File: tiki-setup_base.php
<?php // $Id: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-setup_base.php,v 2008-03-22 05:12:47 mose Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } require_once 'tiki-filter-base.php'; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // basic php conf adjustment // xhtml compliance ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&'); // URL session handling is not safe or pretty // better avoid using trans_sid for security reasons ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); // true, but you cannot change the url_rewriter.tags in safe mode ... // its usually safe to leave it as is. //ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ''); // use shared memory for sessions (useful in shared space) // ini_set('session.save_handler', 'mm'); // ... or if you use turck mmcache // ini_set('session.save_handler', 'mmcache'); // ... or if you just cant to store sessions in file // ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); // Smarty workaround - if this would be 'On' in php.ini Smarty fails to parse tags ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase','Off'); ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime',0); ini_set('allow_call_time_pass_reference','On'); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // inclusions of mandatory stuff and setup require_once("lib/setup/compat.php"); require_once("lib/tikiticketlib.php"); require_once("db/tiki-db.php"); require_once("setup_smarty.php"); require_once("lib/tikilib.php"); global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); global $logslib; require_once("lib/logs/logslib.php"); include_once('lib/init/tra.php'); $tikilib = new TikiLib($dbTiki); // Get tiki-setup_base needed preferences in one query $prefs = array(); $needed_prefs = array( 'session_lifetime' => '0', 'session_db' => 'n', 'sessions_silent' => 'disabled', 'language' => 'en', 'feature_pear_date' => 'y', 'lastUpdatePrefs' => -1 ); $tikilib->get_preferences($needed_prefs, true, true); if ( $prefs['lastUpdatePrefs'] == -1 ) { $tikilib->query('insert into `tiki_preferences`(`name`,`value`) values(?,?)', array('lastUpdatePrefs', 1)); } require_once('lib/tikidate.php'); $tikidate = new TikiDate(); // set session lifetime if ($prefs['session_lifetime'] > 0) { ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime',$prefs['session_lifetime']*60); } // is session data stored in DB or in filesystem? if ($prefs['session_db'] == 'y') { if ($api_tiki == 'adodb') { require_once('lib/tikisession-adodb.php'); } elseif ($api_tiki == 'pdo') { require_once('lib/tikisession-pdo.php'); } } // Only accept PHP's session ID in URL when the request comes from the tiki server itself // This is used by features that need to query the server to retrieve tiki's generated html and images (e.g. pdf export) if ( isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' ) { $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] = $_GET['PHPSESSID']; session_id($_GET['PHPSESSID']); } if ( $prefs['sessions_silent'] == 'disabled' or !empty($_COOKIE) ) { // enabing silent sessions mean a session is only started when a cookie is presented session_start(); } // Check if phpCAS mods is installed $phpcas_enabled = is_file('lib/phpcas/source/CAS/CAS.php') ? 'y' : 'n'; // Retrieve all preferences require_once('lib/setup/prefs.php'); // Handle Smarty Security if ( $prefs['smarty_security'] == 'y' ) { $smarty->security = true; } require_once("lib/userslib.php"); $userlib = new UsersLib($dbTiki); require_once("lib/tikiaccesslib.php"); $access = new TikiAccessLib(); require_once("lib/breadcrumblib.php"); // ------------------------------------------------------ // DEAL WITH XSS-TYPE ATTACKS AND OTHER REQUEST ISSUES function remove_gpc(&$var) { if ( is_array($var) ) { foreach ( $var as $key=>$val ) { remove_gpc($var[$key]); } } else { $var = stripslashes($var); } } // mose : simulate strong var type checking for http vars $patterns['int'] = "/^[0-9]*$/"; // *Id $patterns['intSign'] = "/^[-+]?[0-9]*$/"; // *offset, $patterns['char'] = "/^(pref:)?[-,_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/"; // sort_mode $patterns['string'] = "/^<\/?(b|strong|small|br *\/?|ul|li|i)>|[^<>\";#]*$/"; // find, and such extended chars $patterns['stringlist'] = "/^[^<>\"#]*$/"; // to, cc, bcc (for string lists like: user1;user2;user3) $patterns['vars'] = "/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/"; // for variable keys $patterns['dotvars'] = "/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\.]*$/"; // same pattern as a variable key, but that may contain a dot $patterns['hash'] = "/^[a-z0-9]*$/"; // for hash reqId in live support // needed for the htmlpage inclusion in tiki-editpage $patterns['url'] = "/^(https?:\/\/)?