File: smarty.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: smarty.php 33649 2011-03-25 13:14:08Z jonnybradley $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename(__FILE__)) !== FALSE) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } require_once 'lib/setup/third_party.php'; require_once (defined('SMARTY_DIR') ? SMARTY_DIR : 'lib/smarty/libs/') . 'Smarty.class.php'; class Smarty_Tiki extends Smarty { var $url_overriding_prefix_stack = null; var $url_overriding_prefix = null; function Smarty_Tiki($tikidomain = '') { parent::Smarty(); global $prefs; if ($tikidomain) { $tikidomain.= '/'; } $this->template_dir = realpath('templates/'); $this->compile_dir = realpath("templates_c/$tikidomain"); $this->config_dir = realpath('configs/'); $this->cache_dir = realpath("templates_c/$tikidomain"); $this->caching = 0; $this->compile_check = ( $prefs['smarty_compilation'] != 'never' ); $this->force_compile = ( $prefs['smarty_compilation'] == 'always' ); $this->assign('app_name', 'Tiki'); $this->plugins_dir = array( // the directory order must be like this to overload a plugin TIKI_SMARTY_DIR, SMARTY_DIR.'plugins' ); $this->security = ( $prefs['smarty_security'] == 'y' ); // In general, it's better that use_sub_dirs = false // If ever you are on a very large/complex/multilingual site and your // templates_c directory is > 10 000 files, (you can check at tiki-admin_system.php) // you can change to true and maybe you will get better performance. // http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/variable.use.sub.dirs.php // $this->use_sub_dirs = false; $this->security_settings['MODIFIER_FUNCS'] = array_merge( $this->security_settings['MODIFIER_FUNCS'], array('addslashes', 'ucfirst', 'ucwords', 'urlencode', 'md5', 'implode', 'explode', 'is_array', 'htmlentities', 'var_dump', 'strip_tags') ); $this->security_settings['IF_FUNCS'] = array_merge( $this->security_settings['IF_FUNCS'], array('tra', 'strlen', 'strstr', 'strtolower', 'basename', 'ereg', 'array_key_exists', 'preg_match', 'in_array') ); $this->secure_dir = array( 'img/icons', 'img/icons2', 'img/flags', 'img/trackers', 'images/', 'pics/', 'pics/icons', 'pics/icons/mime', 'pics/large', ); $this->security_settings['ALLOW_SUPER_GLOBALS'] = true; $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack = array(); } function _smarty_include($params) { global $style_base, $tikidomain; if (isset($style_base)) { if ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file'])) { $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'] = "$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file']; } elseif ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file'])) { $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'] = "$tikidomain/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file']; } elseif (file_exists("templates/styles/$style_base/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file'])) { $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'] = "styles/$style_base/".$params['smarty_include_tpl_file']; } } return parent::_smarty_include($params); } // Fetch templates from plugins (smarty plugins, wiki plugins, modules, ...) that may need to : // - temporarily override some smarty vars, // - prefix their self_link / button / query URL arguments // function plugin_fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, &$override_vars = null) { $smarty_orig_values = array(); if ( is_array( $override_vars ) ) { foreach ( $override_vars as $k => $v ) { $smarty_orig_values[ $k ] =& $this->get_template_vars( $k ); $this->assign_by_ref($k, $override_vars[ $k ]); } } $return = $this->fetch($_smarty_tpl_file); // Restore original values of smarty variables if ( count( $smarty_orig_values ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $smarty_orig_values as $k => $v ) { $this->assign_by_ref($k, $smarty_orig_values[ $k ]); } } unset( $smarty_orig_values ); return $return; } function fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id = null, $_smarty_compile_id = null, $_smarty_display = false) { global $prefs, $style_base, $tikidomain, $zoom_templates; if ( ($tpl = $this->get_template_vars('mid')) && ( $_smarty_tpl_file == 'tiki.tpl' || $_smarty_tpl_file == 'tiki-print.tpl' || $_smarty_tpl_file == 'tiki_full.tpl' ) ) { // Set the last mid template to be used by AJAX to simulate a 'BACK' action if ( isset($_SESSION['last_mid_template']) ) { $this->assign('last_mid_template', $_SESSION['last_mid_template']); $this->assign('last_mid_php', $_SESSION['last_mid_php']); } $_SESSION['last_mid_template'] = $tpl; $_SESSION['last_mid_php'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // set the first part of the browser title for admin pages if (!isset($this->_tpl_vars['headtitle'])) { $script_name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if ($script_name != 'tiki-admin.php' && strpos($script_name, 'tiki-admin') === 0) { $str = substr($script_name, 10, strpos($script_name, '.php') - 10); $str = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $str))); $this->assign('headtitle', tra('Admin ' . $str)); // get_strings tra('Admin Calendar') tra('Admin Actionlog') tra('Admin Banners') tra('Admin Calendars') tra('Admin