File: headerlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: headerlib.php 34681 2011-05-28 15:15:08Z jonnybradley $ if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class HeaderLib { var $title; var $jsfiles; var $js; var $js_config; var $jq_onready; var $cssfiles; var $css; var $rssfeeds; var $metatags; var $hasDoneOutput; var $minified; var $wysiwyg_parsing; function __construct() { $this->title = ''; $this->jsfiles = array(); $this->js = array(); $this->js_config = array(); $this->jq_onready = array(); $this->cssfiles = array(); $this->css = array(); $this->rssfeeds = array(); $this->metatags = array(); $this->hasDoneOutput = false; $this->minified = array(); $this->wysiwyg_parsing = false; } function convert_cdn( $file, $type = null ) { global $prefs, $tikiroot; $https_mode = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'; $cdn_pref = $https_mode ? $prefs['tiki_cdn_ssl'] : $prefs['tiki_cdn']; if( !empty($cdn_pref) && 'http' != substr( $file, 0, 4 ) && $type !== 'dynamic' ) { $file = $cdn_pref . $tikiroot . $file; } return $file; } function set_title($string) { $this->title = urlencode($string); } function add_jsfile($file,$rank=0,$minified=false) { if (!$this->wysiwyg_parsing && (empty($this->jsfiles[$rank]) or !in_array($file,$this->jsfiles[$rank]))) { $this->jsfiles[$rank][] = $file; if ($minified) { $this->minified[$file] = $minified; } } } function add_js_config($script,$rank=0) { if (!$this->wysiwyg_parsing && (empty($this->js_config[$rank]) or !in_array($script,$this->js_config[$rank]))) { $this->js_config[$rank][] = $script; } if ($this->hasDoneOutput) { // if called after smarty parse header.tpl return the script so the caller can do something with it return $this->wrap_js($script); } else { return ''; } } function add_js($script,$rank=0) { if (!$this->wysiwyg_parsing && (empty($this->js[$rank]) or !in_array($script,$this->js[$rank]))) { $this->js[$rank][] = $script; } if ($this->hasDoneOutput) { // if called after smarty parse header.tpl return the script so the caller can do something with it return $this->wrap_js($script); } else { return ''; } } /** * Adds lines or blocks of JQuery JavaScript to $(document).ready handler * @param $script = Script to execute * @param $rank = Execution order (default=0) * @return nothing */ function add_jq_onready($script,$rank=0) { if (!$this->wysiwyg_parsing && (empty($this->jq_onready[$rank]) or !in_array($script,$this->jq_onready[$rank]))) { $this->jq_onready[$rank][] = $script; } if ($this->hasDoneOutput) { // if called after smarty parse header.tpl return the script so the caller can do something with it return $this->wrap_js("\$(document).ready(function(){".$script."});\n"); } else { return ''; } } function add_cssfile($file,$rank=0) { if (empty($this->cssfiles[$rank]) or !in_array($file,$this->cssfiles[$rank])) { $this->cssfiles[$rank][] = $file; } } function replace_cssfile($old, $new, $rank) { foreach ($this->cssfiles[$rank] as $i=>$css) { if ($css == $old) { $this->cssfiles[$rank][$i] = $new; break; } } } function drop_cssfile($file) { foreach ($this->cssfiles as $rank=>$data) { foreach ($data as $f) { if ($f != $file) { $out[$rank][] = $f; } } } $this->cssfiles = $out; } function add_css($rules,$rank=0) { if (empty($this->css[$rank]) or !in_array($rules,$this->css[$rank])) { $this->css[$rank][] = $rules; } } function add_rssfeed($href,$title,$rank=0) { if (empty($this->rssfeeds[$rank]) or !in_array($href,array_keys($this->rssfeeds[$rank]))) { $this->rssfeeds[$rank][$href] = $title; } } function set_metatags($tag,$value,$rank=0) { $tag = addslashes($tag); $this->metatags[$tag] = $href; } function output_headers() { global $style_ie6_css, $style_ie7_css, $style_ie8_css; require_once('lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.escape.php'); ksort($this->cssfiles); ksort($this->css); ksort($this->rssfeeds); $back = "\n"; if ($this->title) { $back = '<title>'.smarty_modifier_escape($this->title)."</title>\n\n"; } if (count($this->metatags)) { foreach ($this->metatags as $n=>$m) { $back.