File: accountinglib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: accountinglib.php 34780 2011-06-06 09:51:06Z sept_7 $ // this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } require_once ('lib/logs/logslib.php'); /** * Basic functions used by the accounting feature * * <p>This file contains all functions used by more than one file from the ccsg_accounting feature. * This feature is a simple accounting/bookkeeping function.</p> * * @package accounting * @author Joern Ott <white@ott-service.de> * @version 1.2 * @date 2010-11-16 * @copyright LGPL */ class AccountingLib extends LogsLib { /** * * Storing the book data if already requested once, this may save us a few queries * @var array $_book array with the books structure */ private $_book = ''; /** * Lists all books available to a user * @param string $order sorting order * @return array list of books (complete table structure) */ function listBooks($order = 'bookId ASC') { $query = "SELECT * FROM tiki_acct_book ORDER BY $order"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array()); } /** * * Creates a new book and gives full permissions to the creator * @param string $bookName descriptive name of the book * @param date $bookStartDate first permitted date for the book * @param date $bookEndDate last permitted date for the book * @param string $bookCurrency up to 3 letter cuurency code * @param int $bookCurrencyPos where should the currency symbol appear -1=before, 1=after * @param int $bookDecimals number of decimal points * @param string $bookDecPoint separator for the decimal point * @param string $bookThousand separator for the thousands * @param string $exportSeparator separator between fields when exporting CSV * @param string $exportEOL end of line definition, either CR, LF or CRLF * @param string $exportQuote Quote character to enclose strings in CSV * @param bool $bookClosed true, if the book is closed (no more changes) * @return int/string bookId on success, error message otherwise */ function createBook($bookName , $bookStartDate , $bookEndDate , $bookCurrency , $bookCurrencyPos = -1 , $bookDecimals , $bookDecPoint , $bookThousand , $exportSeparator , $exportEOL , $exportQuote , $bookAutoTax = 'y' , $bookClosed = 'n' ) { global $userlib, $user; if (strlen($bookName) == 0) { return "The book must have a name"; } if (strtotime($bookStartDate) === false) { return "Invalid start date"; } if (strtotime($bookEndDate) === false) { return "Invalid end date"; } $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_book` (`bookName`, `bookClosed`, `bookStartDate`, `bookEndDate`, `bookCurrency`, `bookCurrencyPos`, `bookDecimals`, `bookDecPoint`, `bookThousand`, `exportSeparator`, `exportEOL`, `exportQuote`, `bookAutoTax`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookName , $bookClosed , $bookStartDate , $bookEndDate , $bookCurrency , $bookCurrencyPos , $bookDecimals , $bookDecPoint , $bookThousand , $exportSeparator , $exportEOL , $exportQuote , $bookAutoTax ) ); $bookId = $this->lastInsertId(); $this->createTax($bookId, tra('No automated tax'), 0, 'n'); $groupId = $bookId; do { //make sure we don't have that group already $groupname = "accounting_book_$groupId"; $groupexists = $userlib->group_exists($groupname); if ($groupexists) { $groupId++; } } while ($groupexists); if ($groupId != $bookId) { $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_book` SET `bookId=? WHERE `bookId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($groupId, $bookId)); $bookId = $groupId; } $userlib->add_group($groupname); $userlib->assign_user_to_group($user, $groupname); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_view'); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book'); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_manage_accounts'); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book_stack'); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book_import'); $userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_manage_template'); return $bookId; } /** * * Returns the details for a book with a given bookId * @param int $bookId Id of the book to retrieve the data for * @return array Array with book details */ function getBook($bookId) { if (!is_array($this->_book) or $this->_book['bookId']!=$bookId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_book` WHERE `bookId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId)); $this->_book = $res->fetchRow(); } return $this->_book; } /** * * This function sets a books status to closed, so transactions can no longer be used * @param int $bookId id of the book to close * @return bool true on success */ function closeBook($bookId) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') return false; $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_book` SET `bookClosed`='y' WHERE `bookId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId)); if ($res === false) return false; return true; } /** * Returns the complete journal for a given account, if none is provided, the whole journal will be fetched * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId account for which we should display the journal, defaults to '%' (all accounts) * @param string $order sorting order * @param int $limit max number of records to fetch, defaults to 0 = all * @return array/bool journal with all posts, false on errors */ function getJournal($bookId, $accountId = '%', $order = '`journalId` ASC', $limit = 0) { $journal = array(); if ($limit != 0) { if ($limit<0) $order = str_replace("ASC", "DESC", $order); $order .= " LIMIT ".abs($limit); } if ($accountId == '%') { $query = "SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled` FROM `tiki_acct_journal` WHERE `journalBookId`=? ORDER BY $order"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId)); } else { $query = "SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled` FROM `tiki_acct_journal` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item` ON (`tiki_acct_journal`.