Categories') tra('Admin Content Templates') // tra('Admin Contribution') tra('Admin Cookies') tra('Admin Dsn') tra('Admin External Wikis') tra('Admin Forums') tra('Admin Hotwords') tra('Admin Html Page Content') // tra('Admin Html Pages') tra('Admin Integrator Rules') tra('Admin Integrator') tra('Admin Keywords') tra('Admin Layout') tra('Admin Links') tra('Admin Mailin') // tra('Admin Menu Options') tra('Admin Menus') tra('Admin Metrics') tra('Admin Modules') tra('Admin Newsletter Subscriptions') tra('Admin Newsletters') tra('Admin Notifications') // tra('Admin Poll Options') tra('Admin Polls') tra('Admin Rssmodules') tra('Admin Security') tra('Admin Shoutbox Words') tra('Admin Structures') tra('Admin Survey Questions') // tra('Admin Surveys') tra('Admin System') tra('Admin Toolbars') tra('Admin Topics') tra('Admin Tracker Fields') tra('Admin Trackers') } else if (strpos($script_name, 'tiki-list') === 0) { $str = substr($script_name, 9, strpos($script_name, '.php') - 9); $str = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $str))); $this->assign('headtitle', tra('List ' . $str)); // get_strings tra('List Articles') tra('List Banners') tra('List Blogs') tra('List Cache') tra('List Comments') tra('List Contents') tra('List Faqs') tra('List File Gallery') // tra('List Gallery') tra('List Integrator Repositories') tra('List Kaltura Entries') tra('List Object Permissions') tra('List Posts') tra('List Quizzes') tra('List Submissions') // tra('List Surveys') tra('List Trackers') tra('List Users') tra('List Pages') } else if (strpos($script_name, 'tiki-view') === 0) { $str = substr($script_name, 9, strpos($script_name, '.php') - 9); $str = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $str))); $this->assign('headtitle', tra('View ' . $str)); // get_strings tra('View Articles') tra('View Banner') tra('View Blog Post Image') tra('View Blog Post') tra('View Blog') tra('View Cache') tra('View Faq') tra('View Forum Thread') // tra('View Minical Topic') tra('View Sheets') tra('View Tracker Item') tra('View Tracker More Info') tra('View Tracker') } else { // still not set? guess... $str = str_replace(array('tiki-', '.php', '_'), array('', '', ' '), $script_name); $str = ucwords($str); $this->assign('headtitle', tra($str)); // for files where no title has been set or can be reliably calculated - translators: please add comments here as you find them } } if ( $_smarty_tpl_file == 'tiki-print.tpl' ) { $this->assign('print_page', 'y'); } $data = $this->fetch($tpl, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id);//must get the mid because the modules can overwrite smarty variables $this->assign('mid_data', $data); // Enable AJAX if ( $prefs['feature_ajax'] === 'y' && $prefs['mobile_feature'] === 'y' && $_smarty_display ) { global $ajaxlib; require_once( 'lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php' ); $ajaxlib->registerTemplate( $tpl ); $ajaxlib->processRequests( $data, $tpl ); } include_once('tiki-modules.php'); } elseif ($_smarty_tpl_file == 'confirm.tpl' || $_smarty_tpl_file == 'error.tpl' || $_smarty_tpl_file == 'error_ticket.tpl' || $_smarty_tpl_file == 'error_simple.tpl') { ob_end_clean(); // Empty existing Output Buffer that may have been created in smarty before the call of this confirm / error* template if ( $prefs['feature_obzip'] == 'y' ) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } // Enable AJAX if ( $prefs['feature_ajax'] === 'y' && $prefs['mobile_feature'] === 'y' && $_smarty_display ) { global $ajaxlib; require_once('lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php'); $ajaxlib->registerTemplate($_smarty_tpl_file); $ajaxlib->processRequests(); } include_once('tiki-modules.php'); } if (isset($style_base)) { if ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif (file_exists("templates/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } } $_smarty_cache_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_cache_id; $_smarty_compile_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_compile_id; return parent::fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id, $_smarty_display); } /* fetch in a specific language without theme consideration */ function fetchLang($lg, $_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id = null, $_smarty_compile_id = null, $_smarty_display = false) { global $prefs, $lang, $style_base, $tikidomain; if (isset($prefs['style']) && isset($style_base)) { if ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif (file_exists("templates/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } } $_smarty_cache_id = $lg . $_smarty_cache_id; $_smarty_compile_id = $lg . $_smarty_compile_id; $this->_compile_id = $lg . $_smarty_compile_id; // not pretty but I don't know how to change id for get_compile_path $isCompiled = $this->_is_compiled($_smarty_tpl_file, $this->_get_compile_path($_smarty_tpl_file)); if (!$isCompiled) { $lgSave = $prefs['language']; $prefs['language'] = $lg; } $res = parent::fetch($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id, $_smarty_display); if (!