File: filegallib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: filegallib.php 34781 2011-06-06 09:56:47Z sept_7 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class FileGalLib extends TikiLib { function isPodCastGallery($galleryId, $gal_info=null) { if (empty($gal_info)) $gal_info = $this->get_file_gallery_info((int)$galleryId); if (($gal_info["type"]=="podcast") || ($gal_info["type"]=="vidcast")) { return true; } else { return false; } } private function get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId, $galInfo = null) { global $prefs; $podCastException = $this->isPodCastGallery($galleryId, $galInfo); if ($prefs['fgal_use_db'] == 'y' && ! $podCastException) { return false; } if ($podCastException) { return $prefs['fgal_podcast_dir']; } else { return $prefs['fgal_use_dir']; } } private function get_file_checksum($galleryId, $path, $data) { global $prefs; $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId); if (false !== $savedir) { if ( filesize ($savedir . $path) > 0 ) { return md5_file($savedir . $path); } else { return md5(time()); } } else { return md5($data); } } private function find_unique_name($directory, $start) { $fhash = md5($start); while (file_exists($directory . $fhash)) { $fhash = md5(uniqid($fhash)); } return $fhash; } function get_attachment_gallery( $objectId, $objectType ) { switch ( $objectType ) { case 'wiki page': return $this->get_wiki_attachment_gallery( $objectId ); } return false; } function get_wiki_attachment_gallery( $pageName ) { global $prefs; // Get the Wiki Attachment Gallery for this wiki page or create it if it does not exist if ( ! $return = $this->getGalleryId( $pageName, $prefs['fgal_root_wiki_attachments_id'] ) ) { // Create the attachment gallery only if the wiki page really exists if ( $this->get_page_id_from_name( $pageName ) > 0 ) { $return = $this->replace_file_gallery( array( 'name' => $pageName, 'user' => 'admin', 'type' => 'default', 'public' => 'y', 'visible' => 'y', 'parentId' => $prefs['fgal_root_wiki_attachments_id'] ) ); } } return $return; } function get_user_file_gallery() { global $user, $prefs; $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); // Feature check + Anonymous don't have their own Users File Gallery if ( $user == '' || $prefs['feature_use_fgal_for_user_files'] == 'n' || $prefs['feature_userfiles'] == 'n' || ( $userId = $tikilib->get_user_id( $user ) ) <= 0 ) { return false; } $conditions = array( 'type' => 'user', 'name' => $userId, 'user' => $user, 'parentId' => $prefs['fgal_root_user_id'] ); if ( $idGallery = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchOne('galleryId', $conditions) ) { return $idGallery; } $fgal_info =& $conditions; $fgal_info['public'] = 'n'; $fgal_info['visible'] = 'y'; // Create the user gallery if it does not exist yet $idGallery = $this->replace_file_gallery( $fgal_info ); return $idGallery; } function remove_file($fileInfo, $galInfo='', $disable_notifications = false) { global $prefs, $smarty, $user; if ( empty( $fileInfo['fileId'] ) ) { return false; } $fileId = $fileInfo['fileId']; $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($fileInfo['galleryId'], $galInfo); $this->deleteBacklinks(null, $fileId); if ($fileInfo['path']) { unlink ($savedir . $fileInfo['path']); } $archives = $this->get_archives($fileId); foreach ($archives['data'] as $archive) { if ($archive['path']) { unlink ($savedir . $archive['path']); } $this->remove_object('file', $archive['fileId']); } $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $files->delete(array( 'fileId' => $fileId, )); $files->deleteMultiple(array( 'archiveId' => $fileId, )); $this->remove_draft($fileId); $this->remove_object('file', $fileId); //Watches if ( ! $disable_notifications ) $this->notify($fileInfo['galleryId'], $fileInfo['name'], $fileInfo['filename'], '', 'remove file', $user); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { global $logslib; include_once('lib/logs/logslib.php'); $logslib->add_action('Removed', $fileId . '/' . $fileInfo['filename'], 'file', ''); } return true; } function insert_file($galleryId, $name, $description, $filename, $data, $size, $type, $creator, $path, $comment='', $author=null, $created='', $lockedby=NULL, $deleteAfter=NULL, $id=0) { global $prefs, $user; $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_files'); $galleriesTable = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $name = trim(strip_tags($name)); $description = strip_tags($description); $checksum = $this->get_file_checksum($galleryId, $path, $data); if ( $prefs['fgal_allow_duplicates'] !== 'y' && !empty($data) ) { $conditions = array('hash' => $checksum); if ( $prefs['fgal_allow_duplicates'] === 'different_galleries' ) { $conditions['galleryId'] = $galleryId; } if ( $filesTable->fetchCount($conditions) ) { return false; } } $search_data = ''; if ($prefs['fgal_enable_auto_indexing'] != 'n') { $search_data = $this->get_search_text_for_data($data,$path,$type, $galleryId); if ($search_data === false) { return false; } } if ( empty($created) ) $created = $this->now; $fileData = array( 'galleryId' => $galleryId, 'name' => trim($name), 'description' => $description, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $size, 'filetype' => $type, 'data' => $data, 'user' => $creator, 'created' => $created, 'hits' => 0, 'path' => $path, 'hash' => $checksum, 'search_data' => $search_data, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'lastModifUser' => $user, 'comment' => $comment, 'author' => $author, 'lockedby' => $lockedby, 'deleteAfter' => $deleteAfter, ); if (empty($id)) { $fileId = $filesTable->insert($fileData); } else { $filesTable->update($fileData, array( 'fileId' => $id, )); $fileId = $id; } $galleriesTable->update(array( 'lastModif' => $this->now, ), array( 'galleryId' => $galleryId, )); if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'fgallery_new_file'); } if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { global $logslib; include_once('lib/logs/logslib.php'); $logslib->add_action('Uploaded', $galleryId, 'file gallery', "fileId=$fileId&add=$size"); } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('files', $fileId); //Watches $smarty->assign('galleryId', $galleryId); $smarty->assign('fname', $name); $smarty->assign('filename', $filename); $smarty->assign('fdescription', $description); $this->notify($galleryId, $name, $filename, $description, 'upload file', $user, $fileId); return $fileId; } /** * Create or update a file draft * * @global array $prefs * @param int $fileId * @param string $filename * @param int $size * @param string $type * @param string $data * @param string $creator * @param string $path * @param string $checksum * @param string $lockedby */ function insert_draft($fileId,$filename,$size,$type,$data,$creator,$path,$checksum,$lockedby) { global $prefs; $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_files'); $fileDraftsTable = $this->table('tiki_file_drafts'); if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $oldData = $filesTable->fetchOne('data', array('fileId' => (int) $fileId)); if (empty($oldData)) { return $filesTable->update(array( 'name' => $filename, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $size, 'filetype' => $type, 'data' => $data, 'user' => $creator, 'path' => $path, 'hash' => $checksum, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'lockedby' => $lockedby, ), array( 'fileId' => $fileId, )); } else { $fileDraftsTable->delete(array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, 'user' => $creator, )); return (bool) $fileDraftsTable->insert(array( 'fileId' => $fileId, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $size, 'filetype' => $type, 'data' => $data, 'user' => $creator, 'path' => $path, 'hash' => $checksum, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'lockedby' => $lockedby, )); } } return true; } /** * Remove all drafts of a file * * @param int $fileId * @param string $user */ function remove_draft($fileId,$user=null) { $fileDraftsTable = $this->table('tiki_file_drafts'); if (isset($user)) { return $fileDraftsTable->delete(array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, 'user' => $user, )); } else { return $fileDraftsTable->deleteMultiple(array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, )); } } /** * Validate draft and replace real file * * @global string $user * @param int $fileId */ function validate_draft($fileId) { global $prefs, $user; $fileDraftsTable = $this->table('tiki_file_drafts'); $galleriesTable = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { if (! $draft = $fileDraftsTable->fetchFullRow(array('fileId' => (int) $fileId, 'user' => $user))) { return false; } $old_file = $filesTable->fetchFullRow(array('fileId' => (int) $fileId)); $archives = $galleriesTable->fetchOne('archives', array('galleryId' => (int) $old_file['galleryId'])); $newPath = $draft['path']; if ($prefs['fgal_use_db'] == 'n') { $savedir = $prefs['fgal_use_dir']; $newPath = $this->find_unique_name($savedir, $filesTable->fetchOne('name', array('fileId' => $fileId))); if (file_exists($savedir . $old_file['path'])) { // Deletes old production file @unlink($savedir . $old_file['path']); } if (file_exists($savedir . $draft['path'])) { // Renames draft into new production file @rename($savedir . $draft['path'], $savedir . $newPath); } } if ($archives == -1) { $filesTable->update(array( 'path' => $newPath, 'filename' => $draft['filename'], 'filesize' => $draft['filesize'], 'filetype' => $draft['filetype'], 'data' => $draft['data'], 'user' => $draft['user'], 'path' => $draft['path'], 'hash' => $draft['hash'], 'lastModif' => $draft['lastModif'], 'lastModifUser' => $draft['user'], 'lockedby' => $draft['lockedby'], ), array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, )); if ( $prefs['feature_search'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] != 'y' && $prefs['search_refresh_index_mode'] == 'normal' && ( $prefs['fgal_asynchronous_indexing'] != 'y' || ! isset($_REQUEST['fast']) ) ) { require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('files', $fileId); } } else { $this->save_archive($fileId, $old_file['galleryId'], $archives, $old_file['name'], $old_file['description'], $draft['filename'], $draft['data'], $draft['filesize'], $draft['filetype'], $old_file['creator'], $draft['path'], $old_file['comment'], $old_file['created'], $draft['lockedby']); } $this->remove_draft($fileId, $user); } } function save_archive($id, $galleryId, $count_archives, $name, $description, $filename, $data, $size, $type, $creator, $path, $comment, $author, $created, $lockedby) { global $prefs; $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_files'); if ($prefs['fgal_keep_fileId'] == 'y') { $res = $filesTable->fetchFullRow(array('fileId' => $id)); $res['archiveId'] = $id; $res['user'] = $creator; $res['lockedby'] = NULL; unset($res['fileId']); $filesTable->insert($res); } // Insert and index (for search) the new file $idNew = $this->insert_file($galleryId, $name, $description, $filename, $data, $size, $type, $creator, $path, $comment, $author, $created, $lockedby, NULL, $prefs['fgal_keep_fileId']=='y'?$id:0); if ($count_archives > 0) { $archives = $this->get_archives($id, 0, -1, 'created_asc'); if ($archives['cant'] >= $count_archives) { $toRemove = array(); $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId); foreach ($archives['data'] as $i => $values) { $toRemove[] = $values['fileId']; if ( $values['path'] ) { unlink($savedir . $values['path']); } } $filesTable->deleteMultiple(array( 'fileId' => $filesTable->in($toRemove), )); } } if ($prefs['fgal_keep_fileId'] != 'y') { $filesTable->update(array( 'archiveId' => $idNew, 'search_data' => '', 'user' => $creator, 'lockedby' => null, ), array( 'anyOf' => $filesTable->expr('(`archiveId` = ? OR `fileId` = ?)', array($id, $id)), )); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; require_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $categlib->uncategorize_object('file', $id); } return $idNew; } function set_file_gallery($file, $gallery) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $files->updateMultiple(array( 'galleryId' => $gallery, ), array( 'anyOf' => $files->expr('(`fileId` = ? OR `archiveId` = ?)', array($file, $file)), )); return true; } function remove_file_gallery($id, $galleryId=0, $recurse = true) { global $prefs; $fileGalleries = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $id = (int)$id; if ( $id == $prefs['fgal_root_id'] || $galleryId == $prefs['fgal_root_id']) { return false; } if (empty($galleryId)) { $info = $this->get_file_info($id); $galleryId = $info['galleryId']; } $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('fgals_perms_'.$id."_"); if (isset($info['galleryId'])) { $cachelib->empty_type_cache('fgals_perms_'.