File: tiki-tracker_http_request_itemslist.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-tracker_http_request_itemslist.php 48614 2013-11-21 05:48:54Z nkoth $ // TODO - refactor to ajax-services then KILME /** * Handler for (XHR) requests from the trackerfield type itemslist. * @see lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemsList.php for furher details. */ require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; if (!is_object($categlib)) { include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } } if ($prefs['feature_trackers'] != 'y') { die; } $arrayTrackerId = explode(',', $_GET["trackerIdList"]); $arrayMandatory = explode(',', $_GET["mandatory"]); if (isset($_GET['selected'])) $arraySelected = explode(',', utf8_encode(rawurldecode($_GET["selected"]))); $arrayFieldlist = explode(',', $_GET["fieldlist"]); $arrayFilterfield = explode(',', $_GET["filterfield"]); $arrayStatus = explode(',', $_GET["status"]); $arrayItem = explode(',', $_GET['item']); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('content-type: application/x-javascript'); Perms::bulk(array( 'type' => 'tracker' ), 'object', $arrayTrackerId); $json_return = array(); for ($index = 0, $count_arrayTrackerId = count($arrayTrackerId); $index < $count_arrayTrackerId; $index++) { $arrayFieldlistMultiple = explode('|',$arrayFieldlist[$index]); $tikilib->get_perm_object($arrayTrackerId[$index], 'tracker'); $filtervalue = utf8_encode(rawurldecode($_GET["filtervalue"])); if (!empty($_GET['item'])) { // we want the value of field filterfield for item $filtervalue = $trklib-> get_item_value($arrayTrackerId[$index], $arrayItem[$index], $arrayFilterfield[$index]); if (!$filtervalue) { $otherField = $trklib->get_tracker_field($arrayFilterfield[$index]); if ($otherField['type'] == 'r') { // filterFieldIdThere is itemlink, so get the filtervalue from what that links to $filtervalue = $trklib->get_item_value($otherField['options_array'][0], $arrayItem[$index], $otherField['options_array'][1]); } else if ($otherField['type'] == 'u') { $exactvalue = $arrayItem[$index]; } } } if ($filtervalue || !empty($exactvalue)) { $xfields = $trklib->list_tracker_fields($arrayTrackerId[$index], 0, -1, 'name_asc', '','','',$arrayFieldlistMultiple); $listfields = array(); foreach ($xfields["data"] as $idfi => $val) { $fid = $xfields["data"][$idfi]["fieldId"]; $dfid = $idfi; $listfields[$fid]['fieldId'] = $fid; $listfields[$fid]['type'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["type"]; $listfields[$fid]['name'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["name"]; $listfields[$fid]['options'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["options"]; $listfields[$fid]['options_array'] = explode(',', $xfields["data"][$dfid]["options"]); $listfields[$fid]['isMain'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["isMain"]; $listfields[$fid]['isTblVisible'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["isTblVisible"]; $listfields[$fid]['isHidden'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["isHidden"]; $listfields[$fid]['isSearchable'] = $xfields["data"][$dfid]["isSearchable"]; } if ($filtervalue) { //$items = $trklib->list_items($arrayTrackerId[$index], 0, -1, '', $listfields, $arrayFilterfield[$index], $filtervalue, $arrayStatus[$index]); $items = $trklib->list_items($arrayTrackerId[$index], 0, -1, '', $listfields, $arrayFilterfield[$index], '', $arrayStatus[$index], '' ,$filtervalue); } elseif (!empty($exactvalue)) { $items = $trklib->list_items($arrayTrackerId[$index], 0, -1, '', $listfields, $arrayFilterfield[$index], $filtervalue, $arrayStatus[$index], '', $exactvalue); } foreach ($items['data'] as $item) { //$field = $item['field_values'][0]; $valueField = $item['itemId']; $labelField = ''; $context = array('showlinks' => 'n'); $prefix = ''; // if multiple display fields are selected, we do not want them listed as separate entries like multiple items. // only items should be separate entries. thus multiple displayfields need to get merged. foreach ($item['field_values'] as $field ) { if ($field['type'] === 'e' && !empty($field['list'])) { // for category fields get the label not the value // possibly required for other field types after 11.0? $label = $trklib->get_field_handler($field, $item)->renderOutput($context); $label = str_replace('<br/>', ',', $label); // categories can be many so replace html } else if ($field['type'] == 'r') { $label = $trklib->get_field_handler($field, $item)->renderOutput($context); } else { $label = $trklib->get_field_handler($field, $item)->renderOutput($context); } $labelField .= $prefix. $label; if (!$prefix) { $prefix = ' '; } } $json_return[] = array($valueField, $labelField); } } } $access = TikiLib::lib('access'); $access->output_serialized($json_return);