This directory contains source code to TikiWiki CMS/Groupware TikiWiki CMS/Groupware is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It is a community-driven project. It exists and improves by the participation of people just like YOU. INSTALLATION ------------ The rest of this document includes parts of the online documentation that might be enough to get you running TikiWiki. For more details, please see: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Installation Before you get started it is a good idea to know: * Your database name, database user name and password * Your Apache user and group ID (e.g. www-user and www-data) If you are using the RPM that is available you can skip down to step three. If you are installing on windows with XAMPP, you can also skip down to step three. These are notes on how to setup and configure TikiWiki. ---------------------------- Step one: unpack the archive ---------------------------- Unpack the TikiWiki files to the document root of where you want it installed, e.g. /var/www/tiki/ To unpack the bz2 file, use: tar xjf tikiwiki-[version].tar.bz2 ----------------------------------------- Step two: run setup.sh to set permissions ----------------------------------------- Run .setup and follow the instructions # sh setup.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------- Step three: create the database -------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a database for TikiWiki - either using PhpMyAdmin and MySQL - or on the command line "mysqladmin create dbname" the database name is usually called "tikiwiki" Be sure to record the following items: - The database name - The user name and password that has admin authority in the database. ------------------------------ Step four: browser-based setup ------------------------------ * Point your browser to the web address that corresponds to the file tiki-install.php (e.g. http://localhost/tiki/tiki-install.php) * Follow the instructions there you'll need the password and user name for your database * use a profile to populate your database. * To log into TikiWiki for the first time: - user: admin - password: admin ------------------------------ Step five: configure your site ------------------------------ Next you can configure TikiWiki to your suit needs: * Choose which features you want enabled - go to tiki-admin.php by clicking on the "Admin" or "Admin Home" link on the left side of your screen * (Optionally) create groups of users that share permissions * Assign appropriate permissions Good luck and have fun with TikiWiki CMS/Groupware! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT LINKS --------------- * General information & overview http://info.tikiwiki.org * Official TikiWiki documentation website http://doc.tikiwiki.org * Forums & community http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-forums.php * Developers http://dev.tikiwiki.org * Themes & styling http://themes.tikiwiki.org * Security http://security.tikiwiki.org * IRC chat channel: #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net http://irc.tikiwiki.org/ ps: Now you may want to come to http://www.tikiwiki.org and join the community!