File: bannerlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: bannerlib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class BannerLib extends TikiLib { function select_banner_id($zone) { $map = array(0=>'sun', 1=>'mon', 2=>'tue', 3=>'wed', 4=>'thu', 5=>'fri', 6=>'sat'); $dw = $map[$this->date_format("%w")]; $hour = $this->date_format("%H"). $this->date_format("%M"); $cookieName = "banner_$zone"; $mid = ''; $views = array(); $bindvars = array('y', $hour, $hour, 'y', (int) $this->now, (int) $this->now, 'n', -1, -1, $zone); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { $views = unserialize($_COOKIE[$cookieName]); $mid = 'and (`bannerId` not in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0, count($views),'?')).') or '; foreach ($views as $bId=>$bView) { $bindvars[] = $bId; } foreach ($views as $bId=>$bView) { $mids[] = '(`bannerId` = ? and `maxUserImpressions` > ?)'; $bindvars[] = $bId; $bindvars[] = $bView; } $mid .= implode('or', $mids).')'; } $query = "select `bannerId` from `tiki_banners` where `$dw` = ? and `hourFrom`<=? and `hourTo`>=? and ( ((`useDates` = ?) and (`fromDate`<=? and `toDate`>=?)) or (`useDates` = ?) ) and (`impressions`<`maxImpressions` or `maxImpressions`=?) and (`clicks`<`maxClicks` or `maxClicks`=? or `maxClicks` is NULL) and `zone`=? $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode('random'); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,1,0); if (!($res = $result->fetchRow())) { return false; } $id = $res["bannerId"]; // Increment banner impressions here if ($id) { $query = "update `tiki_banners` set `impressions` = `impressions` + 1 where `bannerId` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($id)); } return $id; } function select_banner($zone, $target='_blank', $id='') { global $prefs, $tikilib; // Things to check // UseDates and dates // Hours // weekdays // zone // maxImpressions and impressions if (!empty($zone)) { $id = $this->select_banner_id( $zone ); } $res = $this->get_banner( $id ); $class = 'banner' . str_replace(' ','_',$zone); $raw = ''; switch ($res["which"]) { case 'useHTML': $raw = $res["HTMLData"]; break; case 'useFlash': if ($prefs['javascript_enabled'] == 'y') { global $headerlib; include_once('lib/headerlib.php'); $headerlib->add_jsfile( 'lib/swfobject/swfobject.js' ); } $raw = $tikilib->embed_flash(unserialize($res['HTMLData'])); break; case 'useImage': $raw = "<div class='banner $class'><a target='$target' href='banner_click.php?id=" . $res["bannerId"] . "&url=" . urlencode($res["url"]) . "'><img alt='banner' border='0' src=\"banner_image.php?id=" . $res["bannerId"] . "\" /></a></div>"; break; case 'useFixedURL': @$fp = fopen($res["fixedURLData"], "r"); if ($fp) { $raw = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $raw .= fread($fp, 4096); } fclose ($fp); } break; case 'useText': $raw = "<a target='$target' class='bannertext' href='banner_click.php?id=" . $res["bannerId"] . "&url=" . urlencode($res["url"]) . "'>" . $res["textData"] . "</a>"; break; } // Increment banner impressions done in select_banner_id() // Now to set view limiting cookie for user $cookieName = "banner_$zone"; $views = array(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { $views = unserialize($_COOKIE[$cookieName]); } if ($res['maxUserImpressions'] > 0) { $views[$res['bannerId']] = isset($views[$res['bannerId']]) ? $views[$res['bannerId']]+1: 1; $expire = $res['useDates']? $res['toDate']: $tikilib->now+60*60*24*90; //90 days setcookie($cookieName, serialize($views), $expire); } return $raw; } function add_click($bannerId) { $query = "update `tiki_banners` set `clicks` = `clicks` + 1 where `bannerId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int)$bannerId)); } function list_banners($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'created_desc', $find = '', $user) { if ($user == 'admin') { $mid = ''; $bindvars=array(); } else { $mid = "where `client` = ?"; $bindvars=array($user); } if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $bindvars[]=$findesc; if ($mid) { $mid .