File: importerlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: importerlib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ // This script may only be included! Die if called directly... if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } require_once ('lib/comments/commentslib.php'); /** * Importer * A library to handle importing of forum posts from Tiki or from other forum * software. This library will re-use functions contained in the CommentsLib * library, as those functions already directly access the forums. * * @uses Comments * @license LGPL. Please, see licence.txt for mode details */ class Importer extends Comments { // The types of forums are hard-coded into the library and displayed // in the template. As support for more imports grows, add the type to // the below two arrays, in addition to writing the functions to // support them. var $fi_types = array('TikiWiki'); var $fi_prefixes = array('tiki_'); /* * Functions for the forums * * All functions that begin with "parse" are related to SQL file interaction. * Functions that begin with "get" are related to DB interactions. * */ /** * importSQLForum importSQLForum will import the forum data from the specified SQL file and * the specified forum ID, and append it to the end of the data in the * destination forum. Datestamps will be retained. * * @param string $dbType * @param string $dbPrefix * @param string $sqlFile * @param string $fF SQL file * @param mixed $tF * @access public * @return int number of posts */ function importSQLForum($dbType, $dbPrefix, $sqlFile, $fF, $tF) { $fHash = array(); $row = array(); $hash = array(); // If part of a thread, this is the new parent threadId. // Select the table for the main forum information. if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $table = 'comments'; $ftable = $dbPrefix . $table; $ftable2 = $dbPrefix . 'forums'; } else { return -1; } // Parse the SQL file and grab all posts for the source forum. $fHash = $this->parseSQL($dbType, $dbPrefix, $table, $sqlFile, $fF); $fPosts = count($fHash); $fPosts2 = $fPosts; // In order to accommodate out of order posts and still keep integrity // with threads, if a record has a parent ID (meaning it is part of a // thread), then when looping through the array, stick it on the end // and continue with the next one. for ($count = 0; $count < $fPosts2; $count++) { $row = array_shift($fHash); $pid = 0; if ($row["parentId"] != 0 && !$hash[$row["parentId"]]) { array_push($fHash, $row); $fPosts2++; continue; } else if ($row["parentId"] != 0) { $pid = $hash[$row["parentId"]]; } if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $query = "insert into `tiki_comments` (`objectType`, `object`, `commentDate`, `userName`, `title`, `data`, `votes`, `points`, `hash`, `parentId`, `average`, `hits`, `type`, `summary`, `user_ip`, `message_id`, `in_reply_to`) values ( 'forum', '$tF', " . $row["commentDate"] . ", \"" . $row["userName"] . "\", \"" . $row["title"] . "\", \"" . $row["data"] . "\", " . (int) $row["votes"] . ", '" . $row["points"] . "', '" . $row["hash"] . "', $pid, \"" . $row["average"] . "\", " . (int) $row["hits"] . ", '" . $row["type"] . "', \"" . $row["summary"] . "\", '" . $row["user_ip"] . "', \"" . $row["message_id"] . "\", \"" . $row["in_reply_to"] . "\")"; $result = $this->query($query); $abbb = $this->getOne("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() from $ftable"); if (!$abbb) { $abbb = $this->getOne("SELECT max(tableId) from $ftable"); } $hash[$row["threadId"]] = $abbb; } else { die ("Only TikiWiki is supported at this time.\n"); } } // Update forum counters. $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object` = ?"; $tComments = $this->getOne($query, array( (int) $tF )); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object` = ? and `parentId` = 0"; $tThreads = $this->getOne($query, array( (int) $tF )); $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `comments` = ?, `threads` = ? where `forumId` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $tComments, (int) $tThreads, (int) $tF )); // Force an index refresh on comments table. include_once("lib/search/refresh-functions.php"); refresh_index_forums(); refresh_index('comments'); return $fPosts; } /** * parseFields will take an entire record, as parsed out from an SQL file, * and pull out full fields (either text-based with '' or numeric). What is * returned is an indexed array of the field data. * * @param string $record * @access public * @return array: indexed array of the field data */ function parseFields($record) { $fields = array(); $moo = "\'"; while ($a = strpos($record, ",")) { // If field is