File: tiki-view_blog_post.php
<?php /** * @package tikiwiki */ // (c) Copyright 2002-2015 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-view_blog_post.php 53946 2015-02-16 09:13:17Z xavidp $ $section = 'blogs'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $bloglib = TikiLib::lib('blog'); $auto_query_args = array( 'postId', 'blogId', 'offset', 'find', 'sort_mode', 'page', 'mode', 'show_comments' ); $access->check_feature('feature_blogs'); if (empty($_REQUEST["postId"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('No post indicated')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } else { $postId = $_REQUEST['postId']; } $post_info = $bloglib->get_post($postId); if (!$post_info) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Post not found")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } else { $bloglib->add_blog_post_hit($postId); } $blogId = $post_info['blogId']; //Keep track of month of last viewed posts for months_links module foldable display $_SESSION['blogs_last_viewed_month'] = TikiLib::date_format("%Y-%m", $post_info['created']); $blog_data = $bloglib->get_blog($blogId); if (!$blog_data) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Blog not found")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $tikilib->get_perm_object($blogId, 'blog'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_read_blog', '', 'blog post', $postId); # Check also for local permissions at blog level, to ensure that when tiki_p_read_blog is not allowed at object level, # regardless of the global perm set, their posts are not allowed either to be read $access->check_permission('tiki_p_read_blog', '', 'blog', $blogId); $ownsblog = 'n'; if ($user && $user == $blog_data["user"]) { $ownsblog = 'y'; } $ownspost = 'n'; if ($user && $user == $post_info["user"]) { $ownspost = 'y'; } if ($ownspost == 'n' && $ownsblog == 'n' && $tiki_p_blog_admin != 'y' && $post_info["priv"] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to view this blog post while it is marked as private")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if ($ownspost == 'n' && $ownsblog == 'n' && $tiki_p_blog_admin != 'y' && $post_info['created'] > $tikilib->now) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Permission denied')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $allowprivate = 'n'; if(($user && $ownsblog == 'y') || $tiki_p_blog_admin == 'y') { $allowprivate = 'y'; } $post_info['adjacent'] = $bloglib->_get_adjacent_posts($blogId, $post_info['created'], $tiki_p_blog_admin == 'y'? null: $tikilib->now, $user, $allowprivate); if (isset($post_info['priv']) && ($post_info['priv'] == 'y')) { $post_info['title'] .= ' (' . tra("private") . ')'; } if ($prefs['feature_freetags'] == 'y') { // Get Tags $freetaglib = TikiLib::lib('freetag'); $post_info['freetags'] = $freetaglib->get_tags_on_object($postId, "blog post"); if ($blog_data['show_related'] == 'y' && !empty($post_info['freetags'])) { $post_info['related_posts'] = $bloglib->get_related_posts($postId, $blog_data['related_max']); } } // We need to figure out in which section and theme we are before any call to tiki-modules.php // which needs $tc_theme for deciding on the visible modules everywhere in the page $cat_type = 'blog'; $cat_objid = $blogId; include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); // Blog comment mail if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { if ($user && isset($_REQUEST['watch_event'])) { check_ticket('blog'); if ($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'add') { $tikilib->add_user_watch( $user, $_REQUEST['watch_event'], $_REQUEST['watch_object'], 'blog', $blog_data['title'], "tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=" . $_REQUEST['postId'] ); } else { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user, $_REQUEST['watch_event'], $_REQUEST['watch_object'], 'blog'); } } $smarty->assign('user_watching_blog', 'n'); if ($user && $tikilib->user_watches($user, 'blog_comment_changes', $_REQUEST['postId'], 'blog')) { $smarty->assign('user_watching_blog', 'y'); } // Check, if the user is watching this blog by a category. if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $watching_categories_temp = $categlib->get_watching_categories($_REQUEST['postId'], 'blog', $user); $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'n'); if (count($watching_categories_temp) > 0) { $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'y'); $watching_categories = array(); foreach ($watching_categories_temp as $wct) { $watching_categories[] = array( "categId" => $wct, "name" => $categlib->get_category_name($wct) ); } $smarty->assign('watching_categories', $watching_categories); } } } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $cat_type = 'blog post'; $cat_objid = $postId; require_once('categorize_list.php'); } $smarty->assign('ownsblog', $ownsblog); if ($post_info['wysiwyg'] !== 'y') { $post_info['data'] = TikiLib::htmldecode($post_info['data']); } $smarty->assign('postId', $postId); $smarty->assign('blog_data', $blog_data); $smarty->assign('blogId', $blogId); $smarty->assign('headtitle', $post_info['title'] . ' : ' . $blog_data['title']); $smarty->assign('title', $post_info['title'] . ' : ' . $blog_data['title']); if (!isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) { $_REQUEST['offset'] = 0; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort_mode'])) { $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] = 'created_desc'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['find'])) { $_REQUEST['find'] = ''; } $smarty->assign('offset', $_REQUEST["offset"]); $smarty->assign('sort_mode', $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]); $smarty->assign('find', $_REQUEST["find"]); $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; $find = $_REQUEST["find"]; if ($post_info['wysiwyg'] == "y") { $parsed_data = $tikilib->parse_data($post_info["data"], array('is_html' => true)); } else { $parsed_data = $tikilib->parse_data($post_info["data"]); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $_REQUEST['page'] = 1; } $pages = $bloglib->get_number_of_pages($parsed_data); $post_info['parsed_data'] = $bloglib->get_page($parsed_data, $_REQUEST['page']); $post_info['pages'] = $pages; if ($pages > $_REQUEST['page']) { $post_info['next_page'] = $_REQUEST['page'] + 1; } else { $post_info['next_page'] = $_REQUEST['page']; } if ($_REQUEST['page'] > 1) { $post_info['prev_page'] = $_REQUEST['page'] - 1; } else { $post_info['prev_page'] = 1; } $post_info['first_page'] = 1; $post_info['last_page'] = $pages; $post_info['pagenum'] = $_REQUEST['page']; $smarty->assign('post_info', $post_info); if ($user && $prefs['feature_notepad'] == 'y' && $tiki_p_notepad == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['savenotepad'])) { check_ticket('view-blog-post'); $tikilib->replace_note($user, 0, $post_info['title'] ? $post_info['title'] : $tikilib->date_format("%d/%m/%Y [%H:%M]", $post_info['created']), $post_info['data']); } ask_ticket('view-blog-post'); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-view_blog_post.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");