$info['galleryId']."_"); } $cachelib->empty_type_cache($this->get_all_galleries_cache_type()); $fileGalleries->delete(array('galleryId' => $id)); $this->remove_object('file gallery', $id); if ( $filesInfo = $this->get_files_info_from_gallery_id($id, false, false) ) { foreach ( $filesInfo as $fileInfo ) $this->remove_file($fileInfo, '', true); } // If $recurse, also recursively remove children galleries if ( $recurse ) { $galleries = $fileGalleries->fetchColumn('galleryId', array( 'parentId' => $id, 'galleryId' => $fileGalleries->greaterThan(0), )); foreach ($galleries as $galleryId) { $this->remove_file_gallery($galleryId, $id, true); } } return true; } function get_file_gallery_info($id) { return $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchFullRow(array( 'galleryId' => (int) $id, )); } function move_file_gallery($galleryId, $new_parent_id) { if ( (int)$galleryId <= 0 || (int)$new_parent_id == 0 ) return false; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache($this->get_all_galleries_cache_type()); return $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->updateMultiple(array( 'parentId' => (int) $new_parent_id, ), array( 'galleryId' => (int) $galleryId, )); } function default_file_gallery() { global $prefs; return array( 'name' => '', 'description' =>'', 'visible' => 'y', 'type' => 'default', 'parentId' => -1, 'lockable' => 'n', 'archives' => 0, 'quota' => $prefs['fgal_quota_default'], 'image_max_size_x' => 0, 'image_max_size_y' => 0, 'backlinkPerms' => 'n', 'show_backlinks' => 'n', 'show_deleteAfter' => $prefs['fgal_list_deleteAfter'], 'show_lastDownload' => 'n', 'description' => '', 'sort_mode' => $prefs['fgal_sort_mode'], 'maxRows' => $prefs['maxRowsGalleries'], 'max_desc' => 0, 'subgal_conf' => '', 'show_id' => $prefs['fgal_list_id'], 'show_icon' => $prefs['fgal_list_type'], 'show_name' => $prefs['fgal_list_name'], 'show_description' => $prefs['fgal_list_description'], 'show_size' => $prefs['fgal_list_size'], 'show_created' => $prefs['fgal_list_created'], 'show_modified' => $prefs['fgal_list_lastModif'], 'show_creator' => $prefs['fgal_list_creator'], 'show_author' => $prefs['fgal_list_author'], 'show_last_user' => $prefs['fgal_list_last_user'], 'show_comment' => $prefs['fgal_list_comment'], 'show_files' => $prefs['fgal_list_files'], 'show_hits' => $prefs['fgal_list_hits'], 'show_lockedby' => $prefs['fgal_list_lockedby'], 'show_checked' => $prefs['fgal_show_checked'], 'show_share' => $prefs['fgal_list_share'], 'show_explorer' => $prefs['fgal_show_explorer'], 'show_path' => $prefs['fgal_show_path'], 'show_slideshow' => $prefs['fgal_show_slideshow'], 'wiki_syntax' => '', 'default_view' => $prefs['fgal_default_view'], 'template' => null, ); } function replace_file_gallery($fgal_info) { global $prefs; $galleriesTable = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $objectsTable = $this->table('tiki_objects'); $fgal_info = array_merge($this->default_file_gallery(), $fgal_info); // if the user is admin or the user is the same user and the gallery exists // then replace if not then create the gallary if the name is unused. $fgal_info['name'] = strip_tags($fgal_info['name']); $fgal_info['description'] = strip_tags($fgal_info['description']); if ($fgal_info['sort_mode'] == 'created_desc') { $fgal_info['sort_mode'] = null; } if (!empty($fgal_info['galleryId']) && $fgal_info['galleryId'] > 0) { $fgal_info['lastModif'] = $this->now; $galleryId = (int) $fgal_info['galleryId']; $galleriesTable->update($fgal_info, array( 'galleryId' => $galleryId, )); $objectsTable->update(array( 'name' => $fgal_info['name'], 'description' => $fgal_info['description'], ), array( 'type' => 'file gallery', 'itemId' => $galleryId, )); } else { unset($fgal_info['galleryId']); $fgal_info['created'] = $this->now; $fgal_info['lastModif'] = $this->now; $galleryId = $galleriesTable->insert($fgal_info); if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { global $user; $this->score_event($user, 'fgallery_new'); } } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('file_galleries', $galleryId); $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache($this->get_all_galleries_cache_type()); // event_handler($action,$object_type,$object_id,$options); return $galleryId; } function get_all_galleries_cache_name($user) { $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $gs = $tikilib->get_user_groups($user); $tmp = ""; if ( is_array($gs) ) { $tmp .= implode("\n", $gs); } $tmp .= '----'; if ( $jail = $categlib->get_jail() ) { $tmp .= implode("\n",$jail); } return md5($tmp); } function get_all_galleries_cache_type() { return 'fgals_'; } function process_batch_file_upload($galleryId, $file, $user, $description, &$errors) { global $prefs, $smarty; include_once ('lib/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php'); include_once ('lib/mime/mimelib.php'); $extract_dir = 'temp/'.basename($file).'/'; mkdir($extract_dir); $archive = new PclZip($file); $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $extract_dir, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH); unlink($file); $files = array(); $h = opendir($extract_dir); $gal_info = $this->get_file_gallery_info($galleryId); $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId, $gal_info); // check filters $upl = 1; $errors = array(); while (($file = readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($extract_dir.'/'.$file)) { if (!empty($prefs['fgal_match_regex'])) { if (!preg_match('/'.$prefs['fgal_match_regex'].'/', $file, $reqs)) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)') . ': ' . $file; $upl = 0; } } if (!empty($prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex'])) { if (preg_match('/'.$prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex'].'/', $file, $reqs)) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)') . ': ' . $file; $upl = 0; } } if (!$this->checkQuota(filesize($extract_dir.$file), $galleryId, $error)) { $errors[] = $error; $upl = 0; } } } if (!$upl) { return false; } rewinddir ($h); while (($file = readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($extract_dir.'/'.$file)) { if (false === $data = @file_get_contents($extract_dir.$file)) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot open this file:'). "temp/$file"; return false; } $fhash = ''; if (false !== $savedir) { // Store on disk $fhash = $this->find_unique_name($savedir, $file); if (false === @file_put_contents($savedir . $fhash, $data)) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot write to this file:'). $fhash; return false; } $data = ''; } $size = filesize($extract_dir.$file); $name = $file; $type = tiki_get_mime($extract_dir.$file); $fileId = $this->insert_file($galleryId, $name, $description, $name, $data, $size, $type, $user, $fhash); unlink ($extract_dir.$file); } } closedir ($h); rmdir($extract_dir); return true; } function get_file_info($fileId, $include_search_data = true, $include_data = true, $use_draft = false) { global $prefs, $user; $return = $this->get_files_info(null, (int)$fileId, $include_search_data, $include_data); if (!$return) { return false; } $file = $return[0]; if ($use_draft && $prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $draft = $this->table('tiki_file_drafts')->fetchRow(array('filename', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'data', 'user', 'path', 'hash', 'lastModif', 'lockedby'), array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, 'user' => $user, )); if ($draft) { $file = array_merge($file, $draft); } } return $file; } function get_files_info_from_gallery_id($galleryId, $include_search_data = false, $include_data = false) { return $this->get_files_info((int)$galleryId, null, $include_search_data, $include_data); } function get_files_info($galleryIds = null, $fileIds = null, $include_search_data = false, $include_data = false) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $fields = array('fileId', 'galleryId', 'name', 'description', 'created', 'filename', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'user', 'author', 'hits', 'votes', 'points', 'path', 'reference_url', 'is_reference', 'hash', 'lastModif', 'lastModifUser', 'lockedby', 'comment', 'archiveId'); if ($include_search_data && $include_data) { $fields = $files->all(); } else { if ($include_search_data) { $fields[] = 'search_data'; } if ($include_data) { $fields[] = 'data'; } } $conditions = array(); if ( ! empty($fileIds) ) { $conditions['fileId'] = $files->in((array) $fileIds); } if ( ! empty($galleryIds) ) { $conditions['galleryId'] = $files->in((array) $galleryIds); } return $files->fetchAll($fields, $conditions); } function update_file($id, $name, $description, $user, $comment = NULL) { // Update the fields in the database $updateData = array( 'name' => strip_tags($name), 'description' => strip_tags($description), 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'lastModifUser' => $user, ); if ( ! is_null($comment) ) { $updateData['comment'] = $comment; } $bindvars[] = $id; $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $result = $files->update($updateData, array( 'fileId' => $id, )); $galleryId = $files->fetchOne('galleryId', array('fileId' => $id)); if ( $galleryId >= 0 ) { $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->update(array( 'lastModif' => $this->now, ), array( 'galleryId' => $galleryId, )); } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('files', $id); return $result; } function replace_file($id, $name, $description, $filename, $data, $size, $type, $creator, $path, $comment='', $gal_info, $didFileReplace, $author='', $created='', $lockedby=NULL, $deleteAfter=NULL) { global $prefs, $tikilib, $user; $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_files'); $fileDraftsTable = $this->table('tiki_file_drafts'); $galleriesTable = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); // Update the fields in the database $name = trim(strip_tags($name)); $description = strip_tags($description); // User avatar full images are always using db and not file location (at the curent state of feature) if (isset($prefs['user_store_file_gallery_picture']) && $prefs['user_store_file_gallery_picture'] == 'y' && $prefs["user_picture_gallery_id"] == $gal_info['galleryId']) { $userPictureGallery = true; } else { $userPictureGallery = false; } $checksum = $this->get_file_checksum($gal_info['galleryId'], $path, $data); $search_data = ''; if ($prefs['fgal_enable_auto_indexing'] != 'n') { $search_data = $this->get_search_text_for_data($data,$path,$type, $gal_info['galleryId']); if ($search_data === false) return false; } $oldPath = ''; if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $oldPath = $fileDraftsTable->fetchOne('path', array( 'fileId' => $id, 'user' => $user, )); } else { $oldPath = $filesTable->fetchOne('path', array( 'fileId' => $id, )); } if ( $gal_info['archives'] == -1 || ! $didFileReplace ) { // no archive if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $result = $filesTable->update(array( 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'lastModifUser' => $user, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'author' => $author, 'creator' => $creator, ), array( 'fileId' => $id, )); if ( ! $result ) { return false; } if ($didFileReplace) { if (!$this->insert_draft($id,$filename,$size,$type,$data,$user,$path,$checksum,$lockedby)) { return false; } } } else { $result = $filesTable->update(array( 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $size, 'filetype' => $type, 'data' => $data, 'lastModifUser' => $user, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'path' => $path, 'hash' => $checksum, 'search_data' => $search_data, 'author' => $author, 'user' => $creator, 'lockedby' => $lockedby, 'deleteAfter' => $deleteAfter, ), array( 'fileId' => $id, )); if ( ! $result ) { return false; } } if ( $didFileReplace && !empty($oldPath) ) { $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($gal_info['galleryId'], $gal_info); unlink($savedir . $oldPath); } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('files', $id); } else { //archive the old file : change archive_id, take away from indexation and categorization if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $this->insert_draft($id,$filename,$size,$type,$data,$user,$path,$checksum,$lockedby); } else { $id = $this->save_archive($id, $gal_info['galleryId'], $gal_info['archives'], $name, $description, $filename, $data, $size, $type, $creator, $path, $comment, $author, $created, $lockedby); } } if ($gal_info['galleryId']) { $galleriesTable->update(array( 'lastModif' => $this->now, ), array( 'galleryId' => $gal_info['galleryId'], )); } return $id; } function change_file_handler($mime_type,$cmd) { $handlers = $this->table('tiki_file_handlers'); $mime_type = trim($mime_type); $handlers->delete(array('mime_type' => $mime_type)); $handlers->insert(array( 'mime_type' => $mime_type, 'cmd' => $cmd, )); return true; } function delete_file_handler($mime_type) { $handlers = $this->table('tiki_file_handlers'); return (bool) $handlers->delete(array('mime_type' => $mime_type)); } function get_file_handlers() { $handlers = $this->table('tiki_file_handlers'); return $handlers->fetchMap('mime_type', 'cmd', array() ); } function reindex_all_files_for_search_text() { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $rows = $files->fetchAll(array('fileId', 'filename', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'data', 'path', 'galleryId'), array( 'archiveId' => 0, )); foreach($rows as $row) { $search_text = $this->get_search_text_for_data($row['data'],$row['path'],$row['filetype'], $row['galleryId']); if ($search_text!