File: comments.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: comments.php 33655 2011-03-25 14:15:55Z lphuberdeau $ // $start_time = microtime(true); // This file sets up the information needed to display // the comments preferences, post-comment box and the // list of comments. Finally it displays blog-comments.tpl // using this information // Setup URLS for the Comments next and prev buttons and use variables that // cannot be aliased by normal tiki variables. // Traverse each _REQUEST data adn put them in an array //this script may only be included - so its better to err & die if called directly. //smarty is not there - we need setup require_once('tiki-setup.php'); global $access, $tikilib, $headerlib; $access->check_script($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)); /* * Determine the settings used to display the thread */ // user requests that could be used to change thread display settings $handled_requests = array('comments_per_page', 'thread_style', 'thread_sort_mode'); // Then determine the final value for thread display settings if ( isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y' ) { // If we are in a forum thread if ( $prefs['forum_thread_user_settings'] == 'y' && $prefs['forum_thread_user_settings_keep'] == 'y' ) { // If 'forum_thread_user_settings' is enabled (allow user to change thread display settings) // and if the 'forum_thread_user_settings_keep' is enabled (keep user settings for all forums during his session) // ... we check session vars // !! Session var is not used when there is an explicit user request !! foreach ( $handled_requests as $request_name ) if ( isset($_SESSION['forums_'.$request_name]) && ! isset($_REQUEST[$request_name]) ) $$request_name = $_SESSION['forums_'.$request_name]; } foreach ( $handled_requests as $request_name ) { if ( empty($$request_name) && empty($_REQUEST[$request_name]) ) { $$request_name = $prefs['forum_'.$request_name]; } elseif ( empty($$request_name) && !empty($_REQUEST[$request_name]) ) { $$request_name = $_REQUEST[$request_name]; } } if ( $forum_info['is_flat'] == 'y' ) { // If we have a flat forum (i.e. we reply only to the first message / thread) // ... we then override $thread_style and force a 'plain' style $thread_style = 'commentStyle_plain'; } } else { // If we are not in a forum (e.g. wiki page comments, ...), we use other fallback values if ( ! isset($comments_per_page) ) { if( isset( $prefs[$section . '_comments_per_page'] ) ) { $comments_per_page = (int) $prefs[$section . '_comments_per_page']; } else { $comments_per_page = 10; } } if ( ! isset($thread_sort_mode) ) { if( isset( $prefs[$section . '_comments_default_ordering'] ) ) { $thread_sort_mode = $prefs[$section . '_comments_default_ordering']; } else { $thread_sort_mode = 'commentDate_asc'; } } if ( ! isset($thread_style) ) $thread_style = 'commentStyle_threaded'; } // Assign final values to smarty vars in order foreach ( $handled_requests as $request_name ) $smarty->assign($request_name, $$request_name); if ( ! isset($_REQUEST["comment_rating"]) ) $_REQUEST["comment_rating"] = ''; $comments_aux = array(); // show/hide comments zone on request and store the status in a cookie (also works with javascript off) if (isset($_REQUEST['comzone'])) { $comments_show = 'n'; $comzone_state = $_REQUEST['comzone']; if ($comzone_state=='show'||$comzone_state=='o') { $comments_show = 'y'; if (!isset($_COOKIE['comzone'])||$_COOKIE['comzone']=='c') setcookie('comzone','o'); } if ($comzone_state=='hide'||$comzone_state=='c') { if (!isset($_COOKIE['comzone'])||$_COOKIE['comzone']=='o') setcookie('comzone','c'); } } else { $comments_show = 'n'; } $comments_t_query = ''; $comments_first = 1; foreach ($comments_vars as $c_name) { $comments_avar["name"] = $c_name; if (isset($_REQUEST[$c_name])) { $comments_avar["value"] = $_REQUEST[$c_name]; $comments_aux[] = $comments_avar; } if (isset($_REQUEST[$c_name])) { if ($comments_first) { $comments_first = 0; $comments_t_query .= "?$c_name=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["$c_name"]); } else { $comments_t_query .= "&$c_name=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["$c_name"]); } } } $smarty->assign('comments_request_data', $comments_aux); if (!isset($_REQUEST['comments_threshold'])) { $_REQUEST['comments_threshold'] = 0; } else { $smarty->assign('comments_threshold_param', '&comments_threshold='.$_REQUEST['comments_threshold']); } $smarty->assign('comments_threshold', $_REQUEST['comments_threshold']); // This sets up comments father as the father $comments_parsed = parse_url($tikilib->httpPrefix().$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); if (!isset($comments_parsed["query"])) { $comments_parsed["query"] = ''; } TikiLib::parse_str($comments_parsed["query"], $comments_query); $comments_father = $comments_parsed["path"]; $comments_complete_father = $comments_father . $comments_t_query; if (strstr($comments_complete_father, "?")) { $comments_complete_father .= '&'; } else { $comments_complete_father .