= "<meta name=\"" . smarty_modifier_escape($n) . "\" content=\"" . smarty_modifier_escape($m) . "\" />\n"; } $back.= "\n"; } $back .= $this->output_css_files(); if (count($this->css)) { $back.= "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n"; foreach ($this->css as $x=>$css) { $back.= "/* css $x */\n"; foreach ($css as $c) { $back.= "$c\n"; } } $back.= "-->\n</style>\n\n"; } // Handle theme's special CSS file for IE6 hacks $back .= "<!--[if lt IE 7]>\n" .'<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->convert_cdn('css/ie6.css') . '" type="text/css" />'."\n"; if ( $style_ie6_css != '' ) { $back .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.smarty_modifier_escape($this->convert_cdn($style_ie6_css)).'" type="text/css" />'."\n"; } $back .= "<![endif]-->\n"; $back .= "<!--[if IE 7]>\n" .'<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie7.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; if ( $style_ie7_css != '' ) { $back .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.smarty_modifier_escape($this->convert_cdn($style_ie7_css)).'" type="text/css" />'."\n"; } $back .= "<![endif]-->\n"; $back .= "<!--[if IE 8]>\n" .'<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie8.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; if ( $style_ie8_css != '' ) { $back .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.smarty_modifier_escape($this->convert_cdn($style_ie8_css)).'" type="text/css" />'."\n"; } $back .= "<![endif]-->\n"; if (count($this->rssfeeds)) { foreach ($this->rssfeeds as $x=>$rssf) { $back.= "<!-- rss $x -->\n"; foreach ($rssf as $rsstitle=>$rssurl) { $back.= "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"".smarty_modifier_escape($this->convert_cdn($rsstitle))."\" href=\"".smarty_modifier_escape($rssurl)."\" />\n"; } } $back.= "\n"; } $this->hasDoneOutput = true; return $back; } function output_js_files() { global $prefs; ksort($this->jsfiles); $back = "\n"; if (count($this->jsfiles)) { if( $prefs['tiki_minify_javascript'] == 'y' ) { $jsfiles = $this->getMinifiedJs(); } else { $jsfiles = $this->jsfiles; } foreach ($jsfiles as $x=>$jsf) { $back.= "<!-- jsfile $x -->\n"; foreach ($jsf as $jf) { $jf = $this->convert_cdn( $jf, $x ); $back.= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".smarty_modifier_escape($jf)."\"></script>\n"; } } $back.= "\n"; } return $back; } public function getMinifiedJs() { global $tikidomainslash; $dynamic = array(); if( isset( $this->jsfiles['dynamic'] ) ) { $dynamic = $this->jsfiles['dynamic']; unset( $this->jsfiles['dynamic'] ); } $external = array(); if( isset( $this->jsfiles['external'] ) ) { $external = $this->jsfiles['external']; unset( $this->jsfiles['external'] ); } $hash = md5( serialize( $this->jsfiles ) ); $file = 'temp/public/'.$tikidomainslash."minified_$hash.js"; $minified_files = array(); if( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { require_once 'lib/minify/JSMin.php'; $minified = '/* ' . print_r( $this->jsfiles, true ) . ' */'; foreach( $this->jsfiles as $x => $files ) { foreach( $files as $f ) { $content = file_get_contents( $f ); if ( ! preg_match('/min\.js$/', $f) and $this->minified[$f] !== true) { $minified .= JSMin::minify( $content ); } else { $minified .= "\n// skipping minification for $f \n" . $content; } } } file_put_contents( $file, $minified ); chmod($file, 0644); } $minified_files[] = $file; return array( 'external' => $external, 'dynamic' => $dynamic, $minified_files, ); } private function getJavascript() { $content = ''; foreach( $this->jsfiles as $x => $files ) { foreach( $files as $f ) { $content .= file_get_contents( $f ); } } return $content; } function output_js_config($wrap = true) { if (count($this->js_config)) { ksort($this->js_config); $back = "\n<!-- js_config before loading JSfile -->\n"; $b = ""; foreach ($this->js_config as $x=>$js) { $b.= "// js $x \n"; foreach ($js as $j) { $b.= "$j\n"; } } if ( $wrap === true ) { $back .= $this->wrap_js($b); } else { $back .