`journalBookId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemBookId` AND `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId`) WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `itemAccountId` LIKE ? GROUP BY `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled` ORDER BY $order"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); } if ($res===false) return false; while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId`=? AND `itemType`=? ORDER BY `itemAccountId` ASC"; $row['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $row['journalId'], -1)); $row['debitcount'] = count($row['debit']); $row['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $row['journalId'], 1)); $row['creditcount'] = count($row['credit']); $row['maxcount'] = max($row['creditcount'], $row['debitcount']); $journal[] = $row; } return $journal; } /** * Returns the totals for a given book and account * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId account for which we should fetch the totals, defaults to '%' (all accounts) * @return array array with three elements debit, credit and the total (credit-debit) */ function getJournalTotals($bookId, $accountId = '%') { $journal = array(); $query = "SELECT `itemAccountId`, SUM(`itemAmount`*IF(`itemType`<0,1,0)) AS debit, sum(`itemAmount`*IF(`itemType`>0,1,0)) AS credit FROM `tiki_acct_journal` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item` ON (`tiki_acct_journal`.`journalBookId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemBookId` AND `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId`) WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `itemAccountId` LIKE ?"; $res = $this->query($query,array($bookId, $accountId)); $totals = $res->fetchRow(); $totals['total'] = $totals['credit']-$totals['debit']; return $totals; } /** * Returns a list of accounts as defined in table tiki_acct_account * * @param int $bookId id of the book to retrieve the accounts for * @param string $order order of items, defaults to accountId * @param boolean $all true = fetch all accounts, false = fetch only unlocked accounts * @return array list of accounts */ function getAccounts($bookId, $order = "`accountId` ASC", $all = false) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountBookId`=? '. ($all?'':'AND `accountLocked`=0 '). "ORDER BY $order"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId)); } //getAccounts /** * Returns an extended list of accounts with totals * * @param int $bookId id of the book to fetch the account list for * @param bool $all true = fetch all accounts or false = only unlocked accounts, defaults to false * @return array list of accounts */ function getExtendedAccounts($bookId, $all = false) { $allcond = $all? '':' AND accountLocked=0'; $query = "SELECT accountBookId, accountId, accountName, accountNotes, accountBudget, accountLocked, SUM(itemAmount*IF(itemType<0,1,0)) AS debit, SUM(itemAmount*IF(itemType>0,1,0)) AS credit FROM tiki_acct_account LEFT JOIN tiki_acct_journal ON tiki_acct_account.accountBookId=tiki_acct_journal.journalBookId LEFT JOIN tiki_acct_item ON tiki_acct_journal.journalId=tiki_acct_item.itemJournalId AND tiki_acct_account.accountId=tiki_acct_item.itemAccountId WHERE tiki_acct_account.accountBookId=? $allcond GROUP BY accountId, accountName, accountNotes, accountBudget, accountLocked"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId)); }//getExtendedAccounts /** * Returns an array with all data from the account * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId account id to retrieve * @param boolean $checkChangeable perform check, if the account is changeable * @return array account data or false on error */ function getAccount($bookId, $accountId, $checkChangeable = true) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountbookId`=? AND `accountId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); $account = $res->fetchRow(); if ($checkChangeable) $account['changeable'] = $this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId); return $account; } //getAccount /** * Checks if this accountId can be changed or the account can be deleted. * This can only be done, if the account has not been used -> no posts exist for the account * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId account id to check * @return boolean true, if the account can be changed/deleted */ function accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { return false; } $query = "SELECT Count(`itemAccountId`) AS posts FROM `tiki_acct_journal` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item` ON `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId` WHERE `journalBookId`=? and `itemAccountId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); $posts = $res->fetchRow(); return ($posts['posts'] == 0); } //accountChangeable /** * Creates an account with the given information * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId id of the account to create * @param string $accountName name of the account to create * @param string $accountNotes notes for this account * @param float $accountBudget planned budget for the account * @param boolean $accountLocked can this account be used, 0=unlocked, 1=locked * @param int $accountTax taxId for tax automation * @return array/boolean list of errors or true on success */ function createAccount( $bookId , $accountId , $accountName , $accountNotes , $accountBudget , $accountLocked , $accountTax = 0 ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors = array(tra("This book has been closed. You can't create new accounts.")); return $errors; } $errors = $this->validateId('accountId', $accountId, 'tiki_acct_account', false, 'accountBookId', $bookId); if ($accountName == '') $errors[] = tra('Account name must not be empty.'); $cleanbudget = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $accountBudget); if ($cleanbudget === '') $errors[] = tra('Budget is not a valid amount: ') . $accountBudget; if ($accountLocked != 0 and $accountLocked != 1) $errors[] = tra('Locked must be either 0 or 1.'); if ($accountTax != 0) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->validateId('taxId', $accountTax, 'tiki_acct_tax', true, 'taxBookId', $bookId)); } if (count($errors) != 0) return $errors; $query = 'INSERT INTO tiki_acct_account SET accountBookId=?, accountId=?, accountName=?, accountNotes=?, accountBudget=?, accountLocked=?, accountTax=?'; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId , $accountId , $accountName , $accountNotes , $cleanbudget , $accountLocked , $accountTax) ); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error creating account') & " $accountId: " . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $tikilib->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } return true; } //createAccount /** * Unlocks or locks an account which means it can not be used accidentally for booking * * @param int $bookId current book * @param int $accountId account to lock * @return bool true on success */ function changeAccountLock($bookId, $accountId) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { return false; } $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_account` SET `accountLocked` = NOT `accountLocked` WHERE `accountBookId`=? AND `accountId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); if ($res === false) return false; return true; } //changeAccountLock /** * Updates an account with the given information * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId original id of the account * @param int $newAccountId new id of the account (only if the account is changeable) * @param string $accountName name of the account * @param string $accountNotes notes for the account * @param float $accountBudget planned yearly budget for the account * @param boolean $accountLocked can this account be used 0=unlocked, 1=locked * @param int $accountTax id of the auto tax type, defaults to 0 * @return array/boolean list of errors, true on success */ function updateAccount($bookId , $accountId , $newAccountId , $accountName , $accountNotes , $accountBudget , $accountLocked , $accountTax = 0 ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors = array(tra("This book has been closed. You can't modify the account.")); return $errors; } $errors = $this->validateId('accountId', $newAccountId, 'tiki_acct_account', true, 'accountBookId', $bookId); if ($accountId != $newAccountId) { if (!$this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId)) $errors[] = tra('AccountId %0 is already in use and must not be changed. Please disable it if it is no longer needed.', $args = array($accountId)); } if ($accountName === '') $errors[] = tra('Account name must not be empty.'); $cleanbudget = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $accountBudget); if ($cleanbudget === '') $errors[] = tra('Budget is not a valid amount: ') . $cleanbudget; if ($locked != 0 and $locked != 1) $errors[] = tra('Locked must be either 0 or 1.'); if ($accountTax != 0) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->validateId('taxId', $accountTax, 'tiki_acct_tax', true, 'taxBookId', $bookId)); } if (count($errors) != 0) return $errors; $query = "UPDATE tiki_acct_account SET accountId=?, accountName=?, accountNotes=?, accountBudget=?, accountLocked=?, accountTax=? WHERE accountBookId=? AND accountId=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($newAccountId , $accountName , $accountNotes , $cleanbudget , $accountLocked , $accountTax , $bookId , $accountId ) ); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error updating account') & " $accountId: " . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } return true; } //updateAccount /** * Delete an account (if deleteable) * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId account id to delete * @param bool $checkChangeable check, if the account is unused and can be deleted * @return array/bool array with errors or true, if deletion was successful */ function deleteAccount($bookId, $accountId, $checkChangeable = true) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { return array(tra("This book has been closed. You can't delete the account.")); } if (!$this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId)) { return array(tra('Account is already in use and must not be deleted. Please disable it, if it is no longer needed.')); } $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountBookId`=? AND `accountId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); return true; } //deleteAccount /** * * Do a manual rollback, if the creation of a complete booking fails. * This is a workaround for missing transaction support * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $journalId id of the entry to roll back * @return string Text messages stating the success/failure of the rollback */ function manualRollback($bookId, $journalId) { $errors = array(); $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId)); $rollback = ($res!==false); $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_journal` WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `journalId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId)); $rollback = $rollback and ($res !== false); if (!$rollback) { return tra('Rollback failed, inconsistent database: Cleanup needed for journalId %0 in book %1', array($journalId, $bookId)); } else { return tra('successfully rolled back #') . " $journalId"; } } //manualRollback /** * * Checks if the book date is within the books limits * @param array $book book array * @param unknown_type $Date */ function checkBookDates($book, $Date) { $StartDate = new Zend_Date($book['bookStartDate']); if ($Date->compareDate($StartDate) === -1) { return array(tra("The date for the transaction is before this books start date.")); } $EndDate = new Zend_Date($book['bookEndDate']); if ($Date->compareDate($EndDate) === 1) { return array(tra("The date for the transaction is after this books end date.")); } return true; } /** * books a simple transaction * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param date $journalDate date of the transaction * @param string $journalDescription description of this transaction * @param int $debitAccount account to debit * @param int $creditAccount account to credit * @param double $amount amount to transfer between the accounts * @param string $debitText text for