= '?'; } $smarty->assign('comments_father', $comments_father); $smarty->assign('comments_complete_father', $comments_complete_father); if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"])) { $_REQUEST["comments_threadId"] = 0; } $smarty->assign("comments_threadId", $_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]); // The same for replies to comments threads if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"])) { $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"] = 0; } $smarty->assign("comments_reply_threadId", $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"]); // Include the library for comments (if not included) include_once ("lib/comments/commentslib.php");global $dbTiki; $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki); if (!isset($comments_prefix_var)) { $comments_prefix_var = ''; } if( ! isset( $comments_objectId ) ) { if (!isset($_REQUEST[$comments_object_var])) { die ("The comments_object_var variable cannot be found as a REQUEST variable"); } $comments_objectId = $comments_prefix_var . $_REQUEST["$comments_object_var"]; } $feedbacks = array(); $errors = array(); if ( isset($_REQUEST['comments_objectId']) && $_REQUEST['comments_objectId'] == $comments_objectId && (isset($_REQUEST['comments_postComment']) || isset($_REQUEST['comments_postComment_anonymous']) )) { if (isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y') { $forum_info = $commentslib->get_forum($_REQUEST['forumId']); $threadId = $commentslib->post_in_forum($forum_info, $_REQUEST, $feedbacks, $errors); if (!empty($threadId) && empty($errors)) { $url = "tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=" . $_REQUEST['forumId'] . "&comments_parentId=" . $_REQUEST['comments_parentId']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['comments_threshold'])) $url .= "&comments_threshold=".$_REQUEST['comments_threshold']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['comments_offset'])) $url .= "&comments_offset=".$_REQUEST['comments_offset']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['comments_per_page'])) $url .= "&comments_per_page=".$_REQUEST['comments_per_page']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['thread_style'])) $url .= "&thread_style=".$_REQUEST['thread_style']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['thread_sort_mode'])) $url .= "&thread_sort_mode=".$_REQUEST['thread_sort_mode']; if (!empty($feedbacks)) { $_SESSION['feedbacks'] = $feedbacks; } //Watches if ( isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y' && $prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { if ( isset($_REQUEST['watch']) && $_REQUEST['watch'] == 'y') { $tikilib->add_user_watch($user, 'forum_post_thread', $_REQUEST['comments_parentId'], 'forum topic', $forum_info['name'] . ':' . $thread_info['title'], "tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=" . $_REQUEST['forumId'] . "&comments_parentId=" . $_REQUEST['comments_parentId']); } else { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user, 'forum_post_thread', $_REQUEST['comments_parentId'], 'forum topic'); } } header('location: ' . $url); die; } } else { $threadId = $commentslib->post_in_object($comments_objectId, $_REQUEST, $feedbacks, $errors); if (!empty($threadId) && empty($errors) && $prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { if ($prefs['wiki_watch_comments'] == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { global $notificationemaillib; require_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); sendCommentNotification('wiki', $_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['comments_title'], $_REQUEST['comments_data']); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["articleId"])) { global $notificationemaillib; require_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); sendCommentNotification('article', $_REQUEST['articleId'], $_REQUEST['comments_title'], $_REQUEST['comments_data']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['itemId'])) { global $notificationemaillib; require_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); sendCommentNotification('trackeritem', $_REQUEST['itemId'], $_REQUEST['comments_title'], $_REQUEST['comments_data']); } } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign_by_ref('feedbacks', $feedbacks); if( isset( $pageCache ) ) { $pageCache->invalidate(); } } global $tiki_p_admin_comments; if ((!isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n') && $tiki_p_admin_comments == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"])) { // Comments Moderation if (!empty($_REQUEST['comments_approve'])) { if ( $_REQUEST['comments_approve'] == 'y' ) { $commentslib->approve_comment($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['comments_approve'] == 'n' ) { $commentslib->reject_comment($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]); } } // Comments archive if ($prefs['comments_archive'] == 'y') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['comment_archive'])) { if ($_REQUEST['comment_archive'] == 'y') { $commentslib->archive_thread($_REQUEST['comments_threadId']); } else if ($_REQUEST['comment_archive'] == 'n') { $commentslib->unarchive_thread($_REQUEST['comments_threadId']); } } $object = explode(':', $comments_objectId); $smarty->assign('count_archived_comments', $commentslib->count_object_archived_comments($object[1], $object[0])); } } // Comments