File: language.php
<?php $lang=Array( "What do you need help with?" => "Wêrmei hawwe jo help nedich?", "return to wikipage" => "werom nei wikiside", "Perhaps you were looking for:" => "Miskien sochten jo om:", "Table Of Contents" => "Ynhâld", "Enter tags separated by spaces." => "Fier labels yn, skieden troch spaasjes", "Tags in this Article" => "Labels yn dit artikel", "Looking for Thunderbird support?" => "Sykje jo Thunderbird help?", "Learn More" => "Mear ynformaasje", "keywords" => "kaaiwurden", "Find out how you can help" => "Sjoch hoe't jo helpe kinne", "Improve the Knowledge Base" => "Ferbetter it Kennissintrum", "Updated!" => "Fernijd!", "Show content customized for:" => "Toan ynhâld oanpast foar:", "Stop monitoring this page" => "Stop mei yn 'e gaten hâlde fan dizze side", "save_to" => "bewarje nei", "DATE-of" => "fan", "Jan" => "Jan", "Feb" => "Feb", "Mar" => "Maa", "Apr" => "Apr", "Jun" => "Jun", "Jul" => "Jul", "Aug" => "Aug", "Sep" => "Sept", "Oct" => "Okt", "Nov" => "Nov", "Dec" => "Des", "Your account request have been stored and will be activated by the admin as soon as possible." => "Jo account fersyk is bewarre en sil sa gau as mooglik aktifearre wurde troch de admin .", "Interface translation" => "Uterlik oersetting", "Toggle interactive translation mode off" => "Skeakel ynteraktive oerset moadus út", "Search the Knowledge Base" => "Sykje yn it kennissintrum", "Knowledge Base" => "Kennissintrum", "Support Forum" => "Stipefoarum", "Ask a Question" => "Stel in fraach", "How to Contribute" => "Hoe kinne jo helpe", "My Account" => "Myn account", "Log Out" => "Utlogge", "rename" => "omneame", "lock" => "fêstsette", "perms" => "permisjes", "history" => "skiednis", "translation" => "oersetting", "Other Languages" => "Taal", "add comment" => "opmerkings", "Add a new translation (if you cannot find an existing translation to edit)" => "Foegje in nije oersetting ta (as jo net in besteande oesetting fine kinne)", "Using SHOWFOR" => "SHOWFOR brûke", "Edited articles ready for review" => "Bewurke artikelen klear foar beoardieling", "Toggle interface translation off" => "Skeakel úterlik oersetting út", "Advanced forum search" => "Avansearre foarumsykje", "My Personal Dashboard" => "Myn persoanlike Dashboard", "Contributors forum" => "Helpersfoarum", "Contributor Home Page" => "Helpers thússide", "User Tools" => "Brûkersark", "Questions I asked" => "Fragen fan mysels", "My email notifications" => "Myn email notifikaasjes", "Want to help out?" => "Wolle jo helpe?", "Contributor Tools" => "Helpersark", "Find the answers you need in our support forum (you can also try searching our <a href='/kb/'>Knowledge Base</a> for more help)." => "Fyn de antwurden dy't jo nedich hawwe yn ús stipefoarum (jo kinne ek help sykje yn ús Kennissintrum).", "Search previous questions in the forum" => "Sykje foarige fragen yn it foarum", "Ask a question" => "Stel in fraach", "Perhaps you could help us with that?" => "Miskien kinne jo ús dêrmei helpe?", "This article has not yet been translated to" => "Dit artikel is noch net oerset nei it", "Just click" => "Klik gewoan", "and follow the instructions" => "en folgje de ynstruksjes", "translate this page" => "dizze side oersette", "Closing the window will reload your main browser" => "Dit skerm slute sil it haadskerm op 'e nij lade", "Set email notifications for this category" => "Stel emailnotifikaasje yn foar dizze kategorie", "Currently off" => "Op dit stuit út", "for external links" => "foar eksterne keppelings", "Name of article" => "Namme fan artikel", "for Knowledge Base links" => "foar Kennissintrum keppelings", "HTML tags are not allowed." => "HTML labels binne net tastien.", "reply" => "reagearje", "Tags in This Article" => "Labels oan dit artikel", "Translations with new content" => "Oersettings mei nije ynhâld", "View changes and update currently viewed language version" => "Besjoch wizigings en fernij de aktuele taalferzje", "Translations not yet updated with changes in the currently viewed language version" => "Oersetings noch net fernijd mei wizigings yn de aktuele taalferzje", "View changes and update translation" => "Besjoch wizigings en fernij de oersetting", "An important change has been made on another language version of this page. Until this page is updated, you can view the following updated versions:" => "Der is in belangrike wiziging west yn in oare taalferzje fan dizze side. Oant dizze side fernijd is, kinne jo de folgjende fernijde ferzjes besjen:", "Translate this page" => "Set dizze side oer", "No more up-to-date translations match your" => "Net mear up-to-date oersettings komme oerien mei jo", "No less up-to-date translations match your" => "Net minder up-to-date oersettings komme oerien mei jo", "Selection adds to the list below" => "Seleksje foeget ta oan de list hjir&ucirc;nder", "Languages you can read" => "Talen dy't jo lêze kinne", "List articles I have contributed to" => "Jou in list mei artikelen wêr't ik oan meiwurke haw", "List screencasts and images I have contributed" => "Jou in list mei skermôfdrukken en ôfbyldings dy't ik makke haw", "List questions I have posted to the forum" => "Jou in list mei myn fragen op it foarum", "List