a string... if (preg_match("/^'/", substr($record, 0, $a))) { $offset = 1; while ($b = strpos($record, "'", $offset)) { // If close quote is not escaped if (substr($record, $b - 1, 2) != $moo) { array_push($fields, substr($record, 1, $b - 1)); $record = substr($record, $b + 2); break; } else { $offset = $b + 1; } } // Otherwise, it is numeric. } else { array_push($fields, substr($record, 0, $a)); $record = substr($record, $a + 1); } } array_push($fields, $record); return $fields; } /** * parseSQL parses the SQL source file, analysing the block of text * for the specified table, pulling out field names, and all of the * values from the associated insert actions. Returns an array of * associative arrays for each record and the fields within the record. * * @param string $dbType * @param string $dbPrefix prefix of database tables * @param string $table table name to parse * @param string $sqlFile output file name * @param mixed $fId * @access public * @return array of associative arrays for each record and the fields within the records */ function parseSQL($dbType, $dbPrefix, $table, $sqlFile, $fId) { $headings = array(); $rec = array(); $thash = array(); $fH = fopen($sqlFile, 'r'); $lookFor1 = "^CREATE TABLE `$dbPrefix" . "$table`"; $lookFor2 = "^INSERT INTO `$dbPrefix" . "$table`"; while ($fL = fgets($fH)) { // If we find a create table block, parse the // entire block. if (preg_match('/'.$lookFor1.'/', $fL)) { $fL = fgets($fH); while (preg_match('/^ `/', $fL)) { $a = substr($fL, 3); $b = strpos($a, "`"); $c = substr($a, 0, $b); array_push($headings, $c); $fL = fgets($fH); } } // Now that we've parsed the create table block, // look for the insert block. if (preg_match('/'.$lookFor2.'/', $fL)) { while (preg_match('/'.$lookFor2.'/', $fL)) { $a = strpos($fL, "("); $b = strpos($fL, ");\n"); $c = substr($fL, $a + 1, $b - $a - 1); // Do a rudimentary parsing of what generally would be // record boundaries, such that each element in $records // represents an SQL record or row. $records = preg_split('/\),\(/', $c); if (count($records) < 1) { $records[0] = $c; } for ($count = 0, $count_records = count($records); $count < $count_records; $count++) { // Each proper record should begin with a numeric value // (at least as far as the tables we will be using). // Check the following record from the current one to see // if it is a proper record. If it is not, then it is // the continuation of the current one, so merge them into // the next record, and skip the current one. Repeat // checking the next record until both the current one // and its follower are proper. while (isset($records[$count + 1]) && !preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $records[$count + 1])) { $newrec = $records[$count] . '),(' . $records[$count + 1]; $count++; $records[$count] = $newrec; } $fields = $this->parseFields($records[$count]); // This only supports TikiWiki at this time. Any other // value that manages to get through will simply parse // all records without filter. if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { // Ignore records that come back that are not // forum-related. if ($fields[2] != "forum" && $table == 'comments') { // Do nothing... NEXT! continue; // If a source forum has been specified, ignore // records that are not for that specific forum. } else if ($fId && $fields[1] != "$fId" && $table == 'comments') { // Do nothing... NEXT! continue; } else { for ($z = 0, $zcount_fields = count($fields); $z < $zcount_fields; $z++) { $rec[$headings[$z]] = $fields[$z]; } array_push($thash, $rec); } } } $fL = fgets($fH); } } } return $thash; } /** * parseForumList Parses an SQL file and returns an array consisting of all * the forum ID number and name pairs that exist in the SQL file. * * @param string $dbType * @param string $dbPrefix * @param string $sqlFile * @access public * @return -1 if error. Else an array with all the forum Id numbers and name pairs that exist in the SQL file. */ function parseForumList($dbType, $dbPrefix, $sqlFile) { $tHash = array(); $fields = array(); $forum = array(); $forums = array(); // Select the table for the main forum information. if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $table = 'forums'; } else { return -1; } $tHash = $this->parseSQL($dbType, $dbPrefix, $table, $sqlFile, null); // We only need to key on the forum ID number and the forum name. while ($fields = array_shift($tHash)) { if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $forum["id"] = $fields["forumId"]; $forum["name"] = $fields["name"]; $forum["comments"] = $fields["comments"]; array_push($forums, $forum); } else { return -1; } } return $forums; } }