the debit post, defaults to an empty string * @param string $creditText text for the credit post, defaults to an empty string * @return int/array list of errors or journalId on success */ function simpleBook($bookId , $journalDate , $journalDescription , $debitAccount , $creditAccount , $amount , $debitText = '' , $creditText = '' ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { return array(tra("This book has been closed. You can't book into it any more.")); } try { $date = new Zend_Date($journalDate); } catch(Zend_Date_Exception $e) { return array(tra("Invalid booking date.")); } $errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date); if (is_array($errors)) { return $errors; } $errors = array(); $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`, `journalTs`) VALUES (?,?,?,0,NOW())"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $date->toString('Y-M-d'), $journalDescription)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating journal entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $this->rollback(); return $errors; } $journalId = $this->lastInsertId(); $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`, `itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())"; $res = $tikilib->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId, $debitAccount, -1, $amount, $debitText)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($journalId); return $errors; } $res = $tikilib->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId, $creditAccount, 1, $amount, $creditText)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating credit entry') . $tikilib->ErrorNo() . ": " . $tikilib->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($journalId); return $errors; } // everything ok return $journalId; }// simplebook /** * books a complex transaction with multiple accounts on one side * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param date $journalDate date of the transaction * @param string $journalDescription description of this transaction * @param mixed $debitAccount account(s) to debit * @param mixed $creditAccount account(s) to credit * @param mixed $debitAmount amount(s) on debit side * @param mixed $creditAmount amount(s) on credit side * @param mixed $debitText text(s) for the debit post, defaults to an empty string * @param mixed $creditText text(s) for the credit post, defaults to an empty string * * @return int/array journalID or list of errors */ function book($bookId , $journalDate , $journalDescription , $debitAccount , $creditAccount , $debitAmount , $creditAmount , $debitText = array() , $creditText = array() ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. You can't book into it any more."); } try { $date = new Zend_Date($journalDate); } catch(Zend_Date_Exception $e) { return array(tra("Invalid booking date.")); } $errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date); if (is_array($errors)) { return $errors; } $errors = array(); if (!is_array($debitAccount)) $debitAccount = array($debitAccount); if (!is_array($creditAccount)) $creditAccount = array($creditAccount); if (!is_array($debitAmount)) $debitAmount = array($debitAmount); if (!is_array($creditAmount)) $creditAmount = array($creditAmount); if (!is_array($debitText)) $debitText = array($debitText); if (!is_array($creditText)) $creditText = array($creditText); if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of debit entries differ: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText); } if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of credit entries differ: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText); } if (count($debitAccount)>1 and count($creditAccount)>1) { $errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.'); } $checkamount = 0; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount -= $a; } if (!is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i]; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i < $icount_creditAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ') . $creditAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount += $a; } if (!is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i]; } } if ($checkamount != 0) { $errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount; } if (count($errors) > 0) return $errors; $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`, `journalTs`) VALUES (?,?,?,0,NOW())"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $date->toString('Y-M-d'), $journalDescription)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating journal entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } $journalId = $this->lastInsertId(); $query="INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`, `itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())"; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId); return $errors; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId); return $errors; } } return $journalId; }// book /** * * Retrieves one entry from the journal * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $journalId id of the post in the journal * @return array/bool array with post, false on error */ function getTransaction($bookId, $journalId) { $query = 'SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`' . ' FROM `tiki_acct_journal`' . ' WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `journalId`=?' ; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId)); if ($res === false) return false; $entry = $res->fetchRow(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId`=? AND `itemType`=? ORDER BY `itemAccountId` ASC"; $entry['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $entry['journalId'], -1)); $entry['debitcount'] = count($entry['debit']); $entry['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $entry['journalId'], 1)); $entry['creditcount'] = count($entry['credit']); $entry['maxcount'] = max($entry['creditcount'], $entry['debitcount']); return $entry; } //getTransaction /** * Declares a statement in the journal as cancelled. * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $journalId journalId of the