File: creditslib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: creditslib.php 34374 2011-05-10 23:20:46Z nkoth $ // TODO: product_id is meant for storing some information about the product // purchased that led to the credits being added. class CreditsLib extends TikiLib { function getRawCredits( $userId ) // {{{ { $result = $this->query( "SELECT `creditId`, `credit_type`, `creation_date`, `expiration_date`, `total_amount`, `used_amount` FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? ORDER BY `credit_type`, `creation_date`, `expiration_date`", array( $userId ) ); $credits = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $credits[ $row['creditId'] ] = $row; } return $credits; } // }}} function getRawCreditsByType( $userId, $credit_type ) // {{{ { $result = $this->query( "SELECT `creditId`, `creation_date`, `expiration_date`, `total_amount`, `used_amount` FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? AND `credit_type` = ? ORDER BY `credit_type`, `creation_date`, `expiration_date`", array( $userId, $credit_type ) ); $credits = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $credits[ $row['creditId'] ] = $row; } return $credits; } // }}} function updateCreditType($credit_type, $display_text, $unit_text, $is_static_level = 'n', $scaling_divisor = 1) // {{{ { $bindvars = array($credit_type, $display_text, $unit_text, $is_static_level, $scaling_divisor); $result = $this->query( "REPLACE INTO `tiki_credits_types` (`credit_type`, `display_text`, `unit_text`, `is_static_level`, `scaling_divisor`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $bindvars); return $result; } function getCreditTypes($staticonly = false) // {{{ { $result = $this->query( "SELECT `credit_type`, `display_text`, `unit_text`, `is_static_level`, `scaling_divisor` FROM `tiki_credits_types`"); $creditTypes = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { if ($staticonly && $row['is_static_level'] == 'y') { $creditTypes[ $row['credit_type'] ] = $row; } elseif (!$staticonly) { $creditTypes[ $row['credit_type'] ] = $row; } } return $creditTypes; } // }}} function getCredits( $userId ) // {{{ { $result = $this->query( " SELECT `credit_type`, SUM(`total_amount`) total_amount, SUM(`used_amount`) used_amount FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? AND (`expiration_date` IS NULL OR `expiration_date` > NOW()) AND `creation_date` <= NOW() GROUP BY `credit_type` ", array( $userId ) ); $credits = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $credits[ $row['credit_type'] ] = array( 'remain' => $row['total_amount'] - $row['used_amount'], 'used' => $row['used_amount'], 'total' => $row['total_amount'], ); } // Handle level-type credits in a different manner // Level of used amount stored in user preferences // Total used (flow) from credits table global $tikilib, $userlib; $info = $userlib->get_userid_info( $userId ); $creditTypes = $this->getCreditTypes(); foreach( $credits as $type => $crVal) { if( $creditTypes[$type]['is_static_level'] == 'y' ) { $prefName = "credits_level_" . $type; $credits[$type]['used'] = (float) $tikilib->get_user_preference( $info['login'], $prefName ); $credits[$type]['remain'] = $credits[$type]['total'] - $credits['used']; } } // set zero for creditTypes that user does not have foreach($creditTypes as $k => $c) { if (!array_key_exists($k, $credits)) { $credits[$k]['used'] = 0; $credits[$k]['remain'] = 0; $credits[$k]['total'] = 0; } } return $credits; } // }}} function getScaledCredits( $userId ) // {{{ { $creditTypes = $this->getCreditTypes(); $credits = $this->getCredits( $userId ); foreach( $credits as $type => &$data ) { $factor = 1; if( isset($creditTypes[$type]) && $creditTypes[$type]['scaling_divisor'] ) { $factor = $creditTypes[$type]['scaling_divisor']; } if( isset($creditTypes[$type]) && $display_text = $creditTypes[$type]['display_text'] ) { $data['display_text'] = $display_text; } else { $data['display_text'] = $type; } if( isset($creditTypes[$type]) && $unit_text = $creditTypes[$type]['unit_text'] ) { $data['unit_text'] = $unit_text; } else { $data['unit_text'] = ''; } $data['discreet_total'] = $this->scale( $data['total'], $factor ); $data['discreet_used'] = $data['used'] / ($data['total'] / $data['discreet_total']); $data['discreet_remain'] = $data['discreet_total'] - $data['discreet_used']; $data['empty'] = $data['remain'] <= 0; $data['low'] = $data['remain'] <= $data['total']*.15; } return $credits; } // }}} private function scale( $value, $factor = 1 ) // {{{ { // 1.5 log( (x/fac)^2 + 1 ) return floor( 1.5 * log( ($value/$factor)*($value/$factor) + 1 ) ); } // }}} function removeCreditBlock( $creditId ) // {{{ { $this->query( "DELETE FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `creditId` = ?", array( $creditId ) ); } // }}} function replaceCredit( $creditId, $type, $used, $total, $validFrom, $expirationDate ) // {{{ { if( !empty( $expirationDate ) ) $expirationDate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time = strtotime( $expirationDate ) ); if( $time === false ) return false; $validFrom = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time = strtotime( $validFrom ) ); if( $time === false ) return false; $this->query( " UPDATE `tiki_credits` SET `credit_type` = ?, `used_amount` = ?, `total_amount` = ?, `expiration_date` = IF(?='',NULL,?), `creation_date` = ? WHERE `creditId` = ?", array( $type, $used, $total, $expirationDate, $expirationDate, $validFrom, $creditId ) ); } // }}} /** * Adds a new credits entry for the user. */ function addCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $expirationDate = null, $validFrom = null ) // {{{ { if( !empty( $expirationDate ) ) $expirationDate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time = strtotime( $expirationDate ) ); if( $time === false ) return false; if( !empty( $validFrom ) ) $validFrom = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time = strtotime( $validFrom ) ); if( $time === false ) return false; $this->query( " INSERT INTO `tiki_credits` (`userId`, `credit_type`, `total_amount`, `expiration_date`, `creation_date`) VALUES(?,?,?,IF(? = '', NULL, ?),IF(?='', NULL, ?))", array( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $expirationDate, $expirationDate, $validFrom, $validFrom) ); return true; } // }}} /** * Use the user's credits of a certain type. If the user does not have * enough credits, the function will return false. Credits may be used from * different entries. Entries expiring soon will be used first. */ function useCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id = null ) // {{{ { if( $amount == 0 ) { return true; } // Level-type credits $creditTypes = $this->getCreditTypes(); if( $creditTypes[$creditType]['is_static_level'] == 'y' ) { $credits = $this->getCredits( $userId ); if( ! array_key_exists( $creditType, $credits ) ) { return false; } if( $credits[$creditType]['remain'] > 0 ) { global $tikilib, $userlib; $info = $userlib->get_userid_info( $userId ); // Expense all credits if not enough $toUse = min( $credits[$creditType]['used'] + $amount, $credits[$creditType]['remain'] ); $prefName = "credits_level_" . $creditType; $tikilib->set_user_preference( $info['login'], $prefName, $toUse ); if ($amount > 0) { $this->_recCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id ); } return true; } return false; } // Expendable credits $result = $this->query( " SELECT `creditId`, `product_id`, `total_amount` - `used_amount` as available FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE ( `expiration_date` > NOW() OR `expiration_date` IS NULL ) AND `creation_date` <= NOW() AND `userId` = ? AND `credit_type` = ? ORDER BY IF(`expiration_date` IS NULL, 1000000, DATEDIFF(`expiration_date`, NOW())) ASC", array( $userId, $creditType ) ); $total = 0; $list = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $total += $row['available']; $list[] = $row; } if( $total == 0 ) { return false; } if( $amount > $total ) { $amount = $total; } if ($amount > 0) { $this->_recCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id ); } foreach( $list as $row ) { $amount = $this->_useCredits( $row['creditId'], $row['available'], $amount ); if( $amount <= 0 ) { return true; } } die( "The verification failed in using credits." ); } // }}} function restoreCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id = null ) // {{{ { // Only valid for level-type credits if( ! array_key_exists( $creditType, $this->getCreditTypes(true) ) ) { return false; } global $tikilib, $userlib; $info = $userlib->get_userid_info( $userId ); $prefName = "credits_level_" . $creditType; $used = (float) $tikilib->get_user_preference( $info['login'], $prefName ); if( $used === 0 ) { return false; } $used -= $amount; if( $used < 0 ) { $used = 0; } $tikilib->set_user_preference( $info['login'], $prefName, $used ); if ($amount > 0) { $this->_recCredits( $userId, $creditType, -1 * $amount, $product_id ); } return true; } // }}} /** * Uses up a credit id and returns the amount of credits remaining to use. */ function _useCredits( $creditId, $available, $amount ) // {{{ { if( $available >= $amount ) { $this->query( "UPDATE `tiki_credits` SET `used_amount` = `used_amount` + ? WHERE `creditId`= ?", array( $amount, $creditId ) ); return 0; } else { $this->query( "UPDATE `tiki_credits` SET `used_amount` = `total_amount` WHERE `creditId`= ?", array( $creditId ) ); return $amount - $available; } } // }}} /** * Uses up a credit id and returns the amount of credits remaining to use. */ function _recCredits( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id = null ) // {{{ { return $this->query( "INSERT INTO `tiki_credits_usage` (`userId`, `usage_date`, `credit_type`, `used_amount`, `product_id`) VALUES (?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?)", array( $userId, $creditType, $amount, $product_id ) ); } // }}} /** * Delete expired credit entries and those completely used up. */ function purgeCredits() // {{{ { $this->query( "DELETE FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `expiration_date` IS NOT NULL AND `expiration_date` < NOW()" ); $this->query( "DELETE FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `total_amount` = `used_amount`" ); } // }}} function getPlanExpiry( $userId, $creditType ) // {{{ { $result = $this->getOne( "SELECT MAX(`expiration_date`) FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? AND `expiration_date` IS NOT NULL AND `credit_type` = ?", array( $userId, $creditType )); if ( $result ) { return $result; } else { return ''; } } // }}} function getLatestPlanBegin( $userId, $creditType ) // {{{ { $result = $this->getOne( "SELECT MAX(`creation_date`) FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? AND `expiration_date` IS NOT NULL AND `expiration_date` > NOW() AND `credit_type` = ? AND `creation_date` < NOW()", array( $userId, $creditType )); if ( $result ) { return $result; } else { return ''; } } // }}} function getNextPlanBegin( $userId, $creditType ) // {{{ { $result = $this->getOne( "SELECT MIN(`creation_date`) FROM `tiki_credits` WHERE `userId` = ? AND `expiration_date` IS NOT NULL AND `credit_type` = ? AND `creation_date` > NOW()", array( $userId, $creditType )); if ( $result ) { return $result; } else { return ''; } } // }}} function getCreditsUsage( $target_user_id, $req_type, $start_date, $end_date ) // {{{ { if ($req_type) { $results = $this->query("SELECT * FROM tiki_credits_usage WHERE userId = ? AND credit_type = ? AND usage_date > ? AND usage_date <= ? ORDER BY `usage_date` desc", array($target_user_id, $req_type, $start_date, $end_date)); } else { $results = $this->query("SELECT * FROM tiki_credits_usage WHERE userId = ? AND usage_date > ? AND usage_date <= ? ORDER BY `usage_date` desc", array($target_user_id, $start_date, $end_date)); } $consumption_data = array(); while( $row = $results->fetchRow() ) { $consumption_data[] = $row; } return $consumption_data; } // }}} } $creditslib = new CreditsLib;