==false) { $files->update(array( 'search_data' => $search_text, ), array( 'fileId' => $row['fileId'], )); } } include_once("lib/search/refresh-functions.php"); refresh_index('files'); } function get_search_text_for_data($data,$path,$type, $galleryId) { global $prefs; if (!isset($data) && !isset($path)) { return false; } $fileParseApps = $this->get_file_handlers(); $parseApp = ''; if (array_key_exists($type,$fileParseApps)) $parseApp = $fileParseApps[$type]; elseif (array_key_exists('default',$fileParseApps)) $parseApp = $fileParseApps['default']; if (empty($parseApp)) return ''; if (empty($path)) { $tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "wiki_"); if (false === $tmpFile = @file_put_contents($tmpfname, $data)) { return false; } } else { $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId); $tmpfname = $savedir . $path; } $cmd = str_replace('%1',escapeshellarg($tmpfname),$parseApp); $handle = popen("$cmd","r"); if ($handle !== false) { $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); } else { $contents = false; } if (empty($path)) @unlink($tmpfname); return $contents; } function notify ($galleryId, $name, $filename, $description, $action, $user, $fileId=false) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { // Deal with mail notifications. include_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); $galleryName = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchOne('name', array('galleryId' => $galleryId)); sendFileGalleryEmailNotification('file_gallery_changed', $galleryId, $galleryName, $name, $filename, $description, $action, $user, $fileId); } } /* lock a file */ function lock_file($fileId, $user) { $this->table('tiki_files')->update(array( 'lockedby' => $user, ), array( 'fileId' => $fileId, )); } /* unlock a file */ function unlock_file($fileId) { $this->lock_file($fileId, null); } /* get archives of a file */ function get_archives($fileId, $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='created_desc', $find='') { return $this->get_files($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $fileId, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, '', false, true); } function duplicate_file_gallery($galleryId, $name, $description = '') { global $user; $info = $this->get_file_gallery_info($galleryId); $info['user'] = $user; $info['galleryId'] = 0; $info['description'] = $description; $info['name'] = $name; $newGalleryId = $this->replace_file_gallery($info); return $newGalleryId; } function get_download_limit( $fileId ) { return $this->table('tiki_files')->fetchOne('maxhits', array('fileId' => $fileId)); } function set_download_limit( $fileId, $limit ) { $this->table('tiki_files')->update(array( 'maxhits' => (int) $limit, ), array( 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, )); } // not the best optimisation as using a library using files and not content function zip($fileIds, &$error, $zipName='') { global $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries, $userlib, $tikilib, $prefs, $user; $list = array(); $temp = 'temp/'.md5($tikilib->now).'/'; if (!mkdir($temp)) { $error = "Can not create directory $temp"; return false; } foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) { $info = $tikilib->get_file($fileId); if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries == 'y' || $userlib->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $info['galleryId'], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_download_files')) { if (empty($zipName)) { $zipName = $info['galleryId']; } $tmp = $temp.$info['filename']; if ($info['path']) { // duplicate file in temp if (!copy($prefs['fgal_use_dir'].$info['path'], $tmp)) { $error = "Can not copy to $tmp"; return false; } } else {//write file in temp if (@file_put_contents($tmp, $info['data']) === false) { $error = "Can not write to $tmp"; return false; } } $list[] = $tmp; } } if (empty($list)) { $error = "No permission"; return null; } $info['filename'] = "$zipName.zip"; $zip = $temp.$info['filename']; define( PCZLIB_SEPARATOR, '\001'); include_once ('lib/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php'); if (!$archive = new PclZip($zip)) { $error = $archive->errorInfo(true); return false; } if (!($v_list = $archive->create($list, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $temp))) { $error = $archive->errorInfo(true); return false; } $info['data'] = file_get_contents($zip); $info['path'] = ''; $info['filetype'] = 'application/x-zip-compressed'; foreach ($list as $tmp) { unlink($tmp); } unlink($zip); rmdir($temp); return $info; } function getGalleriesParentIds() { static $return = null; if ( $return === null ) { $return = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchAll(array('galleryId', 'parentId'), array()); } return $return; } /** * Recursively returns all ids of the children of the specifified parent gallery * as a linear array (list). * * @param Array $allIds All ids of the Gallery * @param Array &$subtree Output - The children Ids are appended * @param int $parentId The parent whichs children are to be listed */ function _getGalleryChildrenIdsList( $allIds, &$subtree, $parentId ) { foreach ( $allIds as $k => $v ) { if ( $v['parentId'] == $parentId ) { $galleryId = $v['galleryId']; $subtree[] = (int)$galleryId; $this->_getGalleryChildrenIdsList( $allIds, $subtree, $galleryId ); } } } /** * Recursively returns all Ids of the Children of the specifified parent gallery * as a tree-array (sub-galleries are array as an element of the parent array). * Thus the structure of the child galleries are preserved. * * @param Array $allIds All ids of the Gallery * @param Array &$subtree Output - The children Ids are appended * @param int $parentId The parent whichs children are to be listed */ function _getGalleryChildrenIdsTree( $allIds, &$subtree, $parentId ) { foreach ( $allIds as $v ) { if ( $v['parentId'] == $parentId ) { $galleryId = $v['galleryId']; $subtree[ (int)$galleryId ] = array(); $this->_getGalleryChildrenIdsTree( $allIds, $subtree[$galleryId], $galleryId ); } } } // Get a tree or a list of a gallery children ids, optionnally under a specific parentId // To avoid a query to the database for each node, this function retrieves all gallery ids and recursively build the tree using this info function getGalleryChildrenIds( &$subtree, $parentId = -1, $format = 'tree' ) { $allIds = $this->getGalleriesParentIds(); switch ( $format ) { case 'list': $this->_getGalleryChildrenIdsList( $allIds, $subtree, $parentId ); break; case 'tree': default: $this->_getGalleryChildrenIdsTree( $allIds, $subtree, $parentId ); } } // Get a tree or a list of ids of the specified gallery and its children function getGalleryIds( &$subtree, $parentId = -1, $format = 'tree' ) { switch ( $format ) { case 'list': $subtree[] = $parentId; $childSubtree =& $subtree; break; case 'tree': default: $subtree[$parentId] = array(); $childSubtree =& $subtree[$parentId]; } return $this->getGalleryChildrenIds( $childSubtree, $parentId, $format ); } /* Get subgalleries for parent $parentId * * @param int $parentId Parent ID of subgalleries to get * @param bool $wholeSpecialGallery If true, will return the subgalleries of the special gallery (User File Galleries, Wiki Attachment Galleries, File Galleries, ...) that contains the $parentId gallery * @param string $permission If set, will limit the list of subgalleries to those having this permission for the current user */ function getSubGalleries( $parentId = 0, $wholeSpecialGallery = true, $permission = '' ) { // Use the special File Galleries root if no other special gallery root id is specified if ( $parentId == 0 ) { global $prefs; $parentId = $prefs['fgal_root_id']; } // If needed, get the id of the special gallery that contains the $parentId gallery if ( $wholeSpecialGallery ) { $parentId = $this->getGallerySpecialRoot( $parentId ); $useCache = true; } global $cachelib, $user; if ( $useCache ) { $cacheName = 'pid' . $parentId . '_' . $this->get_all_galleries_cache_name($user); $cacheType = $this->get_all_galleries_cache_type(); } if ( ! $useCache || ! $return = $cachelib->getSerialized($cacheName, $cacheType) ) { $return = $this->list_file_galleries(0, -1, 'name_asc', $user, '', $parentId, false, true, false, false, false, true, false ); if ( is_array( $return ) ) { $return['parentId'] = $parentId; } if ( $useCache ) { $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheName, serialize($return), $cacheType); } } if ( $permission != '' ) { $return['data'] = Perms::filter(array('type' => 'file gallery'), 'object', $return['data'], array('object'=>'id'), $permission); } return $return; } /** * Get the Id of the gallery special root, which will be a gallery of type 'special' with the parentId '-1' * (i.e. 'File Galleries', 'Users File Galleries', ...) * * @param int $galleryId The id of the gallery * @return The special root gallery Id */ function getGallerySpecialRoot( $galleryId, $treeParentId = null, &$tree = null ) { global $prefs; if ( ( $treeParentId === null xor $tree === null ) || $galleryId <= 0 ) { // If parameters are not valid, return false (they should be null at first call and not empty when recursively called) return false; } elseif ( $treeParentId === null ) { // Initialize the full tree and the top root of all galleries $tree = array(); $treeParentId = -1; $this->getGalleryChildrenIds( $tree, $treeParentId, 'tree' ); } elseif ( $treeParentId == $galleryId ) { // If the searched gallery is the same as the current tree parent id, then return tree (we found the right branch of the tree) return true; } if ( ! empty( $tree ) ) { foreach ( $tree as $subGalleryId => $childs ) { if ( $result = $this->getGallerySpecialRoot( $galleryId, $subGalleryId, $childs ) ) { if ( is_integer($result) ) { return $result; } elseif ( $treeParentId == $prefs['fgal_root_user_id'] || $treeParentId == -1 ) { // // If the parent is : // - either the User File Gallery, stop here to keep only the user gallery instead of all users galleries // - or already the top root of all galleries, it means that the gallery is a special gallery root // return (int)$subGalleryId; } else { return true; } } } } return false; } // Get the tree of 'Wiki Attachment File Galleries' filegal of the specified wiki page function getWikiAttachmentFilegalsIdsTree( $pageName ) { $return = array(); $this->getGalleryIds( $return, $this->get_wiki_attachment_gallery( $pageName ), 'tree' ); return $return; } // Get the tree of 'Users File Galleries' filegal of the current user function getUserFilegalsIdsTree() { $return = array(); $this->getGalleryIds( $return, $this->get_user_file_gallery(), 'tree' ); return $return; } // Get the tree of 'File Galleries' filegal function getFilegalsIdsTree() { global $prefs; $return = array(); $this->getGalleryIds( $return, $prefs['fgal_root_id'], 'tree' ); return $return; } // Get default phplayers tree for filegals - not actually using phplayers for tiki7+ function getFilegalsTreePhplayers( $currentGalleryId = null ) { return $this->getTreePhplayers( $this->getFilegalsIdsTree(), $currentGalleryId ); } // Build galleries browsing tree and current gallery path array function getTreePhplayers( $idTree, $currentGalleryId = null ) { global $prefs; $allGalleries = $this->getSubGalleries(); $idTreeKeys = array_keys( $idTree ); $rootGalleryId = $idTreeKeys[0]; if ( $currentGalleryId === null ) $currentGalleryId = $rootGalleryId; $script = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php'; $tree = array('name' => tra('File Galleries'), 'data' => array(), 'link' => $script, 'id' => $rootGalleryId ); if ( $rootGalleryId != $prefs['fgal_root_id'] ) { foreach ( $allGalleries['data'] as $k => $v ) { if ( $v['id'] == $rootGalleryId ) { $tree['name'] = $v['name']; break; } } } $galleryPath = array(); $expanded = array('1'); $fgal_mgr_param = !empty($_REQUEST['filegals_manager']) ? '&filegals_manager=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['filegals_manager']) : ''; $this->_buildTreePhplayers($tree['data'], $allGalleries['data'], $currentGalleryId, $galleryPath, $expanded, $script, $rootGalleryId, $fgal_mgr_param); array_unshift($galleryPath, array($rootGalleryId, $tree['name'])); $galleryPathHtml = ''; foreach ( $galleryPath as $dir_id ) { if ( $galleryPathHtml != '' ) $galleryPathHtml .