= $b; } } return $back; } function output_js($wrap = true) { // called in tiki.tpl - JS output at end of file now (pre 5.0) global $prefs; ksort($this->js); ksort($this->jq_onready); $back = "\n"; if (count($this->js)) { $b = ''; foreach ($this->js as $x=>$js) { $b.= "// js $x \n"; foreach ($js as $j) { $b.= "$j\n"; } } if ( $wrap === true ) { $back .= $this->wrap_js($b); } else { $back .= $b; } } if (count($this->jq_onready)) { $b = '$(document).ready(function(){'."\n"; foreach ($this->jq_onready as $x=>$js) { $b.= "// jq_onready $x \n"; foreach ($js as $j) { $b.= "$j\n"; } } $b .= "});\n"; if ( $wrap === true ) { $back .= $this->wrap_js($b); } else { $back .= $b; } } return $back; } /** * Gets JavaScript and jQuery scripts as an array (for AJAX) * @return array[strings] */ function getJs() { global $prefs; ksort($this->js); ksort($this->jq_onready); $out = array(); if (count($this->js)) { foreach ($this->js as $x=>$js) { foreach ($js as $j) { $out[] = "$j\n"; } } } if (count($this->jq_onready)) { $b = '$(document).ready(function(){'."\n"; foreach ($this->jq_onready as $x=>$js) { $b.= "// jq_onready $x \n"; foreach ($js as $j) { $b.= "$j\n"; } } $b .= "}) /* end on ready */;\n"; $out[] = $b; } return $out; } function getJsFilesList() { return $this->jsfiles; } /** * Gets included JavaScript files (for AJAX) * @return array[strings] */ function getJsfiles() { ksort($this->jsfiles); $out = array(); if (count($this->jsfiles)) { foreach ($this->jsfiles as $x=>$jsf) { foreach ($jsf as $jf) { $out[] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".smarty_modifier_escape($jf)."\"></script>\n"; } } } return $out; } function wrap_js($inJs) { return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n".$inJs."//--><!]]>\n</script>\n"; } function hasOutput() { return $this->hasDoneOutput; } /** * Get JavaScript tags from html source - used for AJAX responses and cached pages * * @param string $html - source to search for JavaScript * @param bool $switch_fn_definition - if set converts 'function fName ()' to 'fName = function()' for AJAX * * @return array of JavaScript strings */ function getJsFromHTML( $html, $switch_fn_definition = false ) { $jsarr = array(); $js_script = array(); preg_match_all('/(?:<script.*type=[\'"]?text\/javascript[\'"]?.*>\s*?)(.*)(?:\s*<\/script>)/Umis', $html, $jsarr); if (count($jsarr) > 1 && is_array($jsarr[1]) && count($jsarr[1]) > 0) { $js = preg_replace('/\s*?<\!--\/\/--><\!\[CDATA\[\/\/><\!--\s*?/Umis', '', $jsarr[1]); // strip out CDATA XML wrapper if there $js = preg_replace('/\s*?\/\/--><\!\]\]>\s*?/Umis', '', $js); if ($switch_fn_definition) { $js = preg_replace('/function (.*)\(/Umis', "$1 = function(", $js); } $js_script = array_merge($js_script, $js); } // this is very probably possible as a single regexp, maybe a preg_replace_callback // but it was stopping the CDATA group being returned (and life's too short ;) // the one below should work afaics but just doesn't! :( // preg_match_all('/<script.*type=[\'"]?text\/javascript[\'"]?.*>(\s*<\!--\/\/--><\!\[CDATA\[\/\/><\!--)?\s*?(.*)(\s*\/\/--><\!\]\]>\s*)?<\/script>/imsU', $html, $js); return $js_script; } public function get_all_css_content() { $files = $this->collect_css_files(); $minified = ''; foreach( $files['screen'] as $file) { $minified .= $this->minify_css( $file ); } $minified = $this->handle_css_imports( $minified ); return $minified; } private function output_css_files() { $files = $this->collect_css_files(); $back = $this->output_css_files_list( $files['screen'], 'screen' ); $back .= $this->output_css_files_list( $files['print'], 'print' ); return $back; } private function output_css_files_list( $files, $media ) { global $prefs; $back = ''; if( $prefs['tiki_minify_css'] == 'y' ) { if( $prefs['tiki_minify_css_single_file'] == 'y' ) { $files = $this->get_minified_css_single( $files ); } else { $files = $this->get_minified_css( $files ); } } foreach( $files as $file ) { $file = $this->convert_cdn( $file ); $back.= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . smarty_modifier_escape($file) . "\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"" . smarty_modifier_escape($media) . "\" />\n"; } return $back; } private function get_minified_css( $files ) { global $tikidomainslash; $out = array(); $target = 'temp/public/'.$tikidomainslash; foreach( $files as $file ) { $hash = md5( $file ); $min = $target . "minified_$hash.css"; if( ! file_exists( $min ) ) { file_put_contents( $min, $this->minify_css( $file ) ); chmod($min, 0644); } $out[] = $min; } return $out; } private function get_minified_css_single( $files ) { global $tikidomainslash; $hash = md5( serialize( $files ) ); $target = 'temp/public/'.$tikidomainslash; $file = $target . "minified_$hash.css"; if( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { $minified = ''; foreach( $files as $f ) { $minified .= $this->minify_css( $f ); } $minified = $this->handle_css_imports( $minified ); file_put_contents( $file, $minified ); chmod($file, 0644); } return array( $file ); } private function handle_css_imports( $minified ) { global $tikiroot; preg_match_all( '/@import\s+url\("([^;]*)"\);/', $minified, $parts ); $imports = array_unique( $parts[0] ); $pre = ''; foreach( $parts[1] as $f ) { $pre .= $this->minify_css( $f ); } $minified = $pre . $minified; $minified = str_replace( $imports, '', $minified ); return $minified; } public function minify_css( $file ) { global $tikipath, $tikiroot; require_once 'lib/pear/Minify/CSS.php'; if (strpos($file, $tikiroot) === 0) { $file = substr( $file, strlen( $tikiroot ) ); } $currentdir = str_replace($tikipath, $tikiroot, str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(realpath( $file )))); if ( $file[0] == '/' ) { $file = $tikipath . $file; } $content = file_get_contents( $file ); return Minify_CSS::minify( $content, array( 'prependRelativePath' => $currentdir.'/', 'bubbleCssImports' => true, ) ); } private function collect_css_files() { global $tikipath, $tikidomain, $style_base; $files = array( 'screen' => array(), 'print' => array(), ); foreach ($this->cssfiles as $x=>$cssf) { foreach ($cssf as $cf) { if (!empty($tikidomain) && is_file("styles/$tikidomain/$style_base/$cf")) { $cf = "styles/$tikidomain/$style_base/$cf"; } elseif (is_file("styles/$style_base/$cf")) { $cf = "styles/$style_base/$cf"; } $cfprint = str_replace('.css','',$cf) . '-print.css'; if (!file_exists($tikipath . $cfprint)) { $files['screen'][] = $cf; $files['print'][] = $cf; } else { $files['screen'][] = $cf; $files['print'][] = $cfprint; } } } $files = $this->process_themegen_files($files); return $files; } private function process_themegen_files($files) { global $prefs, $tikidomainslash, $in_installer; if (empty($in_installer) && $prefs['themegenerator_feature'] === 'y' && !empty($prefs['themegenerator_theme'])) { global $themegenlib; include_once 'lib/themegenlib.php'; $data = $themegenlib->getCurrentTheme()->getData(); $themename = $themegenlib->getCurrentTheme()->getName(); if (count($data['files'])) { foreach ($data['files'] as $file => $swaps) { $hash = md5( $file ); $target = 'temp/public/'.$tikidomainslash; $ofile = $target . "themegen_{$themename}_$hash.css"; $i = array_search($file, $files['screen']); if ($i !== false) { if (!file_exists($ofile) || !empty($_SESSION['tg_preview'])) { $css = $themegenlib->processCSSFile($file, $swaps); file_put_contents( $ofile, $css ); chmod($ofile, 0644); } $files['screen'][$i] = $ofile; } } } } return $files; } function remove_themegen_files( $all = true ) { global $tikidomainslash; $target = 'temp/public/'.$tikidomainslash; if ( $all ) { foreach( glob( $target . 'themegen_*' ) as $file ) { unlink($file); } } } function add_map() { // Annoying notice with copyrights still remain in google //$this->add_jsfile('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3.3&sensor=false', 'external'); $this->add_jsfile('http://openlayers.org/api/2.10/OpenLayers.js', 'external'); $this->add_js('$(".map-container:not(.done)").addClass("done").createMap();'); } } $headerlib = new HeaderLib; $smarty->assign_by_ref('headerlib', $headerlib);
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