[^<>\"']*$/"; // needed for the htmlpage inclusion in tiki-editpage // parameter type definitions. prepend a + if variable may not be empty, e.g. '+int' $vartype['id'] = '+int'; $vartype['forumId'] = '+int'; $vartype['offset'] = 'intSign'; $vartype['prev_offset'] = 'intSign'; $vartype['next_offset'] = 'intSign'; $vartype['thresold'] = 'int'; $vartype['sort_mode'] = '+char'; $vartype['file_sort_mode'] = 'char'; $vartype['file_offset'] = 'int'; $vartype['file_find'] = 'string'; $vartype['file_prev_offset'] = 'intSign'; $vartype['file_next_offset'] = 'intSign'; $vartype['comments_offset'] = 'int'; $vartype['comments_thresold'] = 'int'; $vartype['comments_parentId'] = '+int'; $vartype['thread_sort_mode'] = '+char'; $vartype['thread_style'] = '+char'; $vartype['comments_per_page'] = '+int'; $vartype['topics_offset'] = 'int'; $vartype['topics_sort_mode'] = '+char'; $vartype['priority'] = 'int'; $vartype['theme'] = 'string'; $vartype['flag'] = 'char'; $vartype['lang'] = 'char'; $vartype['language'] = 'char'; $vartype['page'] = 'string'; $vartype['edit_mode'] = 'char'; $vartype['find'] = 'string'; $vartype['topic_find'] = 'string'; $vartype['initial'] = 'char'; $vartype['username'] = '+string'; $vartype['realName'] = 'string'; $vartype['homePage'] = 'string'; $vartype['to'] = 'stringlist'; $vartype['cc'] = 'stringlist'; $vartype['bcc'] = 'stringlist'; $vartype['subject'] = 'string'; $vartype['name'] = 'string'; $vartype['reqId'] = '+hash'; $vartype['days'] = '+int'; $vartype['max'] = '+int'; $vartype['maxRecords'] = '+int'; $vartype['numrows'] = '+int'; $vartype['rows'] = '+int'; $vartype['cols'] = '+int'; $vartype['topicname'] = '+string'; $vartype['error'] = 'string'; $vartype['editmode'] = 'char'; // from calendar $vartype['actpass'] = '+string'; // remind password page $vartype['user'] = '+string'; // remind password page $vartype['remind'] = 'string'; // remind password page $vartype['url'] = 'url'; $vartype['game'] = 'string'; // from games // galaxia $vartype['aid'] = '+int'; $vartype['description'] = 'string'; $vartype['filter_active'] = 'char'; $vartype['filter_name'] = 'string'; $vartype['newmajor'] = '+int'; $vartype['newminor'] = '+int'; $vartype['pid'] = '+int'; $vartype['remove_role'] = '+int'; $vartype['rolename'] = 'char'; $vartype['type'] = 'string'; $vartype['userole'] = 'int'; $vartype['focus'] = 'string'; $vartype['filegals_manager'] = 'vars'; $vartype['ver'] = 'dotvars'; // filename hash for drawlib + rss type for rsslib $vartype['trackerId'] = 'int'; $vartype['articleId'] = 'int'; $vartype['galleryId'] = 'int'; $vartype['blogId'] = 'int'; $vartype['postId'] = 'int'; $vartype['calendarId'] = 'int'; $vartype['faqId'] = 'int'; $vartype['quizId'] = 'int'; $vartype['sheetId'] = 'int'; $vartype['surveyId'] = 'int'; $vartype['nlId'] = 'int'; $vartype['chartId'] = 'int'; $vartype['categoryId'] = 'int'; $vartype['parentId'] = 'int'; $vartype['bannerId'] = 'int'; $vartype['rssId'] = 'int'; $vartype['page_ref_id'] = 'int'; function varcheck(&$array, $category) { global $patterns, $vartype, $prefs; $return = array(); if ( is_array($array) ) { foreach ( $array as $rq => $rv ) { // check if the variable name is allowed if ( ! preg_match($patterns['vars'], $rq) ) { //die(tra("Invalid variable name : "). htmlspecialchars($rq)); } elseif ( isset($vartype["$rq"]) ) { $has_sign = false; // Variable allowed to be empty? if ( '+' == substr($vartype[$rq], 0, 1) ) { if ( $rv == "" ) { $return[] = tra("Notice: this variable may not be empty:") .' <font color="red">$'.$category.'["'.$rq.'"]</font>'; continue; } $has_sign = true; } if ( is_array($rv) ) { $tmp = varcheck($array[$rq], $category); if ($tmp != "") { $return[] = $tmp; } } else { // Check single parameters $pattern_key = $has_sign ? substr($vartype[$rq], 1) : $vartype[$rq]; if ( ! preg_match($patterns[$pattern_key], $rv) ) { $return[] = tra("Notice: invalid variable value:") .' $'.$category.'["'.$rq.'"] = <font color="red">'.htmlspecialchars($rv).'</font>'; $array[$rq] = ''; // Clear content } } } } } return implode('<br />', $return); } unset($_COOKIE['offset']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['highlight'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['highlight'])) $_REQUEST['highlight'] = ''; $_REQUEST['highlight'] = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['highlight']); // Convert back sanitization tags into real tags to avoid them to be displayed $_REQUEST['highlight'] = str_replace('<x>', '<x>', $_REQUEST['highlight']); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { ini_set('session.cookie_path', str_replace( "\\", "/", dirname($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]))); } if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; } if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } // in the case of tikis on same domain we have to distinguish the realm // changed cookie and session variable name by a name made with browsertitle $cookie_site = ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "", $prefs['cookie_name']); $user_cookie_site = 'tiki-user-'.