File: tiki-magic.php
<?php require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/admin/magiclib.php'); $featureChain = $_REQUEST['featurechain']; $featurePage = explode('/', $featureChain); $featureId = $featurePage[count($featurePage) - 1]; if ($prefs['feature_magic'] != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_magic"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $feature = $magiclib->get_feature($featureId); $smarty->assign('feature', $feature); $smarty->assign('title', $feature['feature_name']); /* * $$feature['permission'] is slightly magic. It's checking the value of the name of the variable that is in feature['permission']. * If feature['permission'] is 'tiki_p_wiki_admin', it is checking if $tiki_p_wiki_admin has the value 'y'. */ if ($$feature['permission'] != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if( isset( $_REQUEST['refresh'] ) ) { $magiclib->reload_features(); } $headerlib->add_cssfile('css/spanky.css'); $template ='tiki-magic'; // If there's an assigned template for a feature; show it if the feature has no children (i.e. it's a leaf feature), or if // the feature is a container type (to allow overriding the setting list behaviour). // For a feature/system thing; the template shouldn't be used, as that would prevent you from configuring it. if ($feature['template'] != '' && $feature['feature_count'] == 0 && $magiclib->is_container($feature) ) { if ($feature['templateinclude'] != '') { include_once($feature['templateinclude']); $mid = $smarty->get_template_vars('mid'); if( is_null( $mid ) ) { $smarty->assign('mid', $feature['smartytemplate']); // Containers need to display the tiki, and that's just the way it is. $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); } } else { // if there's a template, but it's not an include; redirect. header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header ("Location:" . $feature['pageurl']); } exit; } $pagefeatures = array($feature); $containers = array(); $hasCategories = false; $hasLanguages = false; $hasTimezones = false; if ($featureId != '' && is_numeric($featureId)) { get_features($featureId); } else { get_features(0); $featureId = 0; } if ($_POST['submit'] != '') { /* Warning Level Fix: Check if the 'submit' is a key first */ check_ticket('tiki_magic'); foreach($pagefeatures as $feature) { if ($feature['feature_type'] == 'flag') { $magiclib->simple_set_toggle($feature['setting_name']); } else if ($feature['feature_type'] == 'int') { $magiclib->simple_set_int($feature['setting_name']); } else if ($feature['feature_type'] == 'simple') { $magiclib->simple_set_value($feature['setting_name']); } else if ($feature['feature_type'] == 'byref') { $magiclib->byref_set_value($feature['setting_name']); } else if ($feature['feature_type'] == 'feature' || $feature['feature_type'] == 'subfeature') { $magiclib->simple_set_toggle($feature['setting_name']); // save the toggling of features. } else { // All of the special settings are simple underneath. if($feature['multiple'] == 'on') { $magiclib->simple_set_value($feature['setting_name'],'',true); } else { $magiclib->simple_set_value($feature['setting_name']); } } } // Reset the list of features. $pagefeatures = array($magiclib->get_feature($featureId)); get_features($featureId); } ask_ticket('tiki_magic'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('containers', $containers); $smarty->assign('features', $pagefeatures); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-magic.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); // Recursively get the features underneath the specified feature id. function get_features($featureid, $keepContainers = true) { global $magiclib, $pagefeatures, $containers, $prefs; $features = $magiclib->get_child_features($featureid); $cont = array(); if ($features) { foreach($features as $feature) { if ($keepContainers && $magiclib->is_container($feature) && $feature['feature_count'] > 0) { $cont[] = $feature; } else { $pagefeatures[] = $feature; $pref = $feature['setting_name']; if( !isset($prefs[$pref]) || $prefs[$pref] == 'y' ) get_features($feature['feature_id'], false); } } foreach($cont as $feature) { $containers[] = $feature; $pagefeatures[] = $feature; get_features($feature['feature_id'], false); } } } ?>