $(this).attr('id'); if(headerid != undefined) { $(this).append('<a class=\"tiki_anchor\" href=\"#'+headerid+'\"></a>'); } });"); } $headerlib->lockMinifiedJs(); if ( $prefs['conditions_enabled'] == 'y' ) { if (! Services_User_ConditionsController::hasRequiredAge($user)) { $servicelib = TikiLib::lib('service'); $broker = $servicelib->getBroker(); $broker->process('user_conditions', 'age_validation', $jitRequest); exit; } if (Services_User_ConditionsController::requiresApproval($user)) { $servicelib = TikiLib::lib('service'); $broker = $servicelib->getBroker(); $broker->process('user_conditions', 'approval', $jitRequest); exit; } }