$cookie_site; // if remember me is enabled, check for cookie where auth hash is stored // user gets logged in as the first user in the db with a matching hash if (($prefs['rememberme'] != 'disabled') and (isset($_COOKIE["$user_cookie_site"])) and (!isset($user) and !isset($_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"]))) { if ($prefs['feature_intertiki'] == 'y' and !empty($prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster']) and $prefs['feature_intertiki_sharedcookie'] == 'y') { $rpcauth = $userlib->get_remote_user_by_cookie($_COOKIE["$user_cookie_site"]); if (is_object($rpcauth)) { $response_value = $rpcauth->value(); if (is_object($response_value)) { $user = $response_value->scalarval(); } } } else { $user = $userlib->get_user_by_cookie($_COOKIE["$user_cookie_site"]); } if ($user) { $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = $user; } } // if the auth method is 'web site', look for the username in $_SERVER if (($prefs['auth_method'] == 'ws') and (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']))) { if ($userlib->user_exists($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } elseif ($userlib->user_exists(str_replace("\\\\", "\\",$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']))) { // Check for the domain\username with just one backslash $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = str_replace("\\\\", "\\",$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); } elseif ($userlib->user_exists(substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], strpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], "\\") + 2))){ // Check for the username without the domain name $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], strpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], "\\") + 2); } } // Check for Shibboleth Login if ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'shib' and isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){ // Validate the user (if not created create it) if($userlib->validate_user($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],"","","")){ $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } } // if the username is already saved in the session, pull it from there if (isset($_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"])) { $user = $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"]; // There could be a case where the session contains a user that doesn't exists in this tiki // or that has never used the login step in this tiki. // Example : If using the same PHP SESSION cookies for more than one tiki. $user_details = $userlib->get_user_details($user); if ( ! is_array($user_details) || ! is_array($user_details['info']) || (int)$user_details['info']['lastLogin'] <= 0 ) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$user); $user_details = $userlib->get_user_details($user); if ( ! is_array($user_details) || ! is_array($user_details['info'])) { $user = NULL; } } unset($user_details); } else { $user = NULL; // if everything failed, check for user+pass params in the URL // this is needed for access to things like RSS feeds that are configured to be // be visible to registered users and/or certain groups // ##################################################################################### // Note: if you uncomment the following section, people are allowed to log in using // GET (username and password in URL). That is some kind of insecure, because // password and username are not encrypted and visible and browser caches etc, besides // that someone could try to break in with brute force attacks. So uncomment this only // if you are in a trusted environment (maybe intranet) and want to ignore the risks. // ##################################################################################### // $isvalid = false; // if (isset($_REQUEST["user"]) && isset($_REQUEST["pass"])) { // $isvalid = $userlib->validate_user($_REQUEST["user"], $_REQUEST["pass"], '', ''); // if ($isvalid) { // $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = $_REQUEST["user"]; // $user = $_REQUEST["user"]; // $smarty->assign_by_ref('user', $user); // // Now since the user is valid we put the user provpassword as the password // $userlib->confirm_user($user); // } // } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $cachelib->isCached("allperms") ) { $allperms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', ''); $cachelib->cacheItem("allperms",serialize($allperms)); } else { $allperms = unserialize($cachelib->getCached("allperms")); } $allperms = $allperms["data"]; // Initializes permissions $admin_perms = array(); foreach ( $allperms as $vperm ) { $perm = $vperm["permName"]; $$perm = 'n'; $smarty->assign("$perm", 'n'); if ( $vperm['admin'] == 'y' ) { $admin_perms[] = $perm; } } // Permissions if ( $user && ( $user == 'admin' || $userlib->user_has_permission($user, 'tiki_p_admin') ) ) { // Gives admins all permissions foreach ($allperms as $vperm) { $perm = $vperm['permName']; $$perm = 'y'; $smarty->assign($perm, 'y'); } } else { $perms = $userlib->get_user_detailled_permissions($user); foreach ($perms as $perm) { $smarty->assign($perm['permName'], 'y'); $$perm['permName'] = 'y'; if ( in_array($perm['permName'], $admin_perms) ) { // assign all perms of the perm type $ps = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', $perm['type']); foreach ($ps['data'] as $p) { $$p['permName'] = 'y'; $smarty->assign($p['permName'], 'y'); } } } } unset($admin_perms); unset($allperms); // -------------------------------------------------------------- $magic_quotes_gpc = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $clean_xss = ( $tiki_p_trust_input != 'y' ); // deal with register_globals if ( ini_get('register_globals') ) { foreach ( array($_ENV, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER) as $superglob ) { foreach ( $superglob as $key=>$val ) { if ( isset($GLOBALS[$key]) && $GLOBALS[$key]==$val ) { // if global has been set some other way // that is OK (prevents munging of $_SERVER with ?_SERVER=rubbish etc.) unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } } } $serverFilter = new DeclFilter; if( $clean_xss ) { $serverFilter->addStaticKeyFilters( array( 'QUERY_STRING' => 'xss', 'REQUEST_URI' => 'xss', 'PHP_SELF' => 'xss', ) ); } $jitServer = new JitFilter( $_SERVER ); $_SERVER = $serverFilter->filter( $_SERVER ); if( $magic_quotes_gpc ) { remove_gpc($_GET); remove_gpc($_POST); remove_gpc($_COOKIE); } // Rebuild request after gpc fix // _REQUEST should only contain GET and POST in the app $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); // Preserve unfiltered values accessible through JIT filtering $jitPost = new JitFilter( $_POST ); $jitGet = new JitFilter( $_GET ); $jitRequest = new JitFilter( $_REQUEST ); $jitCookie = new JitFilter( $_COOKIE ); $jitPost->setDefaultFilter( 'xss' ); $jitGet->setDefaultFilter( 'xss' ); $jitRequest->setDefaultFilter( 'xss' ); $jitCookie->setDefaultFilter( 'xss' ); // Apply configured filters to all other input if( ! isset( $inputConfiguration ) ) $inputConfiguration = array(); $inputFilter = DeclFilter::fromConfiguration( $inputConfiguration, array('catchAllFilter') ); if( $clean_xss ) { $inputFilter->addCatchAllFilter('xss'); } $_GET = $inputFilter->filter( $_GET ); $_POST = $inputFilter->filter( $_POST ); $_COOKIE = $inputFilter->filter( $_COOKIE ); // Rebuild request with filtered values $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); if ( $tiki_p_trust_input != 'y' ) { $varcheck_vars = array('_COOKIE', '_GET', '_POST', '_ENV', '_SERVER'); $varcheck_errors = ''; foreach ( $varcheck_vars as $var ) { if ( ! isset($$var) ) continue; if ( ( $tmp = varcheck($$var, $var) ) != '' ) { if ( $varcheck_errors != '' ) $varcheck_errors .= '<br />'; $varcheck_errors .= $tmp; } } unset($tmp); } // deal with old request globals (e.g. used by Smarty) $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'] =& $_GET; $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'] =& $_POST; $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS'] =& $_COOKIE; unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']); unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']); unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']); unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']); // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_REQUEST['highlight']) || (isset($prefs['feature_referer_highlight']) && $prefs['feature_referer_highlight'] == 'y') ) { $smarty->load_filter('output','highlight'); } if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set (ay ay IIS, ay ay) if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $smarty->assign("tikidomain", $tikidomain); // Debug console open/close $smarty->assign('debugconsole_style', isset($_COOKIE["debugconsole"]) && ($_COOKIE["debugconsole"] == 'o') ? 'display:block;' : 'display:none;' ); ?>