File: tiki-installer.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-installer.php 34686 2011-05-29 05:47:44Z chealer $ // To (re-)enable this script the file has to be named tiki-installer.php and the following four lines // must start with two '/' and 'stopinstall:'. (Make sure there are no spaces inbetween // and stopinstall: !) //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } require_once( 'tiki-filter-base.php' ); // Define and load Smarty components require_once ( 'lib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php'); require_once ('installer/installlib.php'); class InstallerDatabaseErrorHandler implements TikiDb_ErrorHandler { function handle(TikiDb $db, $query, $values, $result) { } } include_once 'lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php'; $dbTiki = ADONewConnection($db_tiki); $db = new TikiDb_Adodb($dbTiki); $db->setServerType($db_tiki); $db->setErrorHandler(new InstallerDatabaseErrorHandler); TikiDb::set($db); $dbTiki = false; $commands = array(); @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime',0); // Initialize $prefs and force some values for the installer $prefs = array( // tra() should not use $tikilib because this lib is not available in every steps of the installer // and because we want to be sure that translations of the installer are the original ones, even for an upgrade 'lang_use_db' => 'n' ); // Which step of the installer if (empty($_REQUEST['install_step'])) { $install_step = '0'; if (isset($_REQUEST['setdbversion'])) { // Sets dbversion_tiki when installing the WebDeploy package $db = fopen('db/'.$tikidomainslash.'local.php', 'a'); require_once 'lib/setup/twversion.class.php'; $TWV = new TWVersion(); fwrite($db, "\n\$dbversion_tiki='" . $TWV->getBaseVersion() . "';\n"); fclose($db); } } else { $install_step = $_REQUEST['install_step']; } // define the language to use, either from user-setting or default if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $language = $prefs['site_language'] = $prefs['language'] = $_REQUEST['lang']; } else { $language = $prefs['site_language'] = $prefs['language'] = 'en'; } include_once('lib/init/tra.php'); function has_tiki_db() { global $installer; return $installer->tableExists('users_users'); } function has_tiki_db_20() { global $installer; return $installer->tableExists('tiki_pages_translation_bits'); } function write_local_php($dbb_tiki, $host_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $client_charset = '', $api_tiki = '', $dbversion_tiki = 'current') { global $local; global $db_tiki; if ($dbs_tiki && $user_tiki) { $db_tiki = addslashes($dbb_tiki); $host_tiki = addslashes($host_tiki); $user_tiki = addslashes($user_tiki); $pass_tiki = addslashes($pass_tiki); $dbs_tiki = addslashes($dbs_tiki); $fw = fopen($local, 'w'); $filetowrite = "<?php\n"; $filetowrite .= "\$db_tiki='" . $db_tiki . "';\n"; if ($dbversion_tiki == 'current') { require_once 'lib/setup/twversion.class.php'; $twversion = new TWVersion(); $dbversion_tiki = $twversion->getBaseVersion(); } $filetowrite .= "\$dbversion_tiki='" . $dbversion_tiki . "';\n"; $filetowrite .= "\$host_tiki='" . $host_tiki . "';\n"; $filetowrite .= "\$user_tiki='" . $user_tiki . "';\n"; $filetowrite .= "\$pass_tiki='" . $pass_tiki . "';\n"; $filetowrite .= "\$dbs_tiki='" . $dbs_tiki . "';\n"; if ( ! empty( $api_tiki ) ) { $filetowrite .= "\$api_tiki='" . $api_tiki . "';\n"; } if( ! empty( $client_charset ) ) { $filetowrite .= "\$client_charset='$client_charset';\n"; } $filetowrite .= "// If you experience text encoding issues after updating (e.g. apostrophes etc showing up as strange characters) \n"; $filetowrite .= "// \$client_charset='latin1';\n"; $filetowrite .= "// \$client_charset='utf8';\n"; $filetowrite .= "// See http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes5.0#Known_Issues and http://doc.tiki.org/Understanding+Encoding for more info\n\n"; $filetowrite .= "// If your php installation does not not have pdo extension\n"; $filetowrite .