= ' > '; $galleryPathHtml .= '<a href="' . $script . '?galleryId=' . $dir_id[0] . $fgal_mgr_param . '">' . $dir_id[1] . '</a>'; } return array( 'tree' => $tree, 'expanded' => $expanded, 'path' => $galleryPathHtml, 'pathArray' => $galleryPath ); } function _buildTreePhplayers( &$tree, &$galleries, &$gallery_id, &$gallery_path, &$expanded, $link = "", $cur_id = -1, $queryString = '' ) { static $total = 1; static $nb_galleries = 0; $i = 0; $current_path = array(); $path_found = false; if ($nb_galleries == 0) $nb_galleries = count($galleries); for ($gk = 0; $gk < $nb_galleries; $gk++) { $gv = & $galleries[$gk]; if ($gv['parentId'] == $cur_id && $gv['id'] != $cur_id) { $tree[$i] = & $galleries[$gk]; $tree[$i]['link_var'] = 'galleryId'; $tree[$i]['link_id'] = $gv['id']; $tree[$i]['link'] = $link."?".$tree[$i]['link_var']."=".$tree[$i]['link_id'] . $queryString; $tree[$i]['pos'] = $total++; $this->_buildTreePhplayers($tree[$i]['data'], $galleries, $gallery_id, $gallery_path, $expanded, $link, $gv['id'], $queryString); if (!$path_found && $gv['id'] == $gallery_id) { if ($_REQUEST['galleryId'] == $gv['id']) $tree[$i]['current'] = 1; array_unshift($gallery_path, array($gallery_id, $gv['name'])); $expanded[] = $tree[$i]['pos'] + 1; $gallery_id = $cur_id; $path_found = true; } $i++; } } } // get the size in k used in a fgal and its children function getUsedSize($galleryId=0) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $conditions = array(); if (! empty($galleryId)) { $galleryIds = array(); $this->getGalleryIds( $galleryIds, $galleryId, 'list' ); $conditions['galleryId'] = $files->in($galleryIds); } return $files->fetchOne($files->sum('filesize'), $conditions); } // get the min quota in M of a fgal and its parents function getQuota($galleryId=0) { global $prefs; if (empty($galleryId) || $prefs['fgal_quota_per_fgal'] == 'n') { return $prefs['fgal_quota']; } $list = $this->getGalleryParentsColumns($galleryId, array('galleryId', 'quota')); $quota = $prefs['fgal_quota']; foreach($list as $fgal) { if (empty($fgal['quota'])) { continue; } $quota = min($quota, $fgal['quota']); } return $quota; } // get the max quota in M of the children of a fgal function getMaxQuotaDescendants($galleryId=0) { if (empty($galleryId)) { return 0; } $this->getGalleryChildrenIds($subtree, $galleryId, 'list'); if (is_array($subtree)) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); return $files->fetchOne($files->max('filesize'), array('galleryId' => $files->in($subtree))); } else { return 0; } } // check quota is smaller than parent quotas and bigger than children quotas // return -1: too small, 0: ok, +1: too big function checkQuotaSetting($quota, $galleryId=0, $parentId=0) { if (empty($quota)) { return 0; } $limit = $this->getQuota($parentId); if (!empty($limit) && $quota > $limit) { return 1;// too big } if (!empty($galleryId)) { $limit = $this->getMaxQuotaDescendants($galleryId); if (!empty($limit) && $quota < $limit) { return -1;//too small } } return 0; } // get specific columns for a gallery and its parents function getGalleryParentsColumns($galleryId, $columns) { $cols = array_diff($columns, array('size', 'galleryId', 'parentId')); $cols[] = 'galleryId'; $cols[] = 'parentId'; $all = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchAll($cols, array()); $list = array(); $this->_getGalleryParentsColumns($all, $list, $galleryId, $columns); return $list; } function _getGalleryParentsColumns($all, &$list, $galleryId, $columns=array()) { foreach ($all as $fgal) { if ($fgal['galleryId'] == $galleryId) { if (in_array('size', $columns)) { // to be optimized $fgal['size'] = $this->getUsedSize($galleryId); } $list[] = $fgal; $this->_getGalleryParentsColumns($all, $list, $fgal['parentId'], $columns); return; } } } // check a size in K can be added to a gallery return false if problem function checkQuota($size, $galleryId, &$error) { global $prefs, $smarty; $error = ''; if (!empty($prefs['fgal_quota'])) { $use = $this->getUsedSize(); if ($use + $size > $prefs['fgal_quota']*1024*1024) { $error = tra('The upload has not been done.') . ' ' . tra('Reason: The global quota has been reached'); $diff = $use + $size - $prefs['fgal_quota']*1024*1024; } } if (empty($error) && $prefs['fgal_quota_per_fgal'] == 'y') { $list = $this->getGalleryParentsColumns($galleryId, array('galleryId', 'quota', 'size', 'name')); //echo '<pre>';print_r($list);echo '</pre>'; foreach ($list as $fgal) { if (!empty($fgal['quota']) && $fgal['size'] + $size > $fgal['quota']*1024*1024) { $error = tra('The upload has not been done.') . ' ' . sprintf( tra('Reason: The quota has been reached in "%s"'), $fgal['name'] ); $smarty->assign('mail_fgal', $fgal); $diff = $fgal['size'] + $size - $fgal['quota']*1024*1024; break; } } } if (!empty($error)) { global $tikilib; $nots = $tikilib->get_event_watches('fgal_quota_exceeded', '*'); if (!empty($nots)) { include_once ('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); $mail = new TikiMail(); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $machine = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ) . dirname( $foo["path"] ); $machine = preg_replace("!/$!", "", $machine); // just incase $smarty->assign('mail_machine', $machine); $smarty->assign('mail_diff', $diff); foreach ($nots as $not) { $lg = $tikilib->get_user_preference($not['user'], 'language', $prefs['site_language']); $mail->setSubject(tra('File gallery quota exceeded', $lg)); $mail->setText($smarty->fetchLang($lg, 'mail/fgal_quota_exceeded.tpl')); $mail->buildMessage(); $mail->send(array($not['email'])); } } return false; } return true; } // update backlinks of an object function replaceBacklinks($context, $fileIds=array()) { $objectlib = TikiLib::lib('object'); $objectId = $objectlib->get_object_id($context['type'], $context['object']); if (empty($objectId) && !empty( $fileIds)) { $objectId = $objectlib->add_object($context['type'], $context['object'], $context['description'], $context['name'], $context['href']); } if (!empty($objectId)) { $this->_replaceBacklinks($objectId, $fileIds); } //echo 'REPLACEBACKLINK'; print_r($context);print_r($fileIds);echo '<pre>'; debug_print_backtrace(); echo '</pre>';die; } function _replaceBacklinks($objectId, $fileIds=array()) { $backlinks = $this->table('tiki_file_backlinks'); $this->_deleteBacklinks($objectId); foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) { $backlinks->insert(array( 'objectId' => (int) $objectId, 'fileId' => (int) $fileId, )); } } // delete backlinks associated to an object function deleteBacklinks($context, $fileId=null) { if (empty($fileId)) { $objectlib = TikiLib::lib('object'); $objectId = $objectlib->get_object_id($context['type'], $context['object']); if (!empty($objectId)) { $this->_deleteBacklinks($objectId); } } else { $this->_deleteBacklinks(null, $fileId); } } function _deleteBacklinks($objectId, $fileId=null) { $backlinks = $this->table('tiki_file_backlinks'); if (empty($fileId)) { $backlinks->delete(array('objectId' => (int) $objectId)); } else { $backlinks->delete(array('fileId' => (int) $fileId)); } } // get the backlinks of an object function getFileBacklinks($fileId, $sort_mode='type_asc') { $query = 'select tob.* from `tiki_file_backlinks` tfb left join `tiki_objects` tob on (tob.`objectId`=tfb.`objectId`) where `fileId`=? order by '.$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); return $this->fetchAll($query, array((int)$fileId)); } // can not see a file if all its backlinks are not viewable function hasOnlyPrivateBacklinks($fileId) { $objects = $this->getFileBacklinks($fileId); if (empty($objects)) { return false; } foreach ($objects as $object) { $pobjects[$object['type']][] = $object; } global $categlib; include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $map = CategLib::map_object_type_to_permission(); foreach ($pobjects as $type=>$list) { if ($type == 'blog post') { $this->parentObjects($list, 'tiki_blog_posts', 'postId', 'blogId'); $f = Perms::filter(array('type'=>'blog'), 'object', $list, array('object' => 'blogId'), str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $map['blog'])); } elseif (strstr($type, 'comment')) { $this->parentObjects($list, 'tiki_comments', 'threadId', 'object'); $t = str_replace(' comment', '', $type); $f = Perms::filter(array('type'=>$t), 'object', $list, array('object' => 'object'), str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $map[$t])); } elseif ($type == 'forum post') { $this->parentObjects($list, 'tiki_comments', 'threadId', 'object'); $f = Perms::filter(array('type'=>'forum'), 'object', $list, array('object' => 'object'), str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $map['forum'])); } elseif ($type == 'trackeritem') { $this->parentObjects($list, 'tiki_tracker_items', 'itemId', 'trackerId'); $f = Perms::filter(array('type'=>'tracker'), 'object', $list, array('object' => 'trackerId'), str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $map['tracker'])); //NEED to check item perm } else { $f = Perms::filter(array('type'=>$type), 'object', $list, array('object' => 'itemId'), str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $map[$type])); } $debug=0; if (!empty($debug)) { echo "<br />FILE$fileId"; if (!empty($f)) echo 'OK-';else echo 'NO-'; foreach ($list as $l) echo $l['type'].': '.$l['itemId'].'('.$l['href'].')'.','; } if (!empty($f)) { return false; } } return true; } // sync the backlinks used by a text of an object function syncFileBacklinks($data, $context) { global $tikilib; $fileIds = array(); $plugins = $tikilib->getPlugins($data, array('IMG', 'FILE')); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (!empty($plugin['arguments']['fileId'])) { $fileIds[] = $plugin['arguments']['fileId']; } if (!empty($plugin['arguments']['src']) && $fileId = $this->getLinkFileId($plugin['arguments']['src'])) { $fileIds[] = $fileId; } } if (preg_match_all('/\[(.+)\]/Umi', $data, $matches)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (isset($match[1]) && $fileId = $this->getLinkFileId($match[1])) { $fileIds[] = $fileId; } } } if (preg_match_all('/<a[^>]*href=(\'|\")?([^>*])/Umi', $data, $matches)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (isset($match[2]) && $fileId = $this->getLinkFileId($match[2])) { $fileIds[] = $fileId; } } } $fileIds = array_unique($fileIds); //if (!empty($fileIds)) {echo '<pre>'; print_r($context); print_r($fileIds); echo '</pre>';} $this->replaceBacklinks($context, $fileIds); return $fileIds; } function getLinkFileId($url) { if (preg_match('/^tiki-download_file.php\?.*fileId=([0-9]+)/', $url, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/^(dl|preview|thumbnail|thumb||display)([0-9]+)/', $url, $matches)) { return $matches[2]; } } private function syncParsedText( $data, $context ) { // Compatbility function $this->object_post_save( $context, array( 'content' => $data ) ); } function refreshBacklinks() { $result = $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchAll(array('data', 'description', 'pageName'), array()); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['data'], array('type'=> 'wiki page', 'object'=> $res['pageName'], 'description'=> $res['description'], 'name'=>$res['pageName'], 'href'=>'tiki-index.php?page='.$res['pageName'])); } $result = $this->table('tiki_articles')->fetchAll(array('heading', 'body', 'articleId', 'title'), array()); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['body'].' '.$res['heading'], array('type'=>'article', 'object'=>$res['articleId'], 'description'=>substr($res['heading'], 0, 200), 'name'=>$res['title'], 'href'=>'tiki-read_article.php?articleId='.$res['articleId'])); } $result = $this->table('tiki_submissions')->fetchAll(array('heading', 'body', 'subId', 'title'), array()); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['heading'].' '.$res['body'], array('type'=>'submission', 'object'=>$res['subId'], 'description'=>substr($res['heading'], 0, 200), 'name'=>$res['title'], 'href'=>'tiki-edit_submission.php?subId='.$res['subId'])); } $result = $this->table('tiki_blogs')->fetchAll(array('blogId', 'heading', 'description', 'title'), array()); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['heading'], array('type'=>'blog', 'object'=>$res['blogId'], 'description'=>$res['description'], 'name'=>$res['title'], 'href'=>'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId='.