File: tiki-tc.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-tc.php 53802 2015-02-06 00:11:35Z jyhem $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_script($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)); if ($prefs['feature_theme_control'] == 'y' && empty($_SESSION['try_theme'])) { //we arrive here after lib/setup/theme.php has finished, so $prefs['theme'] and $prefs['theme_active_option'] are already set. Here we want to overwrite them according to the theme control setting // defined: $cat_type and cat_objid // search for theme for $cat_type // then search for theme for md5($cat_type.cat_objid) global $prefs, $iconset; $themelib = TikiLib::lib('theme'); $themecontrollib = TikiLib::lib('themecontrol'); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); //Step 1: lets see if there is any theme control setting for the current object if (!isset($cat_type) ) $cat_type = ''; if (!isset($cat_objid) ) $cat_objid = ''; list($tc_theme, $tc_theme_option) = $themecontrollib->get_tc_theme($cat_type, $cat_objid); //this function returns $tc_theme and $tc_theme_option if ($cat_type == 'trackeritem' && empty($tc_theme)) { $trackerId = $themecontrollib->table('tiki_tracker_items')->fetchOne('trackerId', array('itemId' => $cat_objid)); $themecontrollib->get_tc_theme('tracker', $trackerId); } //Step 2: if at least tc_theme is not empty, than we have a setting, so continue if ($tc_theme) { if ($prefs['feature_theme_control_savesession'] == 'y' && !empty($tc_theme_option)) { $_SESSION['tc_theme'] = $tc_theme_option; } //DROP css files (theme, theme_option and custom.css) added by lib/setup/theme.php that became unnecessary now that we have tc_theme $themesetup_path = $themelib->get_theme_path($prefs['theme']); $headerlib->drop_cssfile("{$themesetup_path}css/{$prefs['theme']}.css"); //drop main theme css $headerlib->drop_cssfile("{$themesetup_path}css/custom.css"); //drop main theme custom css if (!empty($prefs['theme_option'])){ $themesetup_path = $themelib->get_theme_path($prefs['theme'], $prefs['theme_option']); $headerlib->drop_cssfile("{$themesetup_path}css/{$prefs['theme_option']}.css"); //drop option css $headerlib->drop_cssfile("{$themesetup_path}css/custom.css"); //drop option custom css } //ADD new css files (theme, theme_option and custom.css) $tc_theme_path = $themelib->get_theme_path($tc_theme); $headerlib->add_cssfile("{$tc_theme_path}css/{$tc_theme}.css"); //add main theme css if (!empty($tc_theme_option)){ //add theme option css $tc_theme_path = $themelib->get_theme_path($tc_theme, $tc_theme_option); $headerlib->add_cssfile("{$tc_theme_path}css/{$tc_theme_option}.css"); } if (!empty($tc_theme_option)){ //add main theme custom css in case of theme option $tc_main_theme_path = $themelib->get_theme_path($tc_theme); $tc_main_custom_css = "{$tc_main_theme_path}css/custom.css"; if (is_readable($tc_main_custom_css)) { $headerlib->add_cssfile($tc_main_custom_css, 53); } } $tc_custom_css = "{$tc_theme_path}css/custom.css"; //add custom css (can be a main theme or theme option) if (is_readable($tc_custom_css)) { $headerlib->add_cssfile($tc_custom_css, 53); } //RESET IE specific CSS global $style_ie8_css, $style_ie9_css, $style_base; $style_ie8_css = $themelib->get_theme_path($tc_theme, $tc_theme_option, 'ie8.css'); $style_ie9_css = $themelib->get_theme_path($tc_theme, $tc_theme_option, 'ie9.css'); //RESET $theme_path global variable $theme_path = $tc_theme_path; //RESET $iconset according to the new theme $iconset = TikiLib::lib('iconset')->getIconsetForTheme($tc_theme, $tc_theme_option); //RESET theme prefs $prefs['theme'] = $tc_theme; $prefs['theme_option'] = $tc_theme_option; } }