threads I have posted to" => "Jou in list mei tridden dêr't ik op reagearre haw", "Questions I have posted to the forum" => "Fragen dy't ik stelt haw yn it foarum", "Forum thread" => "Foarumtried", "Threads I have posted to" => "Tridden wêr't ik posten haw", "Screencasts and images I have contributed" => "Skermôfdrukken en ôfbyldings dy't ik makke haw", "Watch language wiki page creations" => "Besjoch taal wikisides ûntwerpen", "lang" => "taal", "Edit language tables (not using interactive mode directly from screen)" => "Bewurkje taaltabellen (sûnder interaktive moadus direkt op it skerm)", "Edit language table" => "Bewurkje taaltabel", "Tutorial" => "Utlis", "Products" => "Produkten", "Add-ons" => "Tafoegings", "Support" => "Stipe", "Toggle interactive translation mode on" => "Skeakel ynteraktive oerset moadus oan", "translate" => "oersette", "The page {\$mail_page} was changed by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "De side {\$mail_page} is wizige troch {\$mail_user} op {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", "Interactive translator" => "Interaktieve oersetter", "has been updated" => "is fernijd", "next page" => "folgjende side", "About" => "Oer", "Description" => "Omskriuwing", "Comment" => "Opmerking", "Error" => "Flater", "Administration" => "Administraasje", "wiki page" => "wikiside", "Language" => "Taal", "Title" => "Titel", "Top" => "Boppe", "User" => "Brûker", "Score" => "Skore", "Search" => "Sykje", "Print" => "Ofdrukke", "History" => "Skiednis", "Country" => "Lân", "Last login" => "Lêste lochyn", "Email address" => "E-mailadres", "Displayed time zone" => "Toande tiidssoane", "Number of visited pages to remember" => "Oantal besochte sides om te ûnthâlden", "User information" => "Brûkersynformaasje", "Use double-click to edit pages" => "Brûk dûbelklik om sides te bewurkjen", "My items" => "Myn items", "Last editor" => "Lêste bewurker", "Page last modified on" => "Side lêst wizige op", "Page cannot be found" => "Side net fûn", "and" => "en", "Log In" => "Loch yn", "Gallery" => "Galerie", "Tracker" => "Folger", "Page" => "Side", "Object" => "Objekt", "Dynamic Content" => "Dynamyske ynhâld", "Group" => "Groep", "or" => "of", "Source" => "Boarne", "User Preferences" => "Brûkersfoarkarren", "Preferences" => "Foarkarren", "Real Name" => "Echte namme", "Vote" => "Stim", "Translation" => "Oersetting", "Actions" => "Aksjes", "Delete" => "Fuortsmite", "More..." => "Mear...", "comments" => "opmerkings", "Post new comment" => "Post nije opmerking", "Posting comments" => "Opmerkings tafoegje", "Go back" => "Gean werom", "Return to home page" => "Werom nei thússide", "Add" => "Tafoegje", "Use" => "Brûk", "Create this page" => "Meitsje dizze side", "Edit this page" => "Bewurkje dizze side", "New name" => "Nije namme", "Log in" => "Loch yn", "preferred languages" => "foarkartalen", "Last modification" => "Lêste bewurking", "Community" => "Mienskip", "Watches" => "Monitors", "Required" => "Fereaske", "Event" => "Barren", "New password" => "Nij wachtwurd", "Select the language to edit" => "Selektearje taal om te bewurkjen", "Add a translation" => "Foegje oersetting ta", "Edit translations" => "Oersettings bewurkje", "Original" => "Orsjineel", "Monitor this page" => "Monitor dizze side", "Date of post" => "Postdatum", "Pick user Avatar" => "Selektearje brûkersavatar", "Remove page" => "Side fuortsmite", "Last Version" => "Lêste ferzje", "You are about to remove the page" => "Jo stean op it punt om de side ", "permanently" => "permanint fuort te smiten", "Remove all versions of this page" => "Smyt alle ferzjes fan dizze side fuort", "Rename page" => "Side omneame", "remove" => "fuortsmite", "Content may be out of date" => "Ynhâld kin âld wêze", "Contributors to this page" => "Helpers foar dizze side", "Personal Information" => "Persoanlike ynformaasje", "Is email public? (uses scrambling to prevent spam)" => "Is email publyklik? (brûkt ferfoarming om spam foar te kommen)", "Does your mail reader need a special charset" => "Brûkt jo maillêzer in spesjale karakterset", "Account Information" => "Account ynformaasje", "Leave \"New password\" and \"Confirm new password\" fields blank to keep current password" => "Lit \"Nij wachtwurd\" en Befestigje wachtwurd\" leech om it aktuele wachtwurd te hâlden", "Confirm new password" => "Befestigje nij wachtwurd", "Current password (required)" => "Aktuele wachtwurd (fereaske)", "A user edited a wiki page" => "In brûker bewurke in wikiside", "for links" => "foar keppelings", "HTML tags are not allowed inside posts" => "HTML labels binne net tastien yn opmerkings", "This is a new staging page that has not been approved before. Edit and manually move it to the category for approved pages to approve it for the first time." => "Dit is in nije poadiumside dy't noch net earder goadkeurd is. Bewurkje en ferpleats it h&acirc;nmjittich nei de kategory foar goedkeurde sides om it foar de earste kear goed te keuren.", "The language can't be changed as its set of translations has already this language" => "De taal kin net oanpast wurde, omdat der al besteande oersettingen binne foar dizze taal", "edit" => "bewurkje", "###end###"=>"###end###");