This directory contains source code to Tiki Wiki CMS/Groupware Tiki Wiki CMS/Groupware is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It is a community-driven project. It exists and improves by the participation of people just like YOU. INSTALLATION ------------ The rest of this document includes parts of the online documentation that might be enough to get you running Tiki. For more details, please see: http://doc.tiki.org/Install Before you get started, it is a good idea to know: * Your database name, database user name and password * Your Apache user and group ID (e.g. www-user and www-data) If not, Tiki will detect These are notes on how to setup and configure Tiki. ---------------------------- Step one: unpack the archive ---------------------------- Unpack the Tiki files to the document root of where you want it installed, e.g. /var/www/tiki/ To unpack the bz2 file, use: tar xjf tiki-[version].tar.bz2 ----------------------------------------- Step two: run setup.sh to set permissions ----------------------------------------- Run setup.sh and follow the instructions # sh setup.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------- Step three: create the database -------------------------------------------------------------------- * create a database for Tiki - either using PhpMyAdmin and MySQL - or on the command line "mysqladmin create dbname" the database name is usually called "tiki" Be sure to record the following items: - The database name - The user name and password that has admin authority in the database. ------------------------------ Step four: browser-based setup ------------------------------ * Point your browser to the web address that corresponds to the file tiki-install.php (e.g. http://localhost/tiki/tiki-install.php) * Follow the instructions there you'll need the password and user name for your database * To log into Tiki for the first time: - user: admin - password: admin ------------------------------ Step five: configure your site ------------------------------ Next you can configure Tiki to suit your needs: * Use a profile to populate your database. * Choose which features you want enabled - go to tiki-admin.php by clicking on the "Admin" or "Admin Home" link on the left side of your screen * (Optionally) create groups of users that share permissions * Assign appropriate permissions Good luck and have fun with Tiki Wiki CMS/Groupware! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT LINKS --------------- * General information & overview http://info.tiki.org * Official Tiki documentation website http://doc.tiki.org * Forums & community http://tiki.org/tiki-forums.php * Developers http://dev.tiki.org * Themes & styling http://themes.tiki.org * Profiles http://profiles.tiki.org * Security http://security.tiki.org * IRC chat channel: #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net http://irc.tiki.org/ ps: Now you may want to come to http://tiki.org and join the community!