= "// \$api_tiki = 'adodb';\n"; fwrite($fw, $filetowrite); fclose($fw); } } function create_dirs($domain=''){ global $docroot; $dirs=array( 'db', 'dump', 'img/wiki', 'img/wiki_up', 'img/trackers', 'modules/cache', 'temp', 'temp/cache', 'templates_c', 'templates', 'styles', 'whelp'); $ret = ""; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dir = $dir.'/'.$domain; // Create directories as needed if (!is_dir($dir)) { @mkdir($dir,02775); } @chmod($dir,02775); // Check again and report problems if (!is_dir($dir)) { $ret .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir' does not exist.\n"; } else if (!TikiInit::is_writeable($dir)) { @chmod($dir,02777); if (!TikiInit::is_writeable($dir)) { $ret .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir' is not writeable.\n"; } } } return $ret; } function isWindows() { static $windows; if (!isset($windows)) { $windows = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'; } return $windows; } class Smarty_Tiki_Installer extends Smarty { function Smarty_Tiki_Installer($tikidomain) { parent::Smarty(); if ($tikidomain) { $tikidomain .= '/'; } $this->template_dir = realpath('templates/'); $this->compile_dir = realpath("templates_c/$tikidomain"); $this->config_dir = realpath('configs/'); $this->cache_dir = realpath("templates_c/$tikidomain"); $this->caching = 0; $this->assign('app_name', 'Tiki'); include_once('lib/setup/third_party.php'); $this->plugins_dir = array( // the directory order must be like this to overload a plugin TIKI_SMARTY_DIR, SMARTY_DIR.'plugins' ); // In general, it's better that use_sub_dirs = false // If ever you are on a very large/complex/multilingual site and your // templates_c directory is > 10 000 files, (you can check at tiki-admin_system.php) // you can change to true and maybe you will get better performance. // http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/variable.use.sub.dirs.php // $this->use_sub_dirs = false; // security_settings['MODIFIER_FUNCS'], ['IF_FUNCS'] and secure_dir not needed in installer $this->security_settings['ALLOW_SUPER_GLOBALS'] = true; //$this->debugging = true; //$this->debug_tpl = 'debug.tpl'; } function fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id = null, $_smarty_compile_id = null, $_smarty_display = false) { global $language; $_smarty_cache_id = $language . $_smarty_cache_id; $_smarty_compile_id = $language . $_smarty_compile_id; return parent::fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id, $_smarty_display); } } function check_session_save_path() { global $errors; if (ini_get('session.save_handler') == 'files') { $save_path = ini_get('session.save_path'); // check if we can check it. The session.save_path can be outside // the open_basedir paths. $open_basedir=ini_get('open_basedir'); if (empty($open_basedir)) { if (!is_dir($save_path)) { $errors .= "The directory '$save_path' does not exist or PHP is not allowed to access it (check open_basedir entry in php.ini).\n"; } else if (!TikiInit::is_writeable($save_path)) { $errors .= "The directory '$save_path' is not writeable.\n"; } } if ($errors) { $save_path = TikiInit::tempdir(); if (is_dir($save_path) && TikiInit::is_writeable($save_path)) { ini_set('session.save_path', $save_path); $errors = ''; } } } } function get_webserver_uid() { global $wwwuser; global $wwwgroup; $wwwuser = ''; $wwwgroup = ''; if (isWindows()) { $wwwuser = 'SYSTEM'; $wwwgroup = 'SYSTEM'; } if (function_exists('posix_getuid')) { $user = @posix_getpwuid(@posix_getuid()); $group = @posix_getpwuid(@posix_getgid()); $wwwuser = $user ? $user['name'] : false; $wwwgroup = $group ? $group['name'] : false; } if (!$wwwuser) { $wwwuser = 'nobody (or the user account the web server is running under)'; } if (!