$res['blogId'])); } $result = $this->table('tiki_blog_posts')->fetchAll(array('blogId', 'data', 'postId', 'title'), array()); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['data'], array('type'=>'blog post', 'object'=>$res['postId'], 'description'=>substr($res['data'], 0, 200), 'name'=>$res['title'], 'href'=>'tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId='.$res['postId'])); } $result = $this->table('tiki_comments')->fetchAll(array('objectType', 'object', 'threadId', 'title', 'data'), array()); $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); foreach ($result as $res) { if ($res['objectType'] == 'forum') { $type = 'forum post'; } else { $type = $res['objectType'].' comment'; } $this->syncParsedText($res['data'], array('type'=>$type, 'object'=>$res['threadId'], 'description'=>'', 'name'=>$res['title'], 'href'=>$commentslib->getHref($res['objectType'], $res['object'], $res['threadId']))); } $result = $this->table('tiki_trackers')->fetchAll(array('description', 'name', 'trackerId'), array('descriptionIsParsed' => 'y')); foreach ($result as $res) { $this->syncParsedText($res['description'], array('type'=>'tracker', 'object'=>$res['trackerId'], 'description'=>$res['description'], 'name'=>$res['name'], 'href'=>'tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId='.$res['trackerId'])); } //TODO field description $query = 'select `value`, `itemId` from `tiki_tracker_item_fields` ttif left join `tiki_tracker_fields` ttf on (ttif.`fieldId`=ttf.`fieldId`) where ttf.`type`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array('a')); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { //TODO: get the name of the item $this->syncParsedText($res['value'], array('type'=>'trackeritem', 'object'=>$res['itemId'], 'description'=>'', 'name'=>'', 'href'=>'tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId='.$res['itemId'])); } } /* move files to file system * return '' if ok otherwise error message */ function moveFiles($to='to_fs', &$feedbacks) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); if ($to == 'to_db') { $result = $files->fetchColumn('fileId', array( 'path' => $files->not(''), )); $msg = tra('Number of files transferred to the database:'); } else { $result = $files->fetchColumn('fileId', array( 'path' => '', )); $msg = tra('Number of files transferred to the file system:'); } $nb = 0; foreach ($result as $fileId) { if (($errors = $this->moveFile($to, $fileId)) != '') { $feedbacks[] = "$msg $nb"; return $errors; } ++$nb; } $feedbacks[] = "$msg $nb"; return ''; } function moveFile($to='to_fs', $file_id) { global $prefs; $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $file_info = $files->fetchFullRow(array('fileId' => $file_id)); if ($to == 'to_db') { if (false === $data = @file_get_contents($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] .$file_info['path'])) { return tra('Cannot open this file:') . $prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $file_info['path']; } $files->update(array( 'data' => $data, 'path' => '', ), array( 'fileId' => $file_info['fileId'], )); unlink($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] .$file_info['path']); } else { $fhash = $this->find_unique_name($prefs['fgal_use_dir'], $file_info['name']); if (false === @file_put_contents($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $fhash, $file_info['data'])) { return tra('Cannot write to this file:') . $prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $fhash; } $files->update(array( 'data' => '', 'path' => $fhash, ), array( 'fileId' => $file_info['fileId'], )); } return ''; } // find the fileId in the pool of fileId archives files that is closer before the date function getArchiveJustBefore($fileId, $date) { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $archiveId = $files->fetchOne('archiveId', array('fileId' => $fileId)); if (empty($archiveId)) { $archiveId = $fileId; } return $files->fetchOne('fileId', array( 'anyOf' => $files->expr('(`fileId`=? or `archiveId`=?)', array($archiveId, $archiveId)), 'created' => $files->lesserThan($date+1), ), 1, 0, array('created' => 'DESC')); } function get_objectid_from_virtual_path($path, $parentId = -1) { if ( empty($path) || $path[0] != '/' ) return false; if ( $path == '/' ) { // global $prefs; // return array('type' => 'filegal', 'id' => $prefs['fgal_root_id']); return array('type' => 'filegal', 'id' => -1); } $pathParts = explode('/', $path, 3); $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); // Path detected as a file if ( count($pathParts) < 3 ) { // If we ask for a previous version (name?version) if ( preg_match('/^([^?]*)\?(\d*)$/', $pathParts[1], $matches) ) { $result = $files->fetchAll('fileId', array( 'name' => $matches[1], 'galleryId' => (int) $parentId, ), 1, $matches[2], array('fileId' => 'ASC')); } else { $result = $files->fetchOne('fileId', array( 'name' => $pathParts[1], 'galleryId' => (int) $parentId, ), array('fileId' => 'DESC')); } if ( $result ) { $res = reset($result); if ( ! empty($res) ) { return array('type' => 'file', 'id' => $res['fileId']); } } } $galleryId = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchOne('galleryId', array( 'name' => $pathParts[1], 'parentId' => (int) $parentId, )); if ($galleryId) { // as a leaf if ( empty($pathParts[2]) ) { return array('type' => 'filegal', 'id' => $galleryId); } else { return $this->get_objectid_from_virtual_path( '/' . $pathParts[2], $galleryId ); } } return false; } function get_full_virtual_path($id, $type = 'file') { if ( ! $id > 0 ) return false; switch( $type ) { case 'filegal': if ( $id == -1 ) return '/'; $res = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchRow(array('name', 'parentId'), array( 'galleryId' => (int) $id, )); break; case 'file': default: $res = $this->table('tiki_files')->fetchRow(array('name', 'parentId' => 'galleryId'), array( 'fileId' => (int) $id, )); } if ($res) { $parentPath = $this->get_full_virtual_path($res['parentId'], 'filegal'); return $parentPath . ( $parentPath == '/' ? '' : '/' ) . $res['name']; } return false; } function getFiletype($not=array()) { if (empty($not)) { $query = 'select distinct(`filetype`) from `tiki_files` order by `filetype` asc'; } else { $query = 'select distinct(`filetype`) from `tiki_files` where `filetype` not in('.implode(',',array_fill(0, count($not),'?')).')order by `filetype` asc'; } $result = $this->query($query, $not); $ret = array(); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['filetype']; } return $ret; } function setDefault($fgalIds) { global $prefs; $defaults = array( 'sort_mode' => $prefs['fgal_sort_mode'], 'show_backlinks' => 'n', 'show_deleteAfter' => $prefs['fgal_list_deleteAfter'], 'show_lastDownload' => 'n', 'show_id' => $prefs['fgal_list_id'], 'show_icon' => $prefs['fgal_list_type'], 'show_name' => $prefs['fgal_list_name'], 'show_description' => $prefs['fgal_list_description'], 'show_size' => $prefs['fgal_list_size'], 'show_created' => $prefs['fgal_list_created'], 'show_modified' => $prefs['fgal_list_lastModif'], 'show_creator' => $prefs['fgal_list_creator'], 'show_author' => $prefs['fgal_list_author'], 'show_last_user' => $prefs['fgal_list_last_user'], 'show_comment' => $prefs['fgal_list_comment'], 'show_files' => $prefs['fgal_list_files'], 'show_hits' => $prefs['fgal_list_hits'], 'show_lockedby' => $prefs['fgal_list_lockedby'], 'show_checked' => $prefs['fgal_show_checked'], 'show_share' => $prefs['fgal_list_share'], 'show_explorer' => $prefs['fgal_show_explorer'], 'show_path' => $prefs['fgal_show_path'], 'show_slideshow' => $prefs['fgal_show_slideshow'], 'default_view' => $prefs['fgal_default_view'], ); $galleries = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $galleries->update($defaults, array( 'galleryId' => $galleries->in($fgalIds), )); } function getGalleryId($name, $parentId) { return $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchOne('galleryId', array( 'name' => $name, 'parentId' => $parentId, )); } function deleteOldFiles() { global $prefs, $tikilib, $smarty; include_once('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); $query = 'select * from `tiki_files` where `deleteAfter` < '.$this->now.' - `lastModif` and `deleteAfter` is not NULL and `deleteAfter` != \'\' order by galleryId asc'; $files = $this->fetchAll($query, array()); foreach ($files as $fileInfo) { if (empty($galInfo) || $galInfo['galleryId'] != $fileInfo['galleryId']) { $galInfo = $this->get_file_gallery_info($fileInfo['galleryId']); if (!empty($prefs['fgal_delete_after_email'])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('galInfo', $galInfo); } } if (!empty($prefs['fgal_delete_after_email'])) { $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galInfo['galleryId'], $galInfo); $fileInfo['data'] = file_get_contents($savedir.$fileInfo['path']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('fileInfo', $fileInfo); $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setSubject(tra('Old File deleted:', $prefs['site_language']).' '.$fileInfo['filename']); $mail->setText($smarty->fetchLang($prefs['site_language'], 'mail/fgal_old_file_deleted.tpl')); $mail->addAttachment($fileInfo['data'], $fileInfo['filename'], $fileInfo['filetype']); $to = preg_split('/ *, */', $prefs['fgal_delete_after_email']); $mail->send($to); } $this->remove_file($fileInfo, $galInfo, false); } } // get the wiki_syntax - use parent's if none function getWikiSyntax($galleryId=0) { global $prefs; if (isset($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'])) { // for use in plugin edit popup if ($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'] === 'fgal_picker_id') { return '%fileId%'; // for use in plugin edit popup } else if ($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'] === 'fgal_picker') { $href = 'tiki-download_file.php?fileId=123&display'; // dummy id as sefurl expects a (/d+) pattern global $smarty; include_once('tiki-sefurl.php'); $href = filter_out_sefurl($href, $smarty); return str_replace('123', '%fileId%', $href); } } $syntax = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchOne('wiki_syntax', array('galleryId' => $galleryId)); if (!empty($syntax)) { return $syntax; } $list = $this->getGalleryParentsColumns($galleryId, array('wiki_syntax')); foreach($list as $fgal) { if (!empty($fgal['wiki_syntax'])) { return $fgal['wiki_syntax']; } } // and no syntax set, return default $syntax = '{img fileId="%fileId%" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}'; // should be a pref return $syntax; } function add_file_hit($id) { global $prefs, $user; $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); if ($prefs['count_admin_pvs'] == 'y' || $user != 'admin') { // Enforce max download per file if( $prefs['fgal_limit_hits_per_file'] == 'y' ) { $limit = $this->get_download_limit( $id ); if( $limit > 0 ) { $count = $files->fetchCount(array('fileId' => $id, 'hits' => $files->lesserThan($limit))); if( ! $count ) { return false; } } } $files->update(array( 'hits' => $files->increment(1), 'lastDownload' => $this->now, ), array( 'fileId' => (int) $id, )); } else { $files->update(array( 'lastDownload' => $this->now, ), array( 'fileId' => (int) $id, )); } if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { if( ! $this->score_event($user, 'fgallery_download', $id) ) return false; $owner = $files->fetchOne('user', array('fileId' => (int) $id)); if( ! $this->score_event($owner, 'fgallery_is_downloaded', "$user:$id") ) return false; } return true; } function add_file_gallery_hit($id) { global $prefs, $user; if ($prefs['count_admin_pvs'] == 'y' || $user != 'admin') { $fileGalleries = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $fileGalleries->update(array( 'hits' => $fileGalleries->increment(1), ), array( 'galleryId' => (int) $id, )); } return true; } function get_file($id, $randomGalleryId='') { if (empty($randomGalleryId)) { $where = '`fileId`=?'; $bindvars[] = (int)$id; } else { $where = 'tf.`galleryId`=? order by '.$this->convertSortMode('random'). ' limit 1 '; $bindvars[] = (int)$randomGalleryId; } $query = "select tf.*, tfg.`backlinkPerms` from `tiki_files` tf left join `tiki_file_galleries` tfg on (tfg.`galleryId`=tf.`galleryId`) where $where"; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); return $result ? $result->fetchRow() : array(); } /** * Retrieve file draft * * @param int $id */ function get_file_draft($id) { global $user; $file = $this->get_file($id); if (!$file || empty($file)) { return array(); } $query = "select tfd.* from `tiki_file_drafts` tfd where `fileId`=? and `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array((int)$id, $user)); if (!