File: tiki-index.php
<?php // $Id: tiki-index.php 19487 2009-06-13 07:59:21Z nyloth $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'action' => 'word', //'attach_comment' => '', TODO // 'atts_show' => '', TODO 'best_lang' => 'alpha', 'bl' => 'alpha', //'copyrightpage' => '', TODO 'page' => 'pagename', 'page_id' => 'digits', 'pagenum' => 'digits', 'page_ref_id' => 'digits', 'mode' => 'word', 'removeattach' => 'digits', 'sort_mode' => 'word', //'structure' => '', TODO 'watch_action' => 'word', 'watch_event' => 'word', //'watch_object' => 'word', TODO ) ), ); // Initialization $section = 'wiki page'; require_once('tiki-setup.php'); if( $prefs['feature_wiki_structure'] == 'y' ) { include_once('lib/structures/structlib.php'); } include_once('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); include_once('lib/stats/statslib.php'); include_once('lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php'); require_once ("lib/wiki/wiki-ajax.php"); require_once ("lib/wiki/renderlib.php"); $auto_query_args = array('page','best_lang','bl','page_id','pagenum','page_ref_id','mode','sort_mode'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; if (!is_object($categlib)) { include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } } $access->check_feature( 'feature_wiki' ); if(!isset($_SESSION['thedate'])) { $thedate = $tikilib->now; } else { $thedate = $_SESSION['thedate']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['page_id'])) { $_REQUEST['page'] = $tikilib->get_page_name_from_id($_REQUEST['page_id']); //TODO: introduce a get_info_from_id to save a sql request } $use_best_language = false; if ((!isset($_REQUEST['page']) || $_REQUEST['page'] == '') and !isset($_REQUEST['page_ref_id'])) { if ($tiki_p_view == 'n') { $access->display_error( $page, tra('Permission denied you cannot view this page'), '403'); } else { $access->display_error( '', tra('No name indicated for wiki page')); } } $use_best_language = $use_best_language || isset($_REQUEST['bl']) || isset($_REQUEST['best_lang']) || isset($_REQUEST['switchLang']); $info = null; $structs_with_perm = array(); if( $prefs['feature_wiki_structure'] == 'y' ) { $structure = 'n'; $smarty->assign('structure',$structure); // Feature checks made in the function for structure language $structlib->use_user_language_preferences(); if (isset($_REQUEST['page_ref_id'])) { // If a structure page has been requested $page_ref_id = $_REQUEST['page_ref_id']; } else { // else check if page is the head of a structure $page_ref_id = $structlib->get_struct_ref_if_head($_REQUEST['page']); } //If a structure page isnt going to be displayed if (!isset($page_ref_id)) { //Check to see if its a member of any structures if (isset($_REQUEST['structure']) && !empty($_REQUEST['structure'])) { $struct=$_REQUEST['structure']; } else { $struct=''; } //Get the structures this page is a member of $structs = $structlib->get_page_structures($_REQUEST["page"],$struct); foreach ($structs as $t_structs) { if ($tikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$t_structs['pageName'],'wiki page','tiki_p_view')) { $structs_with_perm[] = $t_structs; } } //If page is only member of one structure, display if requested $single_struct = count($structs_with_perm) == 1; if ((!empty($struct) || $prefs['feature_wiki_open_as_structure'] == 'y') && $single_struct) { $page_ref_id=$structs_with_perm[0]['req_page_ref_id']; $_REQUEST['page_ref_id']=$page_ref_id; } } } if(isset($page_ref_id)) { $page_info = $structlib->s_get_page_info($page_ref_id); $info = null; // others still need a good set page name or they will get confused. // comments of home page were all visible on every structure page $_REQUEST['page'] = $page_info['pageName']; } else { $page_ref_id = ''; $smarty->assign('showstructs', $structs_with_perm); $smarty->assign('page_ref_id', $page_ref_id); } $page = $_REQUEST['page']; $smarty->assign_by_ref('page',$page); if ( function_exists('utf8_encode') ) { $pagename_utf8 = utf8_encode($page); if ( $page != $pagename_utf8 && ! $tikilib->page_exists($page) && $tikilib->page_exists($pagename_utf8) ) { $page = $_REQUEST["page"] = $pagename_utf8; } } // Get page data, if available if (!$info) $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); // If the page doesn't exist then display an error if(empty($info) && !($user && $prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y' && strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'].$user, $page) == 0)) { if ($user && $prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y' && strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'], $page) == 0) { header('Location: tiki-index.php?page='.$prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'].$user); die; } if ($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y' && strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'], substr($page, 0, strlen($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix']))) == 0) $isUserPage = true; else $isUserPage = false; $likepages = $wikilib->get_like_pages($page); /* if we have exactly one match, redirect to it */ if(count($likepages) == 1 && !$isUserPage) { $access->redirect( "tiki-index.php?page={$likepages[0]}" ); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('likepages', $likepages); $smarty->assign('create', $isUserPage? 'n': 'y'); $access->display_error( $page, tra('Page cannot be found'), '404' ); } if (empty($info) && $user && $prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y' && (strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'].$user, $page) == 0 || strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'], $page) == 0 )) { header('Location: tiki-editpage.php?page='.$prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'].$user); die; } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_sync_language'] == 'y' && !empty($info['lang'])) { $_SESSION['s_prefs']['language'] = $info['lang']; $prefs['language'] = $info['lang']; } $page = $info['pageName']; $pageRenderer = new WikiRenderer( $info, $user ); $pageRenderer->applyPermissions(); if( $page_ref_id ) $pageRenderer->setStructureInfo( $page_info ); // Now check permissions to access this page if( ! $pageRenderer->canView ) { $access->display_error( $page, tra('Permission denied you cannot view this page'), '403'); } // Convert page to structure if (isset($_REQUEST['convertstructure']) && isset($structs) && count($structs) == 0) { $page_ref_id = $structlib->s_create_page(0, null, $page); header('Location: tiki-index.php?page_ref_id='.$page_ref_id ); exit; } if(isset($_REQUEST['copyrightpage'])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('copyrightpage',$_REQUEST['copyrightpage']); } // BreadCrumbNavigation here // Remember to reverse the array when posting the array if(!isset($_SESSION['breadCrumb'])) { $_SESSION['breadCrumb']=Array(); } if(!in_array($page,$_SESSION['breadCrumb'])) { if(count($_SESSION['breadCrumb'])>$prefs['userbreadCrumb']) { array_shift($_SESSION['breadCrumb']); } array_push($_SESSION['breadCrumb'],$page); } else { // If the page is in the array move to the last position $pos = array_search($page, $_SESSION['breadCrumb']); unset($_SESSION['breadCrumb'][$pos]); array_push($_SESSION['breadCrumb'],$page); } // Now increment page hits since we are visiting this page if($prefs['count_admin_pvs'] == 'y' || $user!='admin') { $tikilib->add_hit($page); } // Check if we have to perform an action for this page // for example lock/unlock if ( ($tiki_p_admin_wiki == 'y') || ($user and ($tiki_p_lock == 'y') and ($prefs['feature_wiki_usrlock'] == 'y')) ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) ) { check_ticket('index'); if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'lock' ) { $wikilib->lock_page($page); $pageRenderer->setInfo('flag', 'L'); $info['flag'] = 'L'; } } } if ( ($tiki_p_admin_wiki == 'y') || ($user and ($user == $info['user']) and ($tiki_p_lock == 'y') and ($prefs['feature_wiki_usrlock'] == 'y')) ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) ) { check_ticket('index'); if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'unlock' ) { $wikilib->unlock_page($page); $pageRenderer->setInfo('flag', 'U'); $info['flag'] = 'U'; } } } // Save to notepad if user wants to if($user && $tiki_p_notepad == 'y' && $prefs['feature_notepad'] == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['savenotepad'])) { check_ticket('index'); $tikilib->replace_note($user,0,$page,$info['data']); } // Process an undo here if ( isset($_REQUEST['undo']) ) { if ( $pageRenderer->canUndo() ) { $area = 'delundopage'; if ( $prefs['feature_ticketlib2'] != 'y' or (isset($_POST['daconfirm']) and isset($_SESSION["ticket_$area"])) ) { key_check($area); // Remove the last version $wikilib->remove_last_version($page); // If page was deleted then re-create if ( ! $tikilib->page_exists($page) ) { $tikilib->create_page($page, 0, '', $tikilib->now, 'Tiki initialization'); } // Restore page information $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); $pageRenderer->setInfos($info); } else { key_get($area); } } } if(isset($_REQUEST['refresh'])) { check_ticket('index'); $tikilib->invalidate_cache($page); } $cat_type = 'wiki page'; $cat_objid = $page; include_once('tiki-section_options.php'); if( isset( $_REQUEST['pagenum'] ) && $_REQUEST['pagenum'] > 0 ) { $pageRenderer->setPageNumber( (int) $_REQUEST['pagenum'] ); } if (isset($_SESSION['saved_msg']) && $_SESSION['saved_msg'] == $info['pageName'] && $info['user'] == $user ) { // Generate the 'Page has been saved...' message require_once('lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php'); $smarty->assign('saved_msg', sprintf( tra('Page saved (version %d).'), $info['version'] ) ); unset($_SESSION['saved_msg']); } // Comments engine! if ($prefs['feature_wiki_comments'] == 'y' and $tiki_p_wiki_view_comments == 'y') { $comments_per_page = $prefs['wiki_comments_per_page']; $thread_sort_mode = $prefs['wiki_comments_default_ordering']; $comments_vars=Array('page'); $comments_prefix_var='wiki page:'; $comments_object_var='page'; include_once('comments.php'); } if($prefs['feature_wiki_attachments'] == 'y') { if(isset($_REQUEST['removeattach'])) { check_ticket('index'); $owner = $wikilib->get_attachment_owner($_REQUEST['removeattach']); if( ($user && ($owner == $user) ) || ($tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments == 'y') ) { $area = 'removeattach'; if ($prefs['feature_ticketlib2'] != 'y' or (isset($_POST['daconfirm']) and isset($_SESSION["ticket_$area"]))) { key_check($area); $wikilib->remove_wiki_attachment($_REQUEST['removeattach']); } else { key_get($area); } } $pageRenderer->setShowAttachments( 'y' ); } if(isset($_REQUEST['attach']) && ($tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments == 'y' || $tiki_p_wiki_attach_files == 'y')) { check_ticket('index'); // Process an attachment here if(isset($_FILES['userfile1'])&&is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile1']['tmp_name'])) { $ret = $tikilib->attach_file($_FILES['userfile1']['name'], $_FILES['userfile1']['tmp_name'], $prefs['w_use_db']== 'y'? 'db': 'dir'); if ($ret['ok']) { // Set "data" field only if we're using db if( $prefs['w_use_db'] == 'y' ) { $wikilib->wiki_attach_file($page, $_FILES['userfile1']['name'], $_FILES['userfile1']['type'], $_FILES['userfile1']['size'], $ret['data'], $_REQUEST['attach_comment'], $user, $ret['fhash']); } else { $wikilib->wiki_attach_file($page, $_FILES['userfile1']['name'], $_FILES['userfile1']['type'], $_FILES['userfile1']['size'], '', $_REQUEST['attach_comment'], $user, $ret['fhash']); } } else { $access->display_error( '', $ret['error'] ); } } } if( isset( $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] ) ) $pageRenderer->setSortMode( $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] ); if( isset( $_REQUEST['atts_show'] ) ) $pageRenderer->setShowAttachments( $_REQUEST['atts_show'] ); } // Watches if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { if($user && isset($_REQUEST['watch_event']) && !isset($_REQUEST['watch_group'])) { check_ticket('index'); if (($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'add_desc' || $_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'remove_desc') && $tiki_p_watch_structure != 'y') { $access->display_error( $page, tra('Permission denied'), '403'); } if($_REQUEST['watch_action']=='add') { $tikilib->add_user_watch($user,$_REQUEST['watch_event'],$_REQUEST['watch_object'],'wiki page',$page,"tiki-index.php?page=$page"); } elseif($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'add_desc') { $tikilib->add_user_watch($user,$_REQUEST['watch_event'],$_REQUEST['watch_object'],'structure',$page,"tiki-index.php?page=$page&structure=".$_REQUEST['structure']); } elseif($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'remove_desc') { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user,$_REQUEST['watch_event'],$_REQUEST['watch_object'],'structure'); } else { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user,$_REQUEST['watch_event'],$_REQUEST['watch_object']); } } } $sameurl_elements=Array('pageName','page'); if(isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && $_REQUEST['mode']=='mobile') { include_once('lib/hawhaw/hawtikilib.php'); HAWTIKI_index($info); } ask_ticket('index'); //add a hit $statslib->stats_hit($page,'wiki'); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { include_once('lib/logs/logslib.php'); $logslib->add_action('Viewed', $page); } // Detect if we have a PDF export mod installed $smarty->assign('pdf_export', file_exists('lib/mozilla2ps/mod_urltopdf.php') ? 'y' : 'n'); // Display the Index Template $pageRenderer->runSetups(); $smarty->assign('mid','tiki-show_page.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); // xdebug_dump_function_profile(XDEBUG_PROFILER_CPU); // debug: print all objects ?>