$wwwgroup) { $wwwgroup = 'nobody (or the group account the web server is running under)'; } } function error_and_exit() { global $errors, $docroot, $wwwgroup, $wwwuser; $PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH; $httpd_conf = 'httpd.conf'; /* ob_start(); phpinfo (INFO_MODULES); if (preg_match('/Server Root<\/b><\/td><td\s+align="left">([^<]*)</', ob_get_contents(), $m)) { $httpd_conf = $m[1] . '/' . $httpd_conf; } ob_end_clean(); */ print "<html><body>\n<h2><IMG SRC=\"img/tiki/Tiki_WCG.png\" ALT=\"\" BORDER=0><br /\> <font color='red'>Tiki Installer cannot proceed</font></h2>\n<pre>\n$errors"; if (!isWindows()) { print "<br /><br />Your options: 1- With FTP access: a) Change the permissions (chmod) of the directories to 777. b) Create any missing directories c) <a href='tiki-install.php'>Execute the Tiki installer again</a> (Once you have executed these commands, this message will disappear!) or 2- With shell (SSH) access, you can run the command below. a) To run setup.sh, follow the instructions: \$ cd $docroot \$ sh setup.sh The script will offer you options depending on your server configuration. b) <a href='tiki-install.php'>Execute the Tiki installer again</a> (Once you have executed these commands, this message will disappear!) <hr> If you have problems accessing a directory, check the open_basedir entry in $PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH/php.ini or $httpd_conf. <hr> <a href='http://doc.tiki.org/Installation' target='_blank'>Consult the tiki.org installation guide</a> if you need more help or <a href='http://tiki.org/tiki-forums.php' target='_blank'>visit the forums</a> "; } print "</pre></body></html>"; exit; } // Try to see if we have an admin account function has_admin( $dbTiki, $api_tiki ) { $query = "select hash from users_users where login='admin'"; $res = false; $db = TikiDb::get(); $result = $db->fetchAll( $query ); if (is_array($result)){ $res = reset( $result ); } if ( $res && isset( $res['hash'] ) ) { $admin_acc = 'y'; } else { $admin_acc = 'n'; } return $admin_acc; } function get_admin_email( $dbTiki ) { global $installer; $query = "SELECT `email` FROM `users_users` WHERE `userId`=1"; @$result = $installer->query($query); if ( $result && $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { return $res['email']; } return false; } function update_preferences( $dbTiki, &$prefs ) { global $installer; $query = "SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `tiki_preferences`"; @$result = $installer->query($query); if ( $result ) { while ( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { if ( ! isset($prefs[$res['name']]) ) { $prefs[$res['name']] = $res['value']; } } return true; } return false; } function fix_admin_account( $account ) { global $installer; $result = $installer->query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `users_groups` WHERE `groupName` = "Admins"' ); if( ! $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $installer->query( 'INSERT INTO `users_groups` (`groupName`) VALUES("Admins")' ); } $installer->query( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `users_grouppermissions` (`groupName`, `permName`) VALUES("Admins", "tiki_p_admin")' ); $result = $installer->query( 'SELECT `userId` FROM `users_users` WHERE `login` = ?', array( $account ) ); if( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $id = $row['userId']; $installer->query( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `users_usergroups` (`userId`, `groupName`) VALUES(?, "Admins")', array( $id ) ); } } /* possible error after upgrade 4 */ function fix_disable_accounts() { global $installer; $installer->query('update `users_users` set `waiting`=NULL where `waiting` = ? and `valid` is NULL', array('a')); } function list_disable_accounts() { global $installer; $result = $installer->query('select `login` from `users_users` where `waiting` = ? and `valid` is NULL', array('a')); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['login']; } return $ret; } function initTikiDB( &$api, &$driver, $host, $user, $pass, $dbname, $client_charset, &$dbTiki ) { global $tikifeedback; $dbcon = false; if ( ( isset($api) && $api == 'adodb' ) || ! extension_loaded('pdo') ) { $api = 'adodb'; $dbTiki = ADONewConnection( $driver ); $db = new TikiDb_Adodb( $dbTiki ); if (! $dbcon = (bool) @$dbTiki->Connect($host, $user, $pass, $dbname) ) { $tikifeedback[] = array( 'num' => 1, 'mes' => $dbTiki->ErrorMsg() ); } } else { $db_hoststring = "host=$host"; if ( $driver == 'mysqli' ) { $driver = 'mysql'; if ( isset( $socket_tiki ) ) { $db_hoststring = "unix_socket=$socket_tiki"; } } try { $dbTiki = new PDO( "$driver:$db_hoststring;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass ); $db = new TikiDb_Pdo( $dbTiki ); $dbcon = true; } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $dbcon = false; $tikifeedback[] = array( 'num' => 1, 'mes'=> $e->getMessage() ); } } if ( $dbcon ) { $db->setErrorHandler(new InstallerDatabaseErrorHandler); if( ! empty( $client_charset ) ) { $db->query("SET CHARACTER SET $client_charset"); } TikiDb::set($db); } return $dbcon; } function convert_database_to_utf8( $dbname ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); if( $result = $db->fetchAll( 'SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ?', $dbname ) ) { $db->query( "ALTER DATABASE `$dbname` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci" ); foreach( $result as $row ) { $db->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$row['TABLE_NAME']}` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci" ); } } else { die('MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA not available. Your MySQL version is too old to perform this operation.'); } } function fix_double_encoding( $dbname, $previous ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $text_fields = $db->fetchAll( "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND CHARACTER_SET_NAME IS NOT NULL", array($dbname) ); if( $text_fields ) { foreach( $text_fields as $field ) { $db->query( "UPDATE `{$field['TABLE_NAME']}` SET `{$field['COLUMN_NAME']}` = CONVERT(CONVERT(CONVERT(CONVERT(`{$field['COLUMN_NAME']}` USING binary) USING utf8) USING $previous) USING binary)" ); } } else { die('MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA not available. Your MySQL version is too old to perform this operation.'); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // end of functions .. now starts the processing // If using multiple Tikis if (is_file('db/virtuals.inc')) { $virtuals = array_map('trim', file('db/virtuals.inc')); foreach ($virtuals as $v) { if ($v) { if (is_file("db/$v/local.php") && is_readable("db/$v/local.php")) { $virt[$v] = 'y'; } else { $virt[$v] = 'n'; } } } } else { $virt = false; $virtuals = false; } $multi = ''; // If using multiple Tiki installations (MultiTiki) if ($virtuals) { if (isset($_REQUEST['multi']) && in_array($_REQUEST['multi'], $virtuals)) { $multi = $_REQUEST['multi']; } else { if (isset($_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL']) && is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL'].'/local.php')) { $multi = $_SERVER['TIKI_VIRTUAL']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/local.php')) { $multi = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && is_file('db/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/local.php')) { $multi = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } } } if (!empty($multi)) { $local = "db/$multi/local.php"; } else { $local = 'db/local.php'; } $tikidomain = $multi; $tikidomainslash = (!empty($tikidomain) ? $tikidomain . '/' : ''); $title = tra('Tiki Installer'); include 'lib/cache/cachelib.php'; $cachelib->empty_cache(); $_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"] = 'y'; // Init smarty global $tikidomain; $smarty = new Smarty_Tiki_Installer($tikidomain); $smarty->load_filter('pre', 'tr'); $smarty->load_filter('output', 'trimwhitespace'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-install.tpl'); $smarty->assign('virt', isset($virt) ? $virt : null ); $smarty->assign('multi', isset($multi) ? $multi : null ); $smarty->assign('lang', $language); // Try to set a longer execution time for the installer @ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); $max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($max_execution_time != 0) { $smarty->assign('max_exec_set_failed', 'y'); } // Tiki Database schema version include_once ('lib/setup/twversion.class.php'); $TWV = new TWVersion(); $smarty->assign('tiki_version_name', preg_replace('/^(\d+\.