($draft = $result->fetchRow())) { return $file; } $file['filename'] = $draft['filename']; $file['filesize'] = $draft['filesize']; $file['filetype'] = $draft['filetype']; $file['data'] = $draft['data']; $file['user'] = $draft['user']; $file['path'] = $draft['path']; $file['hash'] = $draft['hash']; $file['lastModif'] = $draft['lastModif']; $file['lockedby'] = $draft['lockedby']; return $file; } function get_file_by_name($galleryId, $name, $column='name') { $query = "select `path`,`galleryId`,`filename`,`filetype`,`data`,`filesize`,`name`,`description`, `created` from `tiki_files` where `galleryId`=? AND `$column`=? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $galleryId, $name)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } function list_files($offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='created_desc', $find='') { global $prefs; return $this->get_files($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $prefs['fgal_root_id'], false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true); } function list_file_galleries($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'name_desc', $user='', $find='', $parentId=-1, $with_archive=false, $with_subgals=true, $with_subgals_size=false, $with_files=false, $with_files_data=false, $with_parent_name=true, $with_files_count=true,$recursive=true) { return $this->get_files($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $parentId, $with_archive, $with_subgals, $with_subgals_size, $with_files, $with_files_data, $with_parent_name, $with_files_count, $recursive, $user); } /** * Get files and/or subgals list with additional data from one or all file galleries * * @param int $offset * @param int $maxRecords * @param string $sort_mode * @param string $find * @param int $galleryId (-1 = all galleries (default)) * @param bool $with_archive give back the number of archives * @param bool $with_subgals include subgals in the listing * @param bool $with_subgals_size calculate the size of subgals * @param bool $with_files include files in the listing * @param bool $with_files_data include files data in the listing * @param bool $with_parent_name include parent names in the listing * @param bool $recursive include all subgals recursively (yet only implemented for galleryId == -1) * @param string $my_user use another user than the current one * @param bool $keep_subgals_together do not mix files and subgals when sorting (if true, subgals will always be at the top) * @param bool $parent_is_file use $galleryId param as $fileId (to return only archives of the file) * @param array filter: creator, categId, lastModif, lastDownload, fileId * @param string wiki_syntax: text to be inserted in editor onclick (from fgal manager) * @return array of found files and subgals */ function get_files($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $galleryId=-1, $with_archive=false, $with_subgals=false, $with_subgals_size=true, $with_files=true, $with_files_data=false, $with_parent_name=false, $with_files_count=true, $recursive=false, $my_user='', $keep_subgals_together=true, $parent_is_file=false, $with_backlink=false, $filter='', $wiki_syntax = '') { global $user, $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries, $prefs; $f_jail_bind = array(); $g_jail_bind = array(); $f_where = ''; if ( ( ! $with_files && ! $with_subgals ) || ( $parent_is_file && $galleryId <= 0 ) ) return array(); $fileId = -1; if ( $parent_is_file ) { $fileId = $galleryId; $galleryId = -2; } if ( $recursive && ! is_array($galleryId) ) { $idTree = array(); $this->getGalleryIds( $idTree, $galleryId, 'list' ); $galleryId =& $idTree; } else { // recursive mode is only available for one parent gallery (i.e. not implemented when $galleryId is an array of multiple ids) $recursive = false; } $with_subgals_size = ( $with_subgals && $with_subgals_size ); if ( $my_user == '' ) $my_user = $user; $f_table = '`tiki_files` as tf'; $g_table = '`tiki_file_galleries` as tfg'; $f_group_by = ''; $orderby = $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $f2g_corresp = array( '0 as `isgal`' => '1 as `isgal`', 'tf.`fileId` as `id`' => 'tfg.`galleryId` as `id`', 'tf.`galleryId` as `parentId`' => 'tfg.`parentId`', 'tf.`name`' => 'tfg.`name`', 'tf.`description`' => 'tfg.`description`', 'tf.`filesize` as `size`' => "0 as `size`", 'tf.`created`' => 'tfg.`created`', 'tf.`filename`' => 'tfg.`name` as `filename`', 'tf.`filetype` as `type`' => "tfg.`type`", 'tf.`user` as `creator`' => 'tfg.`user` as `creator`', 'tf.`author`' => "'' as `author`", 'tf.`hits`' => "tfg.`hits`", 'tf.`lastDownload`' => "0 as `lastDownload`", 'tf.`votes`' => 'tfg.`votes`', 'tf.`points`' => 'tfg.`points`', 'tf.`path`' => "'' as `path`", 'tf.`reference_url`' => "'' as `reference_url`", 'tf.`is_reference`' => "'' as `is_reference`", 'tf.`hash`' => "'' as `hash`", 'tf.`search_data`' => 'tfg.`name` as `search_data`', 'tf.`lastModif` as `lastModif`' => 'tfg.`lastModif` as `lastModif`', 'tf.`lastModifUser` as `last_user`' => "'' as `last_user`", 'tf.`lockedby`' => "'' as `lockedby`", 'tf.`comment`' => "'' as `comment`", 'tf.`deleteAfter`' => "'' as `deleteAfter`", 'tf.`maxhits`' => "'' as `maxhits`", 'tf.`archiveId`' => '0 as `archiveId`', "'' as `visible`" => 'tfg.`visible`', "'' as `public`" => 'tfg.`public`', /// Below are obsolete fields that will be removed soon (they have their new equivalents above) 'tf.`fileId`' => 'tfg.`galleryId` as `fileId`', /// use 'id' instead 'tf.`galleryId`' => 'tfg.`parentId` as `galleryId`', /// use 'parentId' instead 'tf.`filesize`' => "0 as `filesize`", /// use 'size' instead 'tf.`filetype`' => "tfg.`type` as `filetype`", /// use 'type' instead 'tf.`user`' => 'tfg.`user`', /// use 'creator' instead 'tf.`lastModifUser`' => "'' as `lastModifUser`" /// use 'last_user' instead ); if ( $with_files_data ) { $f2g_corresp['tf.`data`'] = "'' as `data`"; } if ( $with_files_count ) { $f2g_corresp["'' as `files`"] = 'count(distinct tfc.`fileId`) as `files`'; } if ( $with_archive ) { $f2g_corresp['count(tfh.`fileId`) as `nbArchives`'] = '0 as `nbArchives`'; $f_table .= ' LEFT JOIN `tiki_files` tfh ON (tf.`fileId` = tfh.`archiveId`)'; $f_group_by = ' GROUP BY tf.`fileId`'; } if ( $with_files && $prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y' ) { $f2g_corresp['count(tfd.`fileId`) as `nbDraft`'] = '0 as `nbDraft`'; $f_table .= ' LEFT JOIN `tiki_file_drafts` tfd ON (tf.`fileId` = tfd.`fileId` and tfd.`user`=?)'; $f_group_by = ' GROUP BY tf.`fileId`'; } if ( $with_backlink ) { $f2g_corresp['count(tfb.`fileId`) as `nbBacklinks`'] = '0 as `nbBacklinks`'; $f_table .= ' LEFT JOIN `tiki_file_backlinks` tfb ON (tf.`fileId` = tfb.`fileId`)'; $f_group_by = ' GROUP BY tf.`fileId`'; } if ( !empty($filter['orphan']) && $filter['orphan'] == 'y' ) { $f_where .= ' AND tfb.`objectId` IS NULL'; if (!$with_backlink) { $f_table .= 'LEFT JOIN `tiki_file_backlinks` tfb ON (tf.`fileId`=tfb.`fileId`)'; } } if( !empty($filter['categId']) ) { $jail = $filter['categId']; } else { $jail = $categlib->get_jail(); } if( $jail ) { $categlib->getSqlJoin( $jail, 'file', 'tf.`fileId`', $f_jail_join, $f_jail_where, $f_jail_bind ); } else { $f_jail_join = ''; $f_jail_where = ''; $f_jail_bind = array(); } $f_query = 'SELECT '.implode(', ', array_keys($f2g_corresp)).' FROM '.$f_table.$f_jail_join.' WHERE tf.`archiveId`='.( $parent_is_file ? $fileId : '0' ) . $f_jail_where . $f_where; $bindvars = array(); $mid = ''; $midvars = array(); if ( $find ) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $tab = $with_subgals?'tab':'tf'; $mid = " (upper($tab.`name`) LIKE upper(?) OR upper($tab.`description`) LIKE upper(?) OR upper($tab.`filename`) LIKE upper(?))"; $midvars = array($findesc, $findesc, $findesc); } if ( !empty($filter['creator']) ) { $f_query .= ' AND tf.`user` = ? '; $bindvars[] = $filter['creator']; } if ( !empty($filter['lastModif']) ) { $f_query .= ' AND tf.`lastModif` < ? '; $bindvars[] = $filter['lastModif']; } if ( !empty($filter['lastDownload']) ) { $f_query .= ' AND (tf.`lastDownload` < ? or tf.`lastDownload` is NULL)'; $bindvars[] = $filter['lastDownload']; } if ( $with_files && $prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y' ) { $bindvars[] = $user; } if (!empty($filter['fileId'])) { $f_query .= ' AND tf.`fileId` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0, count($filter['fileId']),'?')).')'; $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $filter['fileId']); } $galleryId_str = ''; if ( is_array($galleryId) ) { $galleryId_str = ' in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, count($galleryId),'?')).')'; $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $galleryId); } elseif ( $galleryId >= -1 ) { $galleryId_str = '=?'; if ( $with_files ) $bindvars[] = $galleryId; if ( $with_subgals ) $bindvars[] = $galleryId; } if ( $galleryId_str != '' ) { $f_query .= ' AND tf.`galleryId`'.$galleryId_str; } if ( $with_subgals ) { $g_mid = ''; $g_join = ''; $g_group_by = ''; $join = ''; $select = 'tab.*'; if ( $with_files_count ) { $g_join = ' LEFT JOIN `tiki_files` tfc ON (tfg.`galleryId` = tfc.`galleryId`)'; $g_group_by = ' GROUP BY tfg.`galleryId`'; } // If $user is admin then get ALL galleries, if not only user galleries are shown // If the user is not admin then select it's own galleries or public galleries if ( $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y' && $my_user != 'admin' && empty($parentId) ) { $g_mid = " AND (tfg.`user`=? OR tfg.`visible`='y' OR tfg.`public`='y')"; $bindvars[] = $my_user; } if( $jail ) { $categlib->getSqlJoin( $jail, 'file gallery', '`tfg`.`galleryId`', $g_jail_join, $g_jail_where, $g_jail_bind ); } else { $g_jail_join = ''; $g_jail_where = ''; $g_jail_bind = array(); } $g_query = 'SELECT '.implode(', ', array_values($f2g_corresp)).' FROM '.$g_table.$g_join.$g_jail_join; $g_query .= " WHERE 1=1 "; if ( $galleryId_str != '' ) { $g_query .= ' AND tfg.`parentId`'.$galleryId_str; } $g_query .= $g_mid; $g_query .= $g_jail_where; $bindvars = array_merge( $bindvars, $g_jail_bind ); if ( $with_parent_name ) { $select .= ', tfgp.`name` as `parentName`'; $join .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN `tiki_file_galleries` tfgp ON (tab.`parentId` = tfgp.`galleryId`)'; } if ( $with_files ) { $query = "SELECT $select FROM (($f_query $f_group_by) UNION ($g_query $g_group_by)) as tab".$join; $bindvars = array_merge( $f_jail_bind, $bindvars ); } else { $query = "SELECT $select FROM ($g_query $g_group_by) as tab".$join; } if ( $mid != '' ){ $query .= ' WHERE'.$mid; $bindvars = array_merge( $bindvars, $midvars ); } if ( $orderby != '' ) $orderby = 'tab.'.$orderby; } else { $query = $f_query; $bindvars = array_merge( $f_jail_bind, $bindvars ); if ( $mid != '' ) { $query .= ' AND'.$mid; $bindvars = array_merge( $bindvars, $midvars ); } $query .= $f_group_by; } if ( $keep_subgals_together ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY `isgal` desc'.($orderby == '' ? '' : ', '.$orderby); } elseif ( $orderby != '' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY '.$orderby; } $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); $ret = array(); $gal_size_order = array(); $cant = 0; $n = -1; $need_everything = ( $with_subgals_size && ( $sort_mode == 'size_asc' || $sort_mode == 'filesize_asc' ) ); $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); //TODO: perms cache for file perms (now we are using cache only for file gallery perms) $cacheName = md5("group:".implode("\n", $this->get_user_groups($user))); $cacheType = 'fgals_perms_'.$galleryId."_"; if ($galleryId > 0 && $cachelib->isCached($cacheName, $cacheType)) { $fgal_perms = unserialize($cachelib->getCached($cacheName, $cacheType)); } else { $fgal_perms = array(); } foreach( $result as $res ) { $object_type = ( $res['isgal'] == 1 ? 'file gallery' : 'file'); $galleryId = $res['isgal'] == 1 ? $res['id'] : $res['galleryId']; // if file is categorized uses category permisions, otherwise uses parent file gallery permissions // note that the file will not be displayed if categorized but its categories has no file gallery related permissions if ($object_type == 'file' && $categlib->is_categorized($object_type, $res['id'])) { $res['perms'] = $this->get_perm_object($res['id'], 'file', array(), false); } else if (isset($fgal_perms[$galleryId])) { $res['perms'] = $fgal_perms[$galleryId]; } else { $fgal_perms[$galleryId] = $res['perms'] = $this->get_perm_object($galleryId, 'file gallery', array(), false); } if ($galleryId <=0) { $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheName, serialize($fgal_perms), 'fgals_perms_'.$galleryId.'