$isCompiled) { $prefs['language'] = $lgSave; } return preg_replace("/^[ \t]*/", '', $res); } function is_cached($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id = null, $_smarty_compile_id = null) { global $prefs, $style_base, $tikidomain; if (isset($prefs['style']) && isset($style_base)) { if ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif (file_exists("templates/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } } $_smarty_cache_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_cache_id; $_smarty_compile_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_compile_id; return parent::is_cached($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id); } function clear_cache($_smarty_tpl_file = null, $_smarty_cache_id = null, $_smarty_compile_id = null, $_smarty_exp_time=null) { global $prefs, $style_base, $tikidomain; if (isset($prefs['style']) && isset($style_base) && isset($_smarty_tpl_file)) { if ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif ($tikidomain and file_exists("templates/$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "$tikidomain/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } elseif (file_exists("templates/styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) { $_smarty_tpl_file = "styles/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file"; } } $_smarty_cache_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_cache_id; $_smarty_compile_id = $prefs['language'] . $_smarty_compile_id; return parent::clear_cache($_smarty_tpl_file, $_smarty_cache_id, $_smarty_compile_id, $_smarty_exp_time); } function display($resource_name, $cache_id=null, $compile_id = null, $content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8') { global $prefs; if ( !empty($prefs['feature_htmlpurifier_output']) and $prefs['feature_htmlpurifier_output'] == 'y' ) { static $loaded = false; static $purifier = null; if (!$loaded) { require_once('lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'); $config = getHTMLPurifierTikiConfig(); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $loaded = true; } } // // By default, display is used with text/html content in UTF-8 encoding // If you want to output other data from smarty, // - either use fetch() / fetchLang() // - or set $content_type to '' (empty string) or another content type. // if ( $content_type != '' && ! headers_sent() ) { header('Content-Type: '.$content_type); } if ( !empty($prefs['feature_htmlpurifier_output']) and $prefs['feature_htmlpurifier_output'] == 'y' ) { return $purifier->purify(parent::display($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id)); } else { return parent::display($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id); } } // Returns the file name associated to the template name function get_filename($template) { global $tikidomain, $style_base; if (!empty($tikidomain) && is_file($this->template_dir.'/'.$tikidomain.'/styles/'.$style_base.'/'.$template)) { $file = "/$tikidomain/styles/$style_base/"; } elseif (!empty($tikidomain) && is_file($this->template_dir.'/'.$tikidomain.'/'.$template)) { $file = "/$tikidomain/"; } elseif (is_file($this->template_dir.'/styles/'.$style_base.'/'.$template)) { $file = "/styles/$style_base/"; } else { $file = '/'; } return $this->template_dir.$file.$template; } function set_request_overriders( $url_arguments_prefix, $arguments_list ) { $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack[] = array( $url_arguments_prefix . '-', $arguments_list ); $this->url_overriding_prefix =& $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack[ count( $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack ) - 1 ]; } function remove_request_overriders( $url_arguments_prefix, $arguments_list ) { $last_override_prefix = empty( $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack ) ? false : array_pop($this->url_overriding_prefix_stack); if ( ! is_array($last_override_prefix) || $url_arguments_prefix . '-' != $last_override_prefix[0] ) { trigger_error( 'URL Overriding prefix stack is in a bad state', E_USER_ERROR ); } $this->url_overriding_prefix =& $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack[ count( $this->url_overriding_prefix_stack ) - 1 ];; } } if (!isset($tikidomain)) { $tikidomain = ''; } $smarty = new Smarty_Tiki($tikidomain); $smarty->load_filter('pre', 'tr'); $smarty->load_filter('pre', 'jq'); include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/resource.wiki.php'); $smarty->register_resource('wiki', array('smarty_resource_wiki_source', 'smarty_resource_wiki_timestamp', 'smarty_resource_wiki_secure', 'smarty_resource_wiki_trusted')); global $prefs; // Assign the prefs array in smarty, by reference $smarty->assign_by_ref('prefs', $prefs); // Define the special maxRecords global var $maxRecords = $prefs['maxRecords']; $smarty->assign_by_ref('maxRecords', $maxRecords); if ($prefs['log_tpl'] == 'y') { $smarty->load_filter('pre', 'log_tpl'); } if ( $prefs['feature_sefurl_filter'] == 'y' ) { require_once ('tiki-sefurl.php'); $smarty->register_outputfilter('filter_out_sefurl'); } // temp assigns for textarea row/cols that used to depend on // defunct textareasize thing. These textareas should eventually be // converted to use {textarea} object that have the correct defaults already $smarty->assign('rows', 20); $smarty->assign('cols', 80);