\d+)([^\d])/', '\1 \2', $TWV->version)); // Available DB Servers $dbservers = array(); if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) $dbservers['mysqli'] = tra('MySQL Improved (mysqli)'); if (function_exists('mysql_connect')) $dbservers['mysql'] = tra('MySQL classic (mysql)'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dbservers', $dbservers); $errors = ''; // changed to path_translated 28/4/04 by damian // for IIS compatibilty if (empty($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) { // in PHP5, $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] is no longer set // the following is hopefully a good workaround // nope, it wasn't - PHP5 doesn't allow pass-by-reference $includedFiles = get_included_files(); $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = array_shift($includedFiles); } $docroot = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']); check_session_save_path(); get_webserver_uid(); $errors .= create_dirs($multi); if ($errors) { error_and_exit(); } // Second check try to connect to the database // if no local.php => no con // if local then build dsn and try to connect // then get con or nocon //adodb settings if (!defined('ADODB_FORCE_NULLS')) { define('ADODB_FORCE_NULLS', 1); } if (!defined('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE')) { define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE', 2); } if (!defined('ADODB_CASE_ASSOC')) { // typo in adodb's driver for sybase? // so do we even need this without sybase? What's this? define('ADODB_CASE_ASSOC', 2); } include_once ('lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php'); include('lib/tikilib.php'); // Get list of available languages $languages = TikiLib::list_languages(false, null, true); $smarty->assign_by_ref("languages", $languages); $client_charset = ''; // next block checks if there is a local.php and if we can connect through this. // sets $dbcon to false if there is no valid local.php $dbcon = false; $installer = null; if ( file_exists($local) ) { // include the file to get the variables $default_api_tiki = $api_tiki; $api_tiki = ''; include $local; if ( ! $client_charset_forced = isset($client_charset) ) { $client_charset = ''; } $previousDbApi = $api_tiki; if ( empty( $api_tiki ) ) { $api_tiki_forced = false; $api_tiki = $default_api_tiki; if ( ! empty( $dbversion_tiki ) && $dbversion_tiki[0] < 4 ) { $previousDbApi = 'adodb'; // AdoDB was the default DB abstraction layer before 4.0 } } else { $api_tiki_forced = true; } unset( $default_api_tiki ); // In case of replication, ignore it during installer. unset( $shadow_dbs, $shadow_user, $shadow_pass, $shadow_host ); if ($dbversion_tiki == '1.10') { $dbversion_tiki = '2.0'; } if (!isset($db_tiki)) { // if no db is specified, use the first db that this php installation can handle $db_tiki = reset($dbservers); write_local_php($db_tiki, $host_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $client_charset, ($api_tiki_forced ? $api_tiki : ''), $dbversion_tiki); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; $dbcon = false; if ( isset( $dbservers[$db_tiki] ) ) { // avoid errors in ADONewConnection() (wrong darabase driver etc...) if ( $dbcon = initTikiDB( $api_tiki, $db_tiki, $host_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $client_charset, $dbTiki ) ) { $smarty->assign( 'resetdb', isset($_REQUEST['reset']) ? 'y' : 'n' ); $installer = new Installer; $installer->setServerType($db_tiki); if ( ! $client_charset_forced ) { write_local_php($db_tiki, $host_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $client_charset, ($api_tiki_forced ? $api_tiki : ''), $dbversion_tiki); } } } } if ( $dbcon ) { $admin_acc = has_admin( $dbTiki, $api_tiki ); } if ( $admin_acc == 'n' ) { $smarty->assign('noadmin', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('noadmin', 'n'); } // We won't update database info unless we can't connect to the database. // We won't reset the db connection if there is an admin account set // and the admin is not logged if ( ( !