_'); } // Don't return the current item, if : // the user has no rights to view the file gallery AND no rights to list all galleries (in case it's a gallery) if ( ( $res['perms']['tiki_p_view_file_gallery'] != 'y' && ! $this->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$res['id'], $object_type, 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery') ) && ( $res['isgal'] == 0 || ( $res['perms']['tiki_p_list_file_gallery'] != 'y' && ! $this->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$res['id'], $object_type, 'tiki_p_list_file_gallery') ) ) ) { continue; } if (empty($backlinkPerms[$res['galleryId']])) { $info = $this->get_file_gallery_info($res['galleryId']); $backlinkPerms[$res['galleryId']] = $info['backlinkPerms']; } if ($backlinkPerms[$res['galleryId']] == 'y' && $this->hasOnlyPrivateBacklinks($res['id'])) { continue; } // add markup to be inserted onclick // add information for share column if is active if ($object_type === 'file') { $res['wiki_syntax'] = $this->process_fgal_syntax($wiki_syntax, $res); if($prefs['auth_token_access'] == 'y'){ $query = 'select email, sum((maxhits - hits)) as visit, sum(maxhits) as maxhits from tiki_auth_tokens where `parameters`=? group by email'; $share_result = $this->fetchAll($query, array('{"fileId":"'.$res['id'].'"}')); $res['share']['data'] = $share_result; $tmp = array(); if(is_array($res['share']['data'])){ foreach ($res['share']['data'] as $data) { $tmp[] = $data['email']; } } $string_share = implode(', ',$tmp); $res['share']['string'] = substr($string_share, 0, 40); if(strlen($string_share) >40){ $res['share']['string'] .= '...'; } $res['share']['nb'] = count($share_result); } } $n++; if ( ! $need_everything && $offset != -1 && $n < $offset ) continue; if ( $need_everything || $maxRecords == -1 || $cant < $maxRecords ) { $ret[$cant] = $res; if ( $with_subgals_size && $res['isgal'] == 1 ) { $ret[$cant]['size'] = (string)$this->getUsedSize($res['id']); $ret[$cant]['filesize'] = $ret[$cant]['size']; /// Obsolete if ( $keep_subgals_together ) { $gal_size_order[$cant] = $ret[$cant]['size']; } } if ( $with_subgals_size && ! $keep_subgals_together ) { $gal_size_order[$cant] = $ret[$cant]['size']; } // generate link for podcasts $ret[$cant]['podcast_filename'] = $res['path']; } $cant++; } if ($galleryId > 0) $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheName, serialize($fgal_perms), $cacheType); if ( ! $need_everything ) $cant += $offset; if ( count($gal_size_order) > 0 ) { if ( $sort_mode == 'size_asc' || $sort_mode == 'filesize_asc' ) { asort($gal_size_order, SORT_NUMERIC); } elseif ( $sort_mode == 'size_desc' || $sort_mode == 'filesize_desc' ) { arsort($gal_size_order, SORT_NUMERIC); } $ret2 = array(); foreach ( $gal_size_order as $k => $v ) { $ret2[] = $ret[$k]; unset($ret[$k]); } if ( count($ret) > 0 ) { foreach ( $ret as $k => $v ) { $ret2[] = $v; } } unset($ret); $ret =& $ret2; } if ( $need_everything && ( $offset > 0 || $maxRecords != -1 ) ) { if ( $maxRecords == -1 ) { $ret = array_slice($ret, $offset); } else { $ret = array_slice($ret, $offset, $maxRecords); } } return array('data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant); } function list_visible_file_galleries($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'name_desc', $user = '', $find = null) { // If $user is admin then get ALL galleries, if not only user galleries are shown $fileGalleries = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries'); $conditions = array( 'visible' => 'y', ); // If the user is not admin then select `it` 's own galleries or public galleries global $tiki_p_admin_files_galleries; if ($tiki_p_admin_files_galleries != 'y') { $conditions['nonAdmin'] = $fileGalleries->expr('(`user`=? or `public`=?)', array($user, 'y')); } if (! empty($find) ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $conditions['search'] = $fileGalleries->expr('(`name` like ? or `description` like ?)', array($findesc, $findesc)); } $sort = $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); return array( "data" => $fileGalleries->fetchAll($fileGalleries->all(), $conditions, $maxRecords, $offset, $fileGalleries->expr($sort)), "cant" => $fileGalleries->fetchCount($conditions), ); } function get_file_gallery($id = -1, $defaultsFallback = true) { static $defaultValues = null; if ( $defaultValues === null && $defaultsFallback ) { global $prefs; $defaultValues = $this->default_file_gallery(); } if ( $id > 0 ) { $res = $this->table('tiki_file_galleries')->fetchFullRow(array('galleryId' => (int) $id)); } else { $res = array(); } // Use default values if some values are not specified if ( $res !== false && $defaultsFallback ) { foreach ( $defaultValues as $k => $v ) { if ( !isset($res[$k]) || $res[$k] === null ) { $res[$k] = $v; } } } return $res; } // convert markup to be inserted onclick - replace: %fileId%, %name%, %description% etc private function process_fgal_syntax($syntax, $file) { $replace_keys = array('fileId', 'name', 'filename', 'description', 'hits', 'author', 'filesize', 'filetype'); foreach($replace_keys as $k) { if (isset($file[$k])) { $syntax = preg_replace("/%$k%/", $file[$k], $syntax); } } return $syntax; } private function print_msg($msg, $id, $htmlEntities = false) { global $prefs; if ( $htmlEntities ) { $msg = htmlentities($msg, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } if ( $prefs['javascript_enabled'] == 'y' ) { if ( $prefs['fgal_upload_progressbar'] == 'ajax_flash' ) { echo $msg; } else { require_once('lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.escape.php'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'.'>'; ob_flush(); echo "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n"; echo "parent.progress('$id','" . smarty_modifier_escape($msg, 'javascript', 'UTF-8') . "');\n"; echo "//--><!]]></script>\n"; } ob_flush(); } } /*shared*/ public function actionHandler($action, $params) { $method_name = '_actionHandler_' . $action; if ( ! is_callable( array( $this, $method_name ) ) ) return false; return call_user_func( array( $this, $method_name ), $params ); } private function _actionHandler_removeFile( $params ) { // mandatory params: int fileId // optional params: boolean draft, array gal_info if ( ! empty( $params ) && isset( $params['fileId'] ) ) { // To remove an image the user must be the owner or the file or the gallery or admin if ( ! isset( $params['draft'] ) ) { $params['draft'] = false; } global $smarty; if ( ! $info = $this->get_file_info( $params['fileId'] ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ( empty( $params['gal_info'] ) || ! isset( $params['gal_info']['user'] ) ) { if ( isset( $info['galleryId'] ) ) { $params['gal_info'] = $this->get_file_gallery_info( $info['galleryId'] ); } else { $params['gal_info'] = array('user' => ''); } } global $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries, $user; if ( $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y' && ( ! $user || $user != $params['gal_info']['user'] ) ) { if ( $user != $info['user'] ) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to remove files from this gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } $backlinks = $this->getFileBacklinks( $params['fileId'] ); if ( isset( $_POST['daconfirm'] ) && ! empty( $backlinks ) ) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('backlinks', $backlinks); $smarty->assign('file_backlinks_title', 'WARNING: The file is used in:');//get_strings tra('WARNING: The file is used in:') $smarty->assign('confirm_detail', $smarty->fetch('file_backlinks.tpl')); ///FIXME } global $access; $confirmationText = ( empty( $info['name'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars( $info['name']) . ' - ' ) . htmlspecialchars($info['filename']); if ( $params['draft'] ) { $access->check_authenticity( tra( 'Remove file draft: ') . $confirmationText ); $this->remove_draft( $info['fileId'], $user ); } else { $access->check_authenticity( tra('Remove file: ') . $confirmationText ); $this->remove_file( $info, $params['gal_info'] ); } } } private function _actionHandler_uploadFile( $params ) { global $user, $prefs, $tikilib, $logslib, $smarty, $tiki_p_admin, $tiki_p_batch_upload_files; $batch_job = false; $didFileReplace = false; $aux = array(); $errors = array(); $uploads = array(); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $foo1 = str_replace("tiki-upload_file", "tiki-download_file", $foo["path"]); $smarty->assign('url_browse', $tikilib->httpPrefix() . $foo1); $url_browse = $tikilib->httpPrefix() . $foo1; // create direct download path for podcasts $gal_info = null; if ( ! empty( $params['galleryId'][0] ) ) { $gal_info = $this->get_file_gallery( (int) $params['galleryId'][0] ); $podCastGallery = $this->isPodCastGallery( (int) $params["galleryId"][0], $gal_info ); $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir( (int) $params["galleryId"][0], $gal_info ); } $podcast_url = str_replace("tiki-upload_file.php", "", $foo["path"]); $podcast_url = $tikilib->httpPrefix() . $podcast_url . $prefs['fgal_podcast_dir']; if ( isset( $params['fileId'] ) ) { $editFile = true; $editFileId = $params['fileId']; if ( $gal_info !== null && ( $nb_files = count( $params['galleryId'] ) ) != 1 ) { for ( $i = $nb_files - 1; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) { if ( ! isset( $params['galleryId'][$i] ) || $params['galleryId'][$i] != $params['galleryId'][0] ) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You are trying to edit multiple files in different galleries, which is not supported yet')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } } if ( isset( $params['fileInfo'] ) ) { $fileInfo = $params['fileInfo']; $fileInfo['fileId'] = $editFileId; } else { if ( ! ( $fileInfo = $this->get_file_info( $editFileId ) ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('The specified file does not exist')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } if ( ! empty( $params['name'][0] ) ) $fileInfo['name'] = $params['name'][0]; if ( ! empty( $params['description'][0] ) ) $fileInfo['description'] = $params['description'][0]; if ( ! empty( $params['user'][0] ) ) $fileInfo['user'] = $params['user'][0]; if ( ! empty( $params['author'][0] ) ) $fileInfo['author'] = $params['author'][0]; } else { $editFileId = 0; $editFile = false; $fileInfo = null; } if ( ! empty( $_FILES['userfile'] ) ) { $feedback_message = ''; $aFiles['userfile'] = $_FILES['userfile']; foreach ( $aFiles["userfile"]["error"] as $key => $error ) { $formId = $params['formId']; if (empty($params['galleryId'][$key])) { continue; } if (!isset($params['comment'][$key])) { $params['comment'][$key] = ''; } // We process here file uploads if (!empty($aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key])) { // Were there any problems with the upload? If so, report here. if (!is_uploaded_file($aFiles["userfile"]["tmp_name"][$key])) { $errors[] = $aFiles['userfile']['name'][$key] . ': ' . tra('Upload was not successful') . ': ' . $this->uploaded_file_error($error); continue; } // Check the name if (!empty($prefs['fgal_match_regex'])) { if (!preg_match('/' . $prefs['fgal_match_regex'] . '/', $aFiles["userfile"]['name'][$key])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)') . ': ' . $aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key]; continue; } } if (!empty($prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex'])) { if (preg_match('/' . $prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex'] . '/', $aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key])) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)') . ': ' . $aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key]; continue; } } $name = $aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key]; if (isset($params["isbatch"][$key]) && $params["isbatch"][$key] == 'on' && strtolower(substr($name, strlen($name) - 3)) == 'zip') { if ($tiki_p_batch_upload_files == 'y') { try { $this->process_batch_file_upload($params["galleryId"][$key], $aFiles["userfile"]['tmp_name'][$key], $user, isset($params["description"][$key]) ? $params["description"][$key] : '', $errors); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = tra('An exception occurred:') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); } if (!empty($errors)) { continue; } $batch_job = true; $batch_job_galleryId = $params["galleryId"][$key]; $this->print_msg(tra('Batch file processed') . " $name", $formId, true); continue; } else { $errors[] = tra('No permission to upload zipped file packages'); continue; } } if (!$this->checkQuota($aFiles['userfile']['size'][$key], $params['galleryId'][$key], $error)) { $errors[] = $error; continue; } $size = $aFiles["userfile"]['size'][$key]; $type = $aFiles["userfile"]['type'][$key]; $name = stripslashes($aFiles["userfile"]['name'][$key]); $file_name = $aFiles["userfile"]["name"][$key]; $file_tmp_name = $aFiles["userfile"]["tmp_name"][$key]; $tmp_dest = $prefs['tmpDir'] . "/" . $file_name . ".tmp"; // Handle per gallery image size limits $ratio = 0; list(,$subtype)=explode('/',strtolower($type)); if ($subtype == "pjpeg") // supress ie non-mime type (ie sends non standard mime-type for jpeg) { $subtype = "jpeg"; $type = "image/jpeg"; } // If it's an image format we can handle and gallery has limits on image sizes if ( (in_array($subtype, array("jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp","wbmp"))) && ( ($gal_info["image_max_size_x"]) || ($gal_info["image_max_size_y"]) && (!