statement to cancel */ function cancelTransaction($bookId, $journalId) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. You can't cancel transactions in it any more."); } $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_journal` SET `journalCancelled`=1 WHERE `journalBookId`=? and `journalId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId)); return true; } // cancelTransaction /** * Returns the complete stack * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @return array/bool stack with all posts, false on errors */ function getStack($bookId) { $stack = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId)); if ($res === false) return false; while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=? AND `stackItemType`=? ORDER BY `stackItemAccountId` ASC"; $row['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $row['stackId'], -1)); $row['debitcount'] = count($row['debit']); $row['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $row['stackId'], 1)); $row['creditcount'] = count($row['credit']); $row['maxcount'] = max($row['creditcount'], $row['debitcount']); $stack[] = $row; } return $stack; } /** * * Do a manual rollback, if the creation of a complete booking fails. * This is a workaround for missing transaction support * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $stackId id of the entry to roll back * @return string Text messages stating the success/failure of the rollback */ function stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId) { $errors = array(); $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackitemBookId`=? AND `stackitemJournalId=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); $rollback = ($res !== false); $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); $rollback = $rollback and ($res !== false); if (!$rollback) { return tra('Rollback failed, inconsistent database: Cleanup needed for stackId %0 in book %1', array($journalId, $bookId)); } else { return tra('successfully rolled back #') . " $stackId"; } } //stackManualRollback /** * books a complex transaction with multiple accounts on one side into the stack * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param date $stackDate date of the transaction * @param string $stackDescription description of this transaction * @param mixed $debitAccount account(s) to debit * @param mixed $creditAccount account(s) to credit * @param mixed $debitAmount amount(s) on debit side * @param mixed $creditAmount amount(s) on credit side * @param mixed $debitText text(s) for the debit post, defaults to an empty string * @param mixed $creditText text(s) for the credit post, defaults to an empty string * * @return int/array stackID or list of errors */ function stackBook($bookId , $stackDate , $stackDescription , $debitAccount , $creditAccount , $debitAmount , $creditAmount , $debitText = array() , $creditText = array() ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. You can't book into it any more."); } try { $date = new Zend_Date($stackDate); } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) { return array(tra("Invalid booking date.")); } $errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date); if (is_array($errors)) { return $errors; } $errors = array(); if (!is_array($debitAccount)) $debitAccount = array($debitAccount); if (!is_array($creditAccount)) $creditAccount = array($creditAccount); if (!is_array($debitAmount)) $debitAmount = array($debitAmount); if (!is_array($creditAmount)) $creditAmount = array($creditAmount); if (!is_array($debitText)) $debitText = array($debitText); if (!is_array($creditText)) $creditText = array($creditText); if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of debit entries differ: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText); } if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of credit entries differ: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText); } if (count($debitAccount)>1 and count($creditAccount)>1) { $errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.'); } $checkamount = 0; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount -= $a; } if (!is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i]; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i < $icount_creditAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId,$creditAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ').$creditAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount += $a; } if (!is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i]; } } if ($checkamount != 0) { $errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount; } if (count($errors)>0) return $errors; $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stack` (`stackBookId`, `stackDate`, `stackDescription`) VALUES (?,?,?)"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $date->toString('Y-M-d'), $stackDescription)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } $stackId = $this->lastInsertId(); $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stackitem` (`stackBookId`, `stackItemStackId`, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`, `stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId); return $errors; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId); return $errors; } } // everything ok return $stackId; }// stackBook function stackUpdate($bookId , $stackId , $stackDate , $stackDescription , $debitAccount , $creditAccount , $debitAmount , $creditAmount , $debitText = array() , $creditText = array() ) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') { $errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. You can't book into it any more."); } try { $date = new Zend_Date($stackDate); } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) { return array(tra("Invalid booking date.")); } $errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date); if (is_array($errors)) { return $errors; } $errors = array(); if (!is_array($debitAccount)) $debitAccount = array($debitAccount); if (!is_array($creditAccount)) $creditAccount = array($creditAccount); if (!is_array($debitAmount)) $debitAmount = array($debitAmount); if (!is_array($creditAmount)) $creditAmount = array($creditAmount); if (!is_array($debitText)) $debitText = array($debitText); if (!is_array($creditText)) $creditText = array($creditText); if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of debit entries differ: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText); } if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) { $errors[] = tra('Number of credit entries differ: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText); } if (count($debitAccount) > 1 and count($creditAccount) > 1) { $errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.'); } $checkamount = 0; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount -= $a; } if (!is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i]; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i<$icount_creditAmount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]); if (!is_numeric($a) or $a<=0) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ') . $creditAmount[$i]; } else { $checkamount += $a; } if (!is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i]; } } if ( $checkamount != 0 ) { $errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount; } if (count($errors)>0) return $errors; $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_stack` SET `stackDate`=?, `stackDescription`=? WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($date->toString('Y-M-d'), $stackDescription, $bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId); return $errors; } $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stackitem` (`stackBookId`, `stackItemStackId`, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`, `stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; for ($i=0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId); return $errors; } } for ($i=0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) { $a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]); $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i])); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId); return $errors; } } // everything ok return $stackId; } /** * deletes an entry from the stack * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $stackId id of the entry to delete * @return bool/array true on success, array of error messages otherwise */ function stackDelete($bookId, $stackId) { $errors = array(); $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error deleting entry from stack') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; } $query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error deleting entry from stack') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; } if (count($errors) != 0) { return $errors; } return true; } /** * * Confirm a transaction and transfer it to the journal * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $stackId id of the entry in the stack */ function stackConfirm($bookId, $stackId) { $query = "INSERT into `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`, `journalTs`) SELECT ?, `stackDate`, `stackDescription` , 0, NOW() FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error confirming stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } $journalId = $this->lastInsertId(); $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`, `itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`) SELECT ?, ?, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`, `stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`, NOW() FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $journalId, $bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Booking error cconfirming stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; $errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId); return $errors; } $this->stackDelete($bookId, $stackId); $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementJournalId`=? WHERE `statementBookId`=? AND `statementStackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($journalId, $bookId, $stackId)); return true; } /** * * Retrieves one entry from the stack * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $journalId id of the post in the journal * @return array/bool array with post, false on error */ function getStackTransaction($bookId, $stackId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $stackId)); if ($res === false) return false; $entry = $res->fetchRow(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=? AND `stackItemType`=? ORDER BY `stackItemAccountId` ASC"; $entry['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $entry['stackId'], -1)); $entry['debitcount']= count($entry['debit']); $entry['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $entry['stackId'], 1)); $entry['creditcount'] = count($entry['credit']); $entry['maxcount'] = max($entry['creditcount'], $entry['debitcount']); return $entry; } //getTransaction /** * Returns a list of bankaccounts which are related to internal accounts * @param int $bookId id if the current book * * @return array list of accounts */ function getBankAccounts($bookId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_bankaccount` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_account` ON `tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankBookId` = `tiki_acct_account`.`accountBookId` AND `tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankAccountId`=`tiki_acct_account`.`accountId` WHERE `tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankBookId`=?"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId)); }//getBankAccounts /** * Returns a list of bank statements which have been uploaded but not yet been processed * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId id of the account to fetch the statements for * @return array/bool list of statements or false if an error occurred */ function getOpenStatements($bookId, $accountId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_statement` WHERE `statementJournalId`=0 AND `statementStackId`=0 AND `statementBookId`=? AND `statementAccountId`=?"