$dbcon || ( isset($_REQUEST['resetdb']) && $_REQUEST['resetdb'] == 'y' && ( $admin_acc == 'n' || (isset($_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"]) && $_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"] == 'y') ) ) ) && isset($_REQUEST['dbinfo']) ) { if ( ! empty($_REQUEST['name']) ) { if( isset( $_REQUEST['force_utf8'] ) ) { $client_charset = 'utf8'; } else { $client_charset = ''; } $dbcon = initTikiDB( $api_tiki, $_REQUEST['db'], $_REQUEST['host'], $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['pass'], $_REQUEST['name'], $client_charset, $dbTiki ); if ($dbcon) { write_local_php( $_REQUEST['db'], $_REQUEST['host'], $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['pass'], $_REQUEST['name'], $client_charset ); include $local; // In case of replication, ignore it during installer. unset( $shadow_dbs, $shadow_user, $shadow_pass, $shadow_host ); $installer = new Installer; $installer->setServerType($db_tiki); } } else { $dbcon = false; $tikifeedback[] = array('num'=>1, 'mes'=>tra("No database name specified")); } } if ( $dbcon ) { $smarty->assign('dbcon', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('dbcon', 'n'); } if ($dbcon) { $has_tiki_db = has_tiki_db(); $smarty->assign('tikidb_created', $has_tiki_db); $oldPerms = $installer->getOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users_permissions` WHERE `permDesc` = \'Can view categorized items\''); $smarty->assign('tikidb_oldPerms', $oldPerms); if ($install_step == '6' && $has_tiki_db) { update_preferences($dbTiki, $prefs); $smarty->assign('admin_email', get_admin_email($dbTiki)); $smarty->assign('upgradefix', (empty($dbversion_tiki) || $dbversion_tiki[0] < 4) ? 'y' : 'n'); } $smarty->assign('tikidb_is20', has_tiki_db_20()); } if (isset($_REQUEST['restart'])) { $_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"] = ''; } $smarty->assign('admin_acc', $admin_acc); // If no admin account then we are logged if ($admin_acc == 'n') { $_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"] = 'y'; } $smarty->assign('dbdone', 'n'); $smarty->assign('logged', $logged); // Installation steps if ( isset($dbTiki) && is_object($dbTiki) && isset($_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"]) && $_SESSION["install-logged-$multi"] == 'y' ) { $smarty->assign('logged', 'y'); if ( isset($_REQUEST['scratch']) ) { $installer->cleanInstall(); $smarty->assign('installer', $installer); $smarty->assign('dbdone', 'y'); $install_type = 'scratch'; require_once 'lib/tikilib.php'; $tikilib = new TikiLib; require_once 'lib/userslib.php'; $userlib = new UsersLib; require_once 'lib/setup/compat.php'; require_once 'lib/tikidate.php'; $tikidate = new TikiDate(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['update'])) { $installer->update(); $smarty->assign('installer', $installer); $smarty->assign('dbdone', 'y'); $install_type = 'update'; } // Try to activate Apache htaccess file by renaming _htaccess into .htaccess // Do nothing (but warn the user to do it manually) if: // - there is no _htaccess file, // - there is already an existing .htaccess (that is not necessarily the one that comes from TikiWiki), // - the rename does not work (e.g. due to filesystem permissions) // if ( strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Apache') !== false && !file_exists('.htaccess') && ! @rename('_htaccess', '.htaccess') ) { $smarty->assign('htaccess_error', 'y'); } } if (!isset($install_type)) { if (isset($_REQUEST['install_type'])) { $install_type = $_REQUEST['install_type']; } else { $install_type = ''; } } if ( isset( $_GET['lockenter'] ) || isset( $_GET['nolockenter'] ) ) { if (isset( $_GET['lockenter'])) { touch( 'db/'.