File: fgal_listing_conf.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: fgal_listing_conf.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to err & die if called directly. //smarty is not there - we need setup if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } // Fill the display configuration array $fgal_listing_conf = array( 'id' => array('name' => tra('ID')), 'type' => array('name' => tra('Type'), 'key' => 'show_icon'), 'name' => array('name' => tra('Name')), 'description' => array('name' => tra('Description')), 'size' => array('name' => tra('Size')), 'created' => array('name' => tra('Created').' / '.tra('Uploaded')), 'lastModif' => array('name' => tra('Last Modified'), 'key' => 'show_modified'), 'creator' => array('name' => tra('Uploaded by')), //this used to be Creator but updated Nov2010 'author' => array('name' => tra('Creator')), //this used to be Author but updated Nov2010 'last_user' => array('name' => tra('Last Modified by')), //this used to be 'Last editor' but updated Nov2010 'comment' => array('name' => tra('Comment')), 'files' => array('name' => tra('Files')), 'hits' => array('name' => tra('Hits')), 'lastDownload' => array('name' => tra('Last download')), 'lockedby' => array('name' => tra('Locked by'), 'icon' => 'lock_gray'), 'backlinks' => array('name' => tra('Backlinks')), 'deleteAfter' => array('name'=>tra('Delete After')), 'share' => array('name'=>tra('Share with')) ); if (isset($section) && $section == 'admin') { foreach ($fgal_listing_conf as $k=>$v) { $fgal_listing_conf_admin[$k.'_admin'] = $v; } } foreach ( $fgal_listing_conf as $k => $v ) { if ( $k == 'type' ) $show_k = 'icon'; elseif ( $k == 'lastModif' ) $show_k = 'modified'; else $show_k = $k; if ( isset($_REQUEST['fgal_list_'.$k]) ) { $fgal_listing_conf[$k]['value'] = $_REQUEST['fgal_list_'.$k]; } elseif ( isset($gal_info) && isset($gal_info['show_'.$show_k]) ) { $fgal_listing_conf[$k]['value'] = $gal_info['show_'.$show_k]; } else { $fgal_listing_conf[$k]['value'] = $prefs['fgal_list_'.$k]; } } // Do not show "Locked by" info if the gallery is not lockable if ( isset($gal_info) && isset($gal_info['galleryId']) && isset($gal_info['lockable']) && $gal_info['lockable'] != 'y' ) { $fgal_listing_conf['lockedby']['value'] = 'n'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('fgal_listing_conf', $fgal_listing_conf); if (isset($section) && $section == 'admin') { foreach ($fgal_listing_conf_admin as $k=>$v) { $fgal_listing_conf_admin[$k]['value'] = $prefs['fgal_list_'.$k]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('fgal_listing_conf_admin', $fgal_listing_conf_admin); } $fgal_options = array( 'show_explorer' => array('name' => tra('Explorer')), 'show_path' => array('name' => tra('Path')), 'show_slideshow' => array('name' => tra('Slideshow')), 'default_view' => array('name' => tra('Default View')) ); if (isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'admin') { $fgal_options['show_explorer'] = 'n'; $fgal_options['show_path'] = 'n'; $fgal_options['show_slideshow'] = 'n'; $fgal_options['default_view'] = 'list'; } else { foreach ( $fgal_options as $k_gal => $v ) { $k_prefs = 'fgal_'.$k_gal; if ( $k_gal == 'default_view' ) { $fgal_options[$k_gal]['value'] = ( isset($gal_info) && isset($gal_info[$k_gal]) ) ? $gal_info[$k_gal] : $prefs[$k_prefs]; } elseif ( !isset($_REQUEST['edit_mode']) ) { // We are in the file gallery admin panel $fgal_options[$k_gal]['value'] = $prefs[$k_prefs]; } else { // We are in the edit file gallery page $fgal_options[$k_gal]['value'] = $gal_info[$k_gal]; } } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('fgal_options', $fgal_options);