File: tiki-db.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-db.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } require_once('lib/init/initlib.php'); // Define lang and load translation functions if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $language = $prefs['site_language'] = $prefs['language'] = $_REQUEST['lang']; } else { $language = $prefs['site_language'] = $prefs['language'] = 'en'; } include_once('lib/init/tra.php'); // Please use the local.php file instead containing these variables // If you set sessions to store in the database, you will need a local.php file // Otherwise you will be ok. //$api_tiki = 'pear'; //$api_tiki = 'pdo'; $api_tiki = 'pdo'; $db_tiki = 'mysql'; $dbversion_tiki = '2.0'; $host_tiki = 'localhost'; $user_tiki = 'root'; $pass_tiki = ''; $dbs_tiki = 'tiki'; $tikidomain = ''; /* SVN Developers: Do not change any of the above. Instead, create a file, called db/local.php, containing any of the variables listed above that are different for your development environment. This will protect you from accidentally committing your username/password to SVN! example of db/local.php <?php $host_tiki = 'myhost'; $user_tiki = 'myuser'; $pass_tiki = 'mypass'; $dbs_tiki = 'mytiki'; $api_tiki = 'adodb'; ** Multi-tiki ************************************** see http://tikiwiki.org/MultiTiki19 Setup of virtual tikis is done using setup.sh script ----------------------------------------------------------- -> Multi-tiki trick for virtualhosting $tikidomain variable is set to : or TIKI_VIRTUAL That is set in apache virtual conf : SetEnv TIKI_VIRTUAL myvirtual or SERVER_NAME From apache directive ServerName set for that virtualhost block or HTTP_HOST From the real domain name called in the browser (can be ServerAlias from apache conf) */ if (!isset($local_php) or !is_file($local_php)) { $local_php = 'db/local.php'; } else { $local_php = preg_replace(array('/\.\./','/^db\//'),array('',''),$local_php); } $tikidomain = ''; if (is_file('db/virtuals.inc')) { if (isset($_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL']) and is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL'].'/local.php')) { $tikidomain = $_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) and is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/local.php')) { $tikidomain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else if (isset($_REQUEST['multi']) && is_file('db/'.$_REQUEST['multi'].'/local.php')) { $tikidomain = $_REQUEST['multi']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { if (is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/local.php')) { $tikidomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else if (is_file('db/'.preg_replace('/^www\./','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'/local.php')) { $tikidomain = preg_replace('/^www\./','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } if (!empty($tikidomain)) { $local_php = "db/$tikidomain/local.php"; } } $tikidomainslash = (!empty($tikidomain) ? $tikidomain . '/' : ''); $re = false; $default_api_tiki = $api_tiki; $api_tiki = ''; if ( file_exists($local_php) ) $re = include($local_php); if ( empty( $api_tiki ) ) { $api_tiki_forced = false; $api_tiki = $default_api_tiki; } else { $api_tiki_forced = true; } if ( $re === false ) { if ( ! isset($in_installer) || $in_installer != 1) { header('location: tiki-install.php'); exit; } else { // we are in the installer don't redirect... return ; } } if ( $dbversion_tiki == '1.10' ) $dbversion_tiki = '2.0'; require_once 'lib/core/TikiDb/ErrorHandler.php'; class TikiDb_LegacyErrorHandler implements TikiDb_ErrorHandler { function handle( TikiDb $db, $query, $values, $result ) // {{{ { global $smarty, $prefs; $msg = $db->getErrorMessage(); $q=$query; foreach($values as $v) { if (is_null($v)) $v='NULL'; else $v="'".addslashes($v)."'"; $pos=strpos($q, '?'); if ($pos !== FALSE) $q=substr($q, 0, $pos)."$v".substr($q, $pos+1); } if (function_exists('xdebug_get_function_stack')) { function mydumpstack($stack) { $o=''; foreach($stack as $line) { $o.='* '.$line['file']." : ".$line['line']." -> ".$line['function']."(".var_export($line['params'], true).")<br />"; } return $o; } $stacktrace = mydumpstack(xdebug_get_function_stack()); } else { $stacktrace = false; } if ( ! isset($_SESSION['fatal_error']) ) { // Do not show the error if an error has already occured during the same script execution (error.tpl already called), because tiki should have died before another error. // This happens when error.tpl is called by tiki.sql... and tiki.sql is also called again in error.tpl, entering in an infinite loop. require_once 'installer/installlib.php'; $installer = new Installer; require_once('tiki-setup.php'); if ( ! $smarty ) { require_once 'lib/init/smarty.php'; } $smarty->assign( 'msg', $msg ); $smarty->assign( 'base_query', $query ); $smarty->assign( 'values', $values ); $smarty->assign( 'built_query', $q ); $smarty->assign( 'stacktrace', $stacktrace ); $smarty->assign( 'requires_update', $installer->requiresUpdate() ); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0"); $smarty->display('database-connection-error.tpl'); unset($_SESSION['fatal_error']); $this->log($msg.' - '.$q); die; } } // }}} function log($msg) { global $user, $tikilib; $query = 'insert into `tiki_actionlog` (`objectType`,`action`,`object`,`user`,`ip`,`lastModif`, `comment`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'; $result = $tikilib->query($query, array('system', 'db error', 'system', $user, $tikilib->get_ip_address(), $tikilib->now, $msg)); } // }}} } $dbInitializer = 'db/tiki-db-adodb.php'; if ($api_tiki == 'pdo' && extension_loaded("pdo") && in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $dbInitializer = 'db/tiki-db-pdo.php'; } require $dbInitializer; init_connection( TikiDb::get() ); if( isset( $shadow_host, $shadow_user, $shadow_pass, $shadow_dbs ) ) { global $dbMaster, $dbSlave; // Set-up the replication $dbMaster = TikiDb::get(); $host_tiki = $shadow_host; $user_tiki = $shadow_user; $pass_tiki = $shadow_pass; $dbs_tiki = $shadow_dbs; require $dbInitializer; $dbSlave = TikiDb::get(); init_connection( $dbSlave ); require_once 'lib/core/TikiDb/MasterSlaveDispatch.php'; $db = new TikiDb_MasterSlaveDispatch( $dbMaster, $dbSlave ); TikiDb::set( $db ); } unset( $host_map, $db_tiki, $host_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $shadow_user, $shadow_pass, $shadow_host, $shadow_dbs ); function init_connection( $db ) { global $db_table_prefix, $common_users_table_prefix, $db_tiki; $db->setServerType( $db_tiki ); $db->setErrorHandler( new TikiDb_LegacyErrorHandler ); if( isset( $db_table_prefix ) ) $db->setTablePrefix( $db_table_prefix ); if( isset( $common_users_table_prefix ) ) $db->setUsersTablePrefix( $common_users_table_prefix ); }