= " and `url` like ? "; } else { $mid .= " where `url` like ? "; } } $query = "select * from `tiki_banners` $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_banners` $mid"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function list_zones() { $query = "select `zone` from `tiki_zones`"; $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_zones`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,array()); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function remove_banner($bannerId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_banners` where `bannerId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($bannerId)); } function get_banner($bannerId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_banners` where `bannerId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($bannerId)); if (!$result->numRows()) return false; $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } function replace_banner($bannerId, $client, $url, $title = '', $alt = '', $use, $imageData, $imageType, $imageName, $HTMLData, $fixedURLData, $textData, $fromDate, $toDate, $useDates, $mon, $tue, $wed, $thu, $fri, $sat, $sun, $hourFrom, $hourTo, $maxImpressions, $maxClicks,$zone,$maxUserImpressions=-1 ) { $imageData = urldecode($imageData); //$imageData = ''; if ($bannerId) { $query = "update `tiki_banners` set `client` = ?, `url` = ?, `title` = ?, `alt` = ?, `which` = ?, `imageData` = ?, `imageType` = ?, `imageName` = ?, `HTMLData` = ?, `fixedURLData` = ?, `textData` = ?, `fromDate` = ?, `toDate` = ?, `useDates` = ?, `created` = ?, `zone` = ?, `hourFrom` = ?, `hourTo` = ?, `mon` = ? ,`tue` = ?, `wed` = ?, `thu` = ?, `fri` = ?, `sat` = ?, `sun` = ?, `maxImpressions` = ?, `maxUserImpressions`=?, `maxClicks` = ? where `bannerId`=?"; $bindvars=array($client,$url,$title,$alt,$use,$imageData,$imageType,$imageName,$HTMLData, $fixedURLData, $textData, $fromDate, $toDate, $useDates,$this->now,$zone,$hourFrom,$hourTo, $mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri,$sat,$sun,$maxImpressions,$maxUserImpressions,$maxClicks,$bannerId); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); /* invalid cache */ global $tikilib, $tikidomain, $prefs; $bannercachefile = $prefs['tmpDir']; if ($tikidomain) { $bannercachefile .= "/$tikidomain"; } $bannercachefile.= "/banner.".(int)$bannerId; unlink($bannercachefile); } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_banners`(`client`, `url`, `title`, `alt`, `which`, `imageData`, `imageType`, `HTMLData`, `fixedURLData`, `textData`, `fromDate`, `toDate`, `useDates`, `mon`, `tue`, `wed`, `thu`, `fri`, `sat`, `sun`, `hourFrom`, `hourTo`, `maxImpressions`,`maxUserImpressions`,`maxClicks`,`created`,`zone`,`imageName`,`impressions`,`clicks`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $bindvars=array($client,$url,$title,$alt,$use,$imageData,$imageType,$HTMLData, $fixedURLData, $textData, $fromDate, $toDate, $useDates, $mon,$tue,$wed,$thu, $fri,$sat,$sun,$hourFrom,$hourTo,$maxImpressions,$maxUserImpressions,$maxClicks,$this->now,$zone,$imageName,0,0); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); $query = "select max(`bannerId`) from `tiki_banners` where `created`=?"; $bannerId = $this->getOne($query,array((int)$this->now)); } return $bannerId; } function banner_add_zone($zone) { $query = "delete from `tiki_zones` where `zone`=?"; $this->query($query,array($zone),-1,-1,false); $query = "insert into `tiki_zones`(`zone`) values(?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array($zone)); return true; } function banner_get_zones() { $query = "select * from `tiki_zones`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } return $ret; } function banner_remove_zone($zone) { $query = "delete from `tiki_zones` where `zone`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($zone)); return true; } } $bannerlib = new BannerLib;