File: APP-META.xml
<application xmlns="http://apstandard.com/ns/1"> <name>tikiwiki</name> <packager-uri>uuid:714f0a7b-85d6-4eb8-b68e-40f9acbb3103</packager-uri> <version>3.8</version> <release>2</release> <homepage>http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php</homepage> <package-homepage>http://parallels.com/</package-homepage> <default-prefix>tikiwiki</default-prefix> <summary>A full-featured, open source, multilingual, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware written in PHP.</summary> <description> TikiWiki enable administrators and users to create, display, and maintain online-accessible content of all kinds, including text, binary data, images, links, and much more. TikiWiki also enables administrators and users to communicate with each other (and the outside world) by means of numerous media, including internal messaging, voice telephony, data interchange, and many more. In addition, TikiWiki allows each user to choose from several different pre-defined visual styles/themes/skins. </description> <icon path="images/icon.png"/> <screenshot path="images/app_screenshot_1.png"> <description> This is the administrator's home page. Here you can add new entries to the knowledgebase and manage blogs, forums, image galeries and other files. </description> </screenshot> <screenshot path="images/app_screenshot_2.png"> <description>Screenshot 2.</description> </screenshot> <license must-accept="true"> <text> <name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1</name> <file>htdocs/license.txt</file> </text> </license> <configuration-script-language>php</configuration-script-language> <upgradable-from version="1.9.0" release="1"/> <changelog> <version version="3.8" release="2"> <entry> </entry> </version> <version version="3.2.0" release="5"> <entry> 1. Alert Send a message to users or a group about an action you are doing. 2. Blogs: comments moderation Comments moderation has been added in Blogs. 3. Button improvements Buttons are now more consistent. And some useless buttons like "list forums" when there is only one forum are not displayed nowadays. 4. Calendar improvements ...... Full what's new list: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Tiki3; Full Changelog: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/3.0/changelog.txt </entry> </version> <version version="2.3.0" release="1"> <entry> * HTML Purifier (Content is cleaned to XHTML 1.1 Strict on each save) * Action Log allows an admin or any user with the necessary permission granted to view reports of actions made by him/herself or by other users of the same site. * Mootools Activating Mootools loads mootools.js in HTML head. Full implementation pending. * Shibboleth Authentication has been added. * Banners Now handle Flash * Contacts can now be shared with other groups. * City, Company, Country, Department, etc. - fields added * Copyright management has been added on blogs, articles and faq * Check-in, check-out, versioning for each file, which adds the wiki way to the File gallery! * Forum redesign * Fullscreen link mode on Admin Features page * "Eye candy" image browsing with Shadowbox * Can now handle more than one Phplayersmenu menu at a time * New Suckerfish (external link) menus * Highlighting in menu of current location * Split level menu (level 1 can be horizontal on top and level 2 vertical on the left * TikiWiki more fully supports MP3 and .flv Flash files and provide an open source player. * A new option to protect all emails in all wiki pages. * User can modify their messages in shoutbox. Shoutbox can use CAPTCHA to reduce spamming by scripts. * Tell a Friend A link is displayed on each Tiki page that can be used to email the page (actually its link) to someone. * Tests feature allows the user to record a web session and to replay it. On replay the pages will be compare to see if some changes occurred in between. * Any user can translate any missing string on the fly through clicking to a sign next to that string. * Translated wiki pages update and synchronization * Forms and reports can now have any layout (codename: pretty trackers) * new field types ( computed fields, google maps, user subscription, Auto-increment, multimedia, dynamic items list ) * new tracker plugins ( TRACKERSTAT, VOTE, MINIQUIZ ) * Autosafe draft. Wiki page content is saved periodically, using AJAX * Wiki Page Staging and Approval (where edits can be approved before they go live) </entry> </version> <version version="1.9.7" release="43"> <entry>Collaboration/Portals category removed</entry> </version> <version version="1.9.7" release="42"> <entry>Initial package version</entry> </version> </changelog> <installed-size>41063000</installed-size> <categories> <category>Collaboration/Portal</category> <category>Web/Content management</category> </categories> <languages> <language>en</language> </languages> <settings> <group> <name>Administrator's preferences</name> <setting id="admin_name" type="string" default-value="admin" min-length="1" max-length="32" regex="^[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_\-]*"> <name>Administrator's login</name> <error-message>Please make sure the text you entered starts with a letter and continues with either numbers, letters, underscores or hyphens.</error-message> </setting> <setting id="admin_password" type="password" min-length="1" > <name>Password</name> </setting> <setting id="title" type="string" min-length="1"> <name>Site name</name> </setting> <setting id="admin_email" type="email"> <name>Administrator's email</name> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Other preferences</name> <setting id="locale" type="enum" default-value="en-US"> <name>Interface language</name> <choice id="de-DE" > <name>German</name> </choice> <choice id="en-US" > <name>English</name> </choice> <choice id="fr-FR" > <name>French</name> </choice> </setting> </group> </settings> <requirements xmlns:php="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/php" xmlns:db="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/db"> <php:version min="5.0.0"/> <php:extension>mysql</php:extension> <php:memory-limit>20000000</php:memory-limit> <php:safe-mode>false</php:safe-mode> <php:register-globals>false</php:register-globals> <db:db> <db:id>main</db:id> <db:default-name>tikiwiki</db:default-name> <db:can-use-tables-prefix>false</db:can-use-tables-prefix> <db:server-type>mysql</db:server-type> <db:server-min-version>4.1.0</db:server-min-version> </db:db> </requirements> <mapping url="/" path="htdocs" xmlns:php="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/php"> <php:handler> <php:extension>php</php:extension> </php:handler> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> </application>