$tikidomainslash.'lock' ); } global $userlib, $cachelib; if (session_id()) { session_destroy(); } include_once 'tiki-setup.php'; $cachelib->empty_cache(); if ($install_type == 'scratch') { $u = 'tiki-change_password.php?user=admin&oldpass=admin'; } else { $u = ''; } $userlib->user_logout($user, false, $u); // logs out then redirects to home page or $u exit; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('tikifeedback', $tikifeedback); $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); $email_test_tw = 'mailtest@tiki.org'; $smarty->assign('email_test_tw', $email_test_tw); // Sytem requirements test. if ($install_step == '2') { if (isset($_REQUEST['perform_mail_test']) && $_REQUEST['perform_mail_test'] == 'y') { $email_test_to = $email_test_tw; $email_test_headers = ''; $email_test_ready = true; if (!empty($_REQUEST['email_test_to'])) { $email_test_to = $_REQUEST['email_test_to']; if ($_REQUEST['email_test_cc'] == '1') { $email_test_headers .= "Cc: $email_test_tw\n"; } // check email address format include_once('lib/core/Zend/Validate/EmailAddress.php'); $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress(); if (!$validator->isValid($email_test_to)) { $smarty->assign('email_test_err', tra('Email address not valid, test mail not sent')); $smarty->assign('perform_mail_test', 'n'); $email_test_ready = false; } } else { // no email supplied, check copy checkbox if ($_REQUEST['email_test_cc'] != '1') { $smarty->assign('email_test_err', tra('Email address empty and "copy" checkbox not set, test mail not sent')); $smarty->assign('perform_mail_test', 'n'); $email_test_ready = false; } } $smarty->assign('email_test_to', $email_test_to); if ($email_test_ready) { // so send the mail $email_test_headers .= 'From: noreply@tikiwiki.org' . "\n"; // needs a valid sender $email_test_headers .= 'Reply-to: '. $email_test_to . "\n"; $email_test_headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"; $email_test_headers .= 'X-Mailer: Tiki/'.$TWV->version.' - PHP/' . phpversion() . "\n"; $email_test_subject = tra('Test mail from Tiki installer ').$TWV->version; $email_test_body = tra("Congratulations!\n\nYour server can send emails.\n\n"); $email_test_body .= "\t".tra('Tiki version:').' '.$TWV->version . "\n"; $email_test_body .= "\t".tra('PHP version:').' '.phpversion() . "\n"; $email_test_body .= "\t".tra('Server:').' '.(empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . "\n"; $email_test_body .= "\t".tra('Sent:').' '.date(DATE_RFC822) . "\n"; $sentmail = mail($email_test_to, $email_test_subject, $email_test_body, $email_test_headers); if($sentmail){ $mail_test = 'y'; } else { $mail_test = 'n'; } $smarty->assign('mail_test', $mail_test); $smarty->assign('perform_mail_test', 'y'); } } // copy of most of $tikilib->return_bytes() not available at this stage $memory_limit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); $last = strtolower($memory_limit{strlen($memory_limit)-1}); switch ( $last ) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $memory_limit *= 1024; case 'm': $memory_limit *= 1024; case 'k': $memory_limit *= 1024; } $smarty->assign('php_memory_limit', intval($memory_limit)); if ((extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info'))) { $gd_test = 'y'; $gd_info = gd_info(); $smarty->assign('gd_info', $gd_info['GD Version']); $im = @imagecreate(110, 20); if ($im) { $smarty->assign('sample_image', 'y'); imagedestroy($im); } else { $smarty->assign('sample_image', 'n'); } } else { $gd_test = 'n'; } $smarty->assign('gd_test', $gd_test); } elseif ($install_step == 6 && !empty($_REQUEST['validPatches'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['validPatches'] as $patch) { global $installer; $installer->recordPatch($patch); } } unset($TWV); // write general settings if ( isset($_REQUEST['general_settings']) && $_REQUEST['general_settings'] == 'y' ) { global $dbTiki; $switch_ssl_mode = ( isset($_REQUEST['feature_switch_ssl_mode']) && $_REQUEST['feature_switch_ssl_mode'] == 'on' ) ? 'y' : 'n'; $show_stay_in_ssl_mode = ( isset($_REQUEST['feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode']) && $_REQUEST['feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode'] == 'on' ) ? 