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); }//getOpenStatements /** * Returns the statement with the given Id from the list of statements * * @param int $statetmentId id of the statement to retrieve * @return array statement data or false on error */ function getStatement($statementId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_statement` WHERE `statementId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($statementId)); if ($res === false) return $res; return $res->fetchRow(); }//getStatement /** * Returns the import specification for a given accountId * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param int $accountId id of the account we want the specs for * @return array/bool list of statements or false */ function getBankAccount($bookId, $accountId) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_bankaccount` WHERE bankBookId=? and bankAccountId=?"; $res = $tikilib->query($query, array($bookId, $accountId)); if ($res === false) return $res; return $res->fetchRow(); }//getBankAccount /** * Splits a header line into a matching array according to the specifications * * @param string $header line containing headers * @param array $defs file definitions * @return array list of statements */ function analyzeHeader($header, $defs) { $cols = explode($defs['bankDelimeter'], $header); $columns = array(); for ($i=0, $isizeof_cols = count($cols); $i < $isizeof_cols; $i++) { switch($cols[$i]) { case $defs['fieldNameAccount'] : $columns['accountId'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameBookingDate'] : $columns['bookingDate'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameValueDate'] : $columns['valueDate'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameBookingText'] : $columns['bookingText'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameReason'] : $columns['reason'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartName'] : $columns['counterpartName'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartAccount'] : $columns['counterpartAccount'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartBankcode'] : $columns['counterpartBankcode'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameAmount'] : $columns['amount'] = $i; break; case $defs['fieldNameAmountSign'] : $columns['amountSign'] = $i; break; } } return $columns; }//analyzeHeader /** * updates journalId in the given statement * * @param int $statementId id of the statement to update * @param int $journalId id of the entry in the journal which was caused by this statement * @return array/boolean list of errors, empty if no errors were found */ function updateStatement($statementId, $journalId) { $errors = array(); $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementJournalId`=? WHERE `statementId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($journalId, $statementId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error while updating statement:') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } return true; }//updateStatement /** * updates journalId in the given statement * * @param int $statementId id of the statement to update * @param int $journalId id of the entry in the journal which was caused by this statement * @return array/boolean list of errors, empty if no errors were found */ function updateStatementStack($statementId, $stackId) { $errors = array(); $query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementStackId`=? WHERE `statementId`=?"; $res = $this->query($query, array($stackId, $statementId)); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error while updating statement:') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; return $errors; } return true; }//updateStatementStack /** * * Creates a tax setting for automated tax deduction/splitting * @param int $bookId * @param string $taxText * @param double $taxAmount * @param string $taxIsFix * @return id of the newly created tax */ function createTax($bookId, $taxText, $taxAmount, $taxIsFix = 'n') { $query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_tax` (`taxBookId`, `taxText`, `taxAmount`, `taxIsFix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; $res = $this->query($query, array($bookId, $taxText, $taxAmount, $taxIsFix)); return $this->lastInsertId(); } /** * removes all unnecessary thousand markers and replaces local decimal characters with "." to enable handling as numbers. * * @param int $bookId id of the current book * @param string $amount date of the transaction * @return string/float Returns a float or an empty string if the source is not numeric */ function cleanupAmount($bookId, $amount) { $book = $this->getBook($bookId); $a = str_replace($book['bookDecPoint'], '.' , str_replace($book['bookThousand'], '', $amount)); if (!is_numeric($a)) return ''; return floatval($a); }//cleanupAmount /** * Checks the existence/non-existence of a numerical id in the given table * * @param string $idname name of the id field in the table * @param int $id the id to check * @param string $table the table to search * @param boolean $exists true if a record must exist, false if it must not * * @global object $tikilib contains required database functions * @return array Returns aa array of errors (empty if none occurred) */ function validateId($idname, $id, $table, $exists = true, $bookIdName = '', $bookId = 0) { $errors = array(); if (!is_numeric($id)) { $errors[] = "$idname ($id) " . tra('is is not a number.'); } else { if ($id <= 0) { $errors[] = "$idname " . tra('must be >0.'); } else { $query = "SELECT $idname FROM $table WHERE $idname=$id"; if ($bookIdName != '') { $query .= " AND $bookIdName=$bookId"; } $res = $this->query($query); if ($res === false) { $errors[] = tra('Error checking') & " $idname: " . $tikilib->ErrorNo() . ": " . $tikilib->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>"; } else { if ($exists) { if ($res->numRows() == 0) $errors[] = "$idname " . tra('does not exist.'); } else { if ($res->numRows()>0) $errors[] = "$idname $accountId " . tra('already exists'); } //existence } // query } // 0 } // numeric return $errors; } // validateId } global $accountinglib; $accountinglib = new AccountingLib;