$podCastGallery) ) ) { $image_size_info = getimagesize($file_tmp_name); $image_x = $image_size_info[0]; $image_y = $image_size_info[1]; if($gal_info["image_max_size_x"]) { $rx=$image_x/$gal_info["image_max_size_x"]; }else{ $rx=0; } if($gal_info["image_max_size_y"]) { $ry=$image_y/$gal_info["image_max_size_y"]; }else{ $ry=0; } $ratio=max($rx,$ry); if($ratio>1) { // Resizing will occur $image_new_x=$image_x/$ratio; $image_new_y=$image_y/$ratio; $resized_file = $tmp_dest; $image_resized_p = imagecreatetruecolor($image_new_x, $image_new_y); switch($subtype) { case "gif": $image_p = imagecreatefromgif($file_tmp_name); break; case "png": $image_p = imagecreatefrompng($file_tmp_name); break; case "bmp": case "wbmp": $image_p = imagecreatefromwbmp($file_tmp_name); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": $image_p = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_tmp_name); break; } if(!imagecopyresampled($image_resized_p, $image_p, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_x, $image_new_y, $image_x, $image_y)) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot resize the file:') . ' ' . $resized_file; } switch($subtype) { case "gif": if (!imagegif($image_resized_p, $resized_file)){ $errors[] = tra('Cannot write the file:') . ' ' . $resized_file; } break; case "png": if (!imagepng($image_resized_p, $resized_file)){ $errors[] = tra('Cannot write the file:') . ' ' . $resized_file; } break; case "bmp": case "wbmp": if (!image2wbmp($image_resized_p, $resized_file)){ $errors[] = tra('Cannot write the file:') . ' ' . $resized_file; } break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": if (!imagejpeg($image_resized_p, $resized_file)){ $errors[] = tra('Cannot write the file:') . ' ' . $resized_file; } break; } unlink($image_p); $feedback_message = sprintf(tra('Image was reduced: %s x %s -> %s x %s'),$image_x, $image_y, (int)$image_new_x, (int)$image_new_y); $size = filesize($resized_file); } } if ($ratio <=1) { // No resizing if (!move_uploaded_file($file_tmp_name, $tmp_dest)) { if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') { $errors[] = tra('Errors detected').'. '.tra('Check that these paths exist and are writable by the web server').': '.$file_tmp_name.' '.$tmp_dest; continue; } else { $errors[] = tra('Errors detected'); continue; } $logslib->add_log('file_gallery', tra('Errors detected').'. '.tra('Check that these paths exist and are writable by the web server').': '.$file_tmp_name.' '.$tmp_dest); } else { $logslib->add_log('file_gallery', tra('File added: ').$tmp_dest.' '.tra('by').' '.$user); } } if (false === $data = @file_get_contents($tmp_dest)) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot read the file:') . ' ' . $tmp_dest; } @unlink($tmp_dest); $fhash = ''; $extension = ''; if (false !== $savedir) { $name = $aFiles["userfile"]['name'][$key]; $extension = ''; // for podcast galleries add the extension so the // file can be called directly if name is known, if ($podCastGallery) { $path_parts = pathinfo($name); if (in_array(strtolower($path_parts['extension']), array('m4a', 'mp3', 'mov', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'pdf', 'flv', 'swf'))) { $extension = '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']); } else { $errors[] = tra('Incorrect file extension:').$path_parts['extension']; } } $fhash = $this->find_unique_name($savedir, $name); if (false === @file_put_contents($savedir . $fhash . $extension, $data)) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot write to this file:') . $savedir . $fhash; } $data = ''; } if (preg_match('/.flv$/', $name)) { $type = "video/x-flv"; } if (count($errors)) { continue; } if (!$size) { $errors[] = tra('Warning: Empty file:') . ' ' . $name . '. ' . tra('Please re-upload your file'); } if (false === $savedir) { if (!isset($data) || strlen($data) < 1) { $errors[] = tra('Warning: Empty file:') . ' ' . $name . '. ' . tra('Please re-upload your file'); } } if (empty($params['name'][$key])) $params['name'][$key] = $name; if (empty($params['user'][$key])) $params['user'][$key] = $user; if (!isset($params['description'][$key])) $params['description'][$key] = ''; if (empty($params['author'][$key])) $params['author'][$key] = $user; if (empty($params['deleteAfter'][$key]) || empty($params['deleteAfter_unit'][$key])) { $deleteAfter = null; } else { $deleteAfter = $params['deleteAfter'][$key]*$params['deleteAfter_unit'][$key]; } if ( is_array( $fileInfo ) ) { $fileInfo['filename'] = $file_name; } if (isset($data)) { if ($editFile) { $didFileReplace = true; $fileId = $this->replace_file($editFileId, $params["name"][$key], $params["description"][$key], $name, $data, $size, $type, $params['user'][$key], $fhash . $extension, $params['comment'][$key], $gal_info, $didFileReplace, $params['author'][$key], $fileInfo['lastModif'], $fileInfo['lockedby'], $deleteAfter); if ($prefs['fgal_limit_hits_per_file'] == 'y') { $this->set_download_limit($editFileId, $params['hit_limit'][$key]); } } else { $fileId = $this->insert_file($params["galleryId"][$key], $params["name"][$key], $params["description"][$key], $name, $data, $size, $type, $params['user'][$key], $fhash . $extension, '', $params['author'][$key], '', '', $deleteAfter); } if (!$fileId) { $errors[] = tra('Upload was not successful. Duplicate file content') . ': ' . $name; if (false !== $savedir) { @unlink($savedir . $fhash); } } else { $_SESSION['allowed'][$fileId] = true; } if ( $prefs['fgal_limit_hits_per_file'] == 'y' && isset($params['hit_limit'][$key]) ) { $this->set_download_limit($fileId, $params['hit_limit'][$key]); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $aux['name'] = $name; $aux['size'] = $size; $aux['fileId'] = $fileId; if ($podCastGallery) { $aux['dllink'] = $podcast_url . $fhash . $extension . '&thumbnail=y'; } else { $aux['dllink'] = $url_browse . "?fileId=" . $fileId; } $uploads[] = $aux; $cat_type = 'file'; $cat_objid = $fileId; $cat_desc = substr($params["description"][$key], 0, 200); $cat_name = empty($params['name'][$key]) ? $name : $params['name'][$key]; $cat_href = $aux['dllink']; $cat_object_exists = (bool) $fileId; if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y' && isset($params['listtoalert'])) { global $groupalertlib; include_once ('lib/groupalert/groupalertlib.php'); $groupalertlib->Notify($params['listtoalert'], "tiki-download_file.php?fileId=" . $fileId); } include_once ('categorize.php'); // Print progress if (empty($params['returnUrl']) && $prefs['javascript_enabled'] == 'y') { $smarty->assign("name", $aux['name']); $smarty->assign("size", $aux['size']); $smarty->assign("fileId", $aux['fileId']); $smarty->assign("dllink", $aux['dllink']); $smarty->assign("nextFormId", $formId + 1); $smarty->assign("feedback_message", $feedback_message); $syntax = $this->getWikiSyntax($params["galleryId"][$key]); $syntax = $this->process_fgal_syntax($syntax, $aux); $smarty->assign('syntax', $syntax); $this->print_msg($smarty->fetch("tiki-upload_file_progress.tpl"), $formId); } } } } } } if (empty($params['returnUrl']) && count($errors)) { foreach($errors as $error) { $this->print_msg($error, $formId, true); } } if ($editFile && !$didFileReplace) { if (empty($params['deleteAfter']) || empty($params['deleteAfter_unit'])) { $deleteAfter = null; } else { $deleteAfter = $params['deleteAfter']*$params['deleteAfter_unit']; } $fileInfo['fileId'] = $this->replace_file($editFileId, $params['name'][0], $params['description'][0], $fileInfo['filename'], $fileInfo['data'], $fileInfo['filesize'], $fileInfo['filetype'], $fileInfo['user'], $fileInfo['path'], $params['comment'][0], $gal_info, $didFileReplace, $params['author'][0], $fileInfo['lastModif'], $fileInfo['lockedby'], $deleteAfter); $fileChangedMessage = tra('File update was successful') . ': ' . $params['name']; $smarty->assign('fileChangedMessage', $fileChangedMessage); $cat_type = 'file'; $cat_objid = $editFileId; $cat_desc = substr($params["description"][0], 0, 200); $cat_name = empty($fileInfo['name']) ? $fileInfo['filename'] : $fileInfo['name']; $cat_href = $podCastGallery ? $podcast_url . $fhash : "$url_browse?fileId=" . $editFileId; $cat_object_exists = (bool) $cat_objid; if ($prefs['fgal_limit_hits_per_file'] == 'y') { $this->set_download_limit($editFileId, $params['hit_limit'][0]); } include_once ('categorize.php'); } if ($batch_job and count($errors) == 0) { header("location: tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=" . $batch_job_galleryId); die; } if (!empty($editFileId) and count($errors) == 0) { header("location: tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=" . $params["galleryId"][0]); die; } $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign('uploads', $uploads); if (!empty($params['returnUrl'])) { if (!empty($errors)) { $smarty->assign('msg', implode($errors, '<br />')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } header('location: '.$params['returnUrl']); die; } // Returns fileInfo of the new file if only one file has been edited / uploaded return $fileInfo; } function handle_file_upload($fileKey, $file) { global $prefs, $user, $tiki_p_edit_gallery_file, $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries, $smarty; $savedir = $prefs['fgal_use_dir']; $msg = null; if (! is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $msg = array('error' => tra('Upload was not successful') . ': ' . $this->uploaded_file_error($file['error'])); } elseif (! $file['size']) { $msg = tra('Warning: Empty file:') . ' ' . htmlentities($file['name']) . '. ' . tra('Please re-upload your file'); } elseif (empty($file['name']) || !preg_match('/^upfile(\d+)$/', $fileKey, $regs) || !($fileInfo = $this->get_file_info($regs[1]))) { $msg = tra('Could not upload the file') . ': ' . htmlentities($file['name']); } elseif ((!empty($prefs['fgal_match_regex']) && (!preg_match('/' . $prefs['fgal_match_regex'] . '/', $file['name']))) || (!empty($prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex']) && (preg_match('/' . $prefs['fgal_nmatch_regex'] . '/', $file['name'])))) { $msg = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)') . ': ' . htmlentities($file['name']); } elseif ($_REQUEST['galleryId'] != $fileInfo['galleryId']) { $msg = tra('Could not find the file requested'); } elseif (!empty($fileInfo['lockedby']) && $fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { // if locked, user must be the locker $msg = tra(sprintf('The file is locked by %s', $fileInfo['lockedby'])); } elseif (!($tiki_p_edit_gallery_file == 'y' || (!empty($user) && ($user == $fileInfo['user'] || $user == $fileInfo['lockedby'])))) { // must be the owner or the locker or have the perms $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $msg = tra('You do not have permission to edit this file'); } if ($msg) { @unlink($file['tmp_name']); return array('error' => $msg); } $data = ''; $fhash = ''; if ($prefs['fgal_use_db'] == 'n') { $fhash = $this->find_unique_name($savedir, $file['name']); if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { $fhash .= '.' . $user . '.draft'; } if (! move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $savedir . $fhash)) { @unlink($file['tmp_name']); return array('error' => tra('Cannot write to this file:') . $savedir . $fhash); } } else { $data = file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']); if (false === $data) { @unlink($file['tmp_name']); return array('error' => tra('Cannot read uploaded file.')); } } return array( 'filename' => $file['name'], 'fhash' => $fhash, 'data' => $data, 'type' => preg_match('/.flv$/', $file['name']) ? 'video/x-flv' : $file['type'], 'size' => $file['size'], ); } function handle_batch_upload($galleryId, $info, $ext = '') { $savedir = $this->get_gallery_save_dir($galleryId); $fhash = null; $data = null; if ($savedir) { $fhash = $this->find_unique_name($savedir, $info['name']); if (in_array($ext, array( "m4a", "mp3", "mov", "mp4", "m4v", "pdf" ))) { $fhash.= "." . $ext; } if (! rename($info['source'], $savedir . $fhash)) { return array('error' => tra('Cannot write to this file:') . $savedir . $fhash); } } else { $data = file_get_contents($info['source']); if (false === $data) { return array('error' => tra('Cannot read file on disk.')); } } return array( 'data' => $data, 'fhash' => $fhash, ); } } $filegallib = new FileGalLib;