'y' : 'n'; $installer->query("DELETE FROM `tiki_preferences` WHERE `name` IN " . "('browsertitle', 'sender_email', 'https_login', 'https_port', ". "'feature_switch_ssl_mode', 'feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode', 'language',". "'error_reporting_level', 'error_reporting_adminonly', 'smarty_notice_reporting', 'log_tpl')"); $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_preferences` (`name`, `value`) VALUES" . " ('browsertitle', '" . $_REQUEST['browsertitle'] . "')," . " ('sender_email', '" . $_REQUEST['sender_email'] . "')," . " ('https_login', '" . $_REQUEST['https_login'] . "')," . " ('https_port', '" . $_REQUEST['https_port'] . "')," . " ('error_reporting_level', '" . $_REQUEST['error_reporting_level'] . "')," . " ('error_reporting_adminonly', '" . (isset($_REQUEST['error_reporting_adminonly']) && $_REQUEST['error_reporting_adminonly'] == 'on' ? 'y' : 'n') . "')," . " ('smarty_notice_reporting', '" . (isset($_REQUEST['smarty_notice_reporting']) && $_REQUEST['smarty_notice_reporting'] == 'on' ? 'y' : 'n') . "')," . " ('log_tpl', '" . (isset( $_REQUEST['log_tpl']) && $_REQUEST['log_tpl'] == 'on' ? 'y' : 'n') . "')," . " ('feature_switch_ssl_mode', '$switch_ssl_mode')," . " ('feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode', '$show_stay_in_ssl_mode')," . " ('language', '$language')"; $installer->query($query); $installer->query("UPDATE `users_users` SET `email` = '".$_REQUEST['admin_email']."' WHERE `users_users`.`userId`=1"); if( isset( $_REQUEST['admin_account'] ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['admin_account'] ) ) { fix_admin_account( $_REQUEST['admin_account'] ); } if (isset($_REQUEST['fix_disable_accounts']) && $_REQUEST['fix_disable_accounts'] == 'on') { $ret = fix_disable_accounts(); } } include "lib/headerlib.php"; $headerlib->add_js("var tiki_cookie_jar=new Array();"); $headerlib->add_cssfile('styles/fivealive.css'); $headerlib->add_jsfile( 'lib/tiki-js.js' ); $headerlib->add_jsfile( 'lib/jquery/jquery.js' ); $headerlib->add_jsfile( 'lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js' ); $js = ' // JS Object to hold prefs for jq var jqueryTiki = new Object(); jqueryTiki.ui = false; jqueryTiki.ui_theme = ""; jqueryTiki.tooltips = false; jqueryTiki.autocomplete = false; jqueryTiki.superfish = false; jqueryTiki.replection = false; jqueryTiki.tablesorter = false; jqueryTiki.colorbox = false; jqueryTiki.cboxCurrent = "{current} / {total}"; jqueryTiki.carousel = false; jqueryTiki.effect = ""; jqueryTiki.effect_direction = ""; jqueryTiki.effect_speed = 400; jqueryTiki.effect_tabs = ""; jqueryTiki.effect_tabs_direction = ""; jqueryTiki.effect_tabs_speed = 400; '; $headerlib->add_js($js, 100); $smarty->assign_by_ref('headerlib',$headerlib); $smarty->assign('install_step', $install_step); $smarty->assign('install_type', $install_type); $smarty->assign_by_ref('prefs', $prefs); $smarty->assign('detected_https',isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on'); if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6') !== false) { $smarty->assign('ie6', true); } $client_charset = ''; if( file_exists( $local ) ) { include $local; } $smarty->assign( 'client_charset_in_file', $client_charset ); if( isset( $_POST['convert_to_utf8'] ) ) { convert_database_to_utf8( $dbs_tiki ); } if( isset( $_POST['fix_double_encoding'] ) && ! empty($_POST['previous_encoding']) ) { fix_double_encoding( $dbs_tiki, $_POST['previous_encoding'] ); $smarty->assign('double_encode_fix_attempted', 'y'); } if( $install_step == '4' ) { $value = ''; if ( ($db = TikiDB::get()) && ($result = $db->fetchAll( 'show variables like "character_set_database"') )) { $res = reset( $result ); $variable = array_shift( $res ); $value = array_shift( $res ); } $smarty->assign( 'database_charset', $value ); } if (((isset($value) && $value == 'utf8') || $install_step == '7') && $db = TikiDB::get()) { $result = $db->fetchAll( 'SELECT TABLE_COLLATION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_COLLATION NOT LIKE "utf8%"', $dbs_tiki ); if(!empty ($result) ) { $smarty->assign('legacy_collation', $result[0]['TABLE_COLLATION']); } } if ($install_step == '6') { $smarty->assign('disableAccounts', list_disable_accounts()); } $mid_data = $smarty->fetch('tiki-install.tpl'); $smarty->assign('mid_data', $mid_data); $smarty->assign( 'title', $title ); $smarty->display("tiki-install_screens.tpl");