and Forum Locking if ( $prefs['feature_comments_locking'] == 'y' && ! empty($_REQUEST['comments_lock']) && ! empty($comments_objectId) && ( ! isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n' ) && $tiki_p_lock_comments == 'y' ) { if ( $_REQUEST['comments_lock'] == 'y' ) { $commentslib->lock_object_thread($comments_objectId); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['comments_lock'] == 'n' ) { $commentslib->unlock_object_thread($comments_objectId); } } if (($tiki_p_remove_comments == 'y' && (!isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n')) || (isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode =='y' && $tiki_p_admin_forum == 'y' ) ) { if (isset($_REQUEST["comments_remove"]) && isset($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"])) { $access->check_authenticity(); $comments_show = 'y'; $commentslib->remove_comment($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]); $_REQUEST["comments_threadId"] = 0; $smarty->assign('comments_threadId', 0); } } if ($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"] > 0) { $comment_info = $commentslib->get_comment($_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]); $smarty->assign('comment_title', $comment_info["title"]); $smarty->assign('comment_rating', $comment_info["comment_rating"]); $smarty->assign('comment_data', $comment_info["data"]); } elseif ($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"] > 0) { // Replies to comments. $comment_info = $commentslib->get_comment($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"]); if ( $comment_info['parentId'] > 0 && $forum_info['is_flat'] == 'y' ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This forum is flat and doesn't allow replies to other replies")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // Add the replied-to text, with >. // Disabled by damian // $smarty->assign('comment_data', ''); // Re-enabled by rlpowell; my users rely on this. If you want to disable it, put an option in the forums or something. // However, I re-enabled it *working*, instead of broken. -rlpowell // check to see if QUOTE plugin or > should be used -Terence global $prefs; if ( $comment_info["data"] != '' ) { if ( ($prefs['feature_forum_parse'] == 'y' || $prefs['section_comments_parse'] == 'y') && $prefs['feature_use_quoteplugin'] == 'y' ) { $comment_info["data"] = "\n{QUOTE(replyto=>" . $comment_info["userName"] . ")}" . $comment_info["data"] . '{QUOTE}'; } else { $comment_info["data"] = preg_replace( '/\n/', "\n> ", $comment_info["data"] ) ; $comment_info["data"] = "\n> " . $comment_info["data"]; } } $smarty->assign( 'comment_data', $comment_info["data"] ); if( ! array_key_exists( "title", $comment_info ) ) { if( array_key_exists( "comments_title", $_REQUEST ) ) { $comment_info["title"] = $_REQUEST["comments_title"]; } else { $comment_info["title"] = ""; $_REQUEST["comments_title"] = ""; } } $smarty->assign('comment_title', ( $prefs['forum_comments_no_title_prefix'] != 'y' ? tra('Re:').' ' : '' ).$comment_info["title"]); $smarty->assign('comments_reply_threadId', $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"]); } else { $smarty->assign('comment_title', ''); $smarty->assign('comment_rating', ''); $smarty->assign('comment_data', ''); } $smarty->assign('comment_preview', 'n'); if (isset($_REQUEST["comments_previewComment"]) || isset($_REQUEST["comments_postComment"])) { $comment_preview = array(); $comment_preview['title'] = $_REQUEST["comments_title"]; $comment_preview['parsed'] = $commentslib->parse_comment_data(strip_tags($_REQUEST["comments_data"])); $comment_preview['rating'] = $_REQUEST["comment_rating"]; $comment_preview['commentDate'] = $tikilib->now; if (isset($_REQUEST["anonymous_name"])) { $comment_preview['anonymous_name'] = $_REQUEST["anonymous_name"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["anonymous_email"])) { $comment_preview['email'] = $_REQUEST["anonymous_email"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["anonymous_website"])) { $comment_preview['website'] = $_REQUEST["anonymous_website"]; } $smarty->assign('comment_preview_data', $comment_preview); if (isset($_REQUEST["comments_previewComment"])) { $smarty->assign('comment_preview', 'y'); } $smarty->assign('comment_data', $_REQUEST["comments_data"]); $smarty->assign('comment_title', $comment_preview["title"]); $comments_show = 'y'; } // Always show comments when a display setting has been explicitely specified if ( isset($_REQUEST['comments_per_page']) || isset($_REQUEST['thread_style']) || isset($_REQUEST['thread_sort_mode']) ) { $comments_show = 'y'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"])) $_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"] = ''; else $comments_show = 'y'; // Offset setting for the list of comments if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_offset"])) { $comments_offset = 0; } else { $comments_offset = $_REQUEST["comments_offset"]; } $smarty->assign('comments_offset', $comments_offset); // Now check if we are displaying top-level comments or a specific comment if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_parentId"])) { $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"] = 0; } $smarty->assign('comments_parentId', $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"]); $forum_check = explode(':', $comments_objectId); if ($forum_check[0] == 'forum' ) { $smarty->assign('forumId', $forum_check[1]); } if( isset( $_REQUEST["comments_grandParentId"] ) ) { $smarty->assign('comments_grandParentId', $_REQUEST["comments_grandParentId"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["post_reply"]) && isset($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"])) $threadId_if_reply = $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"]; else $threadId_if_reply = 0; if (empty($thread_sort_mode)) { if( !empty($_REQUEST['thread_sort_mode'])) { $thread_sort_mode = $_REQUEST['thread_sort_mode']; } else { $thread_sort_mode = 'commentDate_asc'; } } $comments_coms = $commentslib->get_comments($comments_objectId, (isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y') ? $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"] : null, $comments_offset, $comments_per_page, $thread_sort_mode, $_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"], $_REQUEST['comments_threshold'], $thread_style, $threadId_if_reply); if ($comments_prefix_var == 'forum:') { $comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments('topic:'. $_REQUEST['comments_parentId']); // comments in the topic not in the forum } else { $comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId); } $comments_cant_page = $comments_coms['cant']; $smarty->assign('comments_below', $comments_coms["below"]); $smarty->assign('comments_cant', $comments_cant); // Offset management $comments_maxRecords = $comments_per_page; if( $comments_maxRecords != 0 ) { $comments_cant_pages = ceil($comments_cant_page / $comments_maxRecords); $smarty->assign('comments_actual_page', 1 + ($comments_offset / $comments_maxRecords)); } else { $comments_cant_pages = 1; $smarty->assign('comments_actual_page', 1 ); } $smarty->assign('comments_cant_pages', $comments_cant_pages); if ($comments_cant_page > ($comments_offset + $comments_maxRecords)) { $smarty->assign('comments_next_offset', $comments_offset + $comments_maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('comments_next_offset', -1); } // If offset is > 0 then prev_offset if ($comments_offset > 0) { $smarty->assign('comments_prev_offset', $comments_offset - $comments_maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('comments_prev_offset', -1); } if (!isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n') { $defaultRows = $prefs['default_rows_textarea_comment']; } if ( ! isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n' ) { $queued = 0; foreach ( $comments_coms['data'] as $k => $v ) { if ( $v['approved'] == 'n' ) $queued++; } $smarty->assign('queued', $queued); } $smarty->assign('comments_coms', $comments_coms["data"] ); // Grab the parent comment to show. -rlpowell if (isset($_REQUEST["comments_parentId"]) && $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"] > 0 && (($tiki_p_post_comments == 'y' && (!isset($forum_mode) || $forum_mode == 'n')) ||($tiki_p_forum_post == 'y' && isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y')) && (isset($_REQUEST['comments_previewComment']) || isset($_REQUEST['post_reply']))) { $parent_com = $commentslib->get_comment($_REQUEST["comments_parentId"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('parent_com', $parent_com); } // Get comments / forum lock status if ( isset($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y' ) { $thread_is_locked = ( ! empty($comments_objectId) && $commentslib->is_object_locked($comments_objectId) ) ? 'y' : 'n'; $forum_is_locked = $thread_is_locked; $thread_is_locked = $comment_info['locked']; $smarty->assign('forum_is_locked', $forum_is_locked); $smarty->assign('thread_is_locked', $thread_is_locked); } elseif ( $prefs['feature_comments_locking'] == 'y' ) { $thread_is_locked = ( ! empty($comments_objectId) && $commentslib->is_object_locked($comments_objectId) ) ? 'y' : 'n'; $smarty->assign('thread_is_locked', $thread_is_locked); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['post_reply'])) { $smarty->assign('post_reply', $_REQUEST['post_reply']); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['edit_reply'])) { $smarty->assign('edit_reply', $_REQUEST['edit_reply']); } if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { $contributionItemId = $_REQUEST["comments_threadId"]; include_once('contribution.php'); } // see if comments are allowed on this specific wiki page global $section; if ($section == 'wiki page') { if ($prefs['wiki_comments_allow_per_page'] != 'n') { global $info; if (!empty($info['comments_enabled'])) { $smarty->assign('comments_allowed_on_page', $info['comments_enabled']); } else { if ($prefs['wiki_comments_allow_per_page'] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('comments_allowed_on_page', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('comments_allowed_on_page', 'n'); } } } else { $smarty->assign('comments_allowed_on_page', 'y'); } } $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/comments/commentslib.js'); $smarty->assign('comments_objectId